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I've always wanted a really cool bed frame -- but whether I'll ever be able to justify spending that much money is still up for debate. For now I've chosen to deal with my extremely basic metal frame rather than pony up the dough for anything better. But after coming across the floating platform bed that RedditorRscar_ built for only $200, I'll be living the good life -- and sleeping extravagantly -- in no time. If you want to up the style of your bed, you have to check this out.
While building the base, he kept in mind that it would need to hold a lot of weight. Reddit / Rscar_
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Support beams down the middle would make it extra sturdy. Reddit / Rscar_
And with the added support on top, nothing's breaking this bed! Reddit / Rscar_
Next came construction of the platform itself -- medium-density fiberboard worked perfectly. Reddit / Rscar_