Netball South Annual Report 2022

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2022 Annual Report

Netball South Board Members

Dean Johnston (Chair) , Angee Shand, Noelene Scott, Kirstin Scully, Shane Youngman and Jackie Barron (NNZ delegate)

Netball South Staff Members





Colleen Bond UMPIRE LEAD

Reinga Bloxham


Dayna Kaio


Lana Morrison COACH LEAD




Matthew Boyle






Contents Board Members and Staff of Netball South 2 From the Board Chair and Chief Executive 3 Life Members 6 Community 7 Pathways 12 Liz Freeman Story 14 2022 Competition Results 15 2022 Honours and Achievements 16 Statement of Accounts 19

From the Board Chair and Chief Executive

On behalf of the directors and staff, greetings and welcome to the tenth annual report of Netball South Zone Incorporated for the year ended 30 November 2022.

Given a year of disruption to core revenue streams, it is testimony to prudent financial and risk management and steadfast support from local funders and commercial partners, that both the Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel and Netball South have posted a modest surplus for the 2022 financial year.

On the community front, the zone has worked hard to grow the value of the partnership it has with the netball centres. Operating and support plans for all centres, plus data and insights have supported robust discussions about local needs, planning and delivery. It is pleasing to have surveys tell us our participants are the most satisfied in the country when it comes to value for money, but there are other important learnings, such as 21% of them believing umpiring is in most need of improvement. We will be rolling up our sleeves on this in 2023.

When it comes to reflecting on how well a zone and our centres can work together there is no better place to look than talent development. In 2022, the zone shifted the Steel Steps Talent Development programme from a regional to a centrebased delivery model, lifting participation by 319% across the Y7 – U18 age groups. The timing and structure of each centre delivery was tailored to the local needs of nine individual centres only achieved through collaboration perseverance.

Another example of this quality collaboration pulled on the heart strings of generations of netball stalwarts in Southland when the zone and two netball centres brought back Southland Country netball. The Southland Country U18 team, along with four

other teams from the South headed to Christchurch in July, to compete at the NZ U18 National Champs. It’s a record number of teams that can only increase, as netball centres see the value of collaboration to create, and in this instance, re-create, affordable and accessible pathway opportunities for netballers.

It was hard to contain the excitement when Claire Malthus, Georgia Heffernan, Kate Heffernan and Kristie Simpson all featured as winners at the New Zealand Netball Awards in December. Kristie Simpson continues to lead the country as the highest performing umpire for the second year in a row, while Claire Malthus received richly deserved recognition winning Administrator of the Year. The hugest honour of all goes to ex-Netball South Board member and legendary netball stalwart Kate Leebody. She was presented with the Queen’s Service Medal for services to netball and the community in November. Over the decades, Kate’s pragmatic wisdom, hard work and loyal friendship makes her a much loved and respected community leader.

Georgia Heffernan’s award for Aspiring Silver Fern caps off a great off season including being a member of the New Zealand Mixed and Men’s team in the Cadbury Series and the Fast5 Ferns. It was also pleasing to see Head Coach Reinga Bloxham and Team Manager Dayna Kaio at the helm of NZA for the Cadbury Series and Assistant Coach Jo Morrison selected as Assistant Coach of the NZ Secondary Schools.

When Covid reared its head and traffic lights switched to red, the Steel franchise was hit on two fronts during the first quarter. Firstly, cancellation of a comprehensive plan of community engagement scheduled for the pre-season, and secondly, crowds at our first three homes games reduced to one hundred people. It was a financial blow to ticketing revenue, but it could have been worse. Reallocating the very limited seats we were able to use during the first three games to our perpetually loyal and deserving VIP members reduced package refunds significantly. The other casualty was the Board’s grand plan to bring the


first ever ANZ Premiership game to Queenstown. Whilst Covid forced a transfer of this game to Invercargill this season, the appetite of the Netball South Board to bring elite netball to the Central Lakes district is as strong as ever. It was good for the soul to see energy back into the foyers and stands buzzing in Dunedin and Invercargill, when excited fans were able to return for the last five homes games of the season.

On the performance front, it was a Steel season of two halves without the ending we dreamed of. Coming fourth and missing out on a Final Series berth, in only the second time in six years, was a disappointing outcome forcing plenty of soul searching.

The first half of the season went to plan. We prepared well for an interesting draw pitting us against the 2021 Premiership Champions, three times in the first six games. We won four of our first six games, finally beating a full- strength Mystics in the third tussle. It was a critical scalp to get. We were perfectly poised to run out the season and make our way into the Final Series if we continued this form but unfortunately it was not to be. With nine games compressed into the five weeks left in the season, Covid finally struck the Steel team. We hoped to recover our early season form when the players returned to play but our performance never achieved the necessary consistency to win a spot in the Final Series.

A highlight from our Steel season was the performance of our young Southern Blast players coming through to support the team when players were out due to illness or injury. The NNL League continues to provide a vital source of talented players able to transition into the elite performance environment seamlessly.

Since the establishment of Netball South ten years ago, one of the strategic goals of the zone has been the financial sustainability of not only Netball South but the Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel as an independent entity. This was under significant pressure in 2022 with revenue declines in both sponsorship and ticketing revenue. The heroes for revenue were

our funders and commercial partners and whilst these revenue streams played their part, our staff worked incredibly hard to keep a lid on costs and make ends meet. We are very proud of this financial result and wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff of Netball South for working so hard to operate within our means.

As the next decade for the zone begins, the heralding in of new Board members continues. At the March AGM, Netball South welcomed newly elected director Kirstin Scully of Dunedin to the Board. Kirstin brings centre governance experience alongside commercial acumen. She replaces director Adrienne Ensor, who after nine years of service, exhausted the tenure limit of nine years set down by the zone’s constitution. Adrienne’s deep understanding of the netball system, commercial and financial leadership and empathy for our grassroots netball communities will be sorely missed. Local Southland business leader Shane Youngman joined the Board later in the year, bringing, among other things, commercial leadership experience. After eight years at the helm, Chief Executive Lana Winders called full-time, moving into a family business leadership role. Her business acumen will be missed by a zone that has grown financial, risk management and performance capability under her leadership. The Netball South board were very pleased to appoint Sonya Fleming to the role of Chief Executive. Sonya has a wealth of knowledge of netball in the South and will ably fill the large void that Lana left. You will see Sonya out in the community a lot throughout 2023.

Netball South thanks all the staff and volunteers at the Centres for their passion and commitment to Netball, and the Southern Steel family of funders, commercial partners and fans for their unwavering support in 2022. A huge thank you to our Netball South board and staff for a great year of hard work and success.






Netball South Zone
organisations referenced or approved
of Netball South Southland Netball Union Robyn Broughton ONZM Velma Brown* Moni Burns MNZM Sylvia Faithful Marie Jenkins Doris McLean* Shirley Stanton Southland Country Union Wyn Hamilton* Kate Leebody Southland Netball Umpires’ Association Jenny Barr Ollie Crighton* Edith Findlay* Edith Gray* Sylvia Harvey Doreen Lange* Netball Southland Colleen Bond MNZM Karen Brown Velma Brown* Teresa Irwin Doreen Hes* Violet Lynch OSM* Sandra Robb Netball Otago Centres Ngaire Benfell Margaret Bennie Yvonne Brew Margaret Bruss MNZM* Joyce Buchan* Norma Burns Violet Byers* Lyn Cartwright Ann Conder Joan Davies Pauline Dodds Liz Farquar Maisie Glenn Julie Grave Wilma Hendry Noeline Hollows Sally Jackways Eileen Johnston Elaine Kay May Laws* Doris Lloyd* Colleen Lyons MNZM Dame Lois Muir DNZM OBE Pam McCloy Pam McRae Ann O’Brien Eleanor Ormandy Kathy Rawcliff Sheryll Roy* Georgina Salter* MNZM Lorraine Tapp Audrey Thurlow* Frances Trotter Doreen Tucker QSM Clare Wallace Dorothy Weir Lynette Willocks Lena McTaggart* Judy Young Netball South Zone Alison Cormack Julie Erskine Virginia Baker Anne Brown Debbie Hodges Adrienne Ensor Deceased* Pre-Zone Establishment Netball Southland Recipients Sandra Robb Linda Drain Colleen Bond Pauline Henry Mureen Turfrey Bev McDonald Anne Brown Sue Lindsay Trish Lindsay Paul O’Connor Lee Piper Fiona Ward Julie Erskine Peter Heenan Debbie Hodges Marie Strong* Virginia Baker Alison Cormack Post-Zone Establishment Cheryl Blair Jono Bredin Dianne Dickens Adrienne Ensor Elizabeth Freeman Clare Malthus Jo Morrison Lauren Piebenga Ngami Prattley* Anne Reid Noelene Scott Kerry Seymour Janine Southby Joan-Lea Wilson Vicki-Lynn Hubber Teresa Alexander Kirstin Scully Christine Karena Maree McMillan Tracey Powley Jean Rowley Jill Templeton Lyn Wilson Dana Turnbull Nicki Paterson Brenda Stevens Lois Muir intercepts the ball during the Silver Ferns first ever win over Australia in 1960 SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS 6
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were either transferred from the
under the auspices


An important role for Netball South is to support the building of capability of our netball centres.

At the beginning of 2022 we worked proactively with centres finalising support plans to determine and meet their local priorities. The one-page plans provided key focuses for our community lead staff in umpiring, coach, participation, NetballSmart and pathways, enabling them to support the centres in these areas. This is a great example of truly embedding Poipoia into our Zone.

There were a few curve balls thrown in with COVID raring its head again at the start of the year, initially impacting momentum. When a degree of normality returned we did our best to support our centres to complete their priorities. A lot of learnings were taken from the process in 2022 with improvements being made going forward.

During the season, our community team ploughed into work, with player, coach, NetballSmart and participation opportunities championed throughout the centres.

Our netball festivals were a great success in 2022 with the highest involvement of teams across all three festivals since they changed to participation events. We had 85 teams in Southland, 71 in Otago and 80 in Central Lakes. The festivals are great opportunities for children to participate in netball and have a wonderful day making memories. In all of our local events and tournaments we embedded NetballSmart, umpiring, coach and player support. This gave us a greater connection across the whole netball system with our community to help support the capability of the volunteers.

The Netball South team conducted thorough data analysis of activity across the zone for the year at the end of the season. This provided valuable insight to form discussions with our centres during the planning stages and in-depth analysis of the areas to direct our support and reset priorities as a zone for 2023.

The Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel started their “Real Steel Southern Roadie” at the end of 2022 visiting Queenstown, Wanaka and Cromwell. The local centres supported these events with over 250 children connecting with the Steel players. A big thank you to Golden Homes Central Lakes for sponsoring these events and making it all possible.

Congratulations to all our centres for delivering excellent netball opportunities in 2022 during another challenging year. We acknowledge all of the hard-working volunteers and staff who continue to support and grow the game in the South. We are committed to partnering with our centres to build the capability of volunteers and staff to keep providing quality experiences across our zone and look forward to working even closer in 2023.


Coach development in 2022 focused on the newly created centre plans with each document highlighting what each was looking to provide for its coaches. As this was a new initiative for both the centres and Netball South, many lessons were learnt on both sides over the course of the year and we are well placed for 2023.

Highlights included growth in the type of coach development offered and a small shift into local delivery. 70 coach workshops were delivered across the Zone from FutureFERNS right through to Community Coach Award Level 2. There was a broader focus on non-framework workshops, with an across the Zone delivery of Contemporary Constraints Coaching methods by Nic Kelly, one of New Zealand’s leading experts in this field. This challenged and excited coaches throughout the zone.


On top of workshop delivery, there was more sideline support for coaches at tournaments and zone- related activities, where coach support was layered into events. More coaches took up the opportunity to have formal and informal coach observations with verbal and written feedback.

At the end of the season Netball South undertook a comprehensive coach survey which provided some statically valid and valuable feedback. One of the most striking statistics gathered was that 64% of adult team coaches had experienced a minimum of three coach development opportunities and all of them had attended both a physical workshop and a zoom workshop in the last three years.


Netball South showed good support for umpires and bench officials across all levels of the game with opportunities and development. With the introduction of the Sport Tutor and the NNZ catalogue available for education, learning and qualifications all combined online, it was the place to gain a NNZ Umpire Centre theory qualification plus learning benefits of rule knowledge.

Recommended by the zone as a priority for centres in 2022 was encouraging players and new umpire members to go online and attempt this module and test – most importantly to benefit rule knowledge and umpire participation. Results showed an excellent response from some centres which achieved a high number of successes in their participation.

Dunedin Centre was courageous and are to be congratulated in making it compulsory for players through several grades within their competition to achieve this prior to taking the court in the 2022 season. A total of approximately 800 members registered for this paper with approximately 750 gaining an Umpire Centre theory pass. There were also smaller centres achieving very good numbers too.

A high number of umpires achieved excellent pass results across the NNZ theory exams - Zone and NZ levels – thanks to the experienced tutors preparing and assisting umpires gaining these higher qualifications.

Although recovering from the major Covid interruptions of 2020/21, there were still periods of wellbeing effects among our umpires and coach assessors in 2022, stretching ground support.

South Zone tournaments provided many young umpires opportunities to gain experience at various levels throughout the Future Ferns programme and various age group teams specific events of participation.

One new NZC Award, one NZC Endorsement, eight new Zone Award Q and two Zone E were achieved – a fabulous result.

The Celebration Box U18 NZ Championships in Christchurch provided an opportunity to align an umpire with acceptable requirements to the six teams representing our zone. Angela McDonald – Central Lakes; Maia Cavanagh – Dunedin Centre; Shannon Michelle – Invercargill; Gabby Trotter – North Otago; Alannah Robinson – Southland Country; Keyle Brown –Whakatipu; Bryn Boyes – Marlborough.

Congratulations to Alannah Robinson who was appointed to officiate the final and then to the NZ Open Championships in Palmerston North. Alannah’s achievements have been recognised with the Louise Smith Talented Umpire Award.

Our high performance umpires Kristie Simpson and Sasha McLeod were members of the national squad. This talented pair represented the South strongly at a range of international and national fixtures.

Kristie Simpson - an incredible milestone achieved umpiring a record 120 national league matches after taking charge of the Magic v Steel game in May 2022. Truly an outstanding


achievement. Kristie was also awarded ANZ Premiership Umpire of the Year 2022 for a second consecutive season. Kristie has been awarded the Colleen Bond Umpire of the Year Award. Congratulations Kristie – we are all very proud of your magnificent achievements.

Kristie was appointed to the following international events: Cadbury Series – Silver Ferns, NZA Team, NZ Men, NZ Mixed Men in Auckland. England Vitality Roses v Australia in Newcastle, Sydney and Brisbane.

Sasha McLeod - gained a World Netball appointment to umpire at the Oceania World Cup netball qualifiers held in Fiji. Sasha umpired at the 2022 Fast 5 (men’s section) in Christchurch, earning appointment to the final between the NZ Men v Australia Men. Well done Sasha.

With an emphasis on umpires locally officiating in their own centre competitions, many gained opportunities at a range of tournaments, including the Synergy Hair Netball League, U18’s, Otago and Southland Secondary School Championship in Invercargill and a tournament for Year 9 and 10 teams from across the zone held over two days in Dunedin. Several young umpires performed with outstanding skill to gain recognition with a finals appointment.

Boding well for the future, secondary school student umpires impressed with several gaining Zone and NZC Qualifying Awards. Committed to ensuring our emerging talent continues to thrive, netball in Southland and Otago benefits from a dedicated contingent of umpire coaches/coach assessors and coach developers who have had a slightly interrupted introduction. Much focus will continue identifying future coach developers to enable umpire coaches and assessors to extend greater support and development to our officials.

Although 2020 started a changed way of learning, 2022 has given everyone the opportunity to consolidate innovative ways of learning through online zooms for coach/coach assessor, proving to be a very effective way of delivery.

The hero of umpire development was the exemplary work done locally at the centres. It was not easy getting umpire coach assessors into games to support umpires in Alert Level 2 conditions for some centres, making the gains in qualifications achieved by many umpires exceptional given the impact of COVID-19.


Alannah Robinson, Alison Cormack, Alone Trainor, Belinda Knapp, Carol Chamberlain, Colleen Bond, Ellen Waide, Kathy Ferguson, Kirsty Brame, Kristie Simpson, Liz Cairns, Maree McMillan, Richard Jocelyn, Sasha McLeod.

Netball South Zone Coach/Coach Assessors

Allanah Cunningham, Adrienne Ensor, Alexis Wadworth, Anne Mitchell, Becky Slade, Emma Martin, Irene Mather, Jenny Pitcaithly, Jo Babe, Kerry Seymour, Michelle Findlater, Rachel Smith, Tania Pleace, Teresa Alexandra, Tina Williamson.

Netball South Centre Coach/Coach Assessors

Alice Read, Allison McDonald C, Angela McDonald Anne Meffan, Ashleigh Sinclair, Bronwyn Walsh, Carolyn Milne, Christine Dyer, David Kitea (C), Deb Kinder, Elaisa Chapman, Emily Taylor (C), Gabby Knapp, Gail Shanks, Gail Wylie C, Hamish Pinckney C, Hilary Smith, Jenny Bruce, Jana van Niekerk C, Jo Shaw, JoanLea Wilson, Karyn Quaid, Kathi Scott, Keyle Brown, Kylie Batchelor, Liz Freeman, Lou Dougherty C, Megan Lindsay C, Natasha Lake, Nivonne Schultz, Renee Brown, Rachel Fowler, Raewyn King, Renee Webster, Rochelle Gordon, Savanna Steele C, Sharon Eade, Sue Morrison-Bailey C, Susan Fitzgibbon, Thea Pinckney C, Tracey Gibson.


There has been good cohesion between benchies in our Zone in 2022 and the improvements and changes occurring, although challenging, are not proving an issue for us. There have been some great training opportunities within the INC, Eastern Netball and Dunedin centres and Netball South competitions bringing a lot of new cadets to the bench. Team performance at tournaments was excellent and we can be proud of the achievements. Tournament attending for revalidations and accreditations has been addressed with a four-year revalidation period. This will take the pressure off trying to get everyone through in the appropriate year. This year there was a great opportunity with the SIST and Steel pre-season in Dunedin, providing a good opening to do some training for the Dunedin-based officials.

Southland Wide League

Availability of benchies again this year was a challenge but we managed to cover all games with at least two. Split venues do continue to create some problems but staggering times for games in Invercargill was a huge help.







Netball South and the Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel would like to thank our loyal family of sponsors and community funders. Their support makes our success a reality.



2022 was a big year in our pathways space. After a thorough review of all of our pathway programmes, a new focus in the zone pathway operational plan saw a significant change from previous years where the development programmes were delivered regionally, limiting the accessibility to participants. In 2022 each centre was given an opportunity to opt for the level of support they required from the zone to deliver the Steel Steps Centre Development Programme. This provided both zone and centre with clear guidelines of roles and responsibilities which enabled the programmes to be delivered successfully with a 319% increase in attendance across all age groups from previous years.

As part of our ongoing pathways programmes, 80 players were selected to be in the 2022 Steel Steps Accelerator Programme late last year. Unfortunately, due to COVID we were unable to deliver our three-day camp in Alexandra, however with the help of our Southern Steel players, we were able to deliver online sessions to all players which covered topics such as game day preparation, specialist positional advice and other tips and tricks of what it is like to be a high performance athlete.

Netball South was pleased to host both the Otago Secondary School and Southland Secondary School tournaments in June and July. These are always a fantastic display of our best secondary school players and enable teams to prepare for their pinnacle event later in the season, the South Island Secondary School Championship. This year, the south zone was very well represented in the final placings across all three grades. A special mention to Columba College and St Hilda’s Collegiate who placed in the top five of A grade and went on to compete in Porirua in October at the NZ Secondary School Championship, along with Cromwell College who took out the B Grade final and will be promoted to A Grade in 2023. Eleven players from the south were selected in the tournaments.


The 2022 Steel team had a familiar look about it with seven players returning from the previous season. We welcomed back Georgia Heffernan and recruited two championship-winning players in Kate Burley and Saviour Tui.

Our management team welcomed Andrew Macintosh and Stacey Allen as team physiotherapists.

When new members come into your team it is always a good time to reflect and think about what you do and why. Our new members brought their own experience and innovation and we worked together to give our team a winning edge. With a new shooting end we were somewhat unknown and untested. We built two solid combinations and exposed Georgia and Saviour to time in the ANZP every week. As they played more minutes they were able to show what they could do individually and competed to hold on to the GA bib. George Fisher provided a steady anchor in the back and the attack end found its flow to produce some stunning netball performances.

The defensive end built a collective pressure that starved teams of flow and disrupted timing, allowing them gain ball through interceptions from great unit defence.

All was tracking well and we managed to beat a full strength Mystics team at home to hold onto the Georgie Salter Memorial trophy. Fast forward two days and COVID hit the team hard. With five players testing positive within 24 hours our team was in isolation. As the team recovered our management team were outstanding in managing their return to play protocols for each player which proved to be a fine balancing act. Although we worked hard to ensure that COVID wouldn’t define our season, we did struggle to get back to that winning performance culture we had begun to create before it hit. I was very proud in the way Andrew lead and monitored each player back safely to the court with always putting their well-being first. This was no easy task.

As we kept bouncing back to the court we then had to navigate our way through a condensed competition where we had nine games in five weeks with most of those on the road. We had a disappointing end to the season where we battled to gain consistency and struggled to perform under pressure when it mattered most.

Although we finished fourth we still had plenty to be proud of including beating every team in the competition. We had three players earn Silver Fern trials (Shannon Saunders, Kate Heffernan and Kate Burley) with Shannon and Kate making the Commonwealth Games team. Dayna Kaio was named the manager for the NZA team with Reinga named head coach of NZA and then elevated to the Silver Ferns while Noeline Taurua had COVID.

The end of the 2022 season saw Michael Jacobs step down from his role as the head strength and conditioning coach. He had been with the team for eight years, amounting over 100 games in his time with two championships included. He left the players he coached in a better condition than they arrived in. His straight-forward approach and innovation will be missed but we are thankful for all the passion, creativity and drive he gave to us. Thank you Mikey.

The 2023 season will be a step up for all those involved as a thorough review of the 2022 season allowed us to identify areas of importance moving forward to help us get back to the top.


Jo Morrison was re-appointed head coach of the Southern Blast team, along with assistant coach Abbey McKenzie. The 2022 season saw a new look Southern Blast team selected, with only five players returning from last year’s squad of 16. The average age of this year’s team was 19.5 years old with half of the team being school leavers. So, it was a season of rebuilding and experiencing the weekly demands and expectations of performance netball at the NNL level. With eight games played the Blast placed fifth overall with some exciting netball as they grew in confidence towards to the end of the season.

The alignment and integration of the Southern Blast and Southern Steel has been developing well over the past two seasons, with four Southern Blast players getting an opportunity to take the court for the Steel team during this season and one of our Blast players being contracted to the Southern Steel for 2023.


It was great to see five U18 teams competing at the U18 National Tournament in Christchurch in July. Teams from Invercargill, Southland Country, Central Lakes, Wakatipu, Dunedin and North Otago played over the four-day tournament in some very trying weather conditions. It was a great opportunity for players, coaches, managers and umpires to go up against the best in the country in the only age group national tournament that is held in New Zealand throughout the season. Final placings saw Invercargill finish 7th, Dunedin 9th, Central lakes 19th, Southland Country 21st, North Otago 32nd and Wakatipu 36th.


A highlight for our top secondary school players was the selection of 11 players to the National Development Camp - South Island in Ashburton in January. The players were put through a vigorous programme over three days lead by NZ Secondary School coaches and NNL coaches. This was part of the selection process for the NZ Secondary School Squad which assembled later in the year in Auckland to play a quadrangular tournament. Emilie Nicholson from Dunedin Netball Centre was one of three South Island players invited to attend the NZSS trial and was selected in the NZSS A team along with Jo Morrison as one of the NZSS A coaches.


Fifty years of netball service rewarded

Losing an eye did not deter one Otago woman’s love for netball.

Liz Freeman, of Balclutha, was recently recognised for her 50 uninterrupted years of umpiring and service in netball.

She has played and umpired netball since she was marching in high school, and played until she had her two children. She now umpires games alongside junior umpires who are starting out and loves managing primary school youngsters into the ways of the umpiring world.

But it has not been all fun and games for the passionate umpire.

‘‘I found out that I had Coats Disease, which is a retinal detachment in my eye. As well as that, I had a range of other fun things which ended up in the removal of my eye in 1996,’’ Mrs Freeman said.

The incident did not dampen her passion for the game. She was back for the next season of the sport and continued to umpire keen netballers on Saturdays.

‘‘I think it’s my most significant quality. I can safely claim myself to be the only one-eyed umpire in South Otago, and I can still catch everything on the court,’’ she joked.

She was awarded a life membership for South Otago netball in 2013 and had also received a Netball South Service Award.

Mrs Freeman noted the changes and highlights of South Otago netball over her years.

‘‘One of my favourite memories was definitely getting the internal courts and the building of the [Cross] Recreation Centre for Balclutha. I remember we used to have the outdoor courts and during those winter mornings we’d be out beating ice off the court so the kids could play netball,’’ she said.

‘‘I also remember being the sole umpire before they had dual umpires on each side of the court. We would have to run around the entirety of the courts, which was more than a good jog. It was a big relief when they introduced dual umpires.’’

‘‘Rules have also definitely changed over the years. There tend to be changes when the World Cup is on, so we might see some more changes next year.’’

She acknowledged her husband Raymond and her family for supporting her many hours spent umpiring over the years.

‘‘I definitely couldn’t have done it without their support. I remember taking the kids when they were young in prams and I would get them or someone around to push the wee ones while I was busy,’’ she said.

She said her passion for bringing new umpires into the game remained undiminished.

‘‘These are kids I have seen around the Recreation Centre when they first start playing, and then I get to continue to educate and let them grow through both the sport and umpiring.’’

‘‘Umpiring has always given me a great buzz, and I’m definitely not stopping yet.’’


2022 Competitions

Competitions run by Netball South in 2022 resulted in the following placings;

Southland Premier Netball League


1st Southern MG Rata

2nd MLT AB Lime Ex High

3rd Southland Girls High School Senior A


1st Riverton Saints

2nd Northern Tavern St Marys Men

3rd Rata Raptors

Otago Secondary School Championships


1st Columba College Senior A

2nd St Hildas Senior A

3rd Taieri Senior A


1st Bayfield High School Senior A

2nd Roxburgh Senior A

3rd Blue Mountain College Senior A


1st Columba College Senior B

2nd St Hildas Senior B

3rd Mt Aspiring College Senior B


1st Otago Girls High School Year 10A

2nd St Hildas Year 10A

3rd Wakatipu High School Year 10A


1st St Hildas Year 9A

2nd Columba College Year 9A

3rd Taieri College Year 9A

Southland Secondary School Championships


1st Southland Girls High School Senior A

2nd Gore High School Senior A

3rd Wakatipu High School Senior A


1st Aparima College Senior A

2nd Fiordland College Senior A

3rd Wakatipu High School Senior B


1st James Hargest College Year 10A

2nd Southland Girls High School Year 10A

3rd Central Southland College Year 10A


1st Central Southland College Year 9A

2nd Wakatipu High School Year 9A

3rd Southland Girls High School Year 9A

Southland Primary School Festival

Netball festival over two days with 85 teams participating from around Southland, ranging from Year 5-8.

Otago Primary School Festival

Netball festival over two days with 71 teams participating from around Otago, ranging from Year 5-8.

Central Lakes Primary School Festival

Netball festival over two days with 80 teams participating from around Central Lakes, ranging from Year 5-8.



Honours and Achievements

In 2022 Netball South players, teams, coaches, officials and administrators continued to make an important contribution to regional, national and international netball. These honours demonstrate excellence and this list would not be as large without a very strong netball base in the zone. Each individual or team honour represents many more at lower levels. Success at the top sets the standard for others to aspire to. Role models are essential to the success of netball in our zone and we are proud to have a significant number of them.

National Teams Selections

NZ Silver Ferns Team

Shannon Saunders, Kate Heffernan

Silver Ferns Development Squad/NZ A

Kate Burley

Fast5 Ferns

Kate Burley, Georgia Heffernan

NZ Secondary Schools Squad

Emilie Nicholson – Columba College

Queen’s Service Medal

Kate Leebody Southland Country

Union for services to netball and the community

Netball New Zealand Awards

Aspiring Silver Ferns

Georgia Heffernan

Fan Favourite

Kate Heffernan

Volunteer Administrator of Year

Clare Malthus

ANZ Premiership Umpire of the Year

Kristie Simpson

Southern Steel Netball South Gala Awards

Steel Player of the Year

Shannon Saunders

Steel People’s Choice MVP

Shannon Saunders

Wendy Frew Medal

Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit

Steel Personality of the Year

Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit

Steel Community Engagement Award

Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit

Steel Most Improved Player Award

Saviour Tui

Blast Player of the Year

Kate Hartley

Blast Most Improved Player

Grace Southby

ILT Southland Sports Awards

Administrator of Year Award

Sonya Fleming

Junior Sportsperson of the Year

Losa Fifita

2022 Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel Team

Shannon Saunders (Captain)

Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit (ViceCaptain)

Kate Burley

George Fisher

Kate Heffernan

Georgia Heffernan

Renee Savai’inaea

Saviour Tui

Ali Wilshier

Sarahpheinna Woulf

Head coach: Reinga Bloxham

Assistant coach: Jo Morrison

Manager: Dayna Kaio

Physiotherapists: Andrew Mackintosh, Stacey Allan

Strength and conditioning: Michael

Jacobs, Johanna Leitch

Training partners: Ivari Christie, Losa Fifita, Kiana Pelasio

2022 Netball South Southern Blast


Ivari Christie

Harriett Cuttance

Losa Fifita

Kate Hartley

Isabella Galvan

Kiana Pelasio

Grace Southby

Ana Taka

Della Vining

Georgia White

Head coach: Jo Morrison

Assistant coach: Abbey McKenzie

Manager: Steph Brenssell

Physio: Brett Woodley

Strength and conditioning:

Lexie Jones-Hall

Nutritionist: Zoey Tully

National Development

Camp South Island

Lucy Shirley

Southland Girls High School

Emilie Nicholson

Columba College

Gemma Rowcroft

St Hilda’s Collegiate School

Abby Harris

Otago Girls’ High School

Hannah Symon

Southland Girls’ High School

Ella Southby

St Hilda’s Collegiate School

Alex Hopcroft

Southland Girls’ High School

Bernice Cullen

St Hilda’s Collegiate School

Praise Hola

Otago Girls’ High School

Maraea Te Huia

Southland Girls’ High School

Riley Piebenga

Columba College

Specialist Coach: Jo Morrison



Katie Oliver Invercargill

Kiana Brown Dunedin

Kierah McMaster Wakatipu

Libby Crawford Invercargill

Lulu Middleton Wakatipu

Maddy Tulafono Wakatipu

Madi Lovelock Upper Clutha

Madie Hill Central Otago

Meg Riley Invercargill

Mikayla Colvin Central Southland

Olivia Gill Central Southland

Olivia Ludemann South Otago

Renee Geddes Dunedin

Ruby Hore Dunedin

Ruby Duffy Invercargill

Ruby Fox North Otago

Ruby Smith South Otago

Ryleigh Makiiti Dunedin

Shanti Kara Dunedin

Tafu Poasa North Otago

Teuila Tasi-Cordtz Dunedin

Tupou Kautai North Otago

Year 11 & 12:

Abbie Middlemass Invercargill

Anna Templeton Invercargill

Billie Craig Dunedin

Brenna Lyons Dunedin

Bridget O’Malley Wakatipu

Ella Southby Dunedin

Ellie Bedwell Eastern Southland

Emilie Nicholson Dunedin

Franki Campbell Central Southland

Georgia Spek Dunedin

Holly McRae Dunedin

Isabella Soper Upper Clutha

Jade Hamilton Invercargill

Jorja Belt North Otago

Lucy White Central Southland

Lucy Morrison Dunedin

Maddison Pask Central Otago

Madisyn Wills Dunedin

Mayce Williams Central Otago

Milasa Finau Central Otago

Millie Scott Dunedin

Mya Nicol North Otago

Neeve Kean Eastern Southland

Neve Graamans Dunedin

Neve Beattie Dunedin

Olivia Piebenga Central Otago

Olivia Mavor North Otago

Perri Hore Dunedin

Poppy Nicholas Invercargill

Praise Hola Dunedin

Rachael Miller Eastern Southland

Ruby Flannery Dunedin

Shayla Tamakehu Central Otago

Siahn Nilsen Invercargill

Sophia Tutty Dunedin

Giovanna O’Donnell Invercargill

Holly Keen Central Southland

Holly Rutherford Central Southland

Holly Cunliffe Invercargill

Izzy Burgess Wakatipu

Jessie Winter Upper Clutha

Kate Perkins Eastern Southland

Maisie Grufferty Wakatipu

Milla Cashmore Dunedin

Millie MacKenzie Dunedin

Millie East Upper Clutha

Mya Brocket Dunedin

Primrose Johnson Wakatipu

Rubi Whangapirita-Edwards Eastern Southland

Sophie Willans Central Southland

Sophie Ferguson MENZIES

South Island Secondary Schools Talented Players Squad Holly McRae Columba College Emilie Nicholson Columba College Hannah Symon Southland Girls’ High School Alex Hopcroft Southland Girls’ High School Gemma Rowcroft St Hilda’s Collegiate School Ella Southby St Hilda’s Collegiate School Abby Harris Otago Girls’ High School Grace Tiko Cromwell College Milasa Finau Cromwell College Maddi Pask Cromwell College Gabbi Winkel Gore High School
Steps Accelerator Programme 2022/2023 Year 10 & 11: Abby McKinney South Otago Anabelle Batchelor Dunedin Anais Hall Central Southland Anasta Price Invercargill Anna McMullen Eastern Southland Avie Morgan Central Otago Aya Moetaua Dunedin Brooke Huddleston Central Otago Charlotte Jesperson Central Southland Courtney Scanlan Eastern Southland Cydney McAlwee Dunedin Ella Donnelly Eastern Southland Elly Baird Invercargill Emmy Marshall South Otago Eve Sinnamon Central Otago Georgia Grumball Eastern Southland Georgina Titterton Dunedin Georgina Te Kanawa Dunedin Giselle Hagan Dunedin Grace Tiko Central Otago Grace Bamber Dunedin Gracey Clunie North Otago Hannah Tufui Invercargill Hannah Middlemass Invercargill Hunter McLay North Otago Isabella Firman North Otago Isla Officer Invercargill Joanna Ellenden Invercargill Kara Trounce
Shannon Saunders being acknowledged for her incredible 150 combined ANZ National League matches for Southern Steel, during the Steel v Mystics game at ILT Stadium Southland on 17 April 2022.

Umpire Appointments


Kristie Simpson

Cadbury Series – Silver Ferns, NZA Team, NZ Men, NZ Mixed Men –Auckland, England Vitality Roses v Australia – Newcastle, Sydney, Brisbane

Sasha McLeod

World Cup Qualifiers – Oceania Region, Fiji, Fast Five Men’s Grade: NZ Men, England, Australia – Christchurch, Men’s Final – Australia v NZ

Jonathan Bredin

ITP Cadet, World Netball Rules

Committee - Hawkes Bay

Colleen Bond

World Netball - ITP (International Testing Panel), Asia QWNC – Singapore, UAP (Umpire Assessment Panel)

National Squad

Kristie Simpson, Sasha McLeod

ANZ Premiership

Kristie Simpson

Round robin

Reserve, Elimination Final, Invercargill

Appointed – Final, Auckland

Sasha McLeod

Round robin

Colleen Bond


NNZ Celebration Box U18

Championships – Christchurch

South Zone Umpires aligned with the following teams:

Alannah Robinson – Southland Country. (Appointed - Final)

Angela McDonald – Central Lakes

Bryn Boyes – Marlborough

Gabby Trotter – North Otago

Keyle Brown – Wakatipu

Maia Cavanagh – Dunedin

Shannon Michelle – Invercargill

NNZ Open Nationals - Palmerston North

Alannah Robinson - Eastern Southland

NNZ SS Nationals – Porirua

Keyle Brown - Dunedin

Shannon Michelle - Invercargill

Colleen Bond – Coaching panel

South Island Secondary Schools

Tournament –Timaru

Finals Appointments

A Grade final

Keyle Brown - Dunedin

Shannon Michelle – Invercargill

B Grade final

Neleah Manderson (reserve) – Dunedin

C Grade final

Ilse du Plessis (reserve) – Central Southland

SISS Talent Umpires (x5 only) – Timaru

Ilse du Plessis - Central Southland

Umpire Awards

NZ Netball Awards 2022

ANZ Premiership Umpire of the Year

Kristie Simpson

Colleen Bond Umpire of the Year Award

2022 (Zone Trophy)

Kristie Simpson

Louise Smith Talented Umpire of the Year

Award 2022 (Southland Trophy)

Alannah Robinson

IUA Endorsement 2022


NNZ C Award Qualification

Keyle Brown (Dunedin)

NZC Award Endorsement

Belinda Knapp (Eastern Southland)

NNZ Zone Award Qualification

Genna Woodward, Ilse du Plessis, Teri McCracken, Nicole Sharp (Central Southland), Jess Cairns, Jaymee Robinson (Eastern Southland), Caylah Veale (Dunedin), Paula Bray (Invercargill)

NNZ Zone Award Endorsement

Toni McKee, Jackie Borland (Invercargill)

NNZ Theory, E1

Bryn Boyes, Dunedin; Katy Bryan (Central Southland), Jaymee Robinson, Jess Cairns, (Eastern Southland)

NNZ Zone Theory

E1: Gina Woodward, Sarah Beck (Central Southland)

E2: Ashlee McLeod, Kylie O’Brien, Courtney O’Brien (Dunedin), Jess Cairns, Ann Meffan, Dhana Stewart, Hannah Stewart, Jaymee Robinson, Shanae

Allan (Eastern Southland), Gabbie

Guise, Kristina Harden, Wynetta Fisher (Invercargill), Jessica Allan (South Otago), Grace Moir, Isla Redgrave (Central Otago), Jessie Winter, Sara Jewell, Sarah Graham (Upper Clutha).

Bench Appointments

NZ Open – Palmerston North

Attended by: Kristina Harden & Nikki Gay

NZ Secondary Schools – Porirua

NZ Open – Palmerston North

Attended by: Julie Erskine, Sharron Ridd, Kerry Davey and Tania Pleace

Bench Qualifications

National Revalidations

Julie Erskine, Pam Potter, Sharron Ridd, JoanLea Wilson, Lyn Wilson, Karen Bamford, Amanda Colquhoun, Kerry

Davey, Christine Thomlinson and Kylie Ratten – all revalidated 2022

National Accreditation

Kristina Harden and Nikki Gay gained their National Accreditation


National qualified: 32 (20 Southlandbased and 12 Otago-based)

Zone qualified: 4 (2 Southland-based and 2 Otago-based)

Contents Independent Auditor’s Report 2 Special Purpose Statement of Financial Performance 4 Special Purpose Statement of Movements in Equity 5 Special Purpose Statement of Financial Position 6 Notes to the Special Purpose Financial Statements 7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Netball South Zone Incorporated For the year ended 30 November 2022


To the Members of Netball South Zone Incorporated

Report on the Audit of the Special PurposeFinancial Statements


We have audited the financial statements of Netball South Zone Incorporated ('the Society') on pages 4 to 8, which comprise the special purpose statement of financial position as at 30 November 2022, and the special purpose statement of financial performance and special purpose statement of movements in equity for the year then ended, and the special purpose notes to the financial statements, including significant accounting policies

In our opinion, the accompanying special purpose financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Society as at 30 November 2022, and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with the Basis of Reporting per Note 1.

Our report is made solely to the Members of the Society. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Members of the Society those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Members of the Society as a body, for our audit work, for our report or for the opinions we have formed.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand) ('ISAs (NZ)'). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Society in accordance with Professional and Ethical Standard 1 (Revised) International Code of Ethics for Assurance Practitioners (including International Independence Standards) (New Zealand) issued by the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (‘IESBA Code’), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, Netball South Zone Incorporated.

Emphasis of Matter – Basis of Preparation

We draw attention to Note 1 of the special purpose financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The special purpose financial statements are prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in page 7. As a result, the special purpose financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Our report is intended solely for the Society and the Members of the Society and should not be distributed to parties other than the Society or the Members Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.

2 Level 9, 45 Queen Street, Auckland 1010 PO Box 3899, Auckland 1140 New Zealand T: +64 9 309 0463 F: +64 9 309 4544 E: W:

Responsibilities of Those Chargedwith Governance for the Special PurposeFinancial Statements

Those Charged with Governance are responsible on behalf of the Society for the preparation and fair presentation of the special purpose financial statements in accordance with the Basis of Reporting per Note 1, and for such internal control as Those Charged with Governance determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the special purpose financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the special purpose financial statements, Those Charged with Governance are responsible on behalf of the Society for assessing the Society’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless Those Charged with Governance either intend to liquidate the Society or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Special PurposeFinancial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the special purpose financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (NZ) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these special purpose financial statements

A further description of the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the special purpose financial statements is located at the External Reporting Board’s website at:

Auckland, New Zealand

17 February 2023



The notes on pages 7 to 8 form part of, and should be read in conjunction with these special purpose financial statements

SPECIAL PU R PO SE S TA TE ME NT O F FINAN CIA L PE R FO R MA NCE fortheyearended30November2022 NSZ I NSZ I 2022 2021 $000 $000 Note Operating Revenue 3 2 2, 230 2,291 Operating Expenses 3 2 2, 218 2,284 O perating Surplus 12 7 N Net s urplus for the year 12 7
Page 4 4


SP ECIAL PURPOSE STATE ME NT O F MO VEM EN TS IN EQUITY for the year ended 30 November 2022

The notes on pages 7 to 8 form part of, and should be read in conjunction with these special purpose financial statements

N NSZ I NSZ I 2022 202 1 $000 $00 0 Members Equi ty at begi nning of year 14 7 Operating Surplus for year 1 12 7 T Total Recogni sed revenues and expenses for the peri od 12 7 Members Equi ty at end of year 26 14
Page 5 5



S igned for and on behalf of the Board: Dean Johnston (Board Chair)

Date: 17th Febru ary 2023

The notes on pages 7 to 8 form part of, and should be read in conjunction with these special purpose financial statements

PO SITIO N as at 30 November 2022 NSZ I NSZ I 2022 2021 $000 $000 A s sets Cash and cash equivalents 102 173 Accounts Receivable 32 16 Prepayments 35 16 Tootal Cu rrent A ss ets 169 205 Plant and Equipment 5 11 5 Tootal Non Cu rrent A s sets 11 5 Total A s sets 180 210 Members Eq u ity 26 14 Liabilities Creditors and Accruals 4 141 93 Income Received in Advance 7 91 GST Payable 6 12 Total Liabilities 1 154 196 T Total Eq u ity & Liabi lities 180 210
Page 6 6

Netball South Z one Incorporated

Notes to the Speci al Pu rpos e Fi nanci al Statements

For the Year E nded 30 November 2022

1 Accoun tin g Policies


Netball South Zone Incorporated (NSZI) is an Incorporated Society in New Zealand, incorporated in November 2012. NSZI is a Public Benefit Entity. The special purpose financial statements have been prepared in accordance with s23(i) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted in the preparation and presentation of the special purpose financial statements. The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated:


The special purpose financial statements have been prepared applying the accounting principles of accrual accounting and double entry accounting, and have been prepared on the basis of historical cost.

The special purpose financial statements comprise of Statement of Financial Position, Performance, Movements in Equity and accounting policies as well as the notes to these statements. The special purpose financial statements are presented in New Zealand Dollars (NZ$).


The special purpose financial statements have been prepared on a going-concern basis, which contemplates continuity of normal business activities and the realisation of assets and the settlement of liabilities in the ordinary course of business. The Members consider it appropriate for these special purpose financial statements to be prepared on a going concern basis.

Goods& ServicesTax

Figures shown in these special purpose financial statements are exclusive of GST, with the exception of accounts receivable and accounts payable.


The revenue from Sponsorship contracts is allocated over the term of the contract. Where the Sponsorship relates to a specific event the revenue is recognised when the event occurs. The revenue from Grants that are project specific is recognised when the project occurs.


Contra received is to recognise in-kind contributions. They are recognised as sponsorship revenue when amounts are quantifiable in terms of the sponsorship contract.


Accounts Receivable are shown at an amount which represents their estimated realisable value.


Plant and Equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Plant and Equipment have been written off over their estimated useful lives on a straight line basis to calculate the depreciation charge for the period as follows:

Uniforms are expensed at the time of purchase. Taxation

NSZI is a non-profit body for taxation purposes under section CW 46 of the Income Tax Act 2007 and as such no taxation is payable on the surplus for the year.


Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and at banks, short-term deposits with an original maturity of three months or less held at call with financial institutions.


There has been no change in accounting policies during the year and they have been applied on a consistent basis.

IT Equipment 2 - 5 years Furniture and Fittings 9 -14 years Vehicles 6 years
Comm itments N SZI NSZI Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases 2 20 22 2021 $0 00 $000 Not later than one year 69 84 Later than one year and not later than five years - 11 Total operating lease commitments 69 95 7
ting g en t
an d

Netball South Z one Incorporated

An honoraria payment was made to Board members for the year as follows: Board Chair $10,000. (2021: $8,696)

7 Subsequen t Events

There have been no events subsequent to balance date that would have a material impact on the special purpose financial statements. (2021: nil)

8 Related Party Transaction s

One of the board members also has a key management role at ILT (Invercargill Licensing Trust). The Zone has received $325,000 of funding and sponsorship from ILT during the financial year (2021: $287,500). The board member removes themselves from any ILT discussions regarding the Zone funding.

Year E
3 Op eraatin g Sur plus N SZI NSZI 20 22 2021 Op eratin g surplus in cludes: $0 00 $000 Inncome Sponsorship 37 0 445 Membership Fees 18 9 205 Grants 1 402 1,310 Expenses Audit Fees -Depreciation 4 4 Rental and operating lease expenses 42 42 Audit fees have been paid for by Netball New Zealand. 4 Cr editor s and Accruals N SZI NSZI 20 22 2021 $0 00 $000 Trade Creditors 72 22 Accruals/Other Creditors 69 71 14 1 93 5 Pllant an d Equipmen t Accum B ook Accum Book Cost Depn Depn Value Cost Depn Depn Value IT Equipment 25 (3) 19 6 18 (3) 16 2 Furniture and Fittings 3 - 2 1 3 - 2 1 Vehicles 7 (1) 3 4 4 (1) 2 2 35 (4) 24 11 25 (4) 20 5
Notes to the Speci al Pu rpos e Fi nanci al Statements For the
nded 30 November 2022
6 B oard Hon orar ia
N SZI NSZI 2 20 22 2021 $ $0 00 $000 8

Sports House, ILT Stadium Southland, Invercargill 9810, New Zealand Phone 03-219 9350

Founded in December 2012, Netball South is responsible for the delivery of Netball in Otago, Southland & Central Otago, including the Ascot Park Hotel Southern Steel netball franchise.

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