kartsport Southland June Newsletter

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“SHUNT” Newsletter of Kartsport Southland J u ly 2 0 1 3

w w w. k a r t s p o r t s o u t h . c o m

Club Contacts P r e s iden t Alaister Marshall 03 235 8554 027 433 7563 Se c r e ta r y Desiree McAnelly 03 215 8983 C l u b C a p ta in Aaron Murch 03 216 7752 Treasurer Desiree McAnelly 03 215 8983 Me m b e r s h i p John Keast 03 218 2124 Race Nigel McAnelly 03 216 0149 Gill Heslin 03 217 7195

F u ndin g Neville Hamilton 03 2157520 C a n t een Pam Keast 03 213 1432

Newletter & Publicity Richard Wills 021 264 2772 Jamie Conroy 027 736 9518 C o m m i t t ee

Sponsorship Rick Michels 03 217 7543 We b s i t e Jock Hale 03 215 6951 B u i l din g s Wayne Dimmock 03 213 1360 G r o u nd s Aaron Murch, Barry Farquharson, Mike Smith, Chris Burns

Mike Heslin 03 217 7195 Gill Heslin 03 217 7195 Barry Leitch 03 215 9791 Marguerite Leitch 03 215 9791 Neil Anderson 03 215 7096 Isiah Smith 03 217 2715 Barry Farquharson 03 230 4247 Scott Waters 03 217 4317

Upcoming Events D AT E August 2 August 4 August 31 Se p t e m b e r 1 Se p t e m b e r 2 9 October 13 october 25,26,27 N o ve m b e r 2 3 December 7

E V E N T RAC E D AY D UT I E S Annual Prize Giving Craftys Bar from 6.30pm Winter Series Round 2 Clockwise Junior Restricted Southland Series day 1 (Southland) Junior Southland Series day 2 (Otago) Senior Yamaha Club Day Anti clockwise Rotax and Open Club Day Anti clockwise Cadets South Island Sprint Champs Junior Restricted Enduro Junior Xmas Club Day Senior Yamaha

Calendar is subject to change, please keep an eye on the kartsport southland website or the Kartsport Southland facebook page.

editors note Well firstly welcome to the new committee members for the next year. It’s great to see many new members in the club over the last few meetings. We are planning to have a training day on July 6th to start at 1.00pm to help out new members with scrutineering, race day procedure, flag marshaling etc. With a BBQ to follow. Don’t forget Annual Prize Giving on 2nd August with the 2nd round of the winter series on August 4th. Richard Wills



Saturday 6 July, Commencing 1:00 A club get-together with sessions particularly aimed at our newer members. Covering; Race Day process, Flag Marshaling, Scrutineering, Function of Race Officials. All members are encouraged to attend and enjoy some club fellowship away from the rigors of a race day. BBQ at the conclusion

Class Representatives

Cadet - Mike Smith Junior Restricted - Barry Farquharson Junior - Rick Michels Senior Yamaha - Scott Waters Rotax and Open, John Keast and Barry Leitch.

Membership Renewals

Return of Club Trophies

Club Membership is due for renewal NOW, expires 30/6/2013, There will be a key change from the 31/7/2013 Use of track only available to current members. Payment can be made by eftpos or Online Banking

Race Day Duties

Contact John Keast Invercargill Oil Shop Ph. 03 218 2124 • Work Ph. 03 213 1432 • Cell. 027 435 8265 • Hours 8-5pm

Please return trophies in preparation for the Annual Prize Giving on August 2nd. Drop off to John Keast at Invercargill Oil Shop by Friday 12 July. The committee will be allocating duties to classes for set-up and take-down on race days. More to come after next committee meeting.


We need helpers for the canteen, tower & gate If anyone can help please contact Nigel McAnelly ph: 03 216 0149

Full Membership Juniors $55 Seniors $80 Family $110 Social $35

Associates Juniors $30 Seniors $45 Family $55 Social $35

Pit wall sponsors /Advertisers The pit is looking great with the new signs up, there is still a couple to go but they will be up for the Sprint Champs. These are a great way for businesses to get some good value for their advertising money so if you know of a business that might want a spot on the wall, talk to Daryl Shuttleworth 027 489 2892 Don’t forget, without the support of these businesses we wouldn’t have the facilities we have at our track, in return please support the people and businesses that support us.

Racers Report On Queens Birthday weekend the KartSport Nelson and Marlborough clubs held their Central New Zealand Sunbelt Championships. We made the annual pilgrimage to it for what was, unbelievably, our tenth consecutive year. The Sunbelts has always been known as, and still is one of the most enjoyable meetings of the season, with two days of racing against the best in the island on two tracks that couldn’t be more different to each other. The Central New Zealand Sunbelt Championships in Nelson

George Keast came up for his first time to represent our club, and done very well on tracks he’s never been on before, finishing a very credible 8th, with an impressive 5 of the 9 random grid draw heats all in the top 10 in a very competitive Rotax Heavy class. I was racing in KZ2 for a Sunbelts first, and it was a great opportunity to compare myself to the country’s best. The top two guys in the class had just come fresh off of a hard weekend of racing in the North Island Pro Kart Series and it showed, their speed was a step above the rest for the whole weekend. I ended up 4th and left the meeting with a lot of new ideas to try. The big drawcard for the KZ2 class is their standing starts, and this weekend was no different. The narrow main straight at Nelson meant pulling to the outside wasn’t an option so everyone was gunning for the centre which made for some heart-in-throat moments. Blenheim track is one of the longest in the country and my favourite, with long straights, and a great combination of fast and slow corners mixed amongst dips and crests, and plenty of passing opportunities. The back straight and its entry and exit corners were particularly challenging in the KZ2, at times you were heading up over a blind crest through a Stockists and suppliers of EVS and corner completely in the air with one hand gripping the Leatt neck brace and Bionic rib support, wheel while the other was flat out trying to find gears, Alpinestar overalls, gloves, boots and all the time getting pummeled by the huge bumps in wet weather gear. Simpson k 10 helmets, the track as it threw the kart from side to side. Truly Mg red control tyres mg green yellow the scariest and most exhilarating experience of my and wets. Motul, Elf htx, Penrite, Castrol R 2stroke engine oils, Chain oil, racing career. Kart and engine parts.

For all the budding young racers out there this is definitely one meeting to mark on your calendar for next year. The tracks, the weather, the people and the atmosphere are unlike anywhere else in the country. Cheers

Jamie Conroy

EFTPOS and credit cards accepted, John Keast, Invercargill Oil Shop 20 Spey Street, Invercargill 9810 03 218 2124, 0800 228 9645, 027 435 8265 ingilloil@xtra.co.nz


Buy, sell and swap For sale

1x Intrepid cruiser roller on mg tyres $900.00 1 x Arrow X 1 E 28 roller on mg tyres this kart has done about 12 meetings from new 2 x KT 100 Yamaha engines these engines are built and maintained by Stu Spark Kart Supplies. Contact John Keast: 027 4358 265

From the Canteen Hello from the new canteen team! We’ve got a few exciting plans in mind for the canteen. We would like volunteers to help us out for the rest of this year. For the smaller meetings we plan to open the canteen for just a few hours over lunch, not all day, to allow our volunteers time to watch their karters race, and not be tied up in the canteen all day. For the Southern Series and South Island Champs however, we will be open longer as we are hoping to serve breakfast as well. We have the following meetings coming up: • Winter Series Round 2 - 4 August • Club days- 29 September, 13 October, • Southern Series - 31 August • Enduro - 23 November • South Island Champs - Labour Weekend, 24• Christmas Best Pairs - 7 December 27 October (4 day meeting). Please contact us with when you can help, or with any questions you may have. Remember - “Many hands make light work!” Pam Keast & Johanna Jamieson • Ph 03 213 1432 Pam 027 200 6790 • Johanna 027 261 2390 Email johanna.k1984@outlook.co.nz NEW SHOP ON DEE ST BESIDE SELECTRIX PH: 027 434 2018 INVERCARGILLS NEWEST FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED KART SHOP NEW MONACO KARTS, GOOD RANGE OF USED KARTS, WET SUITS, GLOVES, TOOLS, LASERS, AIR TANKS, DUNLOP WETS, MG TYRES, OILS, CHAIN LUBE, SPARK PLUGS. HUGE RANGE OF NEW AND USED KART PARTS FOR MOST MAKES OF KARTS IN STOCK. KART REPAIRS AND SERVICING. Also Southland / Otago suppliers of ORG Racewear Call Daryl 027 489 2892


latest Results Class

D r i v e r R e s u lt

C a de t J o s h Be t h u ne Jack Martinac C o r e y S m i t h Ree f J o l ly Ethan Tuffley J a c k C ay f o r d Jaxon Harvey M a r i ss a A h l f e l d J a mes B l a c k C o r b y n S h u t t l e w o r t h H o l l i e W i l l s T h o m a s H o w d e n - R o y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

J u ni o r Re s t r i c t ed L u c a B u r n s J ay d e S m i t h K h a n d e T h i e r r y K a m r y n Ree d y L o g a n T h o m p s o n F ly n n M a c n a m a r a Mackenzie Wild Is a be l l a W i l d Ta h l H a r d i n g J esse M u i r

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

J u ni o r J o r d a n Mi c h e l s B r o c k W i l l s A l ees h a M o r t o n

1 2 3

Seni o r Ya m a h a Li g h t S c o t t W at e r s Blair Hall Brenley Marshall B r ay d o n S h u t t l e w o r t h K y l e D a w s o n

1 2 3 4 5


N i g e l M c Ane l ly


R o ta x 1 2 5 He a vy Ge o r g e Ke a s t Martin Marshall C r a i g H a r d i n g

1 2 3










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