Faith On Every Corner - July 2022

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Nancy Langis DeJesus, Photographer

July 2022 Issue

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 (NIV) Visit Our Website at for previous issues of our magazine.

COVER PHOTO By Nancy DeJesus

About the cover photo: I get so excited in early spring, eagerly waiting for my garden to bloom. These are Sweet William flowers that I started from a seed packet. It had rained the whole day and night before. In the morning, I walked outside and became mesmerized by all the water droplets on the flowers. They looked like little jewels. About Nancy I’ve always loved art of every kind. I decided to get a degree in art education. While in college, I took a photography class. This was back in the day when I used film and developed it in the darkroom! I continued creating my own art while teaching art at an elementary school. When I stopped teaching, I decided to open my own photography and authoring business. I focus on taking close-up photographs of God’s amazing Creation. I’ll spend a long time on just one flower, bee, or butterfly, looking for different angles and lighting. I easily get lost in the beauty around me. I use my photographs in the books I write. They all have a Christian theme, from scripture and prayer journals to images with scripture on them. If you would like to see my photographs and books, you can find them on My books are also on Amazon here B07KPN1GYP


NOTE FROM THE EDITOR July is here, and it brings so many memories. We are very happy to be starting a new month, but I must take time to let you know a little about what happened in June. There is so much to celebrate in July. For us, it is that Craig received a new aortic valve and is doing great. So great, that we hope to take a short July Road Trip!


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We are excited to have several new writers again this month and hope you enjoy their articles. We love hearing from you, so don’t be shy, drop us an email! We encourage you to pray for our country as we face many changes and obstacles. Pray that people stay calm. Pray that God continues to bless us all. Pray for the world. We pray for all of our writers, readers, and friends of Faith On Every Corner. We truly appreciate your prayers as well. If you need prayer, please send me an email. Much love - may God bless you all. Karen Ruhl

Happy Fourth Of July May God Bless Us All!


Table of Contents

COVER PHOTOGRAPHER: Nancy DeJesus ... COVER AND INSIDE COVER June Prayer by Craig and Karen Ruhl ... page 21 Michael E. Wells Photos ... page 45

Feeling Alone and Poems ... by John Alexander ... page 6-7 Waiting...Waiting...Waiting ... by Melissa Henderson ... page 8-9 A Heart’s Desire ... by Andrea Marino ... page 10-11 Anababy Learns Patience ... by Stacy Ann Hixon ... page 12-13 Morning Coffee ... by Michael E. Wells ... page 14-15 Come, Let Us Adore Him ... by Nicole Byrum ... page 16-17 Encouragement For The Hard Times ... by Yvonne M. Morgan ... page 18-19 Love One Another ... by Gina Sewell ... page 20 June Prayer ... by Craig and Karen Ruhl ... page 21 When Judgement Comes ... by Dave Evans ... page 22-23 The Realities About Doors of Opportunities You May Neglect ... by Joseph Akinrinola ... page 24-25 With Hinds’ Feet ... by Dr. Irene Surya ... page 26 Live As You Pray ... by Craig Ruhl ... page 27 Feeling Alone and Lost In Times of Suffering ... by Brenda McDaniel ... page 28 Fresh Baked Daily Bread ... by Peter Caligiuri ... page 29 My Birthday ... by Sharon K. Connell ... pages 30-31

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Bring Your Brokenness ... by Paula Short ... page 32-33 Road Trippin’ In Mt. Airy, NC ... by Karen Ruhl ... page 34-37 True Freedom ... by Esther M. Bandy ... pages 38-39 When God Is Silent ... by Ama Afriyie-Jenkins ... page 40-41 Bookshelf - book reviews ... page 42-43 Broken Pieces ... by Laurie Glass ... page 44-45 The Trail Less Traveled ... by Shara Bueler-Repka ... page 46-47 God’s Perfect Timing ... by Cindy Oriol ... page 48-49 A Star-Spangled Banner Day: God Moving Through Music ... by Edward Tooley ... page 50-51 The Wind In Your Sales ... by Karen Ruhl ... pages 53 Unexpected Kindness ... by Steve Carter ... page 54-55 Cast Your Cares ... by Tammy Thompson ... page 56-57 Tears Of The Groom ... by Dave Foucar ... page 58-59 Can Jealousy Be Healthy? Does It Ever Make A Relationship Stronger? ... by James Dakis ... page 60-61 Trusting God In The Unexpected ... by Yvonee M. Morgan ... page 62-63

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Poems by John Alexander

Listening When I put others before my own need, I discover my troubles are small and recede. John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

When I take time to listen, I help others heal, As they share from the heart and express how they feel. It doesn’t come easily, cutting through fear, Tearing down walls, letting others come near.

Feeling Alone and Poems By John Alexander

Why live life secluded, alone, set apart?

I pray you’ve been blessed, seldom feeling alone. Perhaps it’s a neighbor who’s lonely inside. If we’re open and listen, letting the Lord be our guide, I’m sure we’ll meet others in need of a touch. It’s hard for the lonely, immersed in despair, to reach out for help and find someone to care. This month I am sharing my poem titled Listening, we’re blessed to reach out. In addition, I’m sharing a tale that I wrote titled The Quiet Old Man. Sometimes it’s the simple things that help others cope.

Am I willing to listen and hear with my heart? As they unmask emotions that they need to share, Will I be there to hear them and show that I care? Can I offer discernment and show my concern? Can I share words of wisdom to help others learn? If I model behavior and share with my soul, Will others find comfort? Lord, show me my role. Help me encourage with words that I pen, Share love inside me, not hide it within.

Blessings, John Alexander If you’d like to receive an email to let you know each time I post a new poem, just email me at and ask to be put on my email list.

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The Quiet Old Man The soft glow through the window brought morning’s first light. The old man remained sleeping, he’d lived through the night. His will to keep going was now in decline. He was ready to quit, to give up, just resign. He’d retired, and the pension had covered his bills. Now his days ran together and seemed hard to fill. He was never outgoing, was almost obscure. He’d remained in the shadows, a bit insecure. He’d worked the same job all the years of his life. It has been twenty years since the death of his wife. A man with no family, no siblings, no child, Now lost and alone, he found nothing worthwhile. He rose from his bed, put on trousers and shoes, He buttoned his shirt, all the same, nothing new. He heard a faint tapping, someone at his door. He didn’t have friends, no one came anymore. He had not a clue as to who it could be. He eased open the door, with one eye could see It was just a small boy with a wagon in tow. It was filled full of puppies, a dozen or so. The boy was polite, began to explain Why he’d knocked on his door, the reason he came. The boy was persistent and wouldn’t give up Determined to find a new home for each pup. The old man became weary, invited him in. The boy kept insisting, he knew he would win. He offered to help to come back every day To walk and to feed it if he’d just let one stay. The old man relented, gave up in the end. The boy kept his promise, became a good friend. The old man and his dog now get out and take walks. He knows all his neighbors; he visits and talks.

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Waiting...Waiting...Waiting... By Melissa Henderson

How many times have I watched someone run the red light and commented how I’m glad we waited? How often has the email server stopped working correctly and because of that situation, I was able to step away from the computer and enjoy a nice walk outside? Or how often have I encountered a grouchy person in customer service and then remembered to pray for them? Perhaps that person was having a tough As a Christian, I know God’s timing is always perfect. time in life. I may have my own plans for a particular situation. If the traffic light would change to green, we could God provides ways for us to enjoy His creations. be on the way to our destination. If the emails would God does not want us to rush through each mocome through quicker on the computer, I could ment without sharing His love with others. God answer and wait for more. If the person in wants us to know how much He loves His chilcustomer service would only be a little friendlier, dren. In every word and action, we are given the things would move along quicker. The list goes on opportunity to reach out to others and share the message of the Gospel through our words and on. and actions. Yet, each time I have to wait for something to happen, I must pause and remember. God’s timing This morning, I am frustrated with my email server. is always best. He has a plan for each of His children. God is teaching me a valuable lesson. Instead of sitting in front of the computer all morning, I will open the front door and greet the day with joy. I will pause and notice the beauty of the plumbago, red petunias, white and orange impatiens plants, and the warmth of the sunshine. Traffic lights. Emails loading on the computer. Customer service. Gas station lines. Waiting, waiting, and more waiting. We are always waiting for something. Some days, frustration can creep in or jump in as fast as lightning bolts. Have you ever been impatient? I know I have become grouchy and felt my heart rate rise more than once when waiting for something.

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Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at

I will wait for the emails to appear on the screen. Meanwhile, I will smile and thank the Lord for seasons of waiting because, during those seasons, He is always teaching valuable lessons. Thank You, Father, for showing us that waiting can be good. Your timing is always best. Amen. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV) Blessings, Melissa Henderson

Click on the book covers to purchase Melissa’s books.

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A Heart’s Desire By Andrea Marino I say it all the time; until a person is affected by evil he does not understand it. By divine permissive will, God confirms Satan’s domain of influence upon the earth. (2 Corinthians 4:4 and Ephesians 2:2) As Jesus was offered everything in the world in exchange for bowing down to Lucifer, so will every person be given the choice.

I was recently targeted by someone I’ve known for years because I tune into Christian television and read Social Media pages. Claiming to be a ‘prophet’ and influenced by a certain website, invested in picking out flaws (labeling many prominent evangelists and preachers of God’s word, ‘heretics’), this woman accused me of dabbling in the occult. I explained my food comes from the Word of God, which I am careful “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desper- to study like a Berean. Furthermore, I make no apolately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9 NKJV) ogy for a fascination with prophecy, a curiosity that Considering our heart untrustworthy goes against began with my first Bible study on the book of human nature. Preferable are ‘greeting card’ senti- Revelation in 1975. It is amazing to witness God’s ments of what our innermost being consists of. With- foretelling of what would happen playing out in out guidance from the Holy Spirit, we are under the current events. influence of the captivating side of sin, the wages of which is death. (Hebrews 11:25, Romans 6:23) Is everything taught by even the most gifted of preachers infallible? Of course not. There is always Living for God is not without temptation. It’s hard to a margin of error in human communication, whethsee ourselves falling short. Easily, we place a num- er on the giving or receiving end. And what transber of judgments on another person’s walk with the pired between emails with this critical person proved Lord. But only God can see the heart. A recent meme the case. It was shocking to find my words returned on Facebook depicted a camel next to the eye of a and twisted in her need to paint me as deceived. needle. There was a great visual of Jesus’ words, “It Isaiah 27:1 identifies a ‘twisting serpent’, Leviathan. is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a nee- Falsely accusing my writing of merely “opinion”, dle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” (though admitting she’d never read anything I (Mathew 19:24 NLT) Then came a great debate wrote), this woman manipulated the other ladies in between the historical explanation and the use of hy- our small online prayer group to give me the boot. perbole. I have to believe we can discuss Scripture Fear opposes faith in freedom and should have no without bashing one another. Pride breeds hate, hate place in the church of Jesus Christ. Our Lord healed always instigating division. on the Sabbath.

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Click on the photo of the book to purchase from Amazon.

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part. … For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.” (1 Corinthians 13:9,12 NKJ) I do not fear going astray from the One who saved my soul and am not afraid should any false teaching reach my ears. I will not worry if my eyes happen to see a Christian movie that falls short of perfection. We are to test each spirit and not trust every spirit. (1 John 4:1) Jesus gives a warning in Mathew 24:24 that false prophets will arise to mislead - if possible - even the elect. The words, ‘if possible’ are key; for the child of God is not left on his own to flounder around in a world of deception, but has been given the Holy Spirit to lead them into all truth. (John 16:13) Will the Spirit of the living God allow His children to stray so far that there is no return? No. The choice is ours. God is exposing the evil works of darkness. No doubt, whatever God does is to ‘strike a chord’ within what is going on in our world. The body of Christ is to encourage one another, remembering not one of us yet sees with 100% accuracy. (1 Corinthians 14:26) Interestingly, these verses of partial knowledge are found in the ‘love chapter’ — 1st Corinthians 13.

Andrea is mom to four great kids and Grammy to four delightful grands. Passionate about Jesus, friends, and people, Andrea loves to share all He has taught her in life. When not writing, Andrea enjoys simple things, such as music, heartwarming movies, reinventing recipes to be healthier, and cycling along one wooded road or other with the Lord. Please visit her Facebook blog: https:// Andrea is always ready to hear thoughts from her readers. Or you can email her at: Email: Facebook Blog: In the Way Everlasting

“But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” (1 Corinthians 13:10 NKJ)

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Anababy Learns Patience By Stacy Ann Hixon Dearest Pals, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! I love Cinderella, Molly, and cupcakes, too.

After eating so much, Molly and I started to feel yucky. Then, I realized… my impatience was making us both VERY unlucky.

Even though Cinderella is famous, timeless, beautiful, and kind. I’d like to take a moment to mention my sweet Molly if you don’t mind.

Impatience was taking the fun right out of our day. I even told Molly NO when she nudged me to go out and play.

Molly and I love playing hide and seek, find the treat, and make-believe pretend. Molly is more than just a golden retriever; she’s my VERY best friend.

I also forgot about Molly’s appointment with the vet. I couldn’t stop thinking about how no one from the auditions had contacted me yet. Then I was overwhelmed with regret.

Unfortunately, Molly and I have had a very RUFF day. You see, it all began early this week when I auditioned for a part in the local Cinderella play. I tried my absolute best to land the part of Fairy Godmother! And after I contacted them today, I was told that it was between me and one other. I’m just curious. Have you ever had to wait for a while? Well, trust me, impatience can steal a happy smile! Earlier in the day, while awaiting the news, I caught a SERIOUS case of the busy bee blues. I would fold the towels, feed Molly, and bake. Then, I would fold the towels, feed Molly and eat EVERY SINGLE cupcake!

Looking back, it’s clear to see how impatience was not only getting the best of me, but hurting Molly, too… It was then that I decided that opening my Bible was the BEST thing to do… As soon as I opened my Bible, my eyes landed on the perfect verse. So perfect, in fact, that these words actually broke my impatient curse! “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (Romans 12:12 ESV) Then it hit me. Even while we wait, God is still there. So now instead of feeling so stressed, I can relax because no matter what happens, I’m blessed.





Editor’s Note: I met Stacy online and fell in love with Anababy. Check out Anababy’s website for

more information about Anababy, her friends, and her books! We are thrilled to have something you can share with your little ones! From Stacy: I loves teaching little hearts through dolls, stories, and art! In a world consumed with external perfection, Anababy seeks to make a lasting connection. Anababy helps me do this because she is childlike, angelic, and maternal; all wrapped up into one little huggable bundle.

The truth is, God hasn’t let me down yet. My needs have ALWAYS been met!

Ask, trust, pray and allow God to lead the way!

Romans 12:12 helps me to truly understand: my real purpose is to embrace God’s BEST plan.

And by the way… thanks for allowing me to tell you a little bit about my day. I guess Molly and I are going outside to play.

So, if it’s a yes or no, I won’t fret or force, I’ll trust and pray as God sets my course.

Can’t wait to talk again soon. Love you to the moon.

And speaking of course, do you remember how Fairy Godmother turned a pumpkin into a horse?

Love, Anababy ®

I can’t help but wonder what Fairy Godmother might say about me, trying out for her part in the Cinderella play.

P.S. Impatience is tragic. Living in the moment is magic.

Let me think now. Oh wow! Seems like she said… “Even miracles take a little time” ~ Fairy Godmother

Join our fam on Instagram @loveanababy to meet Anababy’s little pals and learn all about her latest dolls and books.

Well geez! It does seem that Fairy Godmother kind of, sort of, agrees!

Also, visit to discover all of the surprises in store. Love you more!

I’m really just so thankful that I’m no longer impatient like I once was. Even though I LOVE Fairy Godmother, it’s mainly because... The Bible is really all I need to confirm those big and small life lessons I must learn. The cure for impatience is as simple as making a wish. All I must do is this… Follow my heart so ALL my dreams come true. Live in the moment so I don’t feel blue. M AG A Z I N E N A M E &O R U R L




Morning Coffee With Michael E. Wells Speak To Yourselves

Michael E. Wells has a passion for writing letters of Christian encouragement. With poetic style and moving messages, the reader is often comforted and consoled, inspired, and refreshed. Since his retirement from Federal Service in 2006, most mornings are spent penning letters of the heart. Tucked away in the foothills of Pennsylvania, he leads an idyllic lifestyle in a pastoral setting. This backdrop helps to set both mood and message for his many writings. You can find his book, “Morning Coffee with Words For The Day” at

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Some may think it strange to talk to oneself but if we were to be honest with each other we would admit to doing just that. It is not a sign of senility or confusion, but one of seeking clarity. The expression to talk yourself into it is not just one of hollow words. The spoken word is powerful beyond our reasoning, with it we can declare our present and our future, our sorrow or our joy. Words spoken over you in the past can still echo in your mind today and not confronted will follow you into tomorrow. We are never quiet; we are always talking. In our minds or through our lips, we speak and what we speak will determine our quality of life. But what should I speak? What should be my confession to declare? There are many voices professing the truth. What is The Truth that will make a difference in my daily life? It is the life-changing, tangible, experiential word of the living God. From the pages of a book to the layers of my soul, they speak. Words are life for our soul, as food is for the body. A study done some years ago found that infants spoken to from birth developed quicker and more fully than those who were not spoken to until later. But we as Christians must speak words of life over our spirit, soul, and body. Paul in writing to the Colossians (3:15, 16 AMP) states we are to let the peace from Christ rule in our hearts, deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in our minds. A tall order, but I believe in the following verse he explains how we are to do just that, by letting the word of Christ have its home in our hearts and minds, dwelling in us in all its richness. If we do not speak to ourselves, someone else will. So today if you are His, agree with God that you are who He says you are, you can be what He says you can be, that you can do what He says you can do and you can have what He says you can have. Today, let the voice you hear be that of life, love, and peace. Today, speak to yourselves.

Longing For Home Land Of The Living King David wrote in Psalm 27:13 (NASB), “I would have despaired unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” David’s statement was a declaration of his faith. The entire chapter is very comforting and a testimony of his belief in God’s faithfulness to him. It is one we should read slowly and often. Our greatest area of defeat is when we do not take God at His word. We must believe that we will see the goodness of the Lord as we live. For if we are not careful, we will miss the outstretched hand of God by dismissing a neighbor’s willingness to help or fail to hear His comforting words by turning away a friend’s invite to talk. Yes, God speaks through the miraculous, but more often than not, He speaks through those we know. The goodness of the Lord is seen in the eyes of those who love you and who stand beside you least you fall, by those who pray for you and hold you when you are weak. But also they are those who laugh with you as you share your life and hold you in their heart before God. Yes, sometimes the goodness of God shows up in the flesh with a smile on their face and love in their heart for you and God. Now there are those who may say, “Mine hasn’t shown up yet.” I would say what David did in his closing thoughts. “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!”

It is a sense of belonging somewhere else, to a different place and a different time. Being completely aware of our present surroundings yet yearning for another and though we have never been there, we are drawn there. It is an anticipation for a destination sight unseen but one of confidant acceptance. How can we as Christians have such a desire to leave all that we know, all we have seen, and all we have accomplished to journey on a path unknown, to a place not visited and guided by an unexplained longing? It is because the Spirit that dwells within us is from there, knows all that is there, and not only that but longs to return there. In John 17:25, Jesus speaks to the Father that His desire for us is to be with Him in heaven. It is His Spirit in us that draws us to Him to be where He is. The writer of Hebrews 11:10 declares that Abraham longed for that city whose builder and maker was God. In 13:14, the writer states that we have no lasting city here but we seek the one to come. In Romans 8:23, Paul writes that we who have received the Holy Spirit cry out for heaven, for the redemption of our bodies and our revealing as the sons of God. The spirit we have received is not of this world therefore, it longs for another. He is the compelling desire in us to be where we have never been, to leave all we have ever known, and to receive what we could never obtain. It is as the Apostle Paul once said, “We see through a glass darkly,” but yet we see clearly enough that what we leave behind cannot be compared to what awaits us on the other side. Longing for home. It is a hope inspired by divine desire, a love longing to be finally revealed, and a faith that can carry us through the long journey. What we can only expect we will soon experience, what now is only longing we will soon be living and what is only anticipation will soon be all-consuming. So when you are saddened by your surroundings or depressed with the shallowness of this life, when you sense you’re out of place and feel a tugging in your spirit, it’s all right. There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just restless and longing for home.

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COME, LET US ADORE HIM by Nicole Byrum

The evidence is undeniable: Summer is truly here. I know this because sunshine now creeps through the blinds in my bedroom just before 6:00 am. Equally delightful, the same sun is now late in its descent, not coming to rest until well after 9:00 pm. The air is warmer, trees and flowers are in full bloom, and fireflies are now emerging. These are the months I anxiously live for during the cold, dark Ohio winters. And yet, despite the rising temperatures and longer days, my mind recently drifted to Christmas—courtesy of the book of Matthew. As I began reading the Gospel account of Matthew, I was first intrigued by the genealogy of Christ. 14 generations from Abraham to David; 14 generations from David to the deportation to Babylon; and 14 more generations from the deportation to the Messiah. What amazing order and precision! I also couldn’t help but think how all of those people came into existence at the perfect times… how all of their paths intersected perfectly through the mighty providence of God.


I continued to see the theme of God’s providence heavily in chapter 2. Although King Herod acted wickedly in his jealousy and insecurity, God used his sin to bring about His purposes. As a result of the King’s murderous intentions against the Christ child, Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt. Though Herod’s deeds would ultimately not go unpunished, his sinful acts led to the fulfillment of prophecy. Upon Mary, Joseph, and Jesus’ arrival back in Israel, the Scripture was fulfilled: “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.” (Hosea 11:1 NIV) However, we cannot forget what occurred just before the flight to Egypt—the visit from the magi. These wise men from the east knew the true identity of the child who had been born; for they arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?” As the Savior’s star once again revealed to them the way, they arrived at the home of Jesus. Years of watching, waiting, and praying for the Messiah then culminated in humble worship. As Matthew 2:11 (KJV) records, “And when they came into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh..” Imagine falling at the feet of such a small child! Yet, these magi knew, just as you and I now know, that they were worshiping the Chosen One of God.


Though the hot July days of summer are upon us, Matthew, chapters 1 and 2, bid us to come and adore our triune God. Come, let us adore God, the Father. Let us adore His sovereignty, omnipotence, and perfect provision of a mighty Savior. Come, let us adore God, the Son. Let us adore the One who is the King of Kings, the firstborn of all creation, our blessed Redeemer. Come, let us adore God, the Holy Spirit. Let us adore He who is the power and breath of God, the illuminator of Scripture, and regenerator of our hearts. Come, let us adore Him.

Nicole is a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 14 years of experience in community mental health. She is the author of Remade: Living Free a book written for women in recovery from substance abuse and unhealthy relationships. Nicole also maintains a blog at as well as a podcast, 5 Minute Word. Both focus on topics related to faith and relationships. She lives in Northwest Ohio with her husband and two children. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, running, or cooking.

Click on book covers to purchase books on Amazon.



Encouragement For The Hard Times by Yvonne M. Morgan “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)

Besides Romans 8:28 listed above, here are some other verses to help remind you of God’s faithfulness:

I walked into the conference room for a weekly meeting and saw my bosses sitting at the long, oval table. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air. I felt a slight fear rise as I tried to understand their presence in the room. Soon, the unwanted news spilled forth; they announced a layoff. Murmurs arose from those gathered as the news sunk in for each person. I was included in those to be laid off.

“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” (Psalm 31:24 NIV)

I thought my career was over and that my world would come crashing down. Everything changed with that one word—layoff. Now, what would I do? I softly cried as I packed up my desk and wondered why God allowed this to happen. I knew it would be a struggle to find new employment at my age and in my chosen field of work. The challenges continue in our world. We still deal with COVID, and now inflation causes many of us to wonder how we will make ends meet. Our gas prices hit an all-time high while the stock market falls. So, what does our future hold? Take heart, my beloved, and rest assured that God remains in control. But I find out that God wins when I skip to the end of the book (the Bible). When we look at the world, our hearts find fear. But when we look at God, we discover His peace and hope.

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“We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.” (Psalm 33:20 NIV) “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 NIV) “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” – (1 Peter 5:7 NIV) “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NIV) And Romans 8:28 assures us that God works things out for our good. For example, months after the layoff, I found God had new plans for me. I experienced more happiness and less stress with these new opportunities. God’s faithfulness to work everything out for my good surpassed expectations.

Prayer Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the ways you work out things for my good, even when I don’t understand. When doubt fills me, please remind me of your promise in Romans 8:28. I pray for the wisdom to trust your ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen Reflect When has God worked out something better than you ever expected?

Yvonne M Morgan, Christian author and speaker

Blog at Twitter: @ymmauthor Website: Facebook: Books: Turning Mountains into Molehills (2017)

Click on the link below to find out more about Yvonne’s books!

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Gina Sewell is a mom and grandma who lives in the Dallas, Texas area, where she enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. She loves to write about Jesus and encourage others. Gina shares her journey on her website:

Love One Another By Gina Sewell

It is so good to have friends. As I say this, I think of my little grandson, as he was snuggled up to me on the couch one day, saying, “it’s so good to have grannies.” Remembering years past when I was a small child, cuddling up to my granny, I had to agree. The people we love and who love us back are essential in our lives. Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV) how important love is. It reads, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” 1 John 4:8 tells us that God IS love. Love for your family is one thing, but let’s go back to friends. I thank God each and every day for my friends. I met my best friend on a Christian women’s retreat. After just being born again and leaving my old life behind, I had been praying for new friends. Since moving to North Texas, I have met many awesome people. I have found an amazing women’s group, or actually, they found me, while ordering a t-shirt. The way God orchestrates these meetings and happenings never fails to amaze me.

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The bible tells us to love our enemies. Love your neighbor also includes enemies. It includes everyone because we are all children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ, and no matter what problems or issues they may have with someone, we have to love them as such. I don’t think we necessarily have to like them. Sometimes people do things that are just hard for us to understand, but you know if God can forgive us we should forgive others. It’s not hard to love family and friends. What about enemies? “My command is this, love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12 NIV) It is not always easy to love those people. And the way to begin that process is to pray for the person and pray you can see past the earthly flesh things of the world, see the spirit, and see the heart of the person. Let that person see the Jesus in you. You may be just the shining one that leads the person out of their darkness. That’s what God is calling us to do. “But to you who are listening I say: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:27-28 NIV)


By Craig and Karen Ruhl Heavenly Father, We prayerfully request that you bless this ministry called Faith On Every Corner. Fill us with wisdom and discernment as we write, select, edit, and publish content that teaches, glorifies, and praises you each month. May the gifts, talents, and faith you have granted our staff and contributors be used to spread the Good News of your Son, Christ Jesus, to ears itching to hear all around the world. Bless us, Father, with the resolve to stand in the truth as we put on your armor against the evil warfare being waged in heavenly places. Send armies of angels to protect those of us who are involved in this ministry and those who will hear your message in the far reaches of the world. Let hearts and minds open and soften by our efforts and your grace. Thank you, Father, for our freedom to carry on this mission. It is being attacked by all sides. We stand in the gap, knowing that it is you who is God and that your Son has conquered the world. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Read: Ephesians 6:10-18

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When Judgement Comes by Dave Evans

Dave Evans recently retired from his career as an estimator for an electrical contractor, but still works part-time. He recently served as Body Care Pastor for a small church and previously taught at a local Bible College for several years. God led him to found and serve in several outreach ministries—a pet therapy ministry, visiting several skilled nursing facilities and retirement homes: a prayer booth on a local street corner to allow people in the community to stop by for prayer needs and an evangelism table, typically set up once a month at various malls or stores, which made Bibles, tracts, DVDs, and other Christian materials available free of charge to interested shoppers. Dave has a bachelor’s degree in business administration/management. As a writer, he has had many poems and articles published in various periodicals and books. And he’s been privileged to do volunteer work for a local police department.

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Is God judging America? Disconcerting scenarios play out day after day across our great nation. We witness evil acts of violence and destruction fashioned by the hands of angry people who argue and fight. Voices of dissension shout for the anesthetization of those who enforce our laws, while the number of mass shootings and murders escalates. And cries against injustice ring in our ears. Over twenty-five centuries ago Judah was in a strikingly similar state of disorder and was about to be judged by God when Habakkuk voiced this complaint: “How long, O LORD, must I call for help? But you do not listen! “Violence is everywhere!” I cry, but you do not come to save. Must I forever see these evil deeds? Why must I watch all this misery? Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence. I am surrounded by people who love to argue and fight. The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” (Habakkuk 1:2-4 NLT) Far from being inactive and not listening, God let Habakkuk know He would judge the nation by using the evil Chaldeans to carry out His work. Even though the Chaldeans were more evil than God’s own nation, God would use them to inflict His judgment; but then, he would in turn also judge the Chaldeans.

Is America due for more judgment? If so, when judgment comes, how should we respond? I think we can gain insight from Habakkuk’s actions. After hearing God’s answer, his response was: “I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected.” (Habakkuk 2:1 NKJV) Habakkuk first resolved to be on guard, to watch and listen for God’s word. Then, after waiting and hearing God speak, he would comply with God’s correction. God then answered and said His work would be carried out at an appointed time. And even if it seemed to be delayed, it would happen. And this vital principle was given for Habakkuk to practice as he waited for God: “But the just shall live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4b NKJV) Later, Habakkuk petitioned God, “O LORD, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy.” (Habakkuk 3:2 NKJV) He knew that God’s wrath against sin was necessary, but he asked God to also remember mercy and to grant revival.

After that, Habakkuk, stepping out in faith, was ready to accept the consequences of God’s judgment so he declared, “Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls—” (Habakkuk 3:17 NKJV) Even though life would get really bad Habakkuk would live by faith and trust His sovereign God. Knowing God was in control, he could say, “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.” (Habakkuk 3:18, 18 NKJV) So, when judgment comes, remember Habakkuk’s example and watch, listen, and obey as you live by faith and continue seeking God in prayer. You’ll then be prepared to rejoice and take joy in the God of your salvation, who will give you strength to run on the hills, as sure-footed as a deer.

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I am Joseph, an author, blogger, and content writer from Nigeria. In the field of writing, I deliver unique, grammatically correct, and plagiarism-free content. Currently, I work with three online firms specializing in motivation, human capacity development, lifestyle, relationship, and spiritual writings. You can find Joseph on Facebook at

The Realities About Doors Of Opportunities You May Neglect By Joseph Akinrinola Revelations 3:8, 1 Corinthians 16:9 Doors are used to secure places where we keep our valuables. They are also a means of preventing an unauthorized person from getting access to things and places we value. Doors of opportunities are chances that come to our way to get better or move forward in life. These doors of opportunities have some peculiarities that we must take note of. Often we live with regret and pain when these doors are closed because we failed to act at the right time. You know, we lose our opportunities because they came dressed in work clothes like someone said. Let me run through some realities of the door of opportunity we neglect paying attention to in the past. 1. No door opens on itself. Every door has a force that opens it. God can open a door of opportunity for you. Men can also create an opportunity for you. You can work your way to creating doors of opportunities for yourself. Therefore, committing yourself to God or people is a way of opening a great door of opportunity for yourself. Besides that, you must contend to enjoy the privilege that comes your way. Remember, life will not give you what you deserve, but what you demand of it.

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2. Every door has a limited time for opening. You know you don’t keep your house or shop open for 24 hours except if you run a business that calls for such an operation. Doors of opportunities operate in the same way. It behooves you to know the proper timing of opportunity. Paul the Apostle got to Athens and discovered they dedicated themselves to serving idols. Their devotion made them dedicate an altar to an unknown god. Paul saw this as an opportunity to witness Jesus in this city. So he seized the opportunity of the altar to an unknown god to show them the real God. Acts 17:15-34. Therefore, discern to know when to act like the children of Issachar. (1 Chronicles 12:32) Most adults would confess there are things they wished they could have done differently if they had a second chance. Unfortunately, they can’t undo the past. Therefore, make the most of the opportunity. 3. There is a specific key for a particular door. Though I am not unaware of keys, they call master keys that can open most locks. Nevertheless, I doubt if it can open all locks, including the padlock. Identifying the right key that opens an opportunity when it presented itself to you is a skill you must master. One way to develop such a skill is to study the people and conditions surrounding you. You will get the best from your leaders and bosses if you understand them. This also applies to God. You get the best from God when you please him. Also, this skill can open an unusual door of privilege before your spouse.

4. Some doors will not open easily. Sometimes you are in a vantage position for an open door, yet the door refuses to open. Jacob realized Laban was not ready to allow him the fulfilled God’s plan for his life. Initially, he applied the gentleman’s approach, but Laban would not yield. Then, he applied a force that opened the door to his greatness from Laban. (Genesis 30:25-43, 31:1-55) So challenge all norms and protocols against your liberty. 5. There are open doors you could not access. That a door opened is not the same as accessing it. Sometimes you see a door open, yet you cannot enter because of a security dog. Yes, the door was opened, yet there is a hindrance. At times, the hindering is not physical, but spiritual. God answered the prayer of Daniel on the first day, yet it took 21 days of waiting for him to get the answer. Imagine if Daniel had given up praying after the first day. He would probably conclude God was not ready to answer his prayer. Perhaps he would be bitter against God. (Daniel10:1-14) So when you tried one key, but the door didn’t open, try the other keys. Try as many methods as much as possible. In essence, do not give up easily. Contend with every power, person, or personality that will prevent you from enjoying your opportunity. 6. Not all opportunities are good to access. Sometimes, an idea may be good, but not be God’s. Some opportunities are a dangerous trap. This is where prayer, watchfulness, and sensitivity to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit are crucial. Joseph had the opportunity to sleep with the wife of Potiphar. It was an open cheque to enjoy better freedom and all that goes with it as a slave. However, Joseph saw grave danger in such privilege. (Genesis 39) Therefore, any opportunity that will pitch you against God is a no-go area. As you go through the year, opportunities will present themselves to you. When they come, grab them with both hands. However, be sure they are in line with God’s purpose and it is an opportunity that glorified God.

Joseph Akinrinola lives in Lagos, Nigeria, with his wife and four adorable children. He served with the Gospel Faith Mission International for over three decades. Besides, he is a Sunday school coach, an author, a blogger, and a freelance. He has served in Sunday school for over three decades. His friends and students call him “Mr. Sunday school”. Joseph has published five books with two classics titled “Effective Sunday School Management Made Simple” and “Effective Sunday School Teacher.” While with the Gospel Faith Mission International, he was a regional coordinator. He oversees the activities of the Sunday school in over a hundred and twenty churches. Then, he sat on the extended board of his Sunday school writing the weekly and daily devotionals read by over 2 million readers globally. Currently, he is the pastor of a new church, the Levites Chapel International, Lagos, Nigeria. His passion is to reach young people with the Bible truth about relationships, Christian lifestyle, and personal development. This informs the creation of his blog, In addition, he writes for online and international magazines. He is a member of Amnesty International.

Nevertheless, every opportunity comes with great responsibility. If you decide to explore the opportunities, then prepare to pay the price.

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With Hinds’ Feet By Dr. Irene Surya I sat dejected Weighed down by sorrow, At the feet of the Lord Who knows me inside out. Tears streamed down Clouding my inner eyes, Preventing me to look upwards At the nail-pierced hands. But, the Lord stretched forth His hands gently And bent down softly To wipe away my tears. Dr. Irene Surya has published a book of poems, In Solitude with God. Her poems have been published in various magazines. She has a passion for writing for the Lord and glorifying the Lord through her writings. She loves and serves the Lord with her husband.

Click on book to purchase on Amazon.

The Words of comfort, He whispered in my ears Made me rise up With a heart filled with hope. The Lord made my feet As that of the hinds’ And set me on high places To rejoice in His salvation. With hinds’ feet, And God as my strength, I come to quench my thirst To the fountain of living waters. I wait for the Lord Each day at dawn, To fill my cup with courage To overcome each day in triumph. I take leaps of faith With the Lord Watching over me as I sojourn To the eternal kingdom.

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Live As You Pray By Craig Ruhl

Wouldn’t it be cool if, before we speak or write something negative, we offered the positive side of the coin first? There are always two sides to every story, situation, belief, and attitude. Our car batteries have both positive and negative terminals. For an electrical system to function, the energy must flow from the positive side first to power what we attach it to, and then, afterward, it returns through the circuit to the negative side. We might refer to the negative part of the equation as depleted energy.

“In the same way, the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” (Romans 8:26-27 NIV) When I was just a young businessman, a mentor showed me by example how to deal with people. He stressed the importance of opening the dialog before furthering the agenda. When someone comes at us with negative energy, we often shut down and tune out. This prevents any meaningful discussion and hope for a positive outcome. If instead, a conversation opens with praise, recognition, and goodwill, the results are much more likely to be beneficial to all parties. My mentor also taught me to use this formula in my business letters. This was back in the day of typewriters, carbon paper, and before White-Out. In his letters, he always started with a salutatory opening. If you would like some great examples, check out the letters the Apostle Paul wrote to the churches. After the opening, the purpose of the letter was stated: a proposal, a request, a thank you, or just a staying in touch correspondence. The last paragraph closed with a note of gratitude and even a blessing. He stressed that our interactions with people in speech should follow the same format. This man was one of the most successful people I have ever met and was universally liked and respected by those he had contact with.

In life, we all too often see the negative side of things without first exploring the positive. For instance, when faced with a decision that I need to make, I often default to finding all the ways something won’t work. This is before I consider the good that may come from taking a certain action. I have the circuit wired backward. Negativity rarely, if ever, flows back to the positive side. The result of this faulty thinking is that nothing will happen until I correct the set-up and process to allow a flow of positive energy. By the way, one of my favorite closing remarks by Paul in his letters is in Philippians 4:23 and is repeated in Our prayer life is like my example of an electrical cir- Thessalonians 5:28 (KJV): “The grace of our Lord Jesus cuit. When we enter a prayerful conversation with God, Christ be with you all. Amen.” we are in communication with the Creator. That is pretty heady stuff! He already knows what we need, what My electrical circuit analogy works both in the physical we wish and hope for, and all of our emotions, good world and in our spiritual life. The positive provides the and not so wonderful. Nothing surprises Him and no power, and the negative represents the spent energy request is too much or too little for Him to consider. returning to ground. Our prayer life and how we deal with each other as humans follow the same precepts. Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV), When we choose to honor and respect each other, our “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in needs and desires are more likely to be fulfilled and heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, met. Our reflex to negativity causes much of the damyour will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us age we do to ourselves. When the circuit is dead, nothtoday our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we ing positive happens. also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’” Here is my challenge: Let’s all try to live as we pray. When we interact with each other, let’s first do so in Notice that the prayer above doesn’t contain any neg- kindness and with praise. Open the circuit for the posatives, complaints, or rants. It opens the circuit of com- itive to flow. Confess with each other and repent of munication with God. Our requests, wishes, and de- what we should not continue to do. Give thanks and sires can come next. Remember, we don’t even need recognize we cannot do life alone. Ask for what we to have the correct words at hand. The Holy Spirit will need and express what we desire. Always close with a intercede on our behalf. blessing. Repeat the above as often as possible.

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Brenda McDaniel is the author of My Angel My Hero with two more books soon to be published. She is from Roanoke, VA. She holds a B.S in Psychology and M.A. in Counseling. She has enjoyed writing poetry and short stories, even as a small child. Brenda says she is now living her dream come true!

Feeling Alone And Lost In Times Of Suffering By Brenda McDaniel Each of us in this hurting world sometimes feels so alone. Whether we are Christians or not, there may be unbearable times of physical, mental, or emotional pain. We can be stricken with disease or illness or we can have mental or emotional problems. The actions of parents, siblings, friends or even perfect strangers can deeply hurt or depress us. Children may be hurt by abuse or neglect by their parents. Siblings or friends can destroy our self-esteem through their actions or words. Also, perfect strangers can hurt us very deeply through their treatment of us or their words. We can be bullied in school or at work. Or we can be laughed at or ridiculed because of disability, looks, the way we talk, or our race. We can be fired at work without notice. Making us feel incompetent and alone. These are times when we feel very hurt and alone, often depressed and searching for answers and relief from our circumstances.

But if you’re not a believer, you will always have an emptiness or loneliness in your heart. You will never feel complete or whole. And you won’t have strength, power, or faith enough to overcome or live with life’s circumstances. Your heart will be crushed, hopeless and in pain all your life. So reach out to the One who made you and suffered and died on the cruel cross. He waits with open arms, to hold you tight. As you cry, no tear goes unseen. He again gives you peace, hope, faith, and love. So you can overcome, just as the Savior has overcome death and sin. He will give you everlasting life by His side. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.” (Psalm 25:14)

We need to overcome or live with deep hurts, and physical, mental, or emotional problems. To do this, we need strength, hope, and faith that things will work out in the end. We need to realize that we aren’t alone. We must depend on the only One that can truly help us and give us peace. The Lord may not heal our physical, mental, or emotional problems, but He will give us peace, comfort, and strength to live with or overcome our problems, according to His will for our lives. For his love surpasses all human understanding. Without Him, we will always feel and be alone. Yes, sometimes even Christians feel alone, but not for long. Because our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, puts His arms around us and holds us tight as we cry. And ask Him for help or strength to make it through.

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My wife Nancy and I have been married for 48 years and have two sons, six lively grandsons, and one wonderful granddaughter! I write poetry and devotionals and have appeared in The Secret Place, The Upper Room, Break Through Intercessor, and Purpose Magazine. We live near Tampa, Florida, where we are members of Generations Christian Church. Peter and Nancy Caligiuri

Peter’s blog is located at

Fresh Baked Daily Bread By Peter Caligiuri

“Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11 KJV) On cold winter mornings when it was too dark to go to our job site, it was the perfect time to stop at Abe’s Bakery. Pushing open its doors unleashed the fragrance of fresh-baked hard rolls mingled with the aroma of coffee. We quickly ordered, poured our coffee, and headed out to the truck. There, we hungrily devoured those rolls with butter still dripping from their edges, feeling richer than anyone else on earth. Abe’s fresh-baked rolls always remind me of the daily bread that Jesus taught us to pray for. First, just as at Abe’s, it pays to show up early to get the freshest rolls. If we just dive into our morning and then sometime later ask God for help, He still gives it, but when we eagerly push open His door early, He treats us to the aroma of daily bread straight from Heaven’s oven! Second, no one on earth can give us anything better than what God has provided, so we should be thankful. Wishing we had what others have only takes away the joy of receiving exactly what God has prepared. Last, just as we never worried if Abe would make fresh rolls the next morning, Jesus wants us to know that when we pray, we can trust Him to give us His daily bread, new every morning and fresh every day!

Nancy’s Fresh Baked Bread

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My Birthday

by Sharon K. Connell

July is my birth month. This year will mark seventy-seven years that I’ve celebrated the day I was born. Maybe I should say my mother celebrated the day, at least until I knew what a birthday was. Now I’m not looking for any special recognition, or presents, cards, or anything like that. Just stating a fact. I’m not ashamed of my age either. I’ve earned every one of those years. Birthdays have always been special in our family. I remember going to my cousins’ houses as a kid for each of theirs. Lots of cake, ice cream, and presents. Oh, yes. Presents. Almost as much fun as Christmas. All of us kids argued about which cake, and there were always three different ones, was the best. I still claim chocolate. Why do we celebrate birthdays? I’m sure mothers would all agree with me when I say it could be because Mom doesn’t have to carry that extra weight around anymore by herself. Yes, go ahead and laugh, but if you’ve ever carried a baby in your womb for nine months, you know what I mean. Different cultures celebrate birthdays in different ways. But this article will not delve into the various customs of countries and their traditions. Even from family to family in the United States, we have variations on how we celebrate and to what extent. There is no doubt that a person’s birth is something to celebrate. Even the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ was celebrated in a way none of us will ever be able to top. His birth was announced by a star in the heavens, displayed for wise men in the East to see and follow. 30 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 30

Matthew 2:10 (AKJV) tells us, “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” Those men traveled from afar to offer gifts to our Savior. And when they finally reached the home of Mary, Joseph, and our Lord Jesus, he was two or three years old, according to the Scriptures. No, he wasn’t still in the stable. “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him:…” (Matthew 2:11 AKJV) The night He was born, angels announced His birth to a group of shepherds. “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:8-11AKJV) I doubt any of us have had such fame at our birth. His birth, and the announcement by the wise men that the King of Kings was born, caused fear in Herod’s heart. So much fear of losing his kingdom that he tried to kill our Lord.

“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” (Matthew 2:1-3*) Most of us were born in a hospital with little fanfare except from our families and our parents’ friends over a new life. We were doted upon and given gifts. Not the value of gold, myrrh, or frankincense, but things that our parents appreciated, nonetheless. Our first birthday was probably a big fanfare. Lots of presents, a gooey cake to stick our fingers into, and one big candle. Our Lord’s first birthday wasn’t mentioned in the Scriptures. But he was announced to be the Messiah by Simeon and Anna in the temple approximately eighty days or a little over three months later. Now there’s an announcement for you.

These are the things I want to remember when I celebrate my birthday. But I don’t have just one birthday. I have a second birthday, the day I was born again by accepting God’s offered gift of salvation. That birthday was in February 1958 and is far more important to me than the one I’ll be celebrating this month on the twenty-fifth. I hope and pray you have had a second birthday. “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” (John 3:7*) *All Scripture is taken from the King James Authorized 1611 Bible

“And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; ” (Luke 2:22*) “And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; … (Luke 2:25*) And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. (Luke 2:26*) And there was one Anna, a prophetess… And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. (Luke 2: 36, 38*) Nowhere in the Bible will you find the actual date of Jesus Christ’s birth. The fact that he was born, lived on earth as a human being, suffered, died a horrible death on an old rugged cross, was buried, rose again, and sits at the right hand of God, is what’s important.

Click on photo to order Sharon’s books. Author, Sharon K. Connell lives in Houston, Texas from where she writes Christian Romance Suspense, containing a bit of mystery and as much humor as she can get into a story. She’s also written many award-winning short stories in a variety of genres. Sharon attended college in Illinois, graduated from the Pensacola Bible Institute in Florida, and holds a certificate in fiction writing from the International Writing Program through the University of Iowa. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, Scribes Critique Group, Houston Writers Guild, and CyFair Writers. She is also the founder of the global Facebook Christian Writers & Readers group forum. Her monthly newsletter, Novel Thoughts, goes out every month to its subscribers in all parts of the world. Visit the offical website of Sharon K. Connell

When we celebrate our birthday, do we give thanks to Jesus Christ for His? That He left the splendors of Glory, lived the perfect life we cannot, died a sinless man, took the punishment that should be ours, and rose again, so we can if we’ve accepted His gift of salvation? M AG A Z I N E N A M E &O R PAGE U R L | 31 431

B R I N G YO U R B R O K E N N E S S By Paula Short

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23 NASB) Imagine this. Someone lying on the floor in a wretched huddled lump, sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. The despairing feeling of hopelessness and helplessness overcomes them. Thinking, what do I do? Where do I turn? Who can help me? So they came to a stark decision to cry out to Jesus. They cry with just three little words, “Jesus, help me.” Who is this person? It’s us—at one point or another in our life. Jesus invites us to bring our brokenness to Him and lay it at His feet. He wants us to knock on His door at midnight and come in. My sin is too great. How can Jesus love and save a wretched person like me? These are all questions we may have asked ourselves at one time or another. Or, you may have heard someone say, “they are too far gone,” or “there’s no hope for him.”

Yes, there is hope, friend! We often put people in a box on a shelf and label them into a category. I don’t believe anyone is too far gone for Jesus to reach them. Saying that is the exact opposite of what Jesus came to do. He wants you to bring all of your sins and lay them down at His feet. He wants you to bring your addictions, shame, guilt, idolatry, jealousy, divisions, envy, sexual immorality, lawlessness, pride, and more. He wants us to repent and follow Him. Then let it go. I know it’s easier said than done, right? Sometimes we need to look backward before moving forward—examining ourselves. But we don’t have to stay stuck there. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (Corinthians 5:17 NASB) Jesus came to save every one of us from our sins. When we proclaim and accept that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour, and follow Him, we become new creatures in Christ. The old is gone; the new is here.

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Satan’s is in a frenzy now because he knows you are officially adopted sons and daughters of God. Though it may take you time to let go of each of your repented sins and fully accept the fact that Jesus has wiped your sins clean white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18) So now that the new is here, why do I still perseverate on already repented sins? Satan, in his frenzy, will still rear his ugly green head and poke and dig at you, reminding you of past sins, hoping to bring up that shame and guilt in you. But with Jesus as our anchor, He is our cornerstone holding us in His strength so that we will not break into the crashing waves of sin’s sea. Whether you are a new believer, someone who is curious about Jesus, or a long-time follower, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.” (Luke 9:23 NLT)

But We have a moderator, intervener, deliverer, redeemer, and savior. Jesus Christ. And—He wants us to bring our ugly cry blubbering mess of ourselves and wrap us in His warm loving embrace where He can love, nurture, and mature us in Him. “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” (Isaiah 43:25 NIV) You see, friend, when we trust Him and ask Him to intercede, He advocates to the Father for us to help us prevail and persevere during times of trial and temptation and sin. He also says, “Welcome Home, my child, you are forgiven!” Go ahead, knock on His door at midnight.

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Road Trippin’ June! by Karen Ruhl

Well, June has been a busy month with doctors, hospitals, and a big procedure for Craig. Yet, we found time to take a road trip we think you will enjoy. We visited Mt. Airy, NC - home of Andy Griffith himself! There is so much to see around town and they have a museum for fans. We have driven down the main road where the stores and little restaurants are. It is where Floyd’s Barbershop is, too. But this time, we turned right and in about a mile, found these treasures!

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I was like a kid in a candy shop taking these photos. I wonder how many hours we spent over the shows history watching Andy, Opie, Aunt Bee, and Barney - along with the other cast of characters. It was a hot day but well worth walking around this part of Mt. Airy. A few more pics on the next page.

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We drove around through Mt. Airy and found the museum. It was ready to close so that may be another trip. The statue of Andy and Opie is so touching, remember at the open of each show, they would be walking along hand-in-hand to go fishing.

The day we were there, they had a classic car show along Main street. I shot what I could and did get Floy’ds City Barber Shop! “Andy, Andy, Andy.” I don’t remember Barney having a cafe but it goes well with the town theme so why not!

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Our goal for the day was to visit an ice cream truck in Mt. Airy. They were on PBS last week and we thought it would be a fun place to go. However, we didn’t even think about it being Father’s Day - the place was packed. We had passed a sign for Miss Angels Farm and said, well that sounds like a place to visit instead. Miss Angels Farm has pick-your-own peaches, apples, blackberries, pumpkins, and flowers in season and weather permitting. It was early in the season for all of these but we did get a few peaches. The gentleman that was working the farm that day was a true treasure. A veteran and very welcoming. We hope to go back and enjoy some of the fruit in season. Here is the website, we hope you take a nice road trip and visit the Mt. Airy area. https://www.missangelsheavenlypiesinc. com/miss-angels-farm-pick-your-ownfarm/ Pics around the farm, above is a water canon.

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True Freedom By Esther M. Bandy

As a child, I looked forward to our Fourth of July celebrations. We enjoyed picnics or cookouts with family and friends at the lake, the park, or the beach. My parents taught us to respect our flag and be grateful for the freedoms we have in America. We learned that freedom isn’t free. People paid a price for our freedom, and we should remember their sacrifices and be thankful for our blessings. In school, we studied the Declaration of Independence, and I even memorized the preamble to this powerful document. That was years ago, but last week I read the Declaration of Independence again. As I studied the following words from the preamble, I pondered the powerful truths they express. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

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To understand how important this event is, we must remember that the God of the Bible is triune, made of three persons existing as one God. In 1 John 5:7 (KJV) the Bible states, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” John 1:1-3 (KJV) says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” In addition, John 1:14 (KJV) explains that “the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” Why would one person of the trinity choose to humble himself and become a man? Jesus was still God, but in the miraculous incarnation, Jesus took the form of a man to become God in the flesh. He willingly did that so he could suffer and die as the perfect sinless sacrifice for the sins of mankind.

The Bible makes it clear that God is Holy. That means he’s perfect. He’s never thought or said or done anything wrong. He’s also just. He must punish sin. Man is sinful, and our sin must be punished. Thankfully, God is loving and merciful. He loves us so much that He made a way for our sins to be forgiven. In Romans 5:8 (KJV) the Bible says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” What amazing love! The Bible explains this great love more fully in John 3:16-17 (KJV). “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” When the Lord Jesus died for our sin and rose again, Jesus provided freedom for us from the eternal punishment for sin. He also provided freedom from the power of sin in our daily lives. Through the death and victorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, God even makes it possible for us to have a future home in glory, free from the very presence of sin. All those who have believed the truth of the gospel and received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior from sin have discovered true freedom that only comes through a personal relationship with Christ.

In John 8:32 (KJV) the Bible says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” As this passage continues, John 8:36 (KJV) says, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Have you discovered this truth from God’s Word and received true freedom? If you have, you can thank God today. If you haven’t received Christ as your Savior, it’s not too late. In John 1:12 (KJV), the Bible says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” That’s true freedom, my friend.

When Esther Bandy was five, a neighbor taught a Good News Club. She head the gospel there, and she received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. That was the most important day in her life. She later worked as a nurse, a missionary, a director with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and a Spanish teacher at a Christian school. Now, she’s an author. She has been published in two anthologies; Treasures of a Woman’s Heart and Triumph from Tragedy. Her debut middle grade novel, Under the Tangerine Tree, was published in 2022. “Don’t Ask Why, Ask What” was previously published in “Triumph from Tragedy”. @EstherMBandy

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Ama Afriyie-Jenkins has a special affinity for gender, sustainable development, and global governance. She and her husband live in Accra, Ghana with their three children and they shepherd a non-denominational Christian fellowship, Inspirational Hour Ministries. Ama remembers loving to write from an early age and she is a voracious reader. She has a heart for girl-child education and women’s economic empowerment in rural communities in Ghana. You can connect with her via email:, on Facebook, and on LinkedIn (@Ama Afriyie-Jenkins).

When God Is Silent By Ama Afriyie-Jenkins

“God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” (Numbers 23:19 NLT) God’s promises do not have an expiration date. We always set timelines for them and end up very disappointed when they do not manifest in our time. We become so consumed and subsumed with getting out of our valleys that we miss out on the essence of our waiting, pain, or suffering. When we impatiently try to fulfill God’s promises in our own effort, it accomplishes nothing. Rather, it creates more messy situations, and it may even prolong the time until the promise is fulfilled. Have you ever tried to accomplish a delayed promise in your own capacity because you felt God is silent? You ask yourself, “Does He listen to my prayers at all because my situation remains unchanged?” Don’t worry, you are not alone. Abraham and Sarah did it too. They didn’t see a sign of the promised baby, so they decided to help God out and it brought great dissatisfaction and even greater contention in their household. It is amazing how their mistake still fitted into God’s perfect design. Their detour plan didn’t stop God’s promise at all. Instead, they had to wait for another 13 years until the child of promise came. Bear in mind that every hurried choice we make leads to a craggy and bumpy detour road we will endure. Be resolute to wait patiently for God’s timing rather than taking hasty decisions that will incur deep regrets and harsh consequences.

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The Bible records that 10 years after they lived in the land of Canaan, Sarah gave her maid to Abraham as a second wife to have a child with her (Genesis 16:3). This act suggests that, per the customs of Canaan, it was a legitimate process, but intriguingly, it was still illegitimate in God’s eyes because that plan wasn’t part of His promise. The extremely long wait for God’s promise discouraged them and they acted vulnerably in the flesh. How many times have we also desperately used other “legitimate” alternatives to fulfill our delayed promises when all God required from us was to wait patiently? The Bible admonishes us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NLT) Never settle for what is humanly possible; wait for only what God can do. God doesn’t need our help to bring His promises to pass in our lives. Only God can do the impossible according to a divine calculus beyond our human understanding. The few ways we can play a role in this process are through unrelenting faith, persistent prayer, and waiting patiently on God. Too often we disqualify ourselves and think we have made poor choices and gone off course beyond redemption, but God doesn’t cancel our destiny. He is full of mercy and doesn’t hold our mistakes against us. He already knew every wrong turn we would take and nothing catches Him by surprise. We may not see a way out of our situation yet, but God is supernatural and has divine ways we can never think of. He is the author and finisher of our faith. What He has started in our lives, best believe that He will bring it to an expected end.

For 13 years, Abraham and Sarah lived with the heavy guilt and repercussions of their mistakes and, surprisingly, God was silent. The first time God spoke again to Abraham was in Genesis 17. He reintroduced Himself as El- Shaddai — God Almighty, meaning He is all-powerful and bigger than science, nature, law, or any human intervention. Today, allow him to be God Almighty in your seemingly impossible situation. After all of Abraham’s mistakes, the first thing God told him is he would become a father and reminded him of the promise again. God already knew those mistakes would happen before the promise is manifested. He sees the past, present, and future, and His perspective is eternal. Amazingly, Isaac was born right on schedule, just when God orchestrated it. Declare this strongly: my long-awaited testimony will happen exactly on schedule, just at the time which God has planned. He will always give me what is best for me when it is best for me. Nothing is satisfying about relying on the arm of flesh to fulfill God’s promises. It will always fail; leading to discontentment and painful regrets. You can only delay a promise, but you can never stop it from manifesting. It is not our job to figure out how or when it’s going to happen. We just have to believe that it will come to pass at the appointed time. Rest assured that God will never change His mind about what He has promised you. While you are waiting, you are bound to grow weary, especially when everyone else is receiving their testimony. Ask God for renewed strength as you continuously wait on Him (Isaiah 40:30-31) and remember, God has abundant mercy for every mistake, restoration for every dead situation, and a new beginning for every misfortune.

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Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf Click on book covers to learn more and purchase.

The Ghost of Erraid By Fran Brady Reviewed by Craig Ruhl My wife and I are lovers of lighthouses, and this period tale of a lightkeeper’s family was right up my reading alley. The story takes place in the 1920s on the Isle of Erraid in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. Fran Brady does an excellent job of developing the characters, some of which are quite intriguing. I feel the book was very well researched, and the storyline flowed evenly and smoothly. The level of detail the author provides serves to enhance the story and not bog it down. Although the description of mental illness and what would be considered spousal and child abuse today was difficult to read at times, it did not put me off from enjoying the read. Having finished, The Ghost of Erraid, I am very interested in reading more from Fran Brady. We are pleased to recommend The Ghost of Erraid to our Faith On Every Corner readers.

Call For Writers For Faith On Every Corner Magazine We are looking for testimonials, acts of service, devotions, and articles of how you have witnessed God working in your life or the life of family and friends. Email for submission guidelines. 42 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3


Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf Coming Soon! Chasing The Light 30 Devotions to help you live, love, and find the light within you. Written by Karen Ruhl, Photography by Karen Ruhl This devotional book has 30 devotions accompanied with a prayer for each and a page where you can journal your thoughts. It is not a dated devotional so you will be able to read it over and over. Our goal is to have this published in July. We will keep you informed and hope you will want this for yourself or as a gift for someone special.

A Wisp Of Faith by Chrystal J. Gilkey Written by Karen Ruhl I have not finished this book but I wanted to put it up for you this month. This is a journey of a young woman trying to save her career. A sweet romance and a touch of danger occur as she investigates a mysterious cloud over Shady Springs. I cannot wait to finish my work and get back to reading the rest of this book! Chrystal already has 26 5-star reviews! Click on the cover to purchase from Amazon.

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Broken Pieces By Laurie Glass

Laurie Glass has a heart for encouraging others through her writing. She has had many poems and articles published in both print and online publications. In addition, she won the Open Medicine Foundation poetry contest in 2019.

I gave, and I gave, and I gave, from my heart, so willingly, for so long. But when the pieces of life started crumbling, and I needed something back, there was no one to be found. Left alone with the pile of broken pieces, having no idea if they would ever fuse together to become one again, I felt lost, forlorn, confused. Unsure of how to go on, or even why to go on. Until one day, as God would have it, one piece joined another, as I smiled again. While only briefly, it was a hint of a new beginning, a glimmer of hope. I held my breath, hoping for more, waiting for more, longing for more.

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Photos by Michael E. Wells Author of Morning Coffee Though others remained distant, the Lord drew me closer, and with him near, the days rolled on, and with a divine touch, more pieces began to adhere to one another, sometimes barely noticeable, sometimes profound. Then a pause, some quiet reflection, questioning, wondering, if this was as whole as life would ever become again or if I could dare to hope for more. Each pause eventually gave way to something new, no matter how small, as more pieces came together. Each piece brought a little more of God’s direction, comfort, and strength, until the pieces were no longer to be seen. They had formed a whole, and their healing ushered into my heart peace, joy, and hope.





The Trail Less Traveled by Shara Bueler-Repka “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:12-13 NKJV) I looked across the table at her frail frame. The smoke from her cigar curled a white trail through the air. Her heavy heart was palpable as she stared out the window at nothing in particular. The deep lines that coursed down her face gave testimony of a hard trail ridden. A year ago to the day, they had buried her son—his life taken by the effects of doctor-prescribed drugs. They had buried her daughter a short time ago too, though she couldn’t bring herself to give details. What do you say? How do you help this broken woman? What could you possibly say to help ease her pain? I sensed the Lord telling me, “Just listen.” So, this was my “action” much of the time during the following days at this remote little horse motel. We were in Albuquerque when we got the call—our friend needed help working in the sewer holes in a particular town in New Mexico. Huh. “OK, Lord,” we prayed, “we’ve done a lot of things besides teaching and singing in our ministry. But working in sewer holes? You’ll need to confirm this one.” No calls came in for singing dates ... for any dates—just the looming prospect of the sewer work. We decided that the final confirmation would be the price of the horse motel where we would need to stay with our living quarters horse trailer and two horses. We set the we-won’t-go-over-this-much price and made the calls. After unsuccessful attempts to find a reasonably priced motel, we decided this trip was a definite “no.”

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Then, one of our friends volunteered to put out the word to her rodeo group to see if they knew anyone in the area where we could stay. The word came back: “Yeah, there is one place. But the lady’s pretty cranky.” Well, in our ministry, we’ve handled ‘cranky’ pretty well, so we gave it a shot. I called her up, and the price was right. She also had room for us. As we chatted, I found out she was an elderly woman and desperately needed the money. I felt a tremendous peace as I hung up the phone. If we’re going to invest our money anywhere, I’m excited that we can help her out. She was a bit on the crusty side, but I found from that first conversation, I liked her. We ended up coming in a week early and so stayed at “Miss Hattie’s” stable and RV park for a month and a week. While Bruce spent some “iron sharpens iron” time helping our friend rebuild manholes in the sewer system, I spent most days in a smoke-filled room with my newfound friend—or trimming trees, feeding horses, and running trash to the dump for her. I discovered that in the middle of that hard shell lived a woman with a heart of gold. The lingering question of “was coming here the right thing?” answered itself as I sat with Hattie, listening to her talk about her family, her joys, sorrows, and frustrations, her questions ... her life. I was grateful we chose to follow this “trail less traveled.” This adventure was out of the ordinary for our music ministry, but we knew we weren’t supposed to be anywhere but here—for this woman and our friend in the sewer holes.

Shara Bueler-Repka is enjoying life as a singer/songwriter/recording artist, freelance writer, and award-winning author. She and her husband, Bruce, live in their living quarters horse trailer and call “home” wherever their rig is parked. Their mail-base, however, is Hallettsville, Texas. She loves sharing God’s Word through music with her husband, riding their horses (aka The Boys) in the backcountry, and writing about God’s grace in their various adventures on the trail less traveled.

We filled the role of a protective neighbor as well. My phone rang about 8:00 one evening—a distressed voice meeting me on the other end. “Hey, I need you! Get over here, now!” Miss Hattie was in a panic. “Miss Hattie, what’s wrong?” “Just get over here!” Click. Phone in hand, I bolted out the door and raced for her house with Bruce hot on my heels. Looking back, I guess it wasn’t too bright of us, running through a half-lit stable yard toward who-knows-what—we just prayed and ran. Rounding the corner of her house, we nearly careened into the man who rented the space next to us. “I don’t know what’s going on,” he blurted out. “She’s crazy!” I noticed, however, that this man’s words were just a bit slurred. And, as he turned his head, I caught a whiff of the “spirit.” Leaving Bruce to talk to the man, I sprinted up the trailer house steps to Miss Hattie’s front door. “Miss Hattie, it’s Shara,” I called through the door. “Come in!” I pushed the door open and nearly collided with my friend—with a pistol in her hand. She was scared and ticked off. “Come with me,” she commanded. I walked with her back out on the front porch (careful to stay clear of her pistol hand), and we addressed the situation.

“I just wanted to borrow your ladder,” the renter slurred in his defense. “Well, you just kept bangin’ on the door, yelling you were in Space 519,” she retorted. “We don’t have a Space 519. I didn’t know who the heck you were!” “I’m sorry, Miss Hattie,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” Tempers cooled, and the situation was quickly resolved. “You still want to borrow my ladder?” she asked. “Yeah, but I’ll get it tomorrow,” he replied as he shuffled away. Living at that little stable was definitely an experience. But it was well worth it. At the end of our stay, we saw Miss Hattie, a woman shrouded in depression, transform as she escaped from that spirit, and joy engulfed her. And we saw our friend at the sewer holes receive crucial answers to some issues he faced. Sometimes the Lord sends us to places that aren’t necessarily our comfort zone—sometimes it’s more like a war zone. But we serve a very personal God who will do whatever it takes to reach someone crying out—or to reach someone whom a loved one is crying out about. (Matthew 25:37-40)

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God’s Perfect Timing By Cindy Oriol

There have been many times in my life when God’s timing was perfect. Although I may not have thought so at the time when I was praying to Him to answer my prayers. They weren’t being answered immediately. I thought He was not listening to me but He was. I can look back and recall a couple of those special memories. Years ago, my two daughters and I had just gone through a very painful divorce. Money was tight and I was worried about the bills getting paid while also pondering on how I was going to buy Christmas presents for my girls in a couple of months. The nursing home that I worked for was crazy about us. I took the girls to visit often. They loved it there and so did I. A few weeks before Christmas, they presented me with a giant sleigh full of goodies. It consisted of fruit, stuffed animals, games, canned goods, ham, etc. A few weeks later, a lovely lady from my girl’s school called to say that she wanted to bring food and gifts to my girls and me. They brought over three bags of groceries, ham, turkey, toys, clothes, and shoes for each of us. We were blessed with so much that we could share with a friend of mine that was going through the exact situation we were in. This was God’s Perfect Timing. We needed provisions and so did they.

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In the year 2010, my husband John and I lost our home. We found a lovely apartment and made it our new home. We had been there a couple of months when John decided he needed a part-time job. It just so happened that our apartment complex needed a full-time groundskeeper, so he inquired about it and got the job. He loved working outside among God’s creation. He planted beautiful knock-out roses, trees, and azalea bushes. Several of the tenants raved to him and the office about what a great job he was doing. He had been working there for a few months when one day the owner, John, flew in to meet him. He had heard through the office about the terrific job he was doing. He walked around the grounds and saw for himself. He thanked John for everything. Then he spoke up and said he could either give him a substantial raise or take away our rent for as long as John continued to work for him. Of course, we chose the option of not having to pay any rent. This was once again God’s Perfect Timing for you see, two years later I slipped on coffee at work and landed on my sciatic and piriformis nerve, leaving me crippled and in a wheelchair for a year. I had no income coming in because I lost my job, but we had John’s social security.

When I am alone, I can run to my friends. We also have another person in our lives we can talk to about any situation we are going through. He is God or Elohim. This name refers to His incredible authority. He is the one and only God, and we can run to Him when we feel alone. Abba means Father. This is the most intimate name for Him showing us He is our Father. Here on earth, we have godly fathers who show us unconditional love, and so does God. We are not alone. I would like to share a special time when I knew I was not alone. On August 23, 2018, I was home alone when I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and on the other end of it was the doctor that had done a biopsy on me two days ago. She told me I had a very aggressive form of breast cancer.

Cindy Oriol is the author of “IF ONLY” and “ HAVING JOY IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM.” They were written by the Holy Spirit and me to encourage anyone that is going through a storm in their life. No matter how many storms we have to endure as long as we hold tight to Jesus we can make it through anything.


I told her to have a blessed day, then I pushed the end button down. I sat there in my prayer room where God and I commune together daily, just staring at my scriptures on the walls. I asked Him to give me the strength I would need for the coming months ahead. I whispered the words, “I love you” as I felt His loving arms cradle me and knew I was not alone. . During the most difficult and painful storms that we may encounter in our lives, we can always feel certain we are never alone. God cares and He always will. He is our compassionate Father and Giver of Hope.

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A Star-Spangled Banner Day: God Moving Through Music By Edward Tooley

The supervisor of the convalescent home across the street from the church where I attend had a special request for our pastor. They asked if he could generate a group of volunteers to conduct a church service for the residents on an upcoming Sunday morning. When the request was presented to our Sunday school class, a group of us volunteered. When the day finally arrived we met in the front of the church and took a short walk to the home. The activity director greeted us warmly and then escorted us into a large activity room. The room was comfortably furnished with flowered covered sofas and chairs. In the corner was a big-screen television that had a really big screen and a baby grand piano that could not be ignored. Good thing that we had a person who could play the piano. The activity director, along with a couple of assistants, went to the various rooms inviting the residents to attend the worship service. Many of the residents agreed to come. Before we knew it, the room was almost full to capacity. The leader of the worship team shared a short devotional along with some well-known scripture verses. We sang a few familiar hymns that we thought many of the residents would know. I noticed we got some participation. Our leader suggested we sing some patriotic songs to celebrate the upcoming 4th of July holiday. This is where I saw God move in the hearts and souls of the residents. As we went from song to song, the voices of the residents got louder and louder. Some of the residents had tears streaming down their cheeks as we sang such songs as God Bless America, My Country ’Tis of Thee, O Beautiful, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and of course our national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner. I must admit some of us on the worship team also got emotional when we saw the response of the residents. After the closing prayer, the activity director came over shaking her head. She had a difficult time speaking because she was also so full of emotion. It took her a few moments to compose herself. Then she began to share that she had never heard the residents sing with so much passion and enthusiasm. Some residents that were normally silent and unresponsive were singing and celebrating during this time of ministry. She thanked us over and over as we headed out the front entryway. Our walk back to church was much slower and full of reflection. The group of us found a relaxing place to rest under some shade trees on the church grounds. The conversation was full of excitement and passion about what we had just witnessed. We were able to be eyewitnesses of our Lord God moving through music. I guess you could say it was a star-spangled banner day.

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Edward Tooley has had numerous articles published about education, adolescence, parenting, creation, and Christian Living. His work has also been featured in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Edward’s first book for children, Rounding Third and Headed for Home, is written in rhyme and is based on a true story of perseverance. Edward’s second book for children was just released and is a fictional account based on a true story of hope and a miracle. The Lighthouse/El Faro is a dual language book - both English and Spanish on the same page.

Click on book to purchase this book.

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The Wind In Your Sails By Karen Ruhl

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: ‘For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.’ Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:35-39 NKJV) These verses contain one of God’s beautiful promises to us. We will all face hardships, including persecution, illness, imprisonment, and even death. These can cause us to fear and take the wind right out of our sails. Yet, as Christians, we need to remember that nothing can separate us from God’s love. This past month, Craig had his aortic valve replaced. This was after a heart attack in February. Needless to say, I lost some of the wind from my sails. And yet, through it all, I felt God holding on to me. A family member or friend’s email, text, or phone call was comforting and let me know I wasn’t alone. The procedure went well and both Craig and I have been praising Jesus each day since for Craig’s healing. Even a big sailboat with many sails will not be able to go at full speed unless they have wind to fill them. What is causing your sails to deflate? “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” (Mark 39 NKJV) During Craig’s procedure, I prayed continually. The Cardiologists explained the risks, but I chose to claim healing for Craig. As I often do, I talked to a few people in the waiting room and offered them a prayer. My wind comes from knowing that God is there. My study Bible says this: As Christ’s followers, be prepared for the storms that will surely come. Do not surrender to the stress, but remain resilient and recover from setbacks. With faith in Christ, you can pray, trust, and move ahead. When a squall approaches, lean into the wind and trust God. (Amen!)

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Steve Carter lives in Tupelo, Mississippi and has served for over 50 years in Christian ministry. He had peddled across the continental United States, twice. Steve may be contacted by email at:

Unexpected Kindness By Steve Carter

As a child, the concept of “kindness” was foreign to me. However, as I walked home from church, swatting mosquitoes and watching for snakes every step of the way, I became aware of a seed planted in my heart. Soon, the youth worker’s kindness and wisdom germinated as I started replacing indifference Skinny and tall for a seven-year-old, I would have with concern and cruelty with compassion made a good poster child for neglect. My granddaddy, a kind and benevolent soul, took good care In elementary school, crowded classrooms left harof me when I lived at his house, which was not often ried teachers with little or no interest in helping enough. All that changed when Momma picked me overcome the yet unknown attention deficiency disup, and I found myself at the mercy of her latest male order. While suffering from this disability, I found my companion. These were tough times with rough life in general, and school in particular, very difficult. treatment, not much food, and no hint of creature This caused my self-confidence to painfully hover comforts. A little kindness would have gone a long just above zero for years. Bouncing between three way with me, but like a good friend, both were hard schools, with no parental assistance, kept me in an almost constant state of humiliation. I’m sure a little to find at that time in my life. “bumping up my grades” helped because somehow, After stepping across the threshold and heading I stumbled through grades 1 through 5. down the center aisle, I admired the pews, original to the church, which had been founded in the mid- In the sixth grade, I found myself under the tute1800s. Turning my head, I saw the smiling “from ear lage of Mrs. Rowe, an exceedingly kind widow with a to ear,” youth leader, indicating where I should sit. genuine love for her work and students. Most of my The service featured a film on young people being previous teachers, for numerous reasons, brushed kind in their efforts to show love to others. At the me aside. Mrs. Rowe, this gentle educator, would end of the service, the youth worker explained to have none of that. Daily, this kind lady went to all me the advantages of kindness and the importance manner of extra trouble to help rebuild in me healthy of working together to give a helping hand. self-esteem, while instilling the joy of learning. My feet were dirty, and my shorts frayed. I walked up the steps and into the small, white clapboard church. Centered amidst “orange grove country,” everything in the sanctuary held the sweet fragrance of orange blossoms. That and mosquito spray.



On one of my more difficult days, she asked me a simple question. Rattled, I answered in a harsh, defensive tone. Mrs. Rowe, always the nurturing professional, sighed, took her glasses off, rubbed her forehead, and said, “Steve, I’m only trying to help you. I stay awake at night, trying to think of ways to help you.” She said this, not in a scolding manner, but in a soft, caring voice I remember to this day. The church worker, whose name I never knew, and Mrs. Rowe, the sixth-grade teacher, both had a lasting impact on me. At the time my early life was unfolding, these two ladies planted godly concepts in my life that continue to bear fruit. I doubt the tiny country church worker ever received any money for her effort. Regardless of that, she invested her Sunday night toward introducing an unknown child to the value of compassion and kindness. Mrs. Rowe likely had no inkling she helped point, not only me but my younger sister in a positive direction. Aside from teaching us to spell and “cipher,” she planted in us a seed of confidence and self-esteem that was sorely lacking. For their efforts and the bearing, they remain to have on myself and those I minister to, I am thankful.

While I stood there, hands in my pockets, one of the inmates called out to me, “Come here, kid, take this dollar and go up to the store and get me a drink.” When I started strolling his way, one of the guards shouted, “Don’t get any closer, and get back in your yard!” Not wanting to cross the guard again, I watched from a distance as they labored in the blazing Florida heat. When done, the exhausted workers formed a line and headed up the road toward the closest cold drinks. I made eye contact with the man who called me over and he gave me a nod before flipping me a dollar bill. I hopped off the porch in my bare feet and scooped up his gift. The man was probably paying back the kindness I had shown. I believe he flipped me a dollar as a way of saying, “thank you.” This event taught me a valuable lesson. Regardless of one’s standing in society, we are all God’s children and should be treated with kindness and respect. While not guaranteeing the same treatment in return, we will have done our best to lighten someone’s load and make their day a little easier.

Ok, now let’s slide on over to the time I aggravated my sister enough that she ran me out of the house with a frying pan. While slamming the door, Sandra made it plain that coming back inside for a few hours would be hazardous to my health. Knowing better than to push my luck, I raced around the corner of the house and into the front yard. I had nearly straightened back up when I dug in my heels for a sliding stop. To my surprise, looming in front of me about fifty yards away, were several men with shovels digging out a ditch. After a double-take, I realized the men dressed in striped pants and dark shirts were a work crew, comprising “minimum risk” state prisoners. Seeing a prisoner work crew was common enough because in my youth such things were not considered “cruel and unusual.” It also did not escape my notice, standing watch over the detail, were two burly men armed with short barrel shotguns.

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Tammy Thompson is a Christian author under the pen name of T. S. Thompson. She is the mother of two sons currently living in Pennsylvania. She has a deep desire to move readers with her books and share the light of God through them. Thompson has been blessed with the gift of storytelling and believes the world needs good family-friendly books everyone can enjoy. Thompson has just published her most recent book “Cast Your Cares: 30-DAY Challenge.” She is also a co-host on the podcast show “Love and Encouragement to Live By”. You can find out more at: https:// You can find out more about T. S. Thompson and all her books at:

Cast Your Cares By Tammy Thompson

Do stress and worry consume you? Then it’s time you learn to cast your cares. Casting your cares can only make a difference when you know that God Almighty is the one receiving them. That is because God makes many promises to those who trust Him and depend on Him. Casting burdens is not saying, “God, here is this situation I need your help with,” and then you stress over it. If you’re stressing, that means you didn’t cast. I will repeat this. If you are worried, anxious, or stressed, then you did not cast your cares upon God because you still have them. Casting means to give it all to Him and not worry. That is when God can step in and sustain you. Let’s look at the meaning of the word cast. Having a picture of this in my mind helped me in this process. I looked at both current dictionaries and the 1828 Webster’s dictionary to see how this word is defined. Here are some definitions of the word cast. • •

To cast as to toss with force, or let fall away like an anchor. To discard. To throw away. To shed off.

All of those definitions paint a picture that I find helpful. When you are struggling to cast your cares, try to visualize the process using these definitions. See yourself casting them away with force, or letting your heavy burden fall away like an anchor. Envision yourself discarding your cares, throwing them away, and shedding them off you. When you cast your cares to God, you trust Him to supply your needs. But so often we get stuck thinking the supply still comes through what we have access to. The Holy Spirit led me to study a group of verses to show me how to see this correctly. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 4:19 (KJV) Notice the verse does not say that Tammy shall supply all her needs. No, it says right away that it is God that shall, not might or maybe, but shall supply. That is assurance. That is also telling me that God is my supplier, not me. Whatever I need to be supplied comes from God. Then it goes on to say that He shall supply ‘all’ my need, not some of my needs or sometimes supplying, but ‘all’ my need.


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Here is a quick exercise to help you take the supply pressure off of your shoulders and hand it over to God, who is the king of supply. Think of God at the top of the supply chain where everything flows down to us. Whatever we need, God has it and sends it our way. I took that verse and filled in my need like so: • But my God shall supply the means to repair my car according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. • But my God shall supply healing to my body according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. • But my God shall supply the best clients to help grow my business according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Do you see how doing this takes the generalized statement and narrows it to exactly what needs you are asking God to handle? This is a beautiful way to take the living Word of God and make it come alive for you in a personal way.

“For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.” (Psalm 50:1-12 KJV) Since everything belongs to God, I can come to Him and ask, knowing He has the ability to give it to me. Take a moment and think about everything as belonging to God. Everything in this world is His. He created all of it. We are just stewards of it. If you have things in your life that cause you to feel anxiety, understand that God is standing ready for you to come to Him and hand it over. God is able and willing to help you in all areas of your life. But your part is to cast your cares to God, the one who can supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

How does this verse say it will happen? Not according to my riches! Meaning that God is not limited to what I have in my bank account, where I live, or my connections. This is where many of us get hung up. You pray and ask God to help with your bills, repairs, sickness, and financial strain. Yet you still think your prayers are limited to your resources. But God says it is according to His riches. Often we limit God by thinking He works by our riches, our abilities, our bank account, and our resources. No. He can only supply you with His riches. The good news is that everything is His! Let’s look at this verse.

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The Tears Of The Groom By Dave Foucar

July is smack dab in the middle of wedding season with 80% of weddings occurring between May and October. Of course, that makes the planning process a little difficult since venues, caterers, DJs, photographers, and the like book up quickly during these months. Still, most put up with the planning difficulties and tie the knot between May and October. As probabilities would have it, my wife and I followed the trend and were married in July (more on that later). In keeping with the wedding season, we’ve received several invitations from family and friends and recently attended the first. So, it seems a good time to make a confession: I like weddings. Not very “macho” I know. Still, there is something very special about a wedding. Of course, the reception, dancing, gathering of friends and family, those are great and can be a lot of fun. But there is one special moment in a wedding, in the ceremony itself, that always gets me and it might surprise you exactly what moment that is.

Many, as they think about a wedding, think of the bride, and rightly so. In many ways, the whole ceremony centers on her. She is dressed and made up for this special occasion. She is beautiful. This is her day. As we sit waiting for the ceremony to begin, the families are ushered in, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen proceed to their places. Every activity builds to the climactic moment when the bride will enter. Then, usually after just a moment of quiet, a wedding march begins to play, and all rise. All turn in anticipation of the bride being escorted down the aisle. There are oohs and aahs. You can hear the faint sound of whispers, “Look at her”, “Isn’t she beautiful?” It is at that moment that I look to the front to see the groom as he sees his bride for the first time. There is magic in that moment. It’s there that the purest kind of love is displayed. As I look to the front, I see the groom crumble with emotion at the first sight of his bride. It doesn’t seem to matter how tough these men might be on any other day. They are completely overwhelmed by the moment. The beauty of their bride approaching, yes! But more, the anticipation of new beginnings. A new life together. Shared goals and dreams. An unknown path conquered together. And this is how it was at the wedding my wife and I attended early in this wedding season. A tough Marine crumbled at the sight of his new bride.


This isn’t the only time I’ve seen the tears of a groom at a wedding. I’ve seen it again and again. Naturally, some stand out more than others. As I escorted my own beautiful daughters down the aisle, I saw my son-in-laws’ eyes filled with tears. A final assurance to a father that these two young men could be trusted to “love their wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:25 NIV) Those were two special wedding days! Every wedding, though, and the sight of a crying groom, is special to me. Why? Because it reminds me of my own wedding day and the emotions simply rush back.

For those who choose marriage, what a blessing that God has given us in a spouse. Someone to share life with. The ups and downs. The successes and failures. The happy times and times of grief. And perhaps most of all, the opportunity to be a model of God’s love to all around us. So, whether you’ve been married for a day, thirty-six years, or longer, thank God for your spouse. And may I suggest, the next time you’re at a wedding, look to the front and check out the “Tears of The Groom.”

Thirty-six years ago this month, I watched as my beautiful wife walked down the aisle escorted by her father. The world around me collapsed. All other sights and sounds seemed to disappear. All I could see was that beautiful woman approaching me, to stand before God and all the witnesses, and become my wife. So, yes, it became hard to swallow, as the lump grew in my throat, and my eyes filled with tears. My knees were weak, and it was all I could do to stand. This woman. This beautiful creature was going to be my wife. She would take me, with all my shortcomings and flaws, to share my life. I simply was in awe.

Dave Foucar has spent his career as a financial professional, but his heart has always been in ministry. He has spent decades in lay leadership teaching Sunday School, Bible Studies, and Small Groups for all ages. He has been a lead speaker and seminar leader at Couples Retreats, Men’s Retreats, and Family and Youth Camps. Dave has been married for thirty-five years to the love of his life, Debbie. They have three beautiful daughters. Each of them brings immeasurable joy as they expand their families and careers.

You might suppose from all this gushing that every day of these thirty-six years has been bliss. Of course not! Anyone of us that has lived any length of time knows that there are difficult days. Married or not. I wish I could say I was a perfect husband at every turn and in every word but, why should I lie to you? While I haven’t been perfect, my marriage has been the single most valuable thing in my life. It isn’t a mistake that the Proverbs tell us, “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22). Perhaps we need, at least periodically, to be reminded of that. In marriage, we have received “favor from the Lord.” Dare I say it? We husbands may need to be reminded more often than our wives. But wives need to be grateful as well.

Dave’s first book, “What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?” is a conversational approach to helping people answer questions about Jesus. Christians want to share their faith, or at least they should, but it is not always an easy task. Click on the book photo to purchase.

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Can Jealousy Be Healthy? Does it ever make a relationship stronger? By James Dakis

Jealousy has gotten a bad rap. There. I said it. From early childhood, we are taught not to be jealous. A friend gets a new bike while we are stuck with our old one. Our big sister gets to go out with her friends while we have to stay home and do homework. The other kids in our class have enough money for the “cool clothes” but we have to wear off-brands or worse yet, hand-me-downs. We are programmed from the time we become self-aware that jealousy is the same as envy. Essentially, it is equal to wanting something that isn’t ours to have; something that belongs to someone else and probably isn’t supposed to be ours. While sometimes this is true, it isn’t as simple as that. Jealousy is unavoidable — it’s part of the price we pay for intimacy. (Rachel Simmons) Is that really always the case? One look at the person of God and we see jealousy manifest itself in a healthy and necessary way. God, Himself, is a jealous God. He says as much without mincing words! “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;” (Exodus 20:5 KJV)

In the Law given to Moses, jealousy is even mentioned interestingly in Numbers, Chapter 5. Specifically, regarding a husband’s jealousy towards a wife who strays, the law does not condemn his jealousy but addresses how to proceed in order to restore the marriage. When is it right to be jealous? Looking at the examples in the Bible of when God says that He is jealous, it is obvious that He expresses this feeling about the children of Israel; people He has chosen as His own to love unconditionally. He does not want to share them with any other god. He also expects undivided loyalty from them. The verse quoted above, Exodus 20:5, comes right after the first and most crucial of the Ten commandments Moses receives just two verses earlier: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3 KJV) God will not share His love with other gods. This doesn’t just mean that He doesn’t share with the thousands of gods of false religions. No. It means that if you make money your god, you are replacing Him. It means that if you put sex, your career, alcohol, sports, and even your family ahead of your relationship with Jesus Christ, you have made Him jealous by saying, “I have another god, so you will have to step aside… at least for now.”


Although I also work as a chaplain and have done ministry in other forms as well, using written words allows me to reach more people than one-on-one ministry and today’s technology allows me to do it like never before. Mixing a passion for Christian ministry and writing has been in my heart for many years and merging them together truly gives me a way to bring the calling of God and the gifts He has touched me with together for His glory. With the support of my loving wife, I could not be blessed more. That, and the lifetime support of my parents, lead me onward in this mission.

So how does this apply to us? Well, in addition to thinking about how God has the right to be jealous and deserving of His rightful place in our lives, what about jealousy in our own relationships? I am married. I love my wife dearly. She is the most important person in my life. Because she is so precious to me, I am very protective of her. As such, if another man approaches her in a way that appears to be suggestive, I get jealous. I get defensive. “What are his intentions? Why is he talking to my wife?” These things run through my head. She is supposed to be mine and mine alone. Some people may see this as selfish or insecure. However, think about it for a minute; is it better for me to feel possessive in this way or to not care? Should I say, “I don’t care if she talks to other men, or even has close friendships with them? I trust her. She is faithful to me.” While this may sound like a loving, trusting husband, what happens when, later, I find I see her less and she has realized that a male co-worker is now willing to listen to her when she has a problem? What about the customer where she works who flirts with her and makes her feel pretty and desirable? At what point have I gone from trusting to not caring?

This probably doesn’t happen overnight. It happens gradually. It may not lead to an adulterous relationship but may lead to a distance between me and my wife. However, if I maintain a healthy sense of protective jealousy that nobody has the right to love my wife the way that I do, then chances are, I will not stop showing her the affection and attention that she deserves. She will not be easily enticed by those who want to give her attention elsewhere. When does jealousy go too far? Not that jealousy doesn’t have an ugly side to it. It does. One perfect example in the Bible is in Genesis 34. We see the jealousy of Joseph’s brothers because he, (Joseph), is “loved… more”. This is a case where there is a desire for something that another person has that is not yours. It can also lead, as was the case here, to do bad things or at least have hateful or sinful thoughts. This is when jealousy becomes envy, or the strong desire to have what is not rightfully yours. In conclusion, jealousy can be a slippery slope. It runs between being protective of what we love and are charged with caring for as our own and being possessive and controlling of those same things. It can cross over into coveting things that are not rightfully ours and envying what we do not have and are not entitled to. The key to finding balance is to find balance in your life through a proper relationship with Jesus Christ. Justification in Christ happens once, but sanctification is a lifelong process.

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Trusting God In The Unexpected by Yvonne M. Morgan “Then you will walk in your way securely. And your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid. When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” (Proverbs 3:23-24 NASB) When I worked for a charity, I was responsible for the audits at our international offices. One of those locations was in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Early in my tenure at the company, I spent a week in that office performing an audit. Meeting the office staff and getting to know them was a privilege. I also planned a follow-up visit to the Haiti office. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to go because of a layoff. I felt devastated by the loss, but God had a purpose in the timing. I finally found another job and moved past my disappointment with God’s plans for the change. Then, one day, I heard about a massive earthquake that hit Haiti. The destruction appeared enormous from the reports I heard on the news. I said a quick prayer for my friends in the country.

Later in the day, I received an email from a friend I knew from my charity days. She told me that one of my former co-workers had gone on the trip I was supposed to take to Haiti. And they had not heard from him since the quake hit the area. The news soon reported that the hotel he stayed at had collapsed, and many had died. In addition, several missionaries who stayed at that same hotel had lost their lives. As I prayed for those impacted, it occurred to me that I was supposed to be on that trip. That thought stopped me dead in my tracks. I realized then that God had a bigger purpose behind the layoff. He saved my life with the discharge from my dream job. I cried and cried. So many emotions raced through my mind, especially fear for this co-worker. “Because he loves me, says the Lord. I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.” (Psalms 91:14 NIV) I knew this co-worker was a Christian, so I trusted God for his protection. Days later, word finally arrived that he survived and made his way to the Dominic Republic to try to get a plane home. I rejoiced with this news and praised the Lord. It took him another half a week, but he finally got home safely.

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I emailed him a few days later to check on him. We wrote back and forth that day as he shared the harrowing experiences he had experienced. He explained that the night before the earthquake, he had suffered from severe chest pains and decided to go to the hospital. As a precaution, the hospital decided to keep him overnight for observation. Because of this, he was not in the hotel when it collapsed. He lost everything in the hotel except his passport. He took his passport to the hospital as his means of ID. That same passport allowed him to enter the Dominic Republic to be rescued. God used another unlikely circumstance to save his life. Oh, and he never had any more heart issues. “Say to God, How awesome are your deeds! Your enemies cringe before your mighty power.” (Psalms 66:3 NLT) We serve an awesome God. Looking back over life events, I am always amazed to see how God’s hand protected us from so many situations. So, the next time you question your life’s circumstances, remember that God knows His plans for you and that they are the best, even when we don’t understand them. And remember to praise God for the difficult times of our lives. He might just be saving your life through them.

Daily Bible Study

Myanmar Orphanage The situation in the town surrounding our orphanage is dire. The military controls the town and has shut down all the schools and hospitals. And, the COVID cases are climbing. Please consider helping us as we provide for theses children. Donate at Yvonne M Morgan Christian author and speaker Click on book cover to purchase.

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT) God Bless you! Yvonne M Morgan

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C O N TA C T U S . . .

Publisher & Editor in Chief: Karen Ruhl Managing Editor Craig Ruhl Photography: Karen Ruhl (unless otherwise credited) Staff Writers: Craig Ruhl Karen Ruhl

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