2 minute read
From the publisher.
We met Anna through a Christian writers group that meets in Ruth- erfordton, NC. Anna has studied writing and shares stories that will touch you to the core. We are excited to share another one of Anna’s stories. If you have not read her Dear Carl letters, you can read this month’s letter on page 9.
Anna Friend, born in California, is a 24-year resident of North Caro- lina, along with her husband of 30 years. Anna writes realistic fiction, celebrating marriage and positive relationships that endure life chal- lenges. She loves sharing God’s redeeming love on the page.

By Anna Friend
~Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” New Living Translation (NLT)
Tears poured over my lashes, streaming down my face. I steadied my eyes on the red tail lights of my daughter’s car. I was following her to my home, where my broken heart would attempt rest. Minutes before I was near, speechless for the pain, as I shared my sorrow to her. She led me home fearing that I would detour into the black, darkness of midnight. “Why?” wouldn’t leave my mind.
I trust in the sovereignty of God. I know Him to be a bearer of burdens. The error of man in a fallen world is not without consequence. God is able to see me through; yet how could God allow such pain? I must have failed in some way, again. I was a woman with a heart shattered into shards of glass. I would never be the same. My feelings and thoughts were intertwined with Godly truth and self-condemnation.
I turned on the radio to distract my thoughts that warm night in June. A gentle voice sang, “…and praying you have the heart to fight, ‘cause you are more than what’s hurting you tonight…you are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are made for so much more than all of this…”. I could breathe, and the tears became drops.
Paul writes in Ephesians that we are God’s masterpiece. In that moment alone in my car, I remembered who I was in Christ. I am His outstanding artistry, beautiful, His best work. He has plans for me. I was made for more than this pain in life. I will do good things for Him. It took several years but I am healed from my sorrow.
When life blindsides you with a hurtful circumstance, or when you feel abandoned in your need, remember whose you are. In Jesus, our father God scoops up the shards of your life, and He creates you all new. He has plans for you to fulfill. You are His masterpiece. You are more than what ‘s hurting you. You are beautiful.
(Lyrics noted are from “Beautiful” as sung by Mercy Me, The Worship Project, 1999. Lyrics written by Nathan Cochran.)