2 minute read
Pride by Karen Ruhl
I am a photographer, and I love sharing my photos in this magazine. There was a time that I would not have posted any of my photos publicly. I was too afraid of hearing criticism. I have taken thousands of photos and have worn a couple of cameras out! I would share them with Craig (my husband) and he always told me how pretty they were or how he liked a certain shot. But I was very fearful, until the day I was reading the Bible and read that we should not worry about what others think of us but only what God thinks of us. R eally, I thought, I wonder why I have so much trouble then. What is causing me to be so afraid to share. And then, I read another verse, “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.” Galatians 6:4 This verse made me take note, it made me think about why I would worry about what others think of me and my photographs. It opened my eyes to what was really at the base of this fear. It was my own pride. I was afraid of criticism and yet that was the very thing I needed in order to grow as a photographer. As I started to share, I found that I got mostly good remarks, I got really brave and became part of a photography group. I found people who shared my love for the art and were more than willing to give critiques if I asked for them. I even found that I was able to help people with their camera settings and encourage them to keep shooting. I continue to work on my pride. I realize how much it has impacted my relationships and try very hard now to stop and pray if I am feeling insecure, or even a bit jealous. I search my heart and realize I need to change my way of thinking. ~2 Timothy 1:7 says this, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” For now, I will practice self-discipline and enjoy the gifts he has given me. B e blessed and enjoy your gifts and may God light your path.