3 minute read


We encourage you to follow along with Anna as she brings us Dear Carl each month. We have it from a good source, Anna herself, that Carl’s mother will be experiencing events that go along with aging. We look forward to reading Dear Carl each month and hope you do too.

(Carl’s mom writes him letters occasionally. Carl is her only child. Carl’s father died when he was in college. Living in the Arizona, Carl calls his Mom in the Carolinas as often as he can on Sundays. Carl’s mom is in her 80s. She lives in a contemporary world with old fashioned values.)

Dear Carl,

Happy New Year, again! Son, I love that no matter where you are and what you are doing, you call me every year on New Year’s Eve. It’s a privilege at my age to welcome in the New Year. Never mind that I slept in to almost 9 am the next day. Goodness, I felt ashamed. In the late night before midnight, I thought about my remaining days and how I will use them. I have been mostly healthy with only some minor vision and arthritis issues. If my health and mind maintain, I want to give my time and be of use to someone. This week I went to a nearby resting home to volunteer. I am now a reader to a blind resident. We started a book set in the old west, cowboys included. He tells me I have a nice voice. If I wasn’t humble, I would say he is a bit flirtatious. I haven’t told him I am an 80+ year old, short, chubby woman. I think I will indulge his imaginations. Maybe I just happen to like the attention too. Now, I sound like Shirley. She loves a good compliment from a man.

I went to the grocery store this morning. It was piercing cold with a dry air that hurt my face. I went to buy some winter fruits and vegetables. I saw a pomegranate on the floor that had rolled off its stand. I was reminded of when you were a child when I bought one for you. When we got it home, we had no idea how to open it and get the seeds. We tried peeling it, then we cut it with a knife and pried the juicy seeds from the bitter skin inside. Your dad came home looking startled at our hands and fingers. They looked like they were in a horror flick. We were stained for days. Well, I am trying to eat healthy again. The holidays did me in with all the sweets, and creamy dips. I keep hearing about a popular diet everyone is doing but I can’t figure it out. Son, they can eat bacon wrapped cheese but not bite into an apple. Just don’t sound right to me. I am back with Shirley at the high school gym taking an exercise class. We take laps around the gym. I jog but Shirley tries to keep up with the men. No one is really running.

I have been getting out a few more days each week. My roommate misses me. Yes, Sheba, is no longer a “no name” cat. She has a queen attitude and her name fits her well. After her morning nibble, Sheba jumps on my lap and I read aloud my devotional and daily Bible verse. Today, we read 1 Corinthians 10:31. Carl, everything we do in our lives should be for God’s glory. This includes what we eat! How we eat! It’s not just manners but that we live in a way that people will see that we live for God and our God is good. I guess that is why I took my pudgy feet to the store this morning. Miss you, son. Tell Donna to stay off her sprained ankle a few more days. I am sure she is fine with that. Call me when you get back from your ski trip.

Love, Mom

1 Corinthians 10:31 New International Version (NIV) 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

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