!/DeepChallenge/status/184036711410573313 Tonight, filmmaker James Cameron set a record for the deepest solo dive ever. Were not kidding. He reached a depth of 35,756 feet (10,898 meters) Sunday afternoon aboard a submersible called the Deepsea Challenger. Cameron and his crew built the craft nearly from scratch to achieve a feat accomplished by only two others to reach the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench, an area 120 times the size of the Grand Canyon and a mile deeper than Mount Everest is tall. Right now, we only have very educated guesses about what Cameron may find there, but he built the craft to get there quickly and as safely as possible and to collect a good amount of data when it reached the destination, so theres a very good chance that hes advanced our knowledge about what lies at the bottom of the ocean greatly. 'RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE!'@JimCameron's last words before starting the descent to the Mariana Trench#deepseachallenge - DEEPSEA CHALLENGE 3D (@DeepChallenge)March 25, 2012 .@JimCameron has started his descent to the ocean's deepest point. Stay tuned for updates from the deep.#deepseachallenge - DEEPSEA CHALLENGE 3D (@DeepChallenge)March 25, 2012 .@JimCameron just passed the#Titanic depth at around 4,305 meters#deepseachallenge - DEEPSEA CHALLENGE 3D (@DeepChallenge)March 25, 2012 I am a bundle of emotions! Jim just passed Titanic Depth! he is at 4561 meters! - Suzy Amis Cameron (@suzymusing)March 25, 2012 #deepseachallenge sub now passing 18230 speed 3.1 knots life support normal - Paul Allen (@PaulGAllen)March 25, 2012 Depth now 23860 ft as Jim calls it out as he goes down...about to break his own record of 24K off New Britain. - Paul Allen (@PaulGAllen)March 25, 2012 James Cameron now the deepest solo diver in history, 3rd deepest ocean diver ever...25550 ft. - Paul Allen (@PaulGAllen)March 25, 2012 And finally, the historic tweet from Cameron himself.