Natty Light is the great equalizer. View this image ' Johannes Nyholm
2. First Week of School: Budweiser Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Universal Pictures / Quick, think of a beer! Any beer. You thought of Budweiser. You're getting a Budweiser. It's OK for now because you don't know any better and that's what being a freshman is all about.
3. First Time Your Fake ID Works: Yuengling D. G. Yuengling & Son Columbia Pictures / Your friend has a hi-def printer and no morals: you are now 32 years old, eight feet tall and a resident of Kalamazoo, Michigan. You take your freedom pass to the local bar and order the first thing you see its probably a Yuengling. It is now your go-to beer for the rest of your life.
4. First Hookup: PBR Pabst Brewing Company ABC Broadcasting Company / Finally, youre just tipsy enough at a party to make a move on that person who wears a fedora or even better, a Life is Good t-shirt that you can't help but love. Grab a trendy beer PBR and try to impress them with a speech about gender binaries before leaving with them.
5. Optional Pledge Week: Natty Light Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Frats bring out the Natty Light for pledge week because its actually cheaper per-volume than water. Youll pick up the wrong solo cup and probably contract mono, but it will all be worth it!