Iona Pub Partnership Graphics & Marketing Catalogue 2015

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the graphics process... BROWSE the easy to navigate sections in this catalogue and identify ideas and materials right for your business. REVIEW with your BDM which materials you think you could make use of and note down any product codes, change of colours, content required, etc. DORIS is our in-house graphics request system. Once you have discussed with your BDM they will upload it here ready for the graphics team to begin working on it. GRAPHICS will schedule into their workload and aim to have a proof and initial quote on DORIS within 5-7 working days. Your BDM will then email or post this out to you. PROOF read everything. Content, pricing, dates & phone number are the most commonly missed mistakes. Once the artwork has been sent to print it cannot be changed and you may be liable for re-print costs. SIGN-OFF any artwork or submit changes. Once all has been agreed we will invoice the costs and send to print. Delivery can be up to 7 working days for larger jobs. Please note for orders over ÂŁ100 a 50% deposit will be required before any print work is carried out.

useful contacts Craig Grant

andrew morgan

graphics & marketing manager

food development manager

07805 170 437

07969 577 382

welcome to:


Those new to marketing their pub sometimes believe that it’s an art form. This isn’t always the case and knowing the basics can help you go a long way. 1. What is your current market? There’s a saying in marketing “how do you know where you’re going if you don’t already know where you are?” – this is especially true when it comes to pub marketing. You have to be fully aware of the type of customers your pub currently attracts (age, gender, average spend, etc) in order to assess where your business currently stands, and where it could improve. 2. What’s your target market? Now that you know where you are, you can start to think about where you’re going. If your current customer base is currently the older generation - who on average only purchase one drink an hour - could you benefit from attracting a younger audience into your pub that would purchase multiple higher margin drinks in an hour?

be given a Spanish flair and call them Patatas Bravas? Essentially chips and patatas bravas are the same thing apart from bravas comes with a bit of spicy mayonaise on top, and can command a higher price. This can also lead into exploring different type of menus for different seasonal or sporting calendar events.

5. Allow clubs and societies 3. Promote events Hold poker tournements and darts matches. Find reasons to run an event; national holidays, A well structured poker tournament with 20 local sports taking place, royal weddings etc could people involved could last 3 hours, and while all be turned into running an event. For example they’re in your pub they’ll be drinking. Lay on food – the royal wedding, have tea parties, launch up for them which doesn’t cost you much – this will the bunting, have bands playing. But whatever spread to other clubs about your hospitality and you decide to do you have to promote it! How will ensure they keep using your establishment in will people know that you’re holding something the future. special to celebrate something if you’re not going to let people know? If anything, promotion should probably be at the top of a pub marketing list. 4. Revamp the menu Every pub that does food has it’s staple menu, but have a look through it to see if anything can be spiced up a bit? If you don’t have the ability to overhaul every single item on your menu, then you’ve probably got too much food on it to begin with. It may be an idea to start to streamline what you have to offer (which will help in other areas of your business – reduced food wastage, preprepare etc), but even little items can be given a little twist. For example, chips. Could this

So as you can see from the above pub marketing isn’t all about myths and witchcraft, it comes down to common sense. Research, research, and then do some more research and you shouldn’t go far wrong.

how to plan your:


taking an interest in marketing is a great start to launch any new offers or even current offers. but what do you do next and how do you do it... Marketing is one of these things that gives you a proper sense of accomplishment when you really get it right. With that comes planning. Lots of carefully thought out planning, invested time and committed execution. Additionally, although an important part of the process, marketing is a lot more than just posters and banners. Here we will take a look at the next steps after initially deciding to take your venue to the next level. Marketing can be a costly exercise though at the same time be as inexpensive as you like. Start by asking yourself the following... • What do you do now, but could do better? • What could you introduce using the magic formula (minimum £ input, maximum £ output) • How can you use what you’ve got better (function rooms, poker tables, tvs) • Which days/trading periods could do with a little help? Mondays? Afternoons? You may be overlooking the fundemental parts of marketing and before any expense is incurred you will need to know this information to prevent any wasted time, effort and money.

On the next page I have dropped in the blank calendar template from I have then populated it with actions I would work towards if I were looking to plan for:

1) QUIZ NIGHT 2) FOOD LAUNCH 3) KEY SPORTING EVENT This is a fantastic way to clearly plan any upcoming events. Have a think about any you could do better at, download the templates and have a go yourself! Alternatively, if you don’t feel confident in planning please contact Craig Grant from our Graphics & Marketing department who would be more than happy to arrange an hour where you or a member of staff can both go through and populate one together. The best piece of advice in the meantime is to really plan as far ahead as you can and always work backwards from your event date. This makes it easier for you to see where other parts of the process fall into place and how much time is required to properly plan and execute.

Keeping your calendars colour coded is really important as it will prevent confusion or crossed paths when discussing with other members of staff or your BDM. It also allows you to easily delegate tasks to other members of staff. Put someone in charge of scheduling in social media posts with someone else in charge of planning sports ~ May 2015 ~

◄ Apr 2015




Jun 2015 ►





1 Ask for customer feedback 2 Ask for customer feedback

3 Ask for customer feedback 4 Do competitor analysis of 5 discuss plan through with 6 Find quizmaster





11 Post ‘something new

14 Receive graphics – put up posters, banners, etc




18 Begin a week’s worth of 19 Start taking quiz names 20 engaging Facebook posts – mini quizzes, free nibble competitions

and groups in the pub

21 Visit local businesses to 22




26 Post photos and winners 27 UEFA Europa League



area / Agree on budget / BDM and amend if needed / Decide on frequency (weekly Submit graphics request with or monthly) BDM > Craig.

coming soon’ teaser on facebook



on Facebook

bolster numbers – offer free nibbles for every team

Final – Warsaw - KO 19:45


31 Quiz reminder post on Notes: Facebook

~ June 2015 ~

◄ May 2015



1 Receive graphics and

inject some life into the pub with erection of posters, banners, menus, etc


2 Launch food campaign on 3


Facebook. Like & share for meal for two, etc.


8 Launch ‘foodie week’ at

9 Friends & family soft the pub. Teaser for the new launch menu / Tasting night / collect feedback / Q&A with chef of Facebook

10 Friends & family soft



16 Check trip advisor. Don’t 17





Jul 2015 ►






6 UEFA Champions League Final – Berlin - KO 19:45 Promote ‘foodie week’ with free tasters at full time

11 LAUNCH NIGHT Copa America begins – Chile – on til 4th July







24 Review of food progress 25






have access? We can help!

with BDM & Andy Morgan

Trip Advisor is something a lot of people have problems controlling. The best practise is to be seen as active in reposnding to any comments, both positive AND negative. Offer reassurances that the matter will be looked in to, thank them for

their custom and above all always remain polite and respectful. If you’re venue has historic problems that were established before your time you can have these looked into by contacting Trip Advisor directly. Ask our Marketing department for more details.

how to drive:

midweek trade

with news that weekday visits are now driving the growth in footfall for many pubs, now is the time for operators to keep that momentum going by planning marketing tactics that grow customer spend once they’re in the door. Creating food and drink offers is an obvious route to take, but the key to success is ensuring you know your target audience, what offer will encourage them to visit you on a weekday and most importantly, the chosen offer must generate revenue. In the last 12-24 months, offers have been primarily discount driven, but now publicans are focusing on added value incentive offers which are proving less damaging to brand perception. There is a multitude of added value ideas that can be put into action, from offering a free dessert with every main meal or even just advertising kids eat free with any full paying adult. 50% off Monday’s are quite popular just now as well! midweek friendly menus These are another great way to encourage visits from those who frequently visit you at the weekend. People tend to have less time and want to spend less money mid-week so consider creating a shorter, simpler and cost effective menu to run on Monday - Thursday. Offering two or three-courses for a fixed price with just three or four options is simple but effective. For example The Piper is currently doing very well with their Scottish Tapas menu where they are selling three dishes from a choice of eight for only £8.95. Dishes include mini fish & chips, mini pie & beans, mini steak pie and haggis pakora. Very simple yet very effective.

entertainment If suited to your customers’ tastes, some sort of entertainment is an effective way to draw in the crowds during the week. Whether you opt for live music, a comedian or a guest sporting speaker, it can be expensive to start with so it is really important that the events are marketed well using social media and chalkboards within the pub so that they build a loyal following early on. If you don’t plan to charge people to enjoy the entertainment then make sure you upsell on food and drink to help cover the cost by offering special cocktails, bar snacks or highlighting your puddings to those who are dining with you. A cheaper alternative to live music or a performer is to host a weekly quiz night. Glasgow’s two most popular quizzes give away pizzas or nachos to each participating team. free food This can, believe it or not, work an absolute treat. Small bowls of peanuts and cut up sausage rolls are great ideas but having your own popcorn machine on the bar with cup or bowls will be sure to bring a smile to any drinkers face. More importantly, this will also leave them thirsty, hence a clever technique to encourage another round of drinks. football footfall If you have screens and show sporting events, make a big deal of it - especially for those games and matches that take place during the week. Theme your food and drink, for example if there is a Spanish vs Italian Champions League match why not offer pasta and a glass of Peroni, or Paella for £10. You can then encourage your customer to bolt on bar snacks, starters and puddings as well as drinks.

tips to market:

your offers

Whilst it is all very well considering all of these options, the key to implementing these ideas and getting people through the door is marketing them successfully, across every channel available. social media

e-mail databases

Social media is a tool which should be used to publicise anything you are doing that you believe your customers would want to hear about and come along to. Set up events on your Facebook page, share updates about your special offers, events and menu offering on twitter and make sure you do this regularly.

Make sure you are communicating with your customers and letting them know what you have planned on all possible platforms. People are very receptive to new opportunities, offers and events if they’re appealing and communicating what you’re doing via email is a great way to ensure people know what’s going on. It is really important that you plan ahead to ensure the content is well thought out and that it helps promote specific times of year that you want to encourage more footfall. You also need to carefully consider how often you will contact your customers in this way, too often and you run the risk of annoying people, too little and your marketing will appear sporadic and reactive. To manage your database, design a professional e-shot, distribute and monitor the level of engagement ensure you use an e-communication platform such as Mailchimp – it’s easy to use and best of all it’s free!

A picture speaks a thousand words so share photos of what you want your customers to engage with. Remember social media is about conversation so don’t think that simply announcing your news is enough. Build relationships with your customers via social media platforms and their level of engagement is likely to grow. Read our ‘How to use Facebook’ section further on to find out more.

pos (point of sale) It is easier to encourage your weekend customers to come along mid-week than it will be to get new customers coming in so make sure they’re seeing what you’re doing when they come in. Table talkers, tent cards, posters and flyers are all great ways of sharing what you’re doing. To save time and keep costs down, let the Graphics department know your monthly or weekly events or any type of offers you have coming up and they can create images to use on your tv screens during the day.

A great way to start your email database is to take part in one of our various promotions run throughout the year. These largely entail the customer purchasing a selected drink and then being asked to fill out a game card which includes their name, email address and mobile number. These data capture exercises are key to your future promotions, email offers and event booking targets for Christmas, Mother’s Day, etc.

become a place for:


the initial thought

the basics

• It takes a lot of commitment and hard work to get kids up, dressed, into the car, parked and into your venue- so you need to be as consistent and informative as possible when it comes to events and activity

• Update your marketing plan with a “Kids” guide outlining all the activities and USPs available, including things like kids parties, event times, costs, who hosts etc

• Making parent feel comfortable is important too! Buggy parking, breastfeeding, baby changing messages, free puree and so on are all important for this reason

• Sit down with your BDM and go through your current kids offers- is there enough? Can we add a little extra which does a lot more? the actions

• Consider your venue - do you have play areas, outdoor areas, function rooms you can put to use etc. What are your kids USPs? Colouring in menu? Make your own pizza?

• Who does family stuff well? Do some competitor analysis of your area

• Consider how you approach - taking the time to ensure your kids activity is well thought out, followed through properly and appeals to your family target market

• Submit requests for social media graphics, and any print and internal POS you need

For a great example of appealing to families with younger kids look no further than The Byre. Here are a few of their weekly kids activities as promoted on their flyer...

MONDAY / Cartoon Morning Classic cartoons from Mickey to Disney Princesses, sure to keep them entertained. wednesDAY / the little book club Come along and read a little, chat through, and act out in our story corner! friDAY / kiddies arts & crafts Classic cartoons from Mickey to Disney Princesses, sure to keep them entertained saturDAY / egg & soldier breakfast club Classic cartoons from Mickey to Disney Princesses, sure to keep them entertained

• Come up with a strategy - create a 6 week plan to attract mums & babies and famillies

• Choose hashtags and build families into your current social media planners • Review all your contacts with local nurseries, play groups etc • Ask your teams for their input and ideas for a feedback session - especially mums and dads! • Create 5 quick wins - like free puree, half portions, and free to run activity • Pick a family ambassador! This is the person who champions this activity in your venue • Break down the walls - come up with a solution for tackling common problems- i.e. space for prams, simple stuff to keep occupied like coluring sheets, etc

how to use:


with a $100 billion dollar valuation and over 1 billion users, facebook should now be more than ever, an essential part of your venue’s marketing.

However, just in case your still wondering why you should bother with Facebook or any other social media channels (I know there are still some of you out there!) let me quickly dazzle you with some very impressive facts & figures from the top three channels currently being used.

your page design cover photo... Your ‘Cover Photo’ is the image that sits across the top of your page. This image is very important as it sets the tone for your page and is the first thing that a user/fan will see when they land on your company’s Facebook page. Make sure this photo sells your company/brand, perhaps showcasing your venue or the food and drink you sell. It is said that users pay more attention to the cover photo then any content on your timeline. profile picture... Nestled next to the cover photo is the traditional profile picture. This is the thumbnail that will accompany the brand’s comments and posts, therefore if you have a funky cover image, the profile picture is the best place for your company’s logo. imagery... With the sheer success of the image-based social network Pinterest, it proves that people like imagery. Although Facebook is not focused around sharing photography, the ‘timeline’ is much more image-focused than earlier iterations of Brand Pages, so get your camera out. If you run a hotel, restaurant or bar and take pride in the visual presentation of the establishment then share some photos of the layout and presentation. This could also work for your awesome cocktails and mouth-watering dishes.

As a pub/bar/restaurant operator you may know that you should be using Facebook to help promote your business, but perhaps are not quite sure what specifically you need to do. Well have no fear, we’re here to help!

If you are a little worried about your photography skills, then download the Instagram app as it will help you make beautiful looking photos which you can then upload to Facebook.

how to use:


Interact & Communicate with Customers Although it is a business page, remember to be human and genuine. A laid-back and soft voice always works wonders. Remember not to simply promote and throw marketing material at your fans. Make sure to reply to customers and encourage conversations on your timeline by asking open questions. If a guest has left a nice comment, make sure to thank them as well as ‘like’ the comment and perhaps offer an incentive to come back again or tell their friends about your business. If a customer has spoken badly about your business on their Social Media accounts, make sure to reply to them in a polite and timely manner publicly and apologise for their bad experience. By making a public reply to your critics you will be seen by others to be concerned about your customers, and also give others with a more favorable experience of your business, the opportunity to defend you. facebook competitions Competitions are a highly effective form of generating buzz and engaging with your audience online. Not only can a social media campaign increase your fans and traffic to your website, but a well thought-out competition can significantly push awareness of your brand, as well as boost revenue in your venue or store. People love winning, whether it’s a simply a drink, a free meal or a free night’s stay at a hotel. Prizes don’t have to be outrageous, but they should be on-brand and relevant. Keep the Facebook contest as simple as possible to get consistent results and a lot of submissions, and make sure you abide by Facebook Guidelines. If you do run a promotion it’s a good idea to change the cover photo to promote the contest and make sure to post about it every day, as well as ‘like’ and share entries to create more buzz.

Sometimes bars and restaurants reward people who check-in by offering them a free dessert or wifi access! pay attention to check-ins Customers often will check-in at venues on Facebook. People do this to let friends know where they are, and even boast that they are out having a nice time in a venue (I know this is what I do when I’m at an amazing bar) This is a great tool for Social Media Marketing as your customers are spreading the word about your venue through word of mouth. It is good practise as a venue manager to acknowledge each check-in and thank people who do. The more check-in’s you have on your Facebook Page, the more popular and well-established you look as a venue. Why not offer an incentive to check-in? how to get your likes up When someone 'Likes' your Page, it means they will get to see your Facebook updates. Therefore, it is important to try to get as many 'likes' on your pages as possible. You can increase this by: Promoting your Facebook Page on your website. Use promotional material in your venue.Reward people for 'liking' you - prizes, money-off etc. Don't worry about this a great deal initially . As you start to use Facebook for marketing your 'likes' on Facebook will start to grow organicly. It is then up to you to engage and communicate with people on Facebook, to increase this figure.

how to use:


key rules for the day-to-day running of your facebook page! if still in doubt contact our graphics & marketing department for additional assistance.

5. emphasis your big posts Choose to ‘pin’ a post and it will stay at the top of your timeline. 1. content Your followers are just that, they ‘follow’ because you bring them something they want. Think about what your customers and followers may want before you post. Some news items may not swing it for them, but mention a discount or special offer and they’ll follow you anywhere! Related industry news is also recommended, the more relevant to your followers the better. They will see your page as giving them value and well worth continuing to follow. The occasional local community issue goes down well, you will hopefully be seen as a caring and responsible member of it. Promote good causes and share good deeds. You don’t have to ‘sell’ something with every post. One tenant started taking a picture of every customer who tried a new guest ale and - after asking their permission - posted it as a status. The response was phenonenal.

3. timing Schedule your posts to appear at the time when most of your followers will see them. A status update late at night after a hard day’s slog may be the only time you have to post, but it won’t be seen by many of your followers. By the time they are next on Facebook it may probably be buried at the bottom of a long list of notifications. Facebook now lets you schedule posts in advance. Think about your ‘prime time’, and schedule accordingly. 4. pictures paint a thousand words Adding a picture or photo creates much more attention and is twice a likely to engage your audience than not. Pick something relevant to your subject or Craig in graphics is able to supply. See below for a really great example from Forgan’s in St Andrew’s. It includes clear imagery, link to their website and simple text. Perfect.

Remember too that Facebook is ‘social’ media. People predominantly use Facebook to interact with friends and family. Posts about a staff outing (keep them clean) or a funny photo from the bar can reap dividends and help followers ‘buy in’ to your business. 2. less is more Constantly bombarding followers with posts and status updates is genuinely a no-no. You will lose more followers than you gain as you’ll basically annoy them into unliking you. Concentrate on providing regular updates that are of value to your followers. Unless of course you have lots of original cat videos - then they are fair game!

please contact craig grant for more info on other social media platforms

how to set up:

pub poker

when the chips are down, there’s nothing quite like poker for boosting business on a quiet night - as thousands of community pubs have already discovered. Pub poker, in which only small stakes are allowed, counts as entertainment as much as gambling but the prospect of winning a major prize through the league system is a massive draw. For example, Redtooth have more than 1,000 pubs hosting Texas Hold’em, and in the past 12 months has attracted more players by increasing the opportunities to win. It now hosts 18 regional finals, four times a year, and takes 100 people to the national showdown in Las Vegas.

what are the prize limits?

- £100 per game No money may be charged by the pub for players to participate. There can be no deduction, rake or levy from the stakes or prizes. All the stakes must go back to the players as prizes and therefore the pub cannot make any money from the gambling. However, money can be made from the extra sale of food and drink. the gambling commission code of practise

legal q&a for pub poker when can customers play poker in my pub?

- In premises with a valid on-premises alcohol license in which alcohol is served for consumption on the premises. There is no requirement that alcohol is served only with food. - At a time when alcohol may be supplied in reliance on the alcohol license. Or in other words, customers can play poker in pubs at times when alcohol can legally be served. One further condition is that the poker is not linked to poker played on another premises. For instance, there cannot be an electronic link between two premises with all the players playing in the same game. who can play?

- Under 18s are not allowed to play poker in pubs what are the stake limits?

- Maximum stakes per person per game - £5 - Maximum aggregate total of stake per premises per day - £100. This requires you to keep track of the amount of the customer’s stake and the total stakes for the pub each day. This is easy to achieve if players pay for chips prior to the game and you control limits on re-buys, etc.

- The code of practise advises that the designated premises manager (DPM) should be responsible for compliance with the code and ensuring that the poker stays within the law. The code gives more detail about the operation of the poker and age verification, and makes suggestions on the equipment to be used. The code actually recommends that cash poker is not played as it is more difficult to manage. According to the code, the DPM should keep a record of the games played, number of players, and amounts staked, to ensure that the individual and daily limits are not exceeded. The DPM must also ensure that the games are played in a ‘pleasant atmosphere’. Compliance with the code is recommended as it is best practise, as suggested by the Gambling Commission, but is not a legal requirement.

how to play a winning hand 5) Make use of the law allowing you to play for small stakes by offering cash prizes on the night. 7) Place a bounty on the head of last week’s winner or league leader by giving extra chips to whoever takes him or her down. 8) Vary the format to keep up interest. Perhaps organiser players into teams or giving them bigger chip stacks.

1) If space allows, set up your tables in a visible part of the venue. It helps create an atmosphere and can encourage new players. 2) Offer table service - poker players don’t like to leave the game but will order drinks if you come to them.

3) advertise your poker night around the pub using posters provided by league organisers or Craig Grant from the Graphics department. Make sure these are clearly shown and where possible in clean snap frames. 4) Talk to customers about the poker and encourage them to have a go, or offer a free sharing combo to anyone who brings along a friend who hasn’t played before.

9) DON’T FORGET FOOD! - Break for a hot dish or serve dips and nibbles during play. We have previously created poker snack menus so if this is something you’d like to look into contact your BDM for more details.

Meal vouchers also make good prizes which will get players back in to the pub on another night with their family or friends.

how to become:


when the chips are down, there’s nothing quite like poker for boosting business on a quiet night - as thousands of community pubs have already discovered. TO THINK ABOUT: • Pensioners are your key area with regular disposable income. Albeit this is usually a smaller spend per head but more often than not are more frequent visitors. • Local pubs and community based businesses success often relies on the loyalty of this market. • If you can lengthen dwell time you have a great opportunity to increase spend.

function space Pensioner parties and dances, especially at Christmas, would surprise some of you at how popular they can actually be. Carrigan’s in Hamilton host a pensioner party every Tuesday & Thursday from October December that can easily attract up to 60 attendees at a time.

SO WHAT WORKS? CLEAR & DEFINED PRICE POINTS Make your key offers clear and readily available for senior eyes. For example a large poster advertising Pie & Pint for £4.00 in addition to clear and simple price points for sherry, port, half price pints, etc NEWS/racing CHANNELS & NEWSPAPERS Offering something interesting to read or watch can lead to increased spend and a sense of content with some customers and can be the difference between you and the bookies next door. comfy seating & nice temperatures An easy one and as above can lead to increased spend, sense of content and a safe place to get out to during winter months. PENSIONER led offers - Cream teas (scones, jams & tea for a set price) - Option to add a pastry to any hot drink for £1 - Free scone hour (between 9am-10am) - Complimentary tablet with all hot drinks smaller portions Easy to do from the main menu - big portions can very often be off putting. high tea & FISH TEA FRIDAYs A simple fish, bread & butter and pot of tea offer for a set, clear price point served on downtime, 3pm-6pm and limited to pensioners.

entertainment Invest once a month in a reputable or even local keyboard player for live music sessions. At a fraction of the cost this looks after your pocket while offering something they will thoroughly enjoy. dancing All grans and grandpas have soft spots for a dance, jig, line dance, waltz and everything in between. Encourage this and make space where you can. Be prepared to be a partner if need be! smokers Seating (sheltered if possible) for older male smokers would be a key benefit. matchday experiences From an older point of view, in some cases, this can be quite intimidating. Create a safe and enjoyable environment by enfocring strictly no football colours, no bad language and turning the TVs up louder.

how to plan a:

sporting event

getting them in, keeping them in, what to do with them when they’re in!? everyone has their own problems when it comes to live sport. the big screen Another great use for your big screen is to use it to advertise when not in use showing anything of interest. Advertise anything from your drinks deals, upcoming matches and even matchday previews. If you’re tempted contact Craig Grant to discuss how you can create a bespoke advert. getting them in The best, tried and tested way, for attracting new customers to your pub is simply a big screen. On top of that regular adertising and targeted promotions will aid you in capitalising on this market. For larger international or European matches show your support by either supporting your home team or adopting a team in case we have, predictably, failed to qualify. posters Place them in any areas you deem ‘hot spots’. This could be anywhere from toilets and entrances to beer gardens and beside your big screen/football area. chalkboards Where possible use a professional chalkboard artist. We highly recommend Maverick Designs whos contact details can be found in the Pub Buyers guide and examples of his work found on his Facebook page. table talkers/tent cards/beer mats Perfect for people sitting at a table waiting on friends arriving, returning with drinks or even when the chat’s just ran dry. Promote your drinks offers and televised live sport via these channels. banners If you have the space and time to maintain them then banners are a great point of sale, especially when using live sport logos. Try and get them for free from Sky or BT, though failing that we can supply from as little as £25.00.

text & email If you’ve been on the ball and already collected a database of mobile numbers or email addresses then let your ‘subscribers’ know about your plans for upcoming matches or general matchday offers. People find emails less intrusive if you’re planning on a weekly newsletter/update. fixtures Make sure you’re website and social media channels are constantly updated with any drinks offers, matchday deals and upcoming fixtures. wifi Change your wifi name to something promoting the next big match and kick off time. top tip from the trade... • Make use of zoning to allow people to enjoy the match in comfort, with sound and vicecera for people not interested. • Be innovative - search out fixtures no-one else is showing. Eg: African Cup of Nations. • Ensure your staff have good basic knowledge. Explain the difference between the FA Cup, League Cup and European Cup. Also, what consitiutes a big match and what doesn’t. A quick read of the back page of a newspaper should give them enough ammo for a conversation. • Zero tolerance towards bigoted or hateful chants and comments. Create a pleasant atmosphere where you’re more likelt to see both sets of fans.

how to plan a:

sporting event

sometimes it can be too easy to get caught up on the event, food & drinks side of things and neglect the operational side of planning a sporting event... keep them in! 1) table service Give your customers uninterrupted viewing by taking their order and serving their drinks where they sit. 2) pitchers & buckets Pitchers save service time and encourages upselling among groups of customers. If pitchers aren’t possible then opt for buckets of bottled beers. 3) food planks The food version of a pitcher. the plank is ideal for sharing smong groups in watching sports as it contains everything from burger sliders and ribs to onion rings and hotdogs. Turn this into a one-man challenge for the publicity and promote the attempts via Facebook. Winners usually get the food for free and some sort of other reward be it a tshirt or food voucher.

5) hand held food Burgers, pies, hot dogs, pizza slices, cold preprepared baguettes, sandwiches and rolls, popcorn, ice cream, wedges and nachos make up our popular XI starting line-up. 6) salty & spicy food These encourage customers to buy more drinks. However, don’t go over the top - customers are no fools when they feel they’re being manipulated into drinking more. bringing them back! A loyalty card scheme, or ‘season ticket’, based upon the number of matches viewed at your pub could be a starting point for encouraging repeat custom. Try and think of a mechanic where they either get rewarded with every visit, once they reach a selected number of visits or they go into a prize draw once they’ve claimed enough stamps/visits. The more times they come in to get their card stamped the more likely they will feel they have a chance of winning a freebie from you! Additionally, contact your local team to see if they’re willing to sponsor the mechanic in some way to reward their supporters who use your pub.

4) drinks promotions With the 72-hour promotion law in mind why not run ‘Golden Goal’ pricing whereby selected products are reduced in price for each week the home nation or adopted nation are in the tournament. Pricing returns to normal the weeks after the chosen team is eliminated.

Sky has a free online training course called ‘Making the Most of Sport’. The interactive course aims to help Sky Sports subscribers maximise customer spend and increase dwell time. The course is split into three modules:

how to plan a:

sporting event

sometimes it can be too easy to get caught up on the event, food & drinks orders and neglect the operational side of planning a sporting event... top 10 tips! 1) risk assessment Carry out a risk assessment for every match you intend to screen. Some matches will be busier than others, but you may still attract customers who would not normally visit your venue. 2) inform others If appropriate, discuss your plans with the local police and your nearby neighbours. 3) temporary licenses If you need to apply for temporary event notices for any matches, don’t leave your application to the last minute! Early applications will allow you enough time to discuss/overcome any objections from the police or enviromental health team. 4) risk assessment Check you license to see if there are any conditions that might have an impact on the running of the evnts at your pub. In particular, give careful consideration to any promoptions that you run that might fall foul of the Scottish Licensing Law (2003) relating to irresponsible drinks promotions. 5) security Consider whether or not you might need to employ door security staff (or extra door staff) and remember that they will need to be Security Industry Authority registered.

6) underage sales Ensure you have an up-to-date and comprehensive underage sales policy in place. Make sure all of your staff are familiar with the policy and that any posters and literature relating to the policy are visible. Get in contact with your BDM if you require any posters relating to this. 7) glassware Check if there is a condition on your license relating to the use of plastic/polycarbonate glassware, and, if not, consider their use on any matchday. 8) cctv Ensure that all CCTV equipment is fully operational and meets any license conditions. 9) out of sight? Consider how you are going to monitor outside areas, in particular smoking areas. 10) full time Put a dispersal policy into place. Your customers may well be leaving your premises late at night. Consider how they will disperse safely and with the minimum of noise and disturbance to your neighbours.

how to host a:

quiz night

a quiz is a great way to increase footfall, maximise dwell time and increase spend. additionally and admittadly, starting a quiz night won’t automatically get the tills ringing but with little expense and thoughtful planning this pub favourite could boost takings significantly on quieter nights of the week.

please as many people as possible First and foremost, this needs to work for your regulars who will have a go and then spread the word. If you attract big numbers for football nights, then try putting on a sports quiz at the final whistle as a first step. Gradually widen it out to draw in more people with different interests. format There is no need to stick rigidly to the usual quiz format of quiz master reading out all the questions. Easily available technology now offers itself to picture, video and audio rounds, as well as standard text questions. This also reduces the opportunities to cheat using mobile phones to look up answers!

promote and they will come! 1) Place posters around key areas of the venue, including toilets and behind the bar 2) Promote on any social media channels associated with your venue 3) Place an A-board outside your venue to advertise your quiz night and catch the interest of new customers but also, depending on your location, workers on their lunch or going home. A office quiz night outing would be a great capture! 4) Use TV screens to advertise your quiz night. Not even just for your quiz but anything you do in general! It makes more sense to advertise your venue and it’s offerings during the day rather than Bargain Hunt or Lifeguard Rescue.

questions? Make sure that everyone can hear the quiz master/ questions. If people can’t hear the questions they will get frustrated and disgruntled. Quiz nights are most effective when the questions are tailored to the audience. The wrong questions will discourage repeat business so it’s vital to know your customers when running a quiz. Quizzes can also be improved by displaying the questions on TV screens around the pub. This quashes any confusion or potential arguments when the answers are announced later on. sponsorship Have you thought about approaching brands to sponsor your quiz night? This can lead to the cost of marketing being covered as well as decent branded prizes for winning teams as well as your venue having the added attraction of being associated with a respected well-known brand.

ask a tenant... “The quiz attracts about 50 people each Monday, bringing in footfall on a traditionally quiet night. It consists of four rounds, with a break between each to allow players to order food and drink. Entry costs £1 per person plus £1 per team which is split between prizes for the winning teams.” boozy bonus... This is relatively new to our quiz nights where it usually involves the winning team on the night guessing a year. The team with the closest answer wins a bottle of wine or the chance to gamble for a rollover cash prize or wine prize. This has been known to reach over £100 or 18 bottles of wine.

live case studies

CHOCOLATE MASTERCLASS HOW IT WORKS: Twelve participants join a local choclolatier or pastry chef in making two chocolate-based cocktails and two types of chocolate truffles, with each guest taking home 15 truffles. Tickets cost £30 each. MARKETING: Mail shot to extensive database; engagement via social media and in house posters. PREPARATION: Provide suitable room decoration, safe equipment & correct ingredients. BENEFITS: Using the otherwise empty function room the events generated £360 in ticket sales. As well as driving revenue it encouraged staff and customers to get to know each other. The staff’s skills and venue’s hireable space and produce were showcased, promoting customer relationships and future venue trade. ADVICE: As guests feel rewarded by participating in an informative, educational and entertaining event, appoint a confident, skilled host with a strong personality to make the experience fun and engaging. OUTCOME: In response to positive customer feedback, the venue now hosts regular monthly workshops such as cupcake and cocktails masterclasses.

chilli festival Chilli-flavoured specials to celebrate a local annual chilli festival. HOW IT WORKS: The pub offered a range of chilli specials from Friday lunchtime through to Sunday evening. These included a popular pulled pork and chilli salad, a chilli burger, a beef chilli pizza as well as a Hot Bloody Mary. Homemade chilli truffles were also available to enjoy with coffee. MARKETING: The bar was dressed with a selection of chilli sauces from around the world with the pub decorated with chilli plants. An e-mail was sent out to it’s database a week before the event with in-house posters and the pub’s Facebook page also being utilised. PREPARATION: Approach a hot sauce company to sponsor your event or entry into the festival. To get in the proper festival spirit, invent a special dish each year bigger and hotter than before. BENEFITS: Generates interest amongst regulars, increases footfall, increases takings and raises the profile of the pub as part of the community. ADVICE: Come up with something that no-one else is doing and add your own twist to it. It’s important to push the boundaries. OUTCOME: 159 chilli specials sold in the duration.

live case studies

pub deli bar The pub now offers it’s own deli menu featuring make-your-own deli platters, ploughman’s lunches, homemade sausage rolls and scotch eggs, quiche, homemade breads, fresh salads and smoked fish. HOW IT WORKS: Items are on display in the pub for customers to see, and also buy to take home. MARKETING: The menu is marketed internally, on chalkboards, and via the pub’s website and social media pages. PREPARATION: The pub invested in a secondhand display fridge and commissioned a local carpenter to beuild some cabinets which complimented the rest of the pub. BENEFITS: Allows the pub to offer food all day without putting extra pressure on the kitchen; increases covers during the summer months without causing delays in service; turns drinkers into diners. ADVICE: Invest in really good training for your staff - food service is very different to waiting tables.

charity desserts A pink-themed dessert was added to a specials menu to raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer Care during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October. HOW IT WORKS: The Pink Oreo Cheesecake (dyed cheesecake with Oreo biscuit base) was chosen to feature on the pub’s specials board throughout October with 50% of each sale donated to Breast Cancer Care. MARKETING: Continious social media prescence, customer newsletter and local PR (newspaper, local STV feed). PREPARATION: A cost-effective promotion was key before and during this initiative to optimise sales and charitable fundraising opportunities. BENEFITS: Boosting awareness of Breast Cancer Care and the pub. Bringing business and customers together to raise funds for a worthwhile cause brings a feel-good factor to diners’ experiences and enables all those involved to give something back to the community. The pub sold 212 desserts at £3.99, raising £422.94 for the charity. ADVICE: Choose a popular dish to maximise sales and promote the initiative widely in a costeffective manner.

OUTCOME: During the summer months the deli bar takes between £2,500 and £4,00 per week.

OUTCOME: Raising the significant sum and our profile with an imaginative fundraising strategy.

live case studies

movember grooming station flower-arranging class Midweek monthly flower-arranging class hosted by a local florist. HOW IT WORKS: The florist brings materials, equipment and literature and pays the tenants £10 per person for the room, light supper for each of the 15-20 participants and teas and coffees all evening. MARKETING: Pub website, social media, in-house word of mouth. The florist sell tickets and handles enquiries and keeps a database of customers. BENEFITS: A great way to occupy unused space on a quiet mid-week evening, bringing new faces and possible future customers on the pub’s radar. Makes the pub look busy, generates a positive atmosphere on what can be a quiet night and increases drink sales. ADVICE: Ensure the class theme varies monthly to encourage re-booking. Offer a bounce back voucher or incentive to generate future pub business. Distribute menus and event literature in the florist’s class to attract customer’s interest. OUTCOME: Goodwill; community incentive; networking with other trade. Weddings and other function bookings via florists database.

Pop-up grooming station for men, offering moustache trimming, preening and complimentary beer tasting to support Movember, the international charity promoting awareness of men’s health including prostate cancer, and boost trade. HOW IT WORKS: A grooming station ran between 6pm - 8pm every Monday during November for Movember participants to have their moustchaes trimmed free, while being encouraged to donate to the charity. They were treated to complimentary half-pints of Caledonia Best plus beer-tasting with a brewery representative. MARKETING: Twitter plugs to gather high profile retweets and a press release given to local news channels as well as in-house posters. PREPARATION: Ensure sample beer supplies and extra kitchen staff to prepare for busy service. BENEFITS: Great buzz and additional dining trade. Tredy barbers helped to attract a younger crowd. Over four evenings 140 customers participated including several groups of men staying for dinner. Around £210 was raised for Movember. ADVICE: Choose a popular dish to maximise sales and promote the initiative widely in a costeffective manner. OUTCOME: Raising the significant sum and our pub’s profile while enjoying a great atmosphere and sense of fundraising spirit.

1 seasonal


16. miscellaneous graduation clocks go back january sales t in the park pride jack daniel’s birthday piping live movember chinese new year remembrance day bonfire night fireworks display

christmas / hogmanay / burn’s night

ARTWORK # 1001

ARTWORK # 1002

ARTWORK # 1003

ARTWORK # 1004

ARTWORK # 1005

ARTWORK # 1006

ARTWORK # 1007

ARTWORK # 1008

ARTWORK # 1009

valentine’s / st. patrick’s / mother’s day

ARTWORK # 1010

ARTWORK # 1011

ARTWORK # 1012

ARTWORK # 1013

ARTWORK # 1014

ARTWORK # 1015

ARTWORK # 1016

ARTWORK # 1017

ARTWORK # 1018

easter / father’s day / hallowe’en

ARTWORK # 1019

ARTWORK # 1020

ARTWORK # 1021

ARTWORK # 1022

ARTWORK # 1023

ARTWORK # 1024

ARTWORK # 1025

ARTWORK # 1026

ARTWORK # 1027

cinco de mayo / groundhog day / oktoberfest

ARTWORK # 1028

ARTWORK # 1029

ARTWORK # 1030

ARTWORK # 1031

ARTWORK # 1032

ARTWORK # 1033

ARTWORK # 1034

ARTWORK # 1035

ARTWORK # 1036

st. andrew’s day / thanksgiving / misc.

ARTWORK # 1037

ARTWORK # 1038

ARTWORK # 1039

ARTWORK # 1040

ARTWORK # 1041

ARTWORK # 1042

ARTWORK # 1043

ARTWORK # 1044

ARTWORK # 1045


ARTWORK # 1046

ARTWORK # 1047

ARTWORK # 1048

ARTWORK # 1049

ARTWORK # 1050

ARTWORK # 1051

ARTWORK # 1052

ARTWORK # 1053

ARTWORK # 1054


ideas & tips to help promote and celebrate seasonal events Our Little Guide to BIG Events emails go out to help you prepare for any upcoming events on the seasonal, social & local calendar. These cover all the major events like Christmas, Hallowe’en, etc but also often highlight lesser known activities like Cinco de Mayo and Groundhog Day.

If you aren’t already subscribed to our mailing list then please email to begin receiving this service.

2 entertainment


comedy night / quiz night / KARAOKE

ARTWORK # 2001

ARTWORK # 2002

ARTWORK # 2003

ARTWORK # 2004

ARTWORK # 2005

ARTWORK # 2006

ARTWORK # 2007

ARTWORK # 2008

ARTWORK # 2009

live music / live dj / what’s on?

ARTWORK # 2010

ARTWORK # 2011

ARTWORK # 2012

ARTWORK # 2013

ARTWORK # 2014

ARTWORK # 2015

ARTWORK # 2016

ARTWORK # 2017

ARTWORK # 2018

psychic night / ladies night / bingo night

ARTWORK # 2019

ARTWORK # 2020

ARTWORK # 2021

ARTWORK # 2022

ARTWORK # 2023

ARTWORK # 2024

ARTWORK # 2025

ARTWORK # 2026

ARTWORK # 2027

3 food

01. menu options 02. breakfast 03. lunch deals 04. meal deals 05. curry night 06. senior citizens 07. pizza 08. new menu 09. sunday roast 10. afternoon tea 11. burgers 12. steak night 13. kids eat free 14. oriental night

15. mexican night 16. hotdogs 17. desserts 18. bbq

menu options







Crispy tortilla chips loaded with cheddar cheese, tangy salsa, sour cream & sliced jalapenos. four pieces of chicken fillet served with a sweet chilli dip.









Short cut pasta in a creamy cheddar cheese sauce, topped with molten Scottish cheddar and served with chips.


Garlic bread, battered onion rings, mushrooms, chicken goujons & potato wedges.




Layers of rich beef bolognaise and pasta sheets topped with a creamy cheese sauce served with chips & balsamic dressed salad. SCA MPI





Succulent chicken or flavoursome steak filled pitta bread served with fresh salad or chips

10 oz



At the Rams Head we pride ourselves with the quality of the steak we source for you. Matured for at least 15 days to ensure you enjoy a tender, full flavoured experience. Grilled the way you want it and served with onion rings, grilled tomato, peas, chips and with a sauce of your choice from pepper or gravy.

6 oz




100% beef burger served in a toasted sesame bun with chips, beer battered onion rings & chunky relish. CHICK EN BURGER


10 generous pieces of breaded wholetail scampi, deep fried and served with chips, peas, tartare sauce & lemon wedge.

- W ED 11 A M - 5 PM 11 A M - 6 PM


Tender pieces of chicken breast in a medium hot Chinese curry sauce and served with boiled rice CHICK EN OR PAN SE ARED BEEF PIT TA



crispy button mushrooms served with a garlic dip. R A M ’ S SHARING COMBO



Succulent chunks of prime Scottish beef marinated in our finest ale & cooked until tender in our own rich gravy & topped with golden flaky pastry and served with seasonal vegetables and your choice of chips or baby new potatoes.




Fillet of fresh Scottish haddock, golden fried and served with chips, lemon wedges & tartare sauce





Served with a warm crusty roll & butter.



Battered chicken breast served in a toasted sesame bun served with chips, lettuce & mayonnaise. Add cheese or bacon to any burger for only 60p each or both for only 99p








































End your week at the Ram’s Head with a traditional Sunday Roast with all the trimmings.








Hot oven baked potatoes served with butter & dressed side salad. Choose your filling from...





Crisp toasted Panini, hand cut sandwich or toastie served with side salad and chips...


(we cannot guarantee that items on the menu do not contain nuts or traces of nuts. Some chicken dishes may contain bones)



Served with vanilla ice cream or fresh dairy cream.



Served with vanilla ice cream or fresh dairy cream. HOT CHOCOL ATE FUDGE CAK E


Served with fresh dairy cream



One scoop of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream

drinks available from 12noon - close

food served from 12noon - 10pm every day

BURGERS double up your burger for an extra £3 - all served with wedges and freshly made coleslaw.


BEEF BURGER (cheese optional / add bacon for £1)










Dixon Arm’s BIG Breakfast

Homemade Soup of the Day


Mozzarella Dippers



The biggest and best breakfast in town. Bigger than Big Ben but tastier!

Freshly prepared and served with a roll & butter

Main Menu

Deep fried dippers filled with mozzarella and served with a choice of dip



Prawn Cocktail *


Brussels Pate


Creamy Garlic Mushrooms


Got a hot breakfast date or just extra hungry?

Smooth pate served with salad, oatcakes & butter

Choose between a crisp hot toasted panini or fresh hand made toastie filled with your choice from below & served with crisps and side salad.

TWO COURSES only £6.50 Cheese & Onion (v) THREE COURSES only £7.50Cheese & Tomato (v) Dips Available 50p... Served in a crisp tortilla basket

garlic mayo, chilli, salsa, BBQ or mayo

(£1 supplement applies for all marked *)


TWO Macaroni Cheese

Tuna Melt Cheese & Ham



SCOTSMAN w/ haggis & whisky sauce


AULD REEKIE w/ smoked bacon & smoked cheddar


& BBQ bourbon sauce

Toasties & Paninis...


8 10

CHILLI BURGER w/ hot chilli & jalapenos

THE FOXY w/ pulled pork, cheese

Smothered in cheese, jalapenos, sour cream & salsa Prawns in our homemade tangy sauce, served on a bed of lettuce, tomatoes & cucumber

ITALIAN BURGER w/ salami, pastrami & prosciutto









FOX’S NOSE barrel aged Edinburgh gin & Smog Rocket porter



BUFFALO SOLDIER Buffalo Trace bourbon, peach bitters with Innis & Gunn Original



RUB & RYE Bulliet rye, maple syrup, bbq bitters



DEL BOY Havana 7yo, Chambord



FOXY ROXY Elijah Craig 12yo rye,



WEIR’S LEGACY St Germain elderflower, lemon & Pilsner Urquell

























& Timmermans Peche Mel

& Framboise raspberry blonde

honey & lemon & Hoegaarden blonde



Freshly prepared pasta smothered in a rich cheese sauce

(ID must be presented when order ing)

Deep Fried Fish & Chips


Homemade Steak Pie


Homemade Lasagne


The catch of the day

Tender pieces of steak cooked in a rich gravy and topped with pastry

ARTWORK # 3000 / Double-sided A3, A4 flat

Layers of rich beef bolognaise and pasta sheets topped with a creamy cheese sauce and parmesan served with potatoes, chips or garlic bread


Vegetable Lasagne Vegetable or Chicken Basket

Served with ice cream or custard sauce

£4.49 £4.49

Homemade Syrup Sponge


Hot Chocolate Fudge Cake


Hot Apple Pie


Ice Cream


Chef’s Special Dessert of the Day


in aCENTRE, tortilla basket with mushrooms, 1Served GLAMIS GLENROTHES, KY7onions, 4RH • T. 01529Served 770 171 with ice cream or fresh dairy cream peppers, salsa, sour cream & grated cheese

Guest Curry of the Week


Please ask your server for what’s hot this week. Served with chips or rice. Add naan bread for £1.25

Beef/Chicken/Veggie Burger


Succulent burger served in a roll with chips & salad

add a topping from cheese - salsa bbq sauce or jalapenos for only 50p


Served with ice cream or fresh dairy cream Served with of cream or vanilla ice cream Please ask your server for details on our deliciously special sweet of the day


ARTWORK # 3001 / Folded A3, A4, etc ARTWORK # 3002 / A4 clipboard ARTWORK # 3003 / A5 clip bound booklet

breakfast / lunch deals / meal deals

ARTWORK # 3004

ARTWORK # 3005

ARTWORK # 3006

ARTWORK # 3007

ARTWORK # 3008

ARTWORK # 3009

ARTWORK # 3010

ARTWORK # 3011

ARTWORK # 3012

curry night / senior citizens / pizza

ARTWORK # 3013

ARTWORK # 3014

ARTWORK # 3015

ARTWORK # 3016

ARTWORK # 3017

ARTWORK # 3018

ARTWORK # 3019

ARTWORK # 3020

ARTWORK # 3021

new menu / sunday roast / afternoon tea

ARTWORK # 3022

ARTWORK # 3023

ARTWORK # 3024

ARTWORK # 3025

ARTWORK # 3026

ARTWORK # 3027

ARTWORK # 3028

ARTWORK # 3029

ARTWORK # 3030

burgers / steak night / kids eat free

ARTWORK # 3031

ARTWORK # 3032

ARTWORK # 3033

ARTWORK # 3034

ARTWORK # 3035

ARTWORK # 3036

ARTWORK # 3037

ARTWORK # 3038

ARTWORK # 3039

oriental / mexican / hotdogs / fish / locals card

ARTWORK # 3040

ARTWORK # 3041

ARTWORK # 3042

ARTWORK # 3043

ARTWORK # 3044

ARTWORK # 3045








The locals card is a fantastic way to engage with your nearest and dearest customers. This simple business card sized item can act as a pathway to special discounts for people within your local vicinity. Be this a free coffee on Mondays before 11am, free cake on their birthday or 2-4-1 burgers on Wednesdays - it’s the small things that could make the difference between you and local competition.

• 50p coffee before 10:00am • 50% off food every Monday • Free desserts with every main every Wednesday after 6:00pm • Special cocktail on your birthday • £2.00 coffee & cake • 2-4-1 pizza every weekday • Bottomless soft drinks • Free function room/area hire Remember you don’t need to include all of these offers. Pick which ones you think you would benefit most from but also what you can afford to commit to. If you’re looking for more info on this type of mechanic please just ask.

Some exmaples of offers that other tenants have included are...

ARTWORK # 3046

4 drinks

01. coffee 02. soft drinks 02. cocktails 03. wines 04. drinks deals 05. beer garden 06. cask ales 07. beer flights 08. whisky

coffee / soft drinks / cocktails

ARTWORK # 4001

ARTWORK # 4002

ARTWORK # 4003

ARTWORK # 4004

ARTWORK # 4005

ARTWORK # 4006

ARTWORK # 4007

ARTWORK # 4008

ARTWORK # 4009

wines / drinks deals / beer garden

ARTWORK # 4010

ARTWORK # 4011

ARTWORK # 4012

ARTWORK # 4013

ARTWORK # 4014

ARTWORK # 4015

ARTWORK # 4016

ARTWORK # 4017

ARTWORK # 4018

cask ales / beer flights / whisky

ARTWORK # 4019

ARTWORK # 4020

ARTWORK # 4021

ARTWORK # 4022

ARTWORK # 4023

ARTWORK # 4024

ARTWORK # 4025

ARTWORK # 4026

ARTWORK # 4027

5 function space

01. parties 02. team meeting space 02. coffee mornings 03. kids parties 04. weddings 05. accommodation 06. FUNERALS 07. FILM NIGHTS 08. BOOK CLUB 09. KNITTING CLUB

parties / team meeting space / coffee mornings


ARTWORK # 5001

ARTWORK # 5002

ARTWORK # 5003

ARTWORK # 5004

ARTWORK # 5005

ARTWORK # 5006

ARTWORK # 5007

ARTWORK # 5008

ARTWORK # 5009

kids parties / weddings / accommodation

ARTWORK # 5010

ARTWORK # 5011

ARTWORK # 5012

ARTWORK # 5013

ARTWORK # 5014

ARTWORK # 5015

ARTWORK # 5016

ARTWORK # 5017

ARTWORK # 5018

funerals / film club / book club / SEWING CLUB

ARTWORK # 5019

ARTWORK # 5020

ARTWORK # 5021

ARTWORK # 5022

ARTWORK # 5023

ARTWORK # 5024

ARTWORK # 5025

ARTWORK # 5026

ARTWORK # 5027

6 sports

01. football general european scotland african cup of nations la liga (spanish) bundesliga (german) scottish premiership english premier league serie a (italian) mls (american) eredivise (dutch)

ligue 1 (french)

02. cycling 03. boxing 04. grand prix

05. rugby 06. horse racing 07. pub games 08. golf 09. american sports


ARTWORK # 6001

ARTWORK # 6002

ARTWORK # 6003

ARTWORK # 6004

ARTWORK # 6005

ARTWORK # 6006

ARTWORK # 6007

ARTWORK # 6008

ARTWORK # 6009


ARTWORK # 6010

ARTWORK # 6011

ARTWORK # 6012

ARTWORK # 6013

ARTWORK # 6014

ARTWORK # 6015

ARTWORK # 6016

ARTWORK # 6017

ARTWORK # 6018

football / cycling / boxing

ARTWORK # 6019

ARTWORK # 6020

ARTWORK # 6021

ARTWORK # 6022

ARTWORK # 6023

ARTWORK # 6024

ARTWORK # 6025

ARTWORK # 6026

ARTWORK # 6027

grand prix / rugby / horse racing

ARTWORK # 6028

ARTWORK # 6029

ARTWORK # 6030

ARTWORK # 6031

ARTWORK # 6032

ARTWORK # 6033

ARTWORK # 6034

ARTWORK # 6035

ARTWORK # 6036

pub games / golf / american sports

ARTWORK # 6037

ARTWORK # 6038

ARTWORK # 6039

ARTWORK # 6040

ARTWORK # 6041

ARTWORK # 6042

ARTWORK # 6043

ARTWORK # 6044

ARTWORK # 6045

how long will it take? All graphics big and small should be ordered with plenty of time in mind for artwork creation time, proofing time, print production times and delivery times. Graphics are usually returned for proofing 5-7 working days after the initial request has been submitted to DORIS. by your Business Development Manager. Please also keep in mind marketing distribution times and overall promotion times when ordering your items. We suggest ordering all print material a month in advance to allow enough time to factor in all stages of the graphics process.

prices... All prices below have been thoroughly sourced to ensure you are receiving the best price possible. All prices ex. VAT where applicable


(flyers costed on 300gsm double sided artboard. Other stock & quantities available upon request)

500 1000 2000 5000 A6 (105x148mm) £52.80 £55.20 £70.80 £82.80

correx boards Lightweight, reusable and waterproof twin wall corrugated plastic sheet

DL (99x210mm) £72.00 £75.60 £92.40 £165.60


Square (148x148mm)


a3 (210x297mm)


A5 (148x210mm) £72.00 £75.60 £92.40 £165.60

a2 (420x594mm)


A4 folded to A6 - - - £168.00

a1 (594x841mm)


a0 (841x1189mm)






posters & vinyls



poster vinyl

a3 (210x297mm)


8ft x 3ft

a4 (210x297mm) FREE £4.00

a2 (420x594mm)


a3 (297x420mm) FREE £5.00

a1 (594x841mm)


a2 (420x594mm) £5.00 £7.50

a0 (841x1189mm)


(hemmed & eyeletted)


We can print any large scale banner you require up to a depth of 4ft. For bigger or smaller sizes or additionally different stock, please contact your BDM or Craig Grant.

A1 (594x841mm) £7.00 £10.00 a0 (841x1189mm) £11.00 £14.00

Dont’ see something you need? Contact your BDM and we’ll get you a quote.


bits & bobs

50 100

500 1000 2000

a3 folded to a4


A4 Letterheads

£42.00 £49.50 £87.00

a4 folded to a5

ask for a quote

Compliment slips

£37.50 £40.50 £58.50

A3 double-sided


Business cards

£24.00 £42.00 £70.80

A4 double-sided

ask for a quote

As well as frames we can also source all kind of pub accessories from flight boards to whisky barrels. We’ve not been able to find anything yet! To enquire please contact your BDM


(creased & matt laminated standard where applicable)

£151.00 £140.00

tall (254x148mm) - £153.60


Other variations and quantities are available. Please contact your BDM, Craig Grant or Andy Morgan to disucss your requirements.

A3 or A4 double sided

frames We can source you the best priced snap farmes or A-frames on the web. From a standard pack of 10 A4 snap frames to a lockable A0 frame for £50.00 each.

A3 or A4 folded in half

TALL (254x148mm)

hanging frames also available in a variety of sizes.

table talkers

social media

20 50 100 200

For the social animals amongst you we always supply JPEG files for you to use and promote via any of the available social media channels. Not hooked up to any yet? Contact Craig Grant and he will get you started on your Facebook ,Twitter & Instagram adventure!


£8.00 £25 £- £-

third a4

£15.00 £97.20 £136.80 £230.40

little guide to big events... Keep up to date with upcoming events by subcribing to our Little Guide to BIG Events email. Ask your BDM for more details.

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