Casey Wilson And June Diane Raphael Made A 'Bramance' On Their Own Terms

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Chloe (Casey Wilson) and Kate (June Diane Raphael) hitch a ride inAss Backwards.Gravitas Ventures

They may be playing former beauty pageant contestants, but there's very little that's glamorous about what June Diane Raphael and Casey Wilson are doing in their new filmAss Backwards. And they have no one to blame for it but themselves. 'We wrote this as a star turn for ourselves,' Wilson said. 'But when you're actually crouched on the ground, pissing on the side of the road, bare-assed, you have to wonder,Is this what you wanted to write for yourself?' Writing partners and best friends since their years at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, Raphael and Wilson co-wrote and star inAss Backwards as Kate and Chloe respectively, two very delusional thirtysomething women who don't realize quite how bad they are at everything. When they're invited to a beauty pageant reunion, they embark on a road trip to recapture the glory that evaded them as kids. While Kate and Chloe are highly exaggerated characters, they were inspired by Raphael and Wilson's actual post-college experience. 'Our lives were kind of disasters, but we refused to see that,' Raphael admitted. More like 'in shambles,' Wilson noted. 'We were sharing a 300-square foot apartment and sharing a bed and sharing Ambien and sharing creditors and credit cards. Everything was in shambles, but we thought we were just doing it up.' Similarly, Kate and Chloe have no idea they're not living their best lives. Kate makes a living - if you can call it that - selling her eggs, while Chloe performs (badly) as a go-go dancer. But even as they hit rock bottom, they continue to enable each other by encouraging their bad behavior. 'The main sort of kernel for the movie was that codependency,' Raphael reflected. 'Anything Casey did, I was like, 'That's amazing and please don't change a thing about your life, because you are right on track.' And she did the same for me, so it was really about that codependent relationship where you kind of love each other to a fault.'


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