“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” — Matthew 6:26
Photo by Nancy Langis DeJesus
Photographer: Nancy DeJesus
Nancy DeJesus lives in Virginia with her husband. They have seven children and two grandchildren. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Art Education from the Pennsylvania State University. She taught art in the public school system and is currently a Subject Matter Specialist for an internaitonal homeschool education company. She and her family are devoted to their church. She is a small business owner, selling her books, watercolor prints, and photos on www.NancyDeJesusPhotography.com
Note From Karen Ruhl, Editor
Happy New Year!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday and prayed for 2025 and all the blessings that it will bring.
I would like to take the time to thank every one of our contributors. Many have been with us almost from the start of the magazine. We have become friends and love seeing our families grow.
I am not sure I believe in New Year’s Resolutions. Not to be silly, but I don’t think I have ever thought about them once I put them on a sheet of paper. So, my New Year goal is to pray often, listen closely to His quiet voice, be a comfort to those who need a friend, and be the best grandmother I can be for Damien. 2024 saw many losses and changes, I am keeping my eyes on the new year for peace.
I was so blessed in 2025 with family and friends who came beside me. At a time when my entire world changed, I had many of you contact me, and supported me in many ways. To you, thank you. A special thank you to Donna Miller who has become my best friend this year. What a blessing to have you in my life.
Now, about those New Year Resolutions ... what have you got planned?
I would love to hear from you. You can email me at the email below. If you are interested in writing an article, poem, or are a photog that would like to have your photos shown in the magazine, get in touch!
Happy New Year, may 2025 be filled with blessings. Karen
Nancy’s photos are amazing, she is also an author. Her information is on the inside cover.
New Year 2025 ... by John Alexander ... Pages 6-7
A Choice For The New Year ... by Melissa Henderson ... Pages 8-9
Preparing For The Lord’s Return ... by Yvonne M. Morgan ... Pages 10-11
Happy New Year ... by Roland T. Pyle ... Page 13
Morning Coffee ... by Michael E. Wells ... Pages 14-15
Hope In Christ... by Irene Surya ... Page 16
Winter In My Soul ... by Laurie Glass ... Page 17
Vestrictions ... by Donna J. Miller ... Pages 18-19
Entering The New Year With Hope .... by Steve Wilson ... Pages 20-21
Shining Bright For Those Around Us ... by Brianna Barrett ... Pages 22-23
Poems ... by David Calhoun... Pages 24-25
A Time For Healing ... Gina Meredith ... Page 26-27
Even The Flowers Face The Sun ... Shara Bueler Repka ... Pages 28-29
A New Year... But the past is very present ... by Karen Ruhl ... Pages 30-31
Poems ... by By Pat Severin ... Pages 32-33
Happy New Year - may your family be blessed with good health and prosperity. Hold each other close, give hugs and kisses, and always say “I love you.”
A Fresh Start ... by Linda Castro ... Pages 34-35 Get Ready To Shine ... by Dr. Kathleen Oden ... Pages 36-37
What We Cannot Transcend Is Hard to Forgive: All States of Sanctification Are Not Created Equal ... by Mitchell Milch ... Pages 38-39 Road Trippin’ ... by Susan Strawn ... Pages 40-41
A Happy New Year ... by Brenda McDaniel ... Page 42 The Mountain ... by Pamela McCormick ... Page 44
New Year 2025
As you begin a new year, I pray you take time to reflect on the year that’s past, the things that you cherish, the memories you hold dear. I pray you are able to look forward to the coming year, anticipating all the Lord has in store for you. May you be blessed ach day of the year ahead through every experience along your journey. I pray the poems I’ve selected as we enter a new year are a blessing to you. It’s been a pleasure sharing my journey with you through poetry.
Blessings, John Alexander QuietTimeRhymes.com
I leave another year behind. I’ll cherish good times in my mind. I’ll hold them tight in days ahead, Cold winter nights I’ve come to dread. Life comes with good and bad times too. I much prefer the skies of blue, But know the rain, the wind, the storm Are all too often now the norm.
But through it all I’ll pen my rhymes, Share words to get me through tough times. Lord grant me peace throughout the night, And help me share Your words of light.
I pray the words I pen each day Help someone else along the way.
Lord thank you for blessings I’ve known through the year, Thank you for family and friends I hold dear.
I’m grateful for words I’ve been able to share As a way to help others know Your love and care.
Thank you for others who help me to grow, Provide words of wisdom that sparkle and glow, Who lift and encourage on days when I’m down. They’re building up treasure with jewels in their crown.
I’m grateful for places my words can be read, For hearts that can listen and hear what is said.
I pray that the year brings new places to serve.
Lord help me stay active, not merely observe. Lord help me to listen and hear what You say, And follow Your footsteps as You lead the way.
If you’re reading these lines you’ve begun a new year, Giving thanks for the days in the past you’ve been through, For the loved ones you cherish, the friends you hold dear,
But also embracing a future that’s new. It’s a time to look forward, to start a new page, As we make resolutions, I pray they include Finding ways to connect, to converse and engage,
To see a real face, not just clips we have viewed. Let’s savor the moments the times that we share.
It’s not really hard to reach out, be a friend. I’ve seen others show kindness I know it’s not rare.
Finding ways to connect helps us all in the end. I pray that the kindness and love that we show Will touch those around us and blossom and grow.
Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard”and“Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at https://www.facebook.com/melissa.henderson.9440
Read her blogs at: https://melissaghenderson.com/ It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons
A Choice For The New Year
By Melissa Henderson
“Do you have a goal for the new year?” “Have you chosen your word for the new year?” “What do you plan to accomplish?” These questions and similar ones fill social media posts beginning in the fall and continuing through the last months of the year. Choosing a word for the year can help some folks. Making a plan or setting goals may be helpful to others. For some folks, the added pressure of having specific things to accomplish may bring stress and worry.
My email and social media have already been flooded with reminders to choose a word, set a goal, and make a list for the new year. For me, these are personal choices. I don’t pick a certain word for the year. I have created a mental list of things I would like to accomplish in the future, but I am not putting pressure on myself to try and complete a list that someone else has chosen.
I plan to continue living for God, sharing His message, and shining the light of Christ with my words and actions. Will I fail at times? Yes. I’m thankful that God forgives me and gives me many more opportunities to get things right. His love and mercy are forever.
Being a writer means I already have many lists. Some include new story ideas, sites to submit my writing, conferences to check out, books to read, author events to visit, and more.
The new year will bring a mix of emotions. Joy, sadness, peace, struggles, harmony, discord, love, fear, and many others will fill our lives. How we process and handle those emotions and events in our lives will lead us closer to God or pull us away from Him. I pray we all focus on Him and the many ways to show His love to others.
I applaud those who have chosen a word for the new year and those who set goals and aim to meet them.
I also appreciate the people who pause and listen for God’s guidance in each moment.
Melissa Henderson
Whether you choose a word, set a goal, or wait, please know that God loves you. He has given His creations special talents and gifts so we may share His love with others.
How will you bring in the new year?
God bless you. You are loved.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)
New Year, Melissa Henderson
Click on the book covers to purchase Melissa’s books.
Yvonne M Morgan, Christian author and speaker
Blog at Turningmountainsintomolehills.org Twitter: @ymmauthor
Website: Yvonne-Morgan.com
Preparing For The Lord’s Return
By Yvonne M. Morgan
People fill social media with messages about preparing for the return of our Lord. Many believe that God’s return is imminent because of the increasing sin and evil in our world. This causes panic and fear among some people. Instead of seeking a relationship with God, some only seek Him as fire insurance. But is this the response the Lord desires from us? In this blog, I will discuss how we should live a life of godly preparedness.
History of Preparing in the Bible
Within the pages of the Old Testament, we find God’s people waiting on Jesus. Then, as we move forward into the New Testament, we find that Jesus’ life and death fulfill all the OT prophesies. Finally, as Jesus ascended into Heaven in Acts 1:10-11, the angels remind us He will return. We see this in Matthew 24:44; “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” So, preparing for Jesus’ return is a Biblical action.
State of Preparedness
The instructions guide us to prepare continuously, rather than acting suddenly. It starts with accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior. Then, our life should revolve around Christ. We should spend time in prayer, worship, reading scripture, and communing with God. This way, He can guide our daily actions. As we prepare to meet Jesus someday, we should also share Him with everyone we meet, so that no one gets left behind.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ YMMauthor/ Turning Mountains into Molehills (2017)
Sharing our Stories
When we meet someone who needs to hear about our life in Christ, are we prepared to share the good news? Do we have a personal story we are prepared to share? In preparing for Christ’s return, we can study the Biblical accounts of how God changed our lives. Jesus loves each person we meet, so let them know about Him.
Staying Prepared
Many Bible verses instruct us about godly living. One that I think sums it up best is in Titus 2:11-14; “11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” In summary:
• Start by saying yes to Christ and loving Him.
• Then we say no to ungodliness.
• We should also say no to worldly passions.
• And be self-controlled.
• Love your neighbors as yourself.
• These actions help to prepare us for His glorious return.
• Preparing for the Lord
Jesus will come back one day. He could come back today, tomorrow, or in a thousand years. As believers, we need to be prepared for His return by living like Christ every day. There’s no need to panic or worry about it. Instead, let’s follow the teachings of the Bible and rejoice because we will eventually be in paradise with God forever. Rather than seeking only fire insurance, let’s focus on living a life dedicated to Christ, which will bring us more peace.
My Heavenly Father, I look forward to Your return, and the time I will spend with You in eternity. Please help me not to panic or worry, but to focus on living for you. Please show me who needs to hear my story so they might seek You for their own life, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.
Click on photos to purchase Yvonne’s Books on Amazon.
Happy New Year - May God Bless You all with good health and happiness.
Rolanda T. Pyle
There’s an old saying, “The New Year lies before you like a spotless tract of snow Be careful how you tread on it or every mark will show.”
Year 2025 is a time to get rid of the old and bring on the new. It’s a time to reflect, rethink and review.
It’s a time to move on from the hurts, mistakes, and pains of the past.
Time to be up front and come from behind our masks
Time to make the changes that we want to see
Time to work on ourselves to be who we want to be.
It’s also a time to set new goals and have a plan
To begin the work we need to do to be the best we can We are the people who can and will do it
Because through prayer and faith, the Lord will bring us to it.
So we stand ready and welcome year 2025 Focused on becoming all we want to be and ready to dive Into working towards those goals we want to see. Making our hopes and dreams a reality.
It’s a New Year, it’s a new month, it’s a new day!!!
May God bless us all in the new year in every way!
Pyle (c) All Rights Reserved
Michael E. Wells has a passion for writing letters of Christian encouragement. With poetic style and moving messages, the reader is often comforted and consoled, inspired and refreshed. Since his retirement from Federal Service in 2006, most mornings are spent penning letters of the heart. Tucked away in the foothills of Pennsylvania, his is an idyllic lifestyle in a pastoral setting. This backdrop helps to set both mood and message for his many writings. You can find his book, “Morning Coffee with Words For The Day” at Amazon.com.
Morning Coffee
by Michael E. Wells
It never stops, this incessant conflict called life. From world, nation, city, town, neighborhood, family and finally to words and images in our heads. As Solomon said, “What does one get for all their endeavors, indeed all their days are filled with grief and sorrow. Even at night their minds do not rest.”
The man who said there is nothing new under the sun also knew the strife of life. Sometimes meaningless tension, others are of monumental stress. But above the roar and hum in our heads a voice can be discerned, a whisper perceived. Not clear but present, not overwhelming but distinct. One, if listened to, gives something new... Hope.
To realize this is not all there is, that something greater awaits is comfort to the soul and rest for the mind. That all our labors are not in vain, that years of prayer have made a difference though some will not be known to us this side of heaven. Yes, our lives can become like waves tossed in the tempest of a storm but if we will calm ourselves and listen, a voice in our spirit will whisper, “Peace be still.”
Click on book photo to purchase on Amazon.
(I highly recommend this book! - Karen)
Here, thoughts are expressed and fears released. It is a time of contemplation and sorting out the issues that keep us up at night. We mouth the words our heart keeps silent. We speak, we listen. We ponder, we consider. Sometimes our words are exhausted. We sit and look out, emptied from our struggle within.
We ask, “Is there no one listening?” A whispered thought brings comfort. A well placed word brings momentary peace. “Take rest, all will be made well.” We don’t know how or when but a sense of something greater than ourselves speaks. Reaching outside ourselves oftentimes takes hold of hope.
So do not readily dismiss the empty chair or vacate bench along the way. For it may just provide a moment of clarity along your way. It is an airing of our life when no one can hear, no one to judge you or strangers to oddly stare. But a moment when we may feel a Presence of calm to ease our fear. And so we hear the whispered voice speak again, “Be still and know that I Am God. I not only know but keep the secrets of your heart.”
Each morning as you awake, are your first thoughts to your list? We all have a routine, a habit of things to do. You may change the order but are sure to check all the boxes.
After a while it all seems too familiar, too mundane. It can become nothing more than an obligation. Where once was anticipation, now is devoid even of thought.
This also happens in our morning time with God. Time to change it up. Don’t rush, listen first, read a couple random verses, pray for those God brings to mind. This morning, think outside the box.
By Irene Surya
As I wade through the waters Of this mundane life, Hope in Christ is the sweet melody Ringing sweetly in the ears.
As I row through the river Of this pilgrim life, Hope is the rhythmic beat From a fine tuned instrument.
Dr. Irene Surya is an awardwinning author of her book, In Solitude with God. Her poems have been published in various magazines and anthologies. She has a passion for writing for the Lord and glorifying His name through her writings. She loves and serves the Lord with her husband.
As I swim through the silence Of calm, tranquil seas, Hope is the synchronous music From a well played orchestra.
As I sail through the turbulence Of wide, stormy oceans, Hope is the high energy beats From a music concert.
As I count each moment In the seasons of darkness, Hope is the heavenly voice From the angelic choir.
As the symbolic rainbow
Ushers sunshine after rains, Hope adds a beautiful symphony Through all of this unpredictable life.
Click on book to purchase from Amazon.
Laurie Glass has a heart for encouraging others through her writing. She has had many poems and articles published and is the author of Expressing Your Grief: Through Poems and Prayers. Laurie is a staff writer for Chronic Joy, a ministry for those affected by chronic illness and other health issues. In addition, she won the Open Medicine Foundation poetry contest in 2019.
By Laurie Glass
Harsh arctic winds within me blow, bone chilling blizzard in my heart, stark bitterness packed in like snow. Must work through frigid wintry pain. Like ice, it will not break apart. My harbored hurts have frozen me. With stubborn heart, I won’t let go, but cling to ice cold misery. My pardon they do not deserve. Hold on, although it hurts me so.
Bright Warming Glow appears to me. Though I resist, Heat melts a drop. This moment halts me, sobering. How dare I choose to not forgive?
Don’t want His thawing work to stop. Warm nail-scarred hands embrace my soul with penetrating healing touch. Begins His work to make me whole. Melts ice to puddles deep within.
Just what I needed, oh, so much.
The steam from One whose gentleness diffused, dissolved my glacial heart, restored my soul, and I am blessed.
I’m grateful for His work in me. He caused the ice to break apart.
Donna is a preschool curriculum writer for Lifeway and loves teaching two year olds at her church, Hudson First Baptist. She is a retired elementary school media coordinator and K-1 teacher. She loves all children - especially her 4 grandchildren! She loves to read, scrapbook, and make cards. Donna lives in Hudson, NC with her husband, Lewis. They enjoy traveling together.
By Donna J. Miller
Soon after my husband, Lewis, and I became engaged (almost 50 years ago), some family friends, Roger and Susan, invited us to their house for dinner and game night. At the age of 20, I was so excited because being invited for dinner felt like being an “adult.” Although they had been part of my life for years, they were a married couple and I had been a teenager.
We had a delicious dinner and then played a game called Probe. It was similar to Hangman. Each person thought of a word and hid it from the others. Then, we took turns guessing letters. We played until everyone’s word was guessed except Lewis’s word. Only one letter was missing. His word looked like this: __estrictions. The missing letter couldn’t be an r. He had revealed one r and would have shown both if it was an r. We were completely puzzled and proclaimed him the winner.
Lewis revealed his last letter. It was a v. “Vestrictions!” Roger asked, “What does vestrictions mean?” Lewis shrugged and admitted that my dad had given him a slip of paper with the word and had told him that it was a good word to trick Roger who was a brilliant college professor and usually won at games. Roger picked up the phone and called my dad to ask what vestrictions meant.
My dad was puzzled and said that the word was “restrictions.” Lewis pulled the slip of paper out of his pocket and the puzzle was solved. The first r in my Dad’s word was very loose and sloppy. It did look like a v. We laughed and laughed!
The next morning at church, my family, Lewis, Roger, and Susan were all sitting near each other. We laughed again at how the sloppy r had tricked everyone. Church began and my dad was called on to pray. He always prayed beautiful prayers and this day was no exception… until he ended his prayer with, “And Lord, we pray for those who have vestrictions.” It is so hard to keep from laughing at church but we tried, we really tried!
Almost 50 years later, my dad and Roger have no vestrictions (whatever they are). They are both in heaven enjoying the eternal life God promises believers. Each year when I write a Christmas card to Susan, I always want to write “Merry Christmas. Wishing you a year with no vestrictions.“ It is still a joke among our families.
As I thought about this article, I wondered if vestrictions had a definition now, (We didn’t have Google back then.) Guess what? It may be a math term over my head and a misspelling of restrictions but Google didn’t define it! So I have decided to claim it and give it a meaning.
Sometimes we have restrictions. The doctor says something like, “Don’t lift more than 5 pounds” after a surgery. Or we realize that it isn’t safe to drive at night because our eyes can’t handle the glare. Those are real precautions that protect us.
But there are other rules or choices that we make for ourselves that are not positive, not doctor-recommended, and not even good for us. For example, I hate to make phone calls so I am very happy that e-mails and texts were invented. I talk to my daughter daily, but she almost always calls me. If I really need to call someone, I will text and say, “Call me when you get a chance.” I don’t mind talking to folks, I just don’t want to disturb them. That is silly! I am “vestricted” from making phone calls.
And then there are the things we know we should do but don’t. Did I rush through my Bible study because I had other things to do? Did I tell someone I would pray for them and then get busy and forget to pray? Did I feel God prompting me to stop and check on a family struggling with serious illness and yet I drive right by their house over and over? Did I work one more (or three or four more) puzzles on my phone when I should have used it to call someone who needed encouragement? These are things I neglected or chose not to do! I will call them vestrictions. (And many times they are sins!) The Bible tells us: “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” James 4:17 (CSB)
I need to face my vestrictions and do the tasks God prompts me to do. The Bible also says: “But as for you, be strong; don’t give up, for your work has a reward.” 2 Chronicles 15:7. I must take the time to study my Bible and seek God, or I won’t grow. Unless I pray, my prayers won’t be answered. I must make the call or visit, or the people I need to encourage won’t be helped. God can use me and reward me, only when I put my vestrictions behind me and do the right things!
What vestrictions are holding YOU back from being God’s servant to a hurting world? Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Make today the day you choose to do the right things! Put YOUR vestrictions behind you!
Steve Wilson is an author, writer, and artist. He lives in Granite Falls, North Carolina with his beautiful wife Jenny.
by Steve Wilson
Someone once stated, “Men makes plans, God laughs” and looking back at your previous year, perhaps you can relate! My wife and I sure have had our share of trials at times these past few years; a couple of those trials even followed us into the following New Year. And while some folks are busily jotting down their New Year’s resolutions and planning every week for the next year, others are facing the upcoming new year with the “same stuff, different year” philosophy. But just for an instant, a brief moment in time, if you look at your new calendar just right, you’ll see it; a blank slate, an empty page, a blossoming hope for better days ahead.
Sure, I’ve been one of those resolution driven individuals who would charge into the New Year touting remarks like, “I will strive to eat better” or “I will endeavor to exercise more consistently and get in better shape” or even “I will attempt to be the best version of myself”…whatever that means? Without some thought, planning and preparation, many jump into these resolutions and burn themselves out after only a couple of weeks. I’ve touted the first two “resolutions” and reflected below is a sampling of my personal experiences.
A few years (or so) ago, my wife and I joined Weight Watchers to shed some weight and generally feel better. I was doing pretty well, getting into the groove of eating certain foods that was considered healthy and, being a creature of habit, ate these same foods on a regular basis. On one occasion at our WW group meeting, I had a particularly good weight loss week, and so I was encouraged to share what I had been doing. Being rather proud of myself and that week’s accomplishments, I proceeded to share with the group what I routinely ate for breakfast. There were audible gasps throughout the group and I thought the one lady in the third row was going to pass out right there; it seems what I thought was normal and healthy for me had exceeded 98% of the group member’s point total for half the day! “You must have great metabolism” they said…whatever…
The other activity I would dabble in at times was exercise. As those of you who know me can attest, I’m not exactly the poster child for Mr. Olympia. However, exercise is the catalyst that helps me lose weight and keeps my health in check. I remember one particular early morning, dragging my carcass into the local YMCA to work out before work. I always began my morning routine warming up, most of the time on the Elliptical machine. As luck would have it that morning, the only machine open was beside the most perfect specimen of a human being. I’m pretty sure that he turned his machine on the “MEGA MACHO” setting for his sixty minutes of pure bliss, complete with a dumb bell in one hand, a power drink in the other, while pouring over a book in front of him. If he did sweat, I’m sure the one drop that dribbled down the side of his head smelled like Irish Spring. I, on the other hand, turned my machine on the desired setting of “NINJA TURTLE”. After five minutes on the machine, I appeared to have just completed an ice bucket challenge, for sweat was pouring from every pore. I swear I was getting stares like, “you ARE going to clean that area up, aren’t you?”…yeah, whatever…
The other activity I would dabble in at times was exercise. As those of you who know me can attest, I’m not exactly the poster child for Mr. Olympia. However, exercise is the catalyst that helps me lose weight and keeps my health in check. I remember one particular early morning, dragging my carcass into the local YMCA to work out before work. I always began my morning routine warming up, most of the time on the Elliptical machine. As luck would have it that morning, the only machine open was beside the most perfect specimen of a human being. I’m pretty sure that he turned his machine on the “MEGA MACHO” setting for his sixty minutes of pure bliss, complete with a dumb bell in one hand, a power drink in the other, while pouring over a book in front of him. If he did sweat, I’m sure the one drop that dribbled down the side of his head smelled like Irish Spring. I, on the other hand, turned my machine on the desired setting of “NINJA TURTLE”. After five minutes on the machine, I appeared to have just completed an ice bucket challenge, for sweat was pouring from every pore. I swear I was getting stares like, “you ARE going to clean that area up, aren’t you?”…yeah, whatever…
Brianna is a Carolina girl that loves Jesus and her family. She enjoys watching the sunrise, photography, reading, writing, and paddleboarding. According to her teenage son, she’s a master chef in the kitchen, making gluten-free cuisine from around the world. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications, including Faith On Every Corner, Magazine, The Christian Journal, Our Story Magazine, and Broken But Priceless Magazine, where she writes the “From A Homemaker’s Heart” column. Check out her latest works at www.briannagrams.com and connect with her on Instagram @briannagrams or Facebook at www.facebook.com/brian-
By Brianna Barrett
We booked the cabin, made the plans, and packed the bags. My family of three was heading on a little mountain getaway excursion. Lately work, school, health concerns, and difficult relationships have been putting us all through the wringer. This weekend was meant to be a time for us to relax and be together without all the distractions of everyday life.
I’ve found that if I don’t start my weekend getaways with a lot of unpacking, I never seem to relax. And by unpacking, I mean I needed to drop my issues/problems/circumstances/worries at the door of our cabin. Those things didn’t need to accompany me this weekend. The weekend was about spending time with my family, making memories, and having a good time together.
We had been driving around and decided to go to the mile-high bridge at Grandfather Mountain. I should mention that I suffer from anxiety. Some days I get anxious driving over a bridge on the highway or having to park in an unfamiliar place or walking into an event alone. The anxiety I possess can be crippling at times, but that morning I had been in the Psalms, specifically 121.
“I look up to the mountains - does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” (Psalm 121:1-2 NLT)
It didn’t matter what my circumstances were because I had the Lord and the hope I have in Him on my side. Nothing surprises God, He’s gone before us and walks with us daily. I am at peace when I keep my eyes up, focused on God, not on my circumstances, or fretting over what needs to happen.
That day as we slowly drove up and around the mountaintop, I started to focus on the Lord. Solely on the Lord. Not the thoughts that were trying to sneak in, the fear that was trying to creep up on me.
I stared aimlessly out the window in the backseat of our SUV while I was starting to see the other mountain tops get smaller below us. As we stopped at a scenic overlook, I slowly got out of the car. I started listening to the sounds and observing the sights all around me. Across the valley, there were more mountains ahead. It didn’t seem like much at the time but it was a beautiful sight. We slowly made our way further up the mountain to another overlook, and this time the road began to narrow. I made the mistake of looking down and not out and up.
When I looked down, my heart started to race, my hands got sweaty and my chest got tight. I gripped my camera. I decided that as long as I was focusing on other things my current situation wouldn’t be as scary for me. Isn’t that how life goes? When we focus on Jesus our current situation doesn’t seem as daunting.
Paul encourages us in Colossians 3:2 to, “Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2 WEB). When we start focusing on Jesus and eternity with Him, our current circumstances don’t seem as all-consuming. So I did just that. I started looking out at the other mountains through my viewfinder and up to see the birds. I took my fear-filled, anxious thoughts captive and made them obedient to Christ.
(2 Corinthians 10:5). When I did that, I felt peace. I knew immediately where the peace of mind came from. My help had come from the maker of heaven and earth. He didn’t create us to be anxious (2 Timothy 1:7) but He created us in His image (Genesis 1:27).
So often, I allow my current situation to affect me negatively. I get so bogged down with things that it’s hard to see the good stuff. Carefully reciting the first two verses of Psalm 121, I found peace atop that mountain a mile above sea level. I stopped worrying about the things bogging me down. Instead of focusing on my circumstances, I quickly changed to focus on Jesus, the place where I place my hope.
Today I encourage you to lay your burdens down at the foot of the cross, looking to the one who created you.
Father God, Thank you for creating us in your image. Help us to turn over the burdens that are bogging us down and take our anxious thoughts captive. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus’ name.
David Calhoun is retired and lives with his wife in Hokes Bluff, Alabama. His work has been published in Joyfully Wondrous, Darkly Beautiful, and Where in the World Literary Magazine.
A Light For Us all
by David Calhoun
There is a break in the clouds Sunlight streams through Lightens the path
For me and for you
I would never have seen it, If I had not taken the time
Just to stop and look at the sky
And you know what it did not cost a dime. The sky dark and gloomy, The sun almost down,
But what I saw, Erased my frown.
Just a small thing
So easily ignored.
But remember this, It was put there by the lord. This light in our life
From he up above
To lead us and guide us Is just one way of showing his love.
For you and me and all of us from he above.
by David Calhoun
Three chosen men, saw the star, And after seeing it from afar, They knew what it meant, Knowing it was Heaven sent. Starting their journey from eastern lands, They traveled far across desert sands. The star a shining, like a flower in bloom, At last they came to the town of Bethlehem. Wondering aloud, “What will we find?” They found two people, gentle and kind. Also a babe in his tiny bed, With the star glowing, over his head. These three were wise, for they had known, The star would lead to the child's first home. When the child they spied, with God's light around him, They knew the star had been sent for them. Though the world is wide, the star had not lied, For his coming had long been prophesied. The star's light, so high and so bright, Was as nothing, compared to the light of Christ.
The Journey by David
Jesus Christ walked across desert sands, Traveled far across the barren lands, Bringing his message of love and joy
Carrying it afar, for all men to enjoy.
But was he received and greeted by all?
Did all who listened respond to his call?
No, some did not, they were afraid of jeers, The ones who did listen, conquered their fears. He did not promise that it would be easy, He never said that your life would be breezy, But believe in God above and never be ashamed, Why should you, if in the Book of Life, you are named. Walk through this world and always proud, And if you want, why, tell it out loud! It is something to be proud of all of your life, That you have tried to do right, on the road of life. Then when you go to walk that last mile, You are not afraid, you can do it with a smile. For as you go toward the great golden door, You know that behind it, waiting on the pure gold floor, He is waiting, and beside you will walk, forevermore.
Gina is a writer and works at Licensed Ordained Minister, Legacy Casting and Greatly Emboldened
By Gina Meredith
I have recently discovered something kind of amazing.. We have never been able to figure out exactly what is wrong with me, but for some reason I don’t have memories like other people seem to have memories. I thought it was normal for years, but then I started to realize more and more that it’s not normal. My friends would talk about things they did as children and they would discuss it in great detail. I would always be amazed that they could remember such things until I realized that most everyone can do that. Everyone but me.
I have very few memories of my childhood and as I said it didn’t bother me for years because I didn’t know that it wasn’t normal. Unfortunately I’ve gone through a lot in my lifeand so the doctors said that it was partially psychological from my PTSD and probably also because of the number of concussions that I have had in my life.
My dreams are so vivid. I had one last night, in fact, and I was a child sitting on my front porch and I watched my dad pulling through the gate in his truck, with his dozer on the back. I could hear it. It was so real.
I guess it didn’t really bother me too much, until after my parents passed. I knew that we had so many good memories but I just couldn’t remember them. I prayed a lot about that because I needed that and that’s when I started to have dreams about my parents. I must admit, at first, I was a little scared. “Am I dying?” I asked God in prayer. But that wasn’t it. Over time, having more and more dreams, I finally realized that these were not just dreams. They were memories.
God told me a couple of years ago that it is time for healing. That’s what’s happening. I’m healing from all the horrible things that have happened in my life, therefore my memories are coming back. It is like all of these wonderful memories have been locked away, and I finally found the key to unlock it. The key was Jesus. I found Him, and I found myself. Finally, I am healing!
“Heal me O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” Jeremiah 17:14
Shara Bueler-Repka is enjoying life as a singer/ songwriter/recording artist, freelance writer, and awardwinning author. She and her husband, Bruce, live in their living quarters horse trailer and call “home” wherever their rig is parked. Their mailbase, however, is Hallettsville, Texas. She loves sharing God’s Word through music with her husband, riding their horses (aka The Boys) in the backcountry, and writing about God’s grace in their various adventures on the trail less traveled.
Even the Flowers Face the Sun
By Shara Bueler-Repka
Funny how a simple walk through the pasture can reveal the wisdom of God.
I’m a visual gal. When someone paints a word picture or shows me a drawing, I comprehend a technical or difficult scenario much better. God knows this. He created me and is well aware of my idiosyncrasies and brainwaves.
As I wandered through the grass, I noticed the wild flowers. The sun was bright and lit up the pasture like a coat of many colors—yellow, lavender, blue, pink, fuchsia.
The yellow flowers really caught my attention. Every one of their countless little faces fixed their gaze on the sun—petals outstretched and unhindered, soaking up the life-giving rays. They took full advantage of the sun’s offering before it dipped behind the horizon.
And God whispered in my heart: “Even my Creation looks to Me, turning their backs on the shadows to receive the nutrients they need.”
At the time, my husband, Bruce and I were facing a pretty huge challenge. We’d braved some big ones in the past, but this one was a doozy. There was nothing we could do about it, except stand firm on God’s Word and pray.
The flowers in their silence spoke volumes that morning. No matter how strong the breeze, they flexed and bent, but never turned away from the sun. They didn’t shake their fist at the sky and complain about the wind. They didn’t huff at the cow pies that littered their green carpet. And they didn’t scoff at their fellow flowers who seemed to be enjoying a calmer existence. They just kept their focus on that consistent sun that rises each morning to give them their sustenance.
I was encouraged: The winds of life are opportunities to learn endurance; The cow pies added much needed fertilizer that promotes growth; And the calm others enjoy, well, praise God they’re getting a break for awhile.
So, I took my cue from the flowers, from God’s voice teaching me through His Creation: No matter what life throws at us, keep our eyes on the Son; The outcome of a challenge will always turn out for the good (Romans 8:28); Whatever plan He has for us, it will be an awesome future, full of hope, and a great testimony of His goodness. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
And if, in a weak moment, I start to wilt with worry, I think I’ll take a stroll back out in the pasture and sit next to those little yellow flowers … just to remind me.
Psalm 25:15: My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the net. (NKJV)
Karen is the publisher of Faith On Every Corner Magazine. She is an author of children’s books and devotional books. New books will be released soon!
A New Year...but the past is very present
By Karen Ruhl
I have been praying for all of you to be blessed with good health and happiness. It seems to me that I heard that saying over and over as I grew up. My parents would tell everyone that they wanted their family and friends to have good health.
As most of you know, my husband Craig passed away last year. It feels so funny to be typing this on January 1st, of 2025. Yes, Craig is no longer suffering and is with Jesus. I know that with all of my heart. The questions and conversations I have had over the past 8 months have been eye opening for me. Many people will tell you to move on, to put it behind you, that your loved one would want that. I will move forward, but my time with Craig will always be close to my heart.
While Craig and many of my family members who passed away over the last two years, they are gone, but never forgotten. When I walk in to the family room, Craig’s military hats are hanging on the wall along with framed photos of boats and cars that he wanted up, photos from our trips. WhenI am working, I still want to get up and go ask Craig a question. He is not here, but in my heart he will always be near. And, that is ok!
I am excited about 2025, I love new beginnings. I love meeting new friends and enjoy staying in touch with my current friends. Some go back to my high school days. Again, the past that is very present.
One thing I would like to say about the present, be sure you have those hard conversations with your spouse and family and “what if,” or “when.” Craig and I had the opportunity to sit together and go over all of our personal informaton, finances, and what our wishes were as far as end stages, etc. It helped me in ways I could not have imagined. I knew what Craig wanted, and I knew where things were for me to carry on our household needs.
I am praying you all have a wonderful, healthy, and happy 2025. While 2024 was very hard, and filled with challenges, today, I have the opportunity to look forward and remember the past, but be in the present. May God Bless You All.
Always remember, yet, move forward. Dig for that inner strength and pray.
Craig and I were known as the 24-7 couple. Yep, we were together more than most couples. We enjoyed taking long drives so that I could take photos. We stopped at little whistle stop restaurants, sat at the beach and enjoyed our time together.
In everything we did, we prayed. We thanked God for all he gave us and for putting us together.
Our loved ones may be gone, but they are very present in some ways. Cherish those times.
I love you all, Karen
By Pat Severin
If I could see God’s hand at work, imagine what I’d see.
I’d see Him with His brush in hand deciding what would be the color of each tiny flower, each shade, exactly right. The glistening dew of misty morn, the starlight shining bright,
the seasons as each one enfolds, the varied greens of spring, those gorgeous purples, yellows, reds and all that summer brings.
A retired Christian school teacher, Pat has been writing articles and poetry for many years. Many of her poems have been published in the Agape Review, The Clayjar Review, The Way Back 2 Ourselves, Heart of Flesh Journal, Pure in Heart Stories, Words of the Lamb and Vessels of Light. She is also a contributor to 3 books. Pat’s personal ministry is creating cards that include her encouragement poems and sending them out weekly to those going through difficult struggles.
But then as summer turns to fall He touches first the trees, exchanging green for burnish orange, creating Autumn’s leaves.
I’d see His brush remove those shades, exchanging them for white as chilly winds begin to blow with winter’s cold and ice.
But whether I am warm or chilled, He makes each season mine and signs the picture with His brush, Your Father, the Divine.
By Pat Severin
We hustle and we bustle and hurriedly we run doing what’s important before each day is done. But in our rush to do it all, we miss what God has made, the wonders that surround us all, His handiwork displayed.
Just stop and look, you’ll see it all, the beauty that surrounds us. God’s hand has made the things you see, His power, it astounds us. For which of us could match such power? How could we replicate the smallest of His creatures? They’re beyond what we could make!
And yet though we’re surrounded by the workings of His hand, so often we’re preoccupied, so often we just scan the edges, the periphery, we hardly even see the depth and breadth of what is there, though not deliberately.
We miss so much, the grandeur, the enormity of this. The clear, unbounded, magnitude we somehow just dismiss. And yet our God’s creation is there for all to see. One wonders if He often says, “What fools these mortals be!”
Yes, we are fools if we become devoid of observation, Preoccupied and miss God’s hand in every situation. For He is there in sights and sounds, His love’s there for the taking. Just breathe, slow down, and you will find, all things are of His making.
By Pat Severin
If only life was easy, if only life was fair. We’d have no need for Jesus or any need for prayer. But if we face reality, this earthly life, it is a sometimes mess and so I stress God’s ours and we are His. He tells us that He loves us and wants to hear our voice, wants us to ask Him for His help, to make a conscious choice. But though He’s there to lend us aid, He has no magic wand. Sometimes He helps by giving us the strength to go beyond what we are sure we cannot do, we think are limitations. Yet often with His help we can surpass our expectations. The storms of life will always come and sometimes when they rage, He will not always calm the storm. He may just set the stage for us to ask Him for the strength to handle what may come and recognize He’s there to guide. He’s God, the three in One!
As former owner and creative director of two advertising agencies, Linda has years of experience creating a public impression of a product through the media using television commercials, radio and print advertising, press releases, and marketing campaigns.
Linda has been a caregiver for her son; a volunteer who travelled to Egypt and helped Sudanese refugees; a volunteer for a local food ministry, and a Creative Writing teacher for the Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa for their Artists in the Schools program.
By Linda Castro
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!...”
(Isaiah 43:18-19a NIV)
As a brand New Year is getting underway, many people’s thoughts change to something new. A fresh approach to their lives. Even a “Fresh Start”. “Fresh Start”, according to the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, is defined as “an opportunity to begin something gain”. That was exactly what I was doing!
After many years of working, I filed for early retirement due to the terminal illness of my son, my only child. After his death, I felt a bit lost. After much prayer and soul-searching, I decided to make a complete “restart” in the things that interested me. A “Fresh Start”.
I chose something that would drive my passion for the type of work that interested me that I had been limited in for many years by working for a large corporation. And so, it began.
The Bible tells us in the book of Isaiah chapter 43 verses 18-19a that even God does “a New thing” to show His people Israel. A “Fresh Start”. So many people need a “Fresh Start” in their lives. Some after a heartbreaking divorce or Perhaps a job loss. Some have become addicted to substances and need to break free from the hold of that addiction. So many families have been torn apart by abuse or neglect.
Keep in mind that not every reason a “Fresh Start” is needed or desired is one of sadness or difficulty. Sometimes when things are going well, as in a large department store for example, and based upon the former accomplishments, a “Fresh Start” can be used to create an even more ewarding sense of business, and they have a “Grand Re-Opening” to further their appeal to customers and increase the revenue to the employees.
For an individual who needs some changes in their life, a “Fresh Start” can create a renewed sense of purpose and individual excitement in the creation of a new future.
That’s what I did. I increased my dependence upon God to help me create a new life’s purpose and, even though at times it was difficult, I am still happy with the changes.
What about you? Would a “Fresh Start” benefit you as we go into this New Year? God will help you. It doesn’t have to be a major life change all at once, it can simply be something as easy as getting up earlier in the morning and spending time with God, letting Him help plan your day. He can definitely surprise you!
Are there things you would definitely do, if you could start over? Talk to God about it. As the Bible promises us in the book of Luke chapter 1, verse 37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible”.
God loves you. He will help you. Trust Him to lead you into a “Fresh Start”.
Dr. Kathleen B. Oden is an author, missionary, and Bible teacher. She has been the Administrator of God’s House of Refuge Church & School of Evangelism, for 25 years. Dr. Oden attained a Doctorate degree in Christian Theology in 2000. After a bad fall in 2014, she realized that she had to start eating healthy, in order to fully recover. She became a Certified Health Minister and a Certified Essential Oil Coach. She loves ministering to people and God gave her a health ministry called, Create AnewU Health Ministry. Her health ministry has opened the door for her to share what the WORD OF GOD has to say about eating healthy. Dr. Oden has published over 20 books through Amazon.com and several of them are about health and wellness. https://createanewuhealthministry.com
By Dr. Kathleen Oden
“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.”
Isaiah 60:1
This is a divine summons for 2025, not a worldly court summons, but a divine summons from the Lord to awaken and illuminate the world with the light that has been bestowed upon each Christian by the Lord. This scripture encourages believers to step out of the shadows of complacency and into the radiance of God’s glory! Complacency refers to people that become content with their current situation and fail to recognize the need for improvement or change. IT’S TIME TO SHINE!
It’s a call to action, reminding us that we have been equipped and empowered by the Lord to make a significant impact in the lives of other people. The “light” symbolizes God’s favor, wisdom, and guidance, which has come to get rid of darkness and bring about a transformation not only in our lives but also in the lives of those around us.
When we arise and shine, to His call to action, we reflect His love and grace in a world thirsting for the light! This act of rising and shining signifies our commitment to share the goodness of God. It’s about embracing our role to inspire and uplift others! Psalm 57:8, Says, “Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early.”
This is a wake up call to awaken our spirit man, to stir up the soul’s glory through praise and worship! This verse encourages us to dedicate the first moments of our day to the Lord. In the very first intimate moments of our day we should be ready to praise and glorify Him, setting the tone for the rest of our day so that it will be filled with devotion and gratitude to God!
It is time to embrace a spiritual reawakening and purification, inviting us to embrace our divine calling and identity, and to prepare for a future where God’s holiness and protection are with us, because we are set apart from the world.
Our bodies need a purification (detox) to keep our immune systems perking. When we align our health practices with our spiritual beliefs, we prepare ourselves for a future filled with God’s holiness and protection which gives us the strength we need to press forward and arise and shine!
Cultivate a new mindset for 2025! Integrate health and wellness into our daily acts of praise and worship. We will not only glorify God, but also embrace our divine calling and identity, ready to shine His light in every corner of our lives. Let us pray that we all aspire to have FAITH ON EVERY CORNER of our lives! He came to die for our sins! He came to draw us out of sin and into salvation! And, He came so that we could have life everlasting! TURN ON YOU LIGHT AND LET IT SHINE!
- 2 cups of water
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 2 apples, cored and sliced
- 2 tablespoons of honey (adjust to taste)
- A pinch of ground cloves (optional)
1. In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil.
2. Add the cinnamon sticks and sliced apples to the boiling water. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse.
3. Remove from heat and stir in the honey . 8Add a pinch of ground cloves.
4. Strain the tea into mugs, making sure each cup gets a few apple slices.
5. Serve warm.
10th Annual 21 Day Challenge / Jan. 5th-25th, 2025
REGISTER NOW! https://10thannual21days.now.site/
Mitchell is a former Psychotherapist in Retirement. He Studied American History at SUNY Binghamton MSW and studied English Literature.
What We Cannot Transcend Is Hard to Forgive: All States of Sanctification Are Not Created Equal
by Mitchell Milch
When I hear a believer allude to his inner landscape as a battlefield on which spiritual warfare is waged with little or no governance, or hear a Christian sibling imply in a grief support group that the loss of a spouse years after the loved one’s death endures as “catastrophic,”I hear examples of the precarious nature of faith rooted in failures of transcendence. You might incredulously ask: How could this be the case for sanctified souls? At first blush you might reflexively attack me as blaspheming The Holy Trinity as limited. My retort would be that The Holy Spirit is limited if this be God’s premeditated will. Please keep in mind that God’s words instruct us that to love Him, we must be able to freely choose to do so. This potential embedded in our innate intelligence is a hallmark of being made in God’s image. We all are tasked with the challenge to achieve secondary autonomy from the internalized voices of authority who kept us alive and shepherded us through our formative stages. I do not use the word “potential” hastily. I believe that the choice to love God, ourselves and our neighbors hinges on actualizing our potential for self-direction.
The exercise of mindfully organized free will is indispensable and integral to preserving our faith in a loving God, in spite of events that fly in the face of our expectations of a loving God. The erosion of such faith decidedly compromises our willingness and abilities to love ourselves and our neighbors. We choose to love holistically despite perceived limitations. The prerequisite for doing so starts with the developmental achievement of self-hood. There is no such exercise of free will – the expression of secondary autonomy from the internalized authoritative grip of those who shepherded or journey to emancipation. It takes a self to appreciate the paradoxical nature of relationships and this appreciation rooted in holding creative tensions in the face of conflictual perspectives is likewise a catalyst for transcendent growth. The whole of our mindfully integrated and coordinated hearts, minds and souls is greater than the sum of the preexisting parts. Acute or chronic stress may manifest as the breaking down of bonds. However, with support autonomous selves are resilient given the achievement of this developmental milestone. What I offered at the beginning of this article was anecdotal evidence of those who had not yet achieved this milestone.
I’m advocating for two points here. First, speaking with the authority of one who devoted his career to promoting growth and change, autonomous exercises of will are developmental achievements that may not take place in our natal families but can still take place later in life in relational contexts designed to simulate the dynamics that fertilize, gestate, and carry to term, the birth of our self-hoods. If this however not be the case,our hopes to be loved by necessity will rest with wishful and magical fantasies that some false idol will “do” something to restore our faith in love that hinges on ending our suffering. Unfortunately, such perspectives drive us to repeat our histories of developmental failures, casting others as proxies in our family dramas, as if by force of will we can earn our way to forgiveness and the restoration of love. We employ proxies for our most important attachment figures. The irony here is that such drives only exacerbate suffering as we are as powerful to change history as we are to change the plot of a rerun of a favorite television program. As Einstein’s dark humor so poignantly conveyed: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.”
I am a case in point of one who deceived myself into believing that I could earn my way towards loving acceptance by dint of breaking the chains that bound me to my stultifying formative years; thus becoming a useful,nurturing servant to my family and my community. By my lonesome without The Lord’s intercession, I could not get beyond forgiving myself for the many in my life I’d mistreated, regardless or not any of them held grudges against me or even gave two thoughts to my miscreant behaviors years after the fact. Likewise, I refused to forgive myself for having failed to protect myself from my weaknesses and vulnerabilities to being slighted, deceived, abandoned, etc.
Believe it or not, at a time in my life when I was winding down a successful career as a psychotherapist, enjoyed a largely harmonious marriage, and was in excellent health, I continued to obsess over my weaknesses of character and limitations to change history. Consequently, I made it a self-fulfilling prophecy to struggle to count my blessings in the wake of largely selfinflicted suffering, and my despair grew until God came knocking in my 66th year and I opened the door to a life as a Christcentered servant. Thankfully, I rarely if ever repeat these narratives in my head any longer, which is an indescribable blessing. Yet, I’m convinced that credit is owed to the synergy between my developmental achievement of self and my sanctification.
Without my self hood I contend I would have continued to be a helpless captive of my injury-riddled past. But on its own, self hood did not solve the problem of my arrogant hubris tied to the foolish belief that my determined, conscientious efforts to improve myself could earn me the forgiveness of my perfection-obsessed, inner arbiter of competence and right-minded actions. I had been for decades at the mercy of forces that would not countenance me paying my debts for a track record of sinfulness and ineptitude.
My scars remain. Some of them can still get irritated. Although these days it is almost inconceivable that I fall backwards to my addictive-like, unforgivable focus on those who wronged me, and those I wronged. Most days I am blessed to smell God’s flowers no matter what I am suffering. Life does not spoil my faith in God’s love as I do not lose sight of the abounding evidence that God blesses me with bounties of love daily. This spiritual development keeps paying dividends by shoring up my abilities to love myself and my neighbors.
ROAD TRIPPIN’ by Susan Strawn
Beside being a great friend of mine, Susan is a great photographer and travels around the world. Enjoy the photos! Susan has been featured in the past and you can be sure you will see more of her travel photos in future issues.
During a recent trip to the Arctic we sailed around Svalbard - a Norwegian archipelago between Norway and the North Pole. It is a rugged remote area with glaciers, icebergs, and frozen tundra. Polar bears, walrus, Arctic foxes, reindeer, and Harbor seals (no penguins...that is the South Pole) can be found in Svalbard.
Left - lone zodiac driver “checking” the area for wildlife.
Above - glacier calving
Right - polar bear prints in the sand
Above - walrus greeting the passengers in a zodiac
Brenda has her first book published through Page Publishing called My Angel My Hero.She has fulfilled her lifelong dream of being a writer. She also has an MA in Counseling. She is retired and lives in Virginia. She now has her second book out called My Author Journey. Hope you read and review it? God bless.
By Brenda McDaniel
We are going into a New Year, last year is now in the past. When you think about the past year, were you really happy? Did you fulfill all your goals and did your wishes come true? Were you or are you at Peace with yourself and others? Do you look forward to the New Year? Do you have new goals and hope for the future? What changes in your life will you make?
If you aren’t sure or confused when answering these questions, you are living an aimless life. A life with no definite vision for your future is a wasted life. An unhappy, confused, angry and lost life is definitely a waste and not a, “Life Worth Living. “
To live a, “Life Worth Living”, should be everyone’s goal! You can try to do it all by yourself, leaning on no one else. But, as I’ve learned in life, leaning on others isn’t weakness but requires strength. You must open your heart and minds to others, you may be hurt, but in the end it’s worth the risk! What you gain in loving , caring for other’s and yourself, is worth so much more than a little pain along the way!
The most important person you need to lean on daily, is our Lord Jesus Christ! He can give you strength and an unworldly, “Peace that surpasses all human understanding. “ He will guide your mind, heart and soul every second, minute and hour of each day! Just pray to him, confess your sins and feel his, “ Neverending Love Surround You Always! “ Even throughout Eternity! Have a Happy New Year!
Prayer Heals a Hurting Soul!
I was hurting, my soul in pain. I thought I had nothing to gain! I bowed my head to pray. And I did not stray. The Lord’s Love! From Heaven above! Filled my heart. Now I will Always Pray! I know the Way!
Isaiah: 41:10, King James--- “Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.”
We say yes to God and all of His promises are yes and amen!
submitted by Cindy Evans, Duluth
Pearson Falls, this park was impacted by the hurricane. Beautiful place to visit. Photo by Karen Ruhl
Pam McCormick is a writer and retired from teaching in the public school and community college setting. Pam has several books published, you can find her books on Amazon.com by clicking the link.
“The Mountain”
by Pam McCormick
“He (Abraham) said to his servants, ‘Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.” Genesis 22:5
Our daughter Adrienne had gone to a women’s executive conference in Utah. Wanting to visit Zion National Park, she rented a car and drove there. Adrienne loves to hike. She has the heart of an adventurer. If she hears of some interesting hike, she’s going to check it out.
Well, she found out about a hike called Angels’ Landing; it is a narrow upward spiral with switchbacks that encompasses about 4.5 miles round trip. It has been given the name, “The Most Dangerous Hike in America.” Fourteen people have fallen 1200-1500 feet to their deaths.
Well, this mama was scared. I had hoped she would not go, but my hopes were dashed when the family received the text, “I just received word I was selected to do this hike!”
My heart sank. I went on Messenger and contacted my writer friends to pray also. One friend I contacted was Ashley Rodriguez, and she said something to me that stuck. She said,
“Release her to God’s hands; give her to God.”
My first reaction was not pretty. WHAT!!!???
But I knew the Lord was talking to me, and so I went to my knees right then and there and released her into His hands. I told God I was scared, but I knew He was good, so I would give her to Him.
I went to bed, and a thought came to my mind as I laid there. I thought of when Abraham took his son Isaac up the mountain, and Abraham said to his servants, “We will be back.” I texted our daughter and told her when she came down the mountain, to call us first thing before anyone else. I woke my husband and told him, “Adrienne would be just fine.”
I slept peacefully all night. God is so good.
But, when she was still not calling us five hours after starting the hike, this mama was a worrying again. Had I heard God correctly? The good news is she did call us about 6 PM that night telling us she was exhausted but okay. She also told us that she maybe shouldn’t have gone on two hikes before that hike. LOL She said when she got to the top, her hip and calf had a bad cramp in it. She guzzled what was left of her four liters of water and stayed at the top for a long time. Someone even took pictures of her and asked her if she was okay.
We thanked God together for her safety and His faithfulness to her to keep her.
People sometimes erect cairins to remember God’s faithfulness. I think this story is mine.
“Praise the Name of the Lord our God Oh, praise His Name forever more For all my days, I will sing Your praise Oh Lord, Oh Lord, my God” (Song composed by Marty Sampson and Benjamin Hastings)
There is another mountain, and God is taking care of her again. God, be praised!!!
Faith On Every Corner Publishing
We have read over 160 books and offered our reviews in issues of Faith On Every Corner. On this journey, we have met many wonderful writers who have experienced the trials and pitfalls of becoming published authors. We first learned of a woman who wrote a beautiful book, only to be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous publisher. She and her husband lost thousands of dollars they could ill afford to lose. We helped her republish her book while she kept all rights to her work. Since then, we have found that there are many writers who shared her terrible experiences.
In response, the team at Faith On Every Corner developed a very affordable package of services for writers who would like to publish their book. Our knowledge and experience includes:
• Coaching and Mentoring
• Book Concept and Development
• Editing (all levels)
• Proofreading
• Cover Design, Graphics, and Layout
• Formatting for Publishing
• Publishing (Amazon, Ingram Spark, Etc.)
• Marketing and Advertising
• Author Platform
• Social Media Management
• The Faith On Every Corner Publishing Imprint
• Much more…
For a free consultation and to find out how we can best be of service to you, please contact us at: team@faithoneverycorner. com
Staff Writers: Karen Ruhl
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The Information contained in the published works of Faith On Every Corner has been received from sources we believe to be reliable. However, neither Faith On Every Corner nor its authors, writers, editors, or publishers can guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published. Faith On Every Corner, its authors, editors, and publishers are not responsible for any errors or omissions in our published works. The opinions and theology expressed by contributing writers are their own and not necessarily that of Faith On Every Corner, LLC., its owners or staff.
All Faith On Every Corner, LLC publications, websites, blogs, and other media are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Contents published in Faith On Every Corner Magazine may be reproduced, shared, copied, or transmitted as long as the published work is unaltered and contains proper attribution to Faith On Every Corner. Contributing writers to Faith On Every Corner retain full rights to their contributed content.