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Faith On Every Corner - January 2020

I’m trying to do my best to remember something. I’m trying to accept that sometimes I won’t recognize someone who I should. I’m trying to comprehend the words that I hear. I’m trying to stay positive although sometimes that is difficult to do. I’m trying to accept that I can no longer enjoy reading a book. I’m trying so hard to feel normal. I’m trying to figure out how to do something that I know I used to be able to do easily. I’m trying to recall what I want to write down before the words are lost forever. I’m trying to enjoy my life in spite of the challenges with mild cognitive impairment. I’m trying to read some text, remember it, then comprehend it. I’m trying to finish writing this poem, but the words are just not there. I’m trying to have patience with “me” because of how my brain is working. I’m trying to remember the words so that I can respond to someone. I’m trying not to get frustrated when I can’t remember something. I’m trying to learn something new but that is a difficult task and sometimes impossible! I’m trying to understand why I don’t do anything to help myself when I am in pain. I’m trying so hard to keep my life together. I’m trying to accept that sometimes I will forget something within a few seconds. I’m trying so hard to stay calm while I wait for the fog to clear. I’m trying to recall someone’s name that I am pretty sure that I should know. I’m trying to comprehend the story-line while watching television. I’m trying to figure out how to use my chap-stick. I’m trying to understand the directions so that I can put something together. I’m trying so hard not to feel frustrated when I don’t comprehend something. I’m trying to follow my navigation system so that I don’t get lost. I’m trying to remember if I took my medications. I’m trying to figure out how to get my book published. I’m trying to educate people about what it is like to live with a memory impairment.

One day I was on social media & I saw the words “I’m Trying” & I thought that it would be a good title for a new poem. I opened up a word document on my laptop & I began typing. I just never know where or when the inspiration will hit me.


Cheryl has Mild Cognitive Impairment. She likes to write while she can and has a very positive attitude.

We are honored to be able to share Cheryl’s poems.

From the publisher.

Every month, Cheryl is faithful in sending us a submission. Her articles give us all a glimpse into memory impairment. It is real, and it is not easy. We thought we would put a couple of links that may help you if you have any questions about memory impairment. We did an internet search, we are not recommending any of these organizations but hope they may provide some guidance.

National Insitute of Aging: https://www.nia.nih.gov/

Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mild-cognitive-impairment/symptoms-causes/syc-20354578

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