Psalm 89:9 says, “You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them”.
Photographer: Karen Ruhl
I am not sure there is much more exciting for me then to go out on a photo shoot. I am always in awe of what God has created and how He uses everything for us and to teach us.
Next time you are out, stop and take a look around you. Enjoy God’s creation and take time to thank Him.
Here are a few of my photos from days gone by.
Note From Karen Ruhl, Editor
Hello February!
WOW, what a start to February after having such cold weather and snow here in North Carolina. They say it will get in the 70’s this week (week of 7/3).
This month’s magazine will be a .pdf until I find another provider to post at an affordable price. So please read, and share the link with your family and friends.
Photographers - I am always looking for someone who would like to be on our front cover. You will also get 4-5 photos on the inside of the issue. If interested, email me at Team@
Praying for you all, Karen
My little Valentine. My grandson turned 3 on Jan. 4th. He is getting big and is so smart. It is a pleasure raising him.
Winter Poetry ... by John Alexander ... Pages 6-7
Heart Stickers ... by Melissa Henderson ... Pages 8-9
The Gentle Whisper ... by Yvonne M. Morgan ... Pages 10-11
Poetry by Poetry ... By Douglas J. Lanzo.. Page 12-13
Morning Coffee ... by Michael E. Wells ... Pages 14-15
Meditating In His Word ... by Irene Surya ... Page 16
The Wind ... by Laurie Glass ... Page 17
The Stones Cry Out ... by Donna J. Miller ... Pages 18-19
I Have To Go Now .... by Steve Wilson ... Pages 20-21
Learning To Let Go ... by Brianna Barrett ... Pages 22-23
Poetry ... by Mike Hall ... Pages 24-25
Where Is Your Faith? ... Gina Meredith ... Page 26-27
The Art of the Ear-When God Speaks ... Shara Bueler Repka ... Pages 28-29
Out Of The Fog...Into The SONshine ... by Karen Ruhl ... Pages 30-31
Will You Be Jesus’ Valentine?... by Mike Buchanan ... Pages 32-33
Sending love in this the “Love” month. Blessings to you all.
When Jesus Asked Why ... by Linda Castro ... Pages 34-35 Book Review ... Pages 36-37
In Search Of A Righteous Understanding of One-Sided Male Friendships? ... by Mitchell Milch ... Pages 38-39 Road Trippin’ ... by Karen Ruhl ... Pages 40-41
Seasons of Change ... by Brenda McDaniel ... Page 42 Your Tag Is Showing ... by Pamela McCormick ... Page 44
Winter Days
The winter days can bring a chill to the body, but I try to guard my heart to make sure it remains warm despite the weather. Sometime as the years pass it gets a little harder to keep up a steady pace, but through each of the years I’ve been given I’ve been blessed. I’ve shared a few poems about the winter weather, and I pray as you read them, you’ll be remined of the fond memories you’ve known in your life even during those seasons of winter.
Blessings, John Alexander
This winter weather’s Arctic blast Brought out the coats and leather gloves The forecast says that it won’t last Soon back to freezing or above A single digit plunge of cold Not often felt around these parts In future years the stories told No doubt include this winter’s start In wind the powdered flurries blew They could not cling to frozen ground Like birds on wings they soared and flew Not here to stay they’re homeward bound I’m grateful for a place to stay For heat and warmth this winter day
The trees now bare they’ve shed their leaves
The winter’s come to usher cold
For some the time has come to grieve
Enduring pain as life unfolds A time to mourn, to shed a tear I pray for those who now feel lost I pray that peace replace the fear Find memories well worth the cost I pray that time will ease the pain Once more renew the will to live
That joy once more the heart regain Find ways to love, to serve, to give Beyond the winter comes the spring Endure for now, once more you’ll sing
The freezing rain, the sleet, the cold, The icy shards, the crunching sound, My bones I know are getting old. They also crunch, not just the ground. I hear that old familiar call, Each time I leave, walk out the door, “Be careful dear that you don’t fall.” Those loving words I’ll not ignore. Some folks equate this final stage, To winter months, leaves wither, die. I’m blessed to reach this ripe old age. It’s not for me to question why. Perhaps there’s work remaining still. God keeps me warm through winter’s chill.
Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard”and“Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at
Read her blogs at: It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons
By Melissa Henderson
I have a basket of stickers sitting on the kitchen counter. Along with stamps, note cards, appointment cards, and other things, various colors, sizes, and shapes of stickers peek out from a straw basket. The items are not organized. I place each thing in this special area and find what I need at the right time. There are stickers with animals, shapes, holiday themes, smiling faces, and ore. Some of my favorites are the heart stickers.
One of my friends sends me stickers when she has extra. I appreciate her kindness. Those sticky shapes placed on envelopes, papers, and crafts can make people smile. Our grandkids enjoy placing stickers throughout the house. They have learned not to put them on the walls. But, when I find a heart sticker on my writing table, on the refrigerator, or on the front door, I smile. Those secretly placed hearts show love.
The heart shape reminds me of God’s love. His love is forever. He doesn’t stop loving us. God shows His love in many ways. Scripture shares that God gave His only Son, Jesus, so we may be saved. God’s love is deep and strong.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV)
As humans, we fail. We sin. We fall short of what God desires for us. Yet, we are offered the chance for redemption. God is waiting for us to confess our sins, repent, and seek His forgiveness. A heartfelt conversation with God can bring peace.
Granddaughter Eden enjoys drawing hearts. She creates beautiful pictures with colorful hearts. Some are big and others are small. Grandson Rowan is older and prefers to draw pictures of people and things. In his drawings, I can feel the love this young boy feels for family and friends.
Today, I will reach into the basket of heart stickers and find some to place on notecards that I am mailing to nursing homes. I pray each person receiving the cards will see the hearts and know they are loved. I think of the love of God when I attach each colorful item.
Do you use stickers? Do you share your stickers with friends And family? Remember, stickers are not just for kids. Adults like them, too. How can you show love with stickers?
Simple acts can bring great joy.
Blessings, Melissa Henderson
Click on the book covers to purchase Melissa’s books.
Yvonne M Morgan, Christian author and speaker
Blog at Twitter: @ymmauthor
Facebook: YMMauthor/
Turning Mountains into Molehills (2017)
The Gentle Whisper
By Yvonne M. Morgan
“11 The Lord said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by. Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.’” 1 Kings 19:11-12 (NIV).
How are your listening skills? I know I get easily distracted when trying to listen to someone. Or, in my mind, I am already trying to form my response to the person instead of just listening to them. And, I don’t think I am alone with these issues. As a society, I think we have lost some of our abilities to listen well. But it is not unexpected because we filled our world with constant noises that compete for our attention.
My mother-in-law taught school, and she used to say that if you want to get someone’s attention, whisper. She employed this technique in her classroom and with my children, and it worked. I think people associate whispers with a hidden message, so with their curiosity piqued, then employed their best listening skills.
I love the above verse from 1 Kings because it speaks volumes to me about all the distractions that hide God’s voice. How often do we search for God’s voice in the world’s noise? We listen in the storms, the fires and the earthquakes of life, but never slow down enough to listen during the quiet moments of our lives. And what would we do if we really heard the gentle whisper of God? Would we listen and obey or ignore it?
Learning To Whisper
Many years ago, I experienced something that I will never forget. I read the paper one Saturday morning and saw an ad for a Christmas sale at a local shop. The store announced that it would randomly pick three people that day to receive all their purchases for free. I scoffed and turned the page, but as I did, I heard that gentle whisper that said, go. Money was tight in those days and it sounded great to get some Christmas stuff for free. Was it God or my imagination? I told my husband, and he laughed. “Do you know what the odds are that they will pick you?” He said. But something felt different about this voice. I knew the idea sounded crazy, but I listened and obey.
Well, long story short, I went by myself, because my family thought it crazy. And as I stood in line, I saw the manager glance my way. She walked over to me and said you are one of our winners today. Some might think it a coincidence, but I know better. God whispered to see if I would listen or not. I think this was the first time God whispered to me, but it was not the last time. I often think God tested me that day to see how I responded. Once I passed, He knew He could trust me with other, more important assignments.
Verses on Listening for God’s Voice
God can speak to us in many other ways, too. For example, He speaks through friends, songs, Bible verses or sermon. The important key is that we listen for His message. There are several other Bible verses that remind us to listen for God’s voice.
Proverbs 3:6 (MSG)—“Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.” Deuteronomy 30:20a (NIV)–“and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.”
Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)–“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”
Discerning the Whisper
When God whispers to us, we can discern the voice to make sure it is not our own. Here are some ways we can use in this discernment: Look at the scriptures–God does not speak to us with something that does not align with His Word. Seek Godly counsel–a trusted person can offer a healthy input into knowing if what we hear is from God or man. Following a godly whisper will bring us peace, not turmoil. Does it line with God’s characteristics like love, justice and truthful, for example.
Back to my story. At the store, I loaded up my shopping cart with Christmas decoration in anticipation of God’s blessing. But then I again heard a voice that whispered not to be greedy. So, I listened again and only kept a handful of items. One item, an animated Santa, sat on my hearth for many years, and reminded me of joy of listening for God’s whisper.
Dearest Heavenly Father. Please help us slow down and listen for your whispers. We want to hear your voice and follow you all the days of our lives. So, please help us silence the worldly noises and make us still our busy minds. Thank you, Lord, for guiding my steps. In Jesus’ most holy name. Amen.
Click on photos to purchase Yvonne’s Books on Amazon.
Healing at Rachel’s Tomb
By Douglas J. Lanzo
An award-winning poet and author, over 440 of Doug’s poems have found homes in 69 literary journals and 8 anthologies across the US, Canada, Caribbean, England, Wales, Austria, Mauritius, India, Japan and Australia. Doug’s Newbery-nominated debut novel, The Year of the Bear, was named Ames 2023 Best YA Book of the Year and a Finalist for the Hawthorne Prize. His second book, a romance suspense novella entitled I Have Lived, was recently named American Book Fest’s Best Novella of 2024, and both books were also Firebird Award winners. Doug resides in Chevy Chase, Maryland with his wife and twin son poets, enjoying nature, tennis, basketball, fishing and snorkeling. Their author’s website is located at
Sounds of lamentation fill tomb chambers, trembling air, as pilgrims pray with earnest… their heads rocking in despair, before an ancient coffin where a matriarch is laid: beloved wife of Jacob, who succumbed, despite handmaid, giving birth to a son who was named Benjamin — a father of the Jews — outside of Bethlehem.
Some pilgrims pray to conceive, others pray for their healing, before sacred curtains — faces bowed, their knees kneeling, at the Tomb of Rachel, their minds and hearts reeling.
Some cry at a curtain that was once a wedding dress, the beauty of the bride in its weaving, now impressed, with characters in Hebrew bearing names of those at rest — a daughter and a father, touched by pilgrims, close abreast, in gold embroidered letters Nava and David Applebaum — their lives taken from them by a terroristic bomb. Before Nava was lowered on her would-be wedding day, her groom rested the wedding ring on her body where she lay; now her memory lives on, with Rachel’s, in hearts that pray, that God will make love reign… and show all sinners the way.
Gleaming Gates of Stingray City
Based on our excursion to Stingray City, Grand Cayman Islands Pixie dust…fairies enchanted sea sprays, tiptoeing white sands where strange creatures play…
Ballet beneath us pirouetting eyes, billowing skate wings on currents that rise — onto a sand bar jeweled by turquoise hues — faceting sting rays in clear seas, infused, with children’s laughter sparkling sun, amused, by playful touches of stingrays, bemused, as they are fed squid clenched by tiny hands, vacuum-sucked by mouths in releasing strands… A kingdom mid-sea where magic does reign as, spellbound by skates, we enter their domain.
Joy At Their Shepherds Feet
It was sheer joy of shepherds, that warmed the country night — after the song of angels, dispelled them of their fright. By starlight led to manger, to baby tucked in hay — by sheep and livestock pastures, they humbly made their way; to gaze upon a baby, swaddled in peasant clothes — who wakened to their voices, as mother Mary rose;
to greet the welcome strangers, falling on bended knees — in worship at their Savior, whose smile put them at ease.
It was a fitting tribute, to heir of shepherd boy — who played the harp in starlight, for heavens to enjoy; that King in line of David did lie in Bethlehem — to lead His flocks to water, so faith could restore them.
Michael E. Wells has a passion for writing letters of Christian encouragement. With poetic style and moving messages, the reader is often comforted and consoled, inspired and refreshed. Since his retirement from Federal Service in 2006, most mornings are spent penning letters of the heart. Tucked away in the foothills of Pennsylvania, his is an idyllic lifestyle in a pastoral setting. This backdrop helps to set both mood and message for his many writings. You can find his book, “Morning Coffee with Words For The Day” at
Morning Coffee
by Michael E. Wells
Life is both resilient and fragile. I’m reminded as I watch nature playout from my immediate surroundings. Animals I enjoy viewing today are found by the wayside tomorrow. Their lives seem so transient, so inconsequential but they give us enjoyment.
We are the better for their existence, though be it briefly. It is much like those we have known. At 70 I have seen good friends pass. We wonder about the point of our existence.
But a whisper comes, “From the beginning have I created you that you would seek Me, though I am never far from you.” And so we live to enjoy the natural while being comforted by a Presence unseen. One that seems obscure but felt in our quiet times.
Click on book photo to purchase on Amazon.
(I highly recommend this book! - Karen)
New Normal
Only in experiencing pain can one really appreciate the releasing from it. What was taken for granted in youth seems all too allusive with age. I have come to realize normalcy is an anomaly as the years slowly pass. What I gave no thought to has become a constant awareness. New normals come in various forms, be they financial, social, friends or family. But the most difficult is the physical limitations of our bodies. For some they have been dramatic, for others subtle.
This vehicle of flesh that carries our soul becomes diminished over time and we eventually will succumb to its frailties. Though my limitations have been subtle, they are nonetheless real and I am becoming more aware of them almost daily. But in the midst of all this there is a bright side that stands in stark contrast to our current realities. To those who choose to believe, there is a simple faith with an enduring hope of an eternal love.
One that will see us through this present darkness and usher us into an everlasting new normal, one with joy unspeakable and full of glory. So we take comfort in the words the apostle John heard in his vision of things to come, “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Rev21:4 And this shall forever be our new normal.
A Balancing Act
Life is complicated. My desire to do one thing and my impulse to do another often is a frustrating reality of life. We weigh our decisions but sometimes choose unwisely. There is an internal voice that whispers. We hear but often do not respond. It is only later the realization was to obey for a better outcome. We live and learn as it is said.
There is a way forward, a way to understand and accept our inability to self regulate ourselves. God says come to me and I will make you a new person. He Who created you can change you. His Spirit brings new life. It is a desire of the heart. A heart that struggles and succumbs to the temptations presented to it. But kept in communication, God will overcome your doubts and fears as He gives you stability in life’s balancing act.
By Irene Surya
As the sun gently streams in On a cold winter day, Let me meditate from your Word The life giving spring.
Meditating on the word of God Is being encapsulated by His presence
To let peace sink in To let joy seep in, the entire day.
Revive me, O Lord
Dr. Irene Surya is an awardwinning author of her book, In Solitude with God. Her poems have been published in various magazines and anthologies. She has a passion for writing for the Lord and glorifying His name through her writings. She loves and serves the Lord with her husband.
With your Word, that is perfect. Make me wise, O Lord With your testimony, that is sure.
Let my heart rejoice in you, With your percepts, that are right. Enlighten my eyes, O Lord With your statutes, that are pure.
Comfort me, O Lord
With your promises, that give life. Give me understanding, O Lord With your truth, that is wisdom.
Let the words of my mouth
And the meditation of my heart, Be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Click on book to purchase from Amazon.
Laurie Glass has a heart for encouraging others through her writing. She has had many poems and articles published and is the author of Expressing Your Grief: Through Poems and Prayers. Laurie is a staff writer for Chronic Joy, a ministry for those affected by chronic illness and other health issues. In addition, she won the Open Medicine Foundation poetry contest in 2019.
By Laurie Glass
From a whisper to a forceful gust, the Wind speaks through us to bring others to Christ. Since He resides in each of us, we are all missionaries, servants bringing others into the kingdom through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We’re blessed to have the privilege as Wind so gently blows through us, to rescue hearts on evil’s edge and lead them into faith and trust.
We cannot do this work alone. Breeze speaks through us to testify of deity upon the throne, with nail-scarred hands that purify.
At times, the Wind comes forth in gusts to rustle leaves of unbelief, and makes His presence obvious, protects them from the lost souls’ thief.
Cyclonic Gale sometimes descendsthe only ways its voice is heard. To hardened hearts it must attend and melt them with the Living Word.
With each creation so unique, the Wind adjusts its force and speed. For those resistant, those who seek, its flow depends upon the need.
The Wind goes with us as we roam, so whether we’re on foreign land or never venture far from home, we’re here to share salvation’s plan.
Donna is a preschool curriculum writer for Lifeway and loves teaching two year olds at her church, Hudson First Baptist. She is a retired elementary school media coordinator and K-1 teacher. She loves all children - especially her 4 grandchildren! She loves to read, scrapbook, and make cards. Donna lives in Hudson, NC with her husband, Lewis. They enjoy traveling together.
By Donna J. Miller - photos by Donna Miller
In February of 2023, my husband, Lewis, and I were blessed to go on a life changing, amazing trip to Israel. We visited many places, but the ones I enjoyed the most were near the Sea of Galilee. Jesus ministered in many ways in the villages scattered along the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
The four Gospels tell us that Simon, Andrew, John, and James were called as disciples while they were fishing in the sea. Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount on a hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm there. He helped the disciples catch many fish. He fed thousands with a young boy’s lunch beside the sea. His third appearance to the disciples after His resurrection was by the Sea of Galilee.
We visited these sites and spent a wonderful morning on a boat sailing on the Sea of Galilee imagining what it would have been like to experience these events first hand. We even ate “Peter’s” fish!
The area that fascinated me the most was Magdala. In Magdala, there is a gorgeous retreat center named “Duc In Altum.” The name comes from Luke 5:4 where Jesus tells Peter to “launch into the deep.” In the main chapel, the ltar is built like a fishing boat on the sea and the Sea of Galilee is visible through the wall of glass behind the altar. Paintings of the disciples are featured on the walls and the atrium outside of the chapel features columns honoring the women who followed Jesus.
The entire building is a place of worship with tile mosaics and paintings in the other chapels and rooms. One of the most meaningful shows a woman’s and reaching to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe. The beautiful gardens in the guest lodging area features a statue of Jesus’ mother, Mary, great with child.
Beside these amazing buildings is an archeological site where an ancient synagogue was discovered in 2009. It dates to the time of Jesus and frescos and tile floors remain. Also, they found an amazing stone block carved with a seven-branched menorah and other carvings similar to scenes from the
Second Temple. It is believed to have been carved by someone influenced by the temple designs before the temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
The Magdala stone most likely held the Torah scroll in the center of the synagogue for the reading of scriptures. As He traveled, it was Jesus’ custom o visit synagogues in the towns He visited. Matthew 4:23 says: “Now Jesus began to go all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good ews of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the eople.” A visit to the synagogue in Magdala is not mentioned in the Bible, but we know Mary Magdalene (Mary from Magdala) was one of His followers. Did Jesus visit the synagogue, stand there to read the scriptures and sit down to teach? I am not an archeologist or Bible scholar, but my heart says, “Yes!”
The stone leads to a new awareness that the synagogues were local, sacred spaces for those who otherwise had to walk several days to reach Jerusalem. Archeologists believe that the discovery of this stone is the most significant discovery in the last 50 years.
As the archeologists continue to excavate, they have discovered a First Century Jewish town with ritual baths, large homes, and even a second synagogue. Only a small portion of the area has been explored but Magdala appears to have been a wealthy seaport town.
Mary of Magdala is mentioned in all four Gospels as a follower of Jesus. ary Magdalene is mentioned by name twelve times in the Gospels and was witness to both the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. She was one of the first to witness the empty tomb and the first to see the risen Christ. She is mentioned more than some of the disciples.
Luke 8:1-3 says: “Afterward he was traveling from one town and village to another, preaching and telling the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary, called Magdalene (seven demons had come out of her); Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward; Susanna; and many others who were supporting them from their possessions.” These men and women were supporting Jesus from their own wealth and following Him because they believed He was the Son of God.
Since we returned from Israel almost two years ago, my heart and mind has been filled with the images of the wonderful things we saw, especially in Magdala. As Jesus entered Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday, the Pharisees tell Jesus to tell His followers to be quiet. He replies, “If they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out.” (Luke 19:40) Today, the stones of Jerusalem, Magdala and all the places Jesus walked are crying out to my heart and yours teaching us that the stories we read in our Bibles are true and leading us to continue to seek Him and follow Him in our daily lives. (The Scriptures are from the Christian Standard Bible.)
Photos in order: Mother Mary, Magdala Baths, Magdala Stone, DucInAltumChapel, The Hem Of His Robe, Mosaic Floor, Mosaic, Galiliee Village, Mount Arbel,
Steve Wilson is an author, writer, and artist. He lives in Granite Falls, North Carolina with his beautiful wife Jenny.
by Steve Wilson
“When you gotta go, you gotta go”…how many times have you heard this phrase? It could mean anything from “I’ve got to get going” to “I have to use your facilities”. The phrase describes action; moving from one place to another. There are several verses in the New Testament that reflects Jesus telling his disciples to “go and do”. Mark 16:15 states -- He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” If we are believers in Christ, we are indeed tasked to go and do, to reach out and minister to those around us.
But have we forgotten that Jesus was sent first? Luke 19:10 says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Where would we be if God had not sent His son to “seek and save” the lost?
That is what the poem reflected below is all about; Christ leaving His perfect kingdom to save our condemned world…
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
I Have to Go Now
Walking around my Father’s place
In heaven’s magnificent splendor, This is the only home I have ever known His light, love and blessings are mine forever.
But I desire to do His will My full heart yearns to obey, So I must leave this home I know To save the lost in another place.
I have to go now to do my Father’s will You see the world below is hurting and needs some saving grace, I know it won’t be easy but these souls are well worth pain So I will become a little child and one day take their place.
It has been over three decades that I have walked here on earth My ministry is almost over but my very being throbs and hurts, For there are so many needs, the sin is great and life here is very hard Even my disciples seem to be discouraged and think our work here is cursed.
But as my Father has led me on and kept me spotless still The love my Father has for these helpless souls will soothe my pain to come, For I am here to teach and love, to share my Father’s promises And now I am to lay my life as an unblemished lamb to by all means save some.
So I have to go now to do my Father’s will To take on the sin of all, to climb Golgotha’s hill, And as they pierce my hands and feet, and lift me to the sky My love for you has not diminished, as I cry out “it is finished” and I die.
I open my eyes, it is cold and dark, I can’t hear my Father’s voice But I hear the demons hiss and sneer, “you’ve done it master!” are their cries, “I have you now” Satan screams “All humanity is mine!” Everything seems lost in this pitch black hell but I know it’s only lies.
All at once the ground is shaking as I hear my Father’s cry Arise, my son the time has come, now leave this grave behind, Satan shouted “that’s not fair”, his death was the final blow “You fool”, God stated, “through my Son is salvation to all and death has been denied”.
I have to go now to share that I’m alive
To show my disciples that I beat death’s eternal sting, Now I go to prepare a place for all those who believe But I will send a Comforter friend that will encourage you just like me.
I will be back someday soon to complete my Father’s plan To collect my beautiful faultless bride, to take her lovely hand, When my Father gives the call, I will break the eastern sky And gather to gather the faithful, those who will never ever die.
John 20:21-23 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
Revelation 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
Brianna is a Carolina girl that loves Jesus and her family. She enjoys watching the sunrise, photography, reading, writing, and paddleboarding. According to her teenage son, she’s a master chef in the kitchen, making gluten-free cuisine from around the world. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications, including Faith On Every Corner, Magazine, The Christian Journal, Our Story Magazine, and Broken But Priceless Magazine, where she writes the “From A Homemaker’s Heart” column. Check out her latest works at and connect with her on Instagram @briannagrams or Facebook at
By Brianna Barrett
Some days, my fists are clenched so tight that I can barely stand the pain. I hold on to the comforts of this world, to my health, my family, and my finances. Instead of holding onto these things, I’ve had the nudging to loosen my grip. I’m learning to let go f the things I am holding on to so tightly—the things that bring me comfort.
“I want to do God’s will, but I don’t want to step out of my comfort zone. I don’t want to be inconvenienced at all.” I’ve held on to control for so long. As I write these words, I can already feel the tension slowly seeping out of my shoulders. It’s time to release all of these things to God. He created the world and everything in it, and He can handle all these things. He never created me to handle it all on my own.
Maybe you are holding onto a job or something else so tightly, because it just brings you comfort.
In the gospel of Matthew, I’m inspired by Matthew’s approach to Jesus. Jesus was walking along and passed the tax collector, Matthew. Jesus tells Matthew to come and follow him. And guess what? Matthew didn’t sit there and say, “I don’t know Jesus, that may be hard”. “I don’t know Jesus, I like my possessions too much”. No, Matthew got up, walked away from what he knew, and followed Jesus. (Matthew 9:9). It’s never mentioned that he hesitated.
I want to be like Matthew and when God calls me, I answer by following Jesus. Burdens and struggles bog us down and at times, it’s hard to see past them. Sometimes the fear of the unknown holds us captive and keeps us from stepping out in faith and following God.
I’m here to encourage you today to bring the things holding you back and lay them down before the Lord.
As a visual learner, it’s easier for me to draw a cross and write out all the things that are holding me back, all the things burdening my heart. Sometimes this isn’t even for what God is calling me to do, it’s just so I can work through other things that I need to release to Him.
I’m writing those things out today, laying them at the foot of the cross, reminding myself that once I lay them down I’m not taking them back. When I take them back I’m telling God that I can’t trust Him with my problems, fears, and concerns. Yet He knows me better than I know me. God is compassionate, slow to anger, and full of love. I keep asking for forgiveness as I try to take back the things that I’ve been holding on to.
It’s time to release these things, take God’s hand, and walk with Him wherever He’s leading me in 2025. Will you join me today stepping out in faith?
Lord, forgive me for the times I’ve handed you something and tried to take it back. Forgive me for not trusting you.
Lord I pray for peace over my mind and heart, may your peace wash over me as I release these things to you.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Mike Hall is in his 45th year as a teacher and has authored two collections of poetry, Autumn’s Back Porch and Thinking Out Loud. His work has appeared in a variety of online magazines including Pure in Heart Stories, Discretionary Love, Solid Food Press, Spirit Fire Review, and Agape Review. He and his wife, Cynthia, live in the Dallas, Texas area.
by Mike Hall
What He Was Meant To Be
Without a compassionate spirit, Man’s soul is just an empty shell, Allowing negative emotion to fill it And creating a self-imposed hell.
He was designed to be a social being, To interact and gather as one, To look after each other’s wellbeing, To help keep lives from being undone.
For in these times of trials and tests, When we are stressed and filled with fear Because of life’s seemingly unfair contests, We rise to help, to be present, and not disappear.
If fear is allowed to seize and take hold, Suspicions can grow into a roaring rage. From that boiling anger, violence will unfold, Letting the beast escape from its prohibiting cage.
Man can choose compassion over indifference, Can choose trust over fear and suspicion. The choice that is made will be the difference, Peace of mind gained from this decision.
Life is too fleeting to march through with disdain, To treat others with insolence and contempt. To help, to serve, to forgive, to be kind, to be humane, Is the path away from anger, and from it be ruled exempt.
Fill the shell of the soul with love and grace, Adhering to patience, embracing empathy, Removing suspicion and fear, leaving no trace, Then man can become what God meant him to be.
Bring It On
Isaiah 43: 18-19 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the things of the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams I the wasteland. NIV
A new year has come, a hope for new beginnings.
May I not dwell on what is given up, but embrace what is being gained. In this new year, may I replace selfish with selfless, apathy with sympathy, indifference with compassion, cruelty with kindness, harshness with tenderness, and distress with peace.
May I stubbornly resist that which would harm. May I persist in bringing joy to others.
May I act accordingly instead of speaking incessantly. When it feels like I am pulling a wagon without wheels, straining to gain an inch at a time, may I remember that I am not alone, for you made me a new creation, filled with your power, if I will only claim what You freely offer. So, bring on this new year filled with God’s plans, understanding, if it is to be . . . it begins in prayer on bended knee
Gina is a writer and works at Licensed Ordained Minister, Legacy Casting and Greatly Emboldened
By Gina Meredith
Recently, I was having to drive on this particular stretch of highway that is very dangerous. There have been many accidents, many fatalities and I felt uneasy. Before I pulled off the parking lot, I spoke a prayer of protection.
A few miles down the road I was stopping at the traffic light at the bottom of a hill. I looked in my rearview mirror and there was a car just flying up behind me. I was so scared because my mind had already envisioned the car hitting me. Finally, they slowed down and actually had to werve to miss me. The next thing I knew, I distinctly heard the Lord say, “Where is your faith?” Well, that was a very good question. Why pray if you have no faith that he will answer. I felt bad about it, but it has definitely given me a lot to think about.
God has spoken to me about faith many times over the years. It’s hard, sometimes, to hold on to faith. Somehow, we seem to expect the worst. We probably do so, to protect ourselves. But as your faith builds, so do feelings of peace and contentment and I would rather feel that, then feelings of fear and anxiety.
“Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see.” Hebrews 1:11
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22
Shara Bueler-Repka is enjoying life as a singer/ songwriter/recording artist, freelance writer, and awardwinning author. She and her husband, Bruce, live in their living quarters horse trailer and call “home” wherever their rig is parked. Their mailbase, however, is Hallettsville, Texas. She loves sharing God’s Word through music with her husband, riding their horses (aka The Boys) in the backcountry, and writing about God’s grace in their various adventures on the trail less traveled.
The Art of the Ear-When God Speaks
By Shara Bueler-Repka
I was out feeding our horses, trying to work through some stuff in my head. Glancing up, I saw the most magnificent full rainbow I’d ever seen—and a double one to boot. The colors were so vibrant and alive. As I stared at that rainbow, profound thoughts eased my mind: Our Creator created incredible beauty out of mere mist; Every rainbow from the very first one is the same—the same seven colors, the same lines, the same form. They don’t change. He doesn’t change. His promises never change. In this world, we can’t count on anything. However, we can count on Him—encouragement I needed right then. (Isaiah 52:7)
God speaks to us in the coolest ways. The question is: are we listening?
I’m convinced that listening is an art. A kind of skill that’s honed from a heart that really cares about the other person, be it human or Divine.
In “hearing” that Divine voice of God, it’s easier to know it’s Him when we trust His character. The more that trust squashes our pride, the clearer we can hear His voice.
For me, His voice has different “sounds”: He’ll give a strong impression in my spirit about a particular situation ... a gut feeling, if you will; The truths in His Word will come alive as I read and revelation hits me right between the eyes; He’ll move on someone to be His inspirational voice; He’ll give me a dream while I’m sleeping; Or, like the rainbow, He may use His amazing Creation to illustrate His character.
He used a gentle breeze to encourage an acquaintance of mine. She was reading her Bible outside, troubled by a circumstance she faced. The breeze kept blowing the pages to a certain scripture. Every time she tried to turn back to the previous spot where she read, the breeze would flip the pages back to that other place. She finally glanced down at where the breeze stopped. There, she found the answer to her problem.
Years ago, a friend of mine asked me to sing at a trail ride. My heart was heavy as I pulled up to the ranch. I had a new truck, two beautiful horses and looked as though I hadn’t a care in the world. But on the inside, I was hurt and scared. I had two jobs: one in an office, one on a ranch. A “friend” betrayed me and stole the ranch job—the one I had based my truck payment on. Single, with no other means of extra support, I was afraid of losing everything.
A few days before the trail ride, I prayed, “Lord, please make yourself real to me.” Until then, I did not believe the Lord was fully aware of my existence (unless I hung out with people I thought were spiritual). Let me tell ya, the devil had deceived me good!
Parking my rig, I made my way over to a big oak tree. I leaned against it, quietly watching the other singers on the stage. A man and his wife, whom I had never met, walked up. “I have a word for you from the Lord,” he said. That man “read my mail.” He told me, “The Lord said, ‘all your needs are already taken care of.’” I was floored. I had not told a soul what I was going through, not even my closest friends.
One week later, I received some cleaning jobs that perfectly dovetailed with my day job at the office. The wages from the cleaning jobs covered my old ranch wages to the dollar.
Two months later, the same man gave me another word from the Lord: ‘You will be given one job that will take care of all your needs’. Within three months, I quit my cleaning jobs because the office I worked for offered me a higher position in another department with a lot more pay.
Mostly, God directs us with His still small voice ... or tries to. Admittedly, more than once, I’ve blown right over the top of it. One time, He impressed on Bruce, my husband and me to clean up the pine needles under the highline our horses were tethered to. We didn’t, getting distracted with some other project. Our “Hoover”-horse, Rocky, decided he very much liked the taste of pine needles and proceeded to suck up every strand in the area. He promptly colicked. We were way out in the national forest with no cell service. Prayer and the painkiller Banamine played veterinarian. He was pooping pine needles for the next day and a half, but he pulled through.
In all my years with horses in the mountains, I have never seen them eat pine needles. I never, ever imagined that Rocky would do that. But it didn’t matter what I thought or my experience. The Lord told us to rake up the pine needles ... period. He knew what would happen. Lesson learned ... again!
Fine-tuning the art of the ear takes practice. Sometimes total resurrection. But it’s an art worth bringing back to life. “For the waywardness of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; But whoever listens to Me will dwell safely and will be secure, without fear of evil”— Proverbs 1:32-33.
Karen is the publisher of Faith On Every Corner Magazine. She is an author of children’s books and devotional books. New books will be released soon!
Out Of The Fog...Into The SONshine
By Karen Ruhl
This past year has been filled with fog, not the type we see outside, but the fog that can take hold of us when we have gone through trouble. I made it worse by worrying about everyone, I felt like I was letting everyone down. There were days I just couldn’t bring myself to put in many hours at the computer, and many days were I tried to take naps but could sleep. My mind and body were trying to tell me something.
One of my joys is to help writers get their books published. I have been able to publish a few this year, yet I am behind, slowly getting caught up.
The thing I have learned this year is to take the time to rest, be with family and friends. With so many events happening this year, I have leaned on God more and more. He has been amazing. I wish I could tell you everything that has happened, in some ways, it was overwhelming, in other ways, I would just smile as I saw what God was doing for and with me.
I feel so blessed that not once did I give up hope, I knew God was with me. I won’t say I didn’t get frightened and wondered how I would get everything accomplished. It is a big job to take over the things your spouse did. I was so blessed that Craig was home for a short time in 2024 and he and I sat down with the bills and discussed all of the “health” issues and what to do. Without those discussions, I would have been lost and it would have taken me months to figure all of it out.
I strongly suggest that you and your spouse have those hard conversations about “when/what if.” It is too hard for someone who just lost the love of their life to make those decisions.
Now, I must tell you that throughout this past year, I felt the “SONshine” down on me. My friends know and would smile and shake their heads at how faithful he has been to me.
I believe the most important thing we can do is find those who are lost and bring them to Jesus. If I didn’t receive him years ago, I just don’t know where I would be today. But I am putting on my sun tan lotion and letting the SONshine in.
Love and Blessings, Karen
"Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father." Not only will they be granted entrance to the kingdom, they will shine as children of God the Father. (Proverbs 4:18; 1 John 2:8; 2 Corinthians 4:6).
Amen and Amen
Mike Buchanan is an author andfreelance writer. His love for writing and poetry, along with his passion to be of help to cancer patients, inspired him to author the book “Mountains of Hope: Surrounding the Valley of Cancer.” This inspirational book provides dailydoses of encouragement for those challenged by the disease. He recently published his most recent book, Feeling Down? Look Up!! Mike is also a featured contributing writer for several Christian magazines. Mike and his wife, Darlene, live in Buckeye, Arizona.
Will You Be Jesus’ Valentine?
By Mike Buchanan
February, with Valentine’s Day almost exactly in the middle of it, is considered by some to be a month of love. For the romantic among us, there’s an extra special day to bestow added affection and warmth to our spouse or significant other. Valentine’s Day, however, can be very sad and depressing for those who find themselves alone.
I was alone for most of my Valentine’s Days, and with the last 2 or 3, I started thinking I would always be alone. For all holidays. I felt very lonely. Yet, God in His Infinite Mercy, in March of 2010 sent the one I’d been waiting for all my life. Interestingly a friend had told me the previous December, “When God sends you the right person for you, she’ll be exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think.” They were right!
You may be thinking, “Well good for you, Romeo. What about me?” I can agree with you -- waiting and being alone both suck. That being said, I will also say God can use your single time to draw you closer to Him. Paul tells disciples to stay as he is (single), but it is better to marry than burn with that passion.
He may also be trying to prevent you from being hurt. What I would suggest is you pray about it, make your requests known to God. As you do this, He promises His Peace, which is above all our understanding, will keep your heart and mind through Jesus.
God’s plan might be to keep you single for now, or permanently. Here’s the one thing I have learned about the dating/Valentine’s experience: God’s plan will ALWAYS be better than ours. It doesn’t matter what His Plan is, ours can’t compare.
Now, for the best part, I have amazing news! God wants you to know He loves you. He sent the ultimate Valentine’s Gift to prove it to you. If you’ve ever had feelings for someone, and didn’t know if they felt the same way, God knows how you feel. Before God knew whether you would love Him or not, He allowed Jesus to be crucified for your sins. The question is, will you accept this gift? No gift is yours, until you receive it. Will you ask Jesus to forgive the things that you’ve done wrong? Jesus wants to be your Lord, He’ll save your soul. As a “valentine”, He promises to never leave you nor forsake you, but you have to accept His Gift. Will you be Jesus’ Valentine?
As former owner and creative director of two advertising agencies, Linda has years of experience creating a public impression of a product through the media using television commercials, radio and print advertising, press releases, and marketing campaigns.
Linda has been a caregiver for her son; a volunteer who travelled to Egypt and helped Sudanese refugees; a volunteer for a local food ministry, and a Creative Writing teacher for the Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa for their Artists in the Schools program.
By Linda Castro
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is to say, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46, KJV).
Feeling the loss of the presence of God, which was essentially all the sin of the world upon Him, Jesus cried out to God before His death on the cross. But these words of anguish are also the exact words found in Psalm 22, verse 1. (KJV) “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” spoken by King David as a prophetic look toward the future. Also in Psalm 13, verse 1 (KJV),
David cried out to God saying “ How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? forever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
When things happen that we don’t understand, the first question that may come to mind is “Why?” And then we question God.
But sometimes, when we question God, we don’t get the answer we want. Have you ever done that? Just questioning why God allowed bad things to happen in our lives? But, is it really God we should be questioning? We may think if God is so powerful and we are even called His children, as it says in the Bible in 1John 3:1 (NIV) “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” then WHY do bad things happen? If God loves us and we are His children, why didn’t He prevent it? This is something I struggled with after the death of my only child from an unknown and incurable neurological condition. It took him five years to die. And I was there 24/7 watching him, caring for him, and wondering “Why?”
Have you ever asked God, “Why?”
“Why did this happen?”
“Why did I lose my job?”
“Why did my child die?”
Or even much simpler “Why?” questions:
“Why didn’t the alarm go off?”
“Why did I forget to do that?”
“Why did I leave my phone?”
We may not be in a position to change the course of history in the world as our Savior, Jesus and King David were when they questioned God, but our individual world is important to each of us and to our families.
Each of us wants things to go right in our small world. So, when things go bad, we may look for someone to blame, other than ourselves. But if we look closely enough, at times, we may see the cause and effect of our actions which led to the disappointing outcome. Of course, things such as other family members actions; downsizing of the company we work for; or even a death in the family, may not be things we can control.
However, some of the simpler things usually are. They usually have easy answers and not something to question God about. Can you imagine, God Who created the universe siting on His throne in Heaven dealing with everything in Creation and we ask Him why the alarm clock didn’t go off?! While God likes our sincere questions, He does have answers for us. Mostly, we are asked to trust God for the time and the season for certain things to happen in our lives. Perhaps, even the alarm clock? Perhaps there is a wreck that you avoided by leaving a little later than usual. Or you may have forgotten something simply because you didn’t write it down, but then God reminded you. Or maybe God wanted to spend some quiet time with you and He allowed you to forget your phone, temporarily simply because you didn’t put it back in your bag. Even that may be God’s plan. Sounds simple. But not something we would normally ask God about. But God is even in the small things in our lives, helping us. So, as long as we come to God in the right attitude, in my opinion, we can ask Him anything. We just need to be prepared for His answer.
Let’s look at Job. We may all be familiar with his story in the Bible. In Job, chapter 1, he is described as a man who “was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.”. But God allowed bad things to happen in Job’s life. God allowed Job to suffer great losses including his family, his property, and even his health. He was left with nothing. Did he finally question God? Yes! Did God answer his questions? No. Not right away. Instead, God asked Job some questions. Job, chapter 38, is a listing of some of the questions God asked Job! The questions such as, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?”. We know that all of this was just a test allowed by God to prove Job’s righteousness and Job was blessed with even more than he lost. But the anguish, Job went through just like that of our Savor, Jesus and that of King David was very real! And the anguish we may experience is also very real.
While it is acceptable to ask God, “Why?”, we need to do it with a humble heart, trusting spirit, and an open mind. Our attitude must reflect God’s honor in asking Him the question. But God answers our questions. We just need to let go of our preconceptions of what the answer will be and when we will receive it.
The answer to Jesus’ question was the gift of salvation to all of mankind who choose Him. The answer to King David’s question was, in God’s timing, becoming one of the most famous Kings in the Bible, and even an ancestor of Jesus, Himself.
Did God forsake Jesus? No. Did God forget David? No. Did God ignore your questions? No. God loves Jesus. God loves David. And God loves you! Even when we ask him “Why?”.
Book Review by
Karen Ruhl
Mary The Missionary
A Kenya Adventure
By Yvonne M. Morgan
I am a big fan of Yvonne, and love this book. She and her husband go on mission trips and she writes about the adventures.
This book is an adventure in Kneya. Mary, a young girl was singing in Sunday school and had many questions about what kids in other countries do? Her parents heard about the trip to Kenya and decided to go and let Mary have this experience and see how other children live.
It is a children’s book, but I didn’t want it to end. I loved the illustrations and Mary’s adventure. I highly recommend it for your children. I give this a 5+ star raiting! I have added this to my grandson’s reading library.
Mitchell is a former Psychotherapist in Retirement. He Studied American History at SUNY Binghamton MSW and studied English Literature.
In Search Of A Righteous Understanding of One-Sided Male Friendships?
by Mitchell Milch
As I hold creative tension between notions of loving and respecting myself, and loving and respecting my male friends, I am undecided about the following: 1) Are my platonic male relationships, rife with unbalanced interest or curiosity, a status quo I can accept? 2) Is the fact that I understand the confluence of psychosocial issues that prevent these friends from “keeping me in mind” helpful to resolving this matter for myself? 3) Do I need to take any action? I’m inviting you, my readers, to join me in this process of inquiry. Lately, God has been whispering in my ear to engage in a healthy struggle with these questions.
There is no doubt that what I witness and am impacted by is in part engendered by the trajectories of the formations of my male friends’ gender identities and sexual preferences. Our relational dances are shaped by the deep-seeded foundations of our primary attachments. The imprint left by the confluence of largely unconscious forces impacts everyone’s comfort levels expressing the need for same-sex friendship. Many men will not, or cannot, differentiate emotion-driven desire of any nature from phallic desire.
I am a bit of an oddity and a rarity. At 70, I proudly identify in part with my nurturing mother, and my nurturing “shrinks.” If you, as women, are attached to more “traditional” men than myself, I imagine you can relate to my dilemma. Are some of my male friends, as might be the case with your lovers, doing the best that they can to meet my needs? If not, then am I out of line to consider asking for more? Or, am I hiding my vulnerability, that I feel devalued by their disinterest in me? And are they disinterested? Do I need to be more patient during the pregnant pauses in our conversations; give them the benefit of the doubt that they will seize the opportunity by not controlling the conversation? I have reviewed the fruits of my psychoanalytic treatment and analytic training and have concluded that I am in these cases not minimizing their opportunities to ask me questions.
Am I still haunted by my father’s compulsion to use me as a flattering, narcissistic mirror for his self-inflation, so as to displace my woundedness onto these relationships? I learned early on to never complain when he neglected me: he was too tired, too “achy in his back,” etc., to play with me. If I disdained his desire for me to mirror his non-existent expertise on matters such as my God-given gifts and how to best apply them, he would, in subtle cruel and sadistic ways, dismiss me as not worthy of his time. That my mother measured him against me in the compassion and empathy departments did not help matters. Dad’s envy could be downright castrating.
My male friends are to the last, capable of demonstrating empathy, or “holy curiosity,” even if they don’t express it. I have no doubt they enjoy their self-indulgence when we spend time together. None of these men, if you canvassed them, could ever or would ever connect the dots between luxuriating in my attentions, and unresolved Oedipal conflicts, age-old fears of castration, or homophobia. I believe some of them might possibly hear me with a degree of openness to asking them for more. I’m not sure it is worth the risk, as my level of dissatisfaction with the current state-of-affairs has not risen to a threshold where I find our dances unacceptable. Some of them use me as a sounding board on conflicts with other intimates, and I enjoy their trusting confidence in me. Furthermore, I do enjoy our political discussions as we are to the last, like-minded in this arena.
All relationships, same sex and others, have their limitations. There are things I can discuss with my younger daughter who is now a mental health professional, that I cannot discuss with my older daughter. My wife is a much more concrete thinker than myself, so my “meta-psychological” explanations for affairs of the heart, mind, and soul do not carry much weight with her. I am very grateful that they both proactively ask me about my life. My older brother, now estranged, was a chip off our father’s shoulder in making me an afterthought, if a thought at all, when we used to talk.
I hope I have opened up a bit of emotional and spiritual space for you folks to ponder the current state of affairs in your relationships. May you also reflect and pray on the dearth of “holy curiosity” expressed about you.
ROAD TRIPPIN’ by Susan Strawn
I really miss my road trips, Craig and I use to go out at least once a week. I am getting to the point where I am ready to go out with friends and snap those shots. Here are some golden oldies. Enjoy
I often ask Craig to pull over so I can take a picture of a barn. I don’t have any identificaiton on this one other than it is here in North Carolinaout in the country.
I truly miss the California coast line, this is Big Sur. I cannot even imagine the damage that has taken place down toward Las Angeles.
I pray for all who lost their lives and homes there.
I love trains and tracks. This side of the track is where they put cars as they switch trains. It is fasintating to watch the big engines at work.
This is a view from the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are still many roads that are closed from the damage of hurricane Helene. It is truly hard to explain how much damage was done here in North Carolina. I pray the parkway will be open in the Spring. Winter can be hazardous with snow and ice.
This is the light at Cape Hatteras. North Carolina has beautiful coastal scenery.
Brenda has her first book published through Page Publishing called My Angel My Hero.She has fulfilled her lifelong dream of being a writer. She also has an MA in Counseling. She is retired and lives in Virginia. She now has her second book out called My Author Journey. Hope you read and review it? God bless.
By Brenda McDaniel
Our winter months have been hard and long, this year. Our weather is getting more and more severe, in some states catastrophic! California with violent floods and numerous devastating fires and in other states, too. Tornadoes and Hurricanes have ravaged several states, Tennessee, Virginia, North and South Carolina And long droughts have taken a toll on our water supplies and on ranchers and farmers in various states. Mother Nature is definitely telling us something! We must respect, nurture, protect our natural resources and animals. Without both nature and animals our human race is doomed and beyond help!
But, our caring scientists, those who care about nature and our world are trying to save us from ourselves. And with the Lord’s help, our natural world can be saved! These happenings in nature are similar to people’s lives. People have problems and setbacks in their lives, they either overcome or live defeated lives! Some people nurture growth and knowledge to help them be overcomers. Other people give up and never know the strength and power, they can have in their lives! The strength and power to be an overcomer is just waiting for you!
All you have to do to become an overcomer is give your love, heart and soul to our Lord Jesus Christ! You aren’t alone, in your attempt to overcome obstacles, pain, suffering and confusion, just lean on the Lord! Our Lord, has already won the battle for you, by dying on the cruel Cross for our sins! Our Lord will give you Peace, Comfort, Wisdom and especially Love, of Yourself and Others!! You aren’t Alone, for our Lord is with you, Always, even into the End of the World!!
Life changes like the seasons, Not always knowing the reasons! Sometimes suffering, confusion and pain! But, Our Lord was slain! And he died for our Sins!
Now We can Always Win! And be Forgiven of Our Sins!!
King James Bible-Psalm 118:14-The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.
We say yes to God and all of His promises are yes and amen!
submitted by Cindy Evans, Duluth
Pearson Falls, this park was impacted by the hurricane. Beautiful place to visit. Photo by Karen Ruhl
Photo by Karen Ruhl
Pam McCormick is a writer and retired from teaching in the public school and community college setting. Pam has several books published, you can find her books on by clicking the link.
Your Tag Is Showing
by Pam McCormick
So many times, I have heard my husband saying, “Wait a minute, Pam. Your tag is showing. Let me get it for you.”
I actually have been frustrated with my husband. I saw it as him pointing out a flaw. I hadn’t dressed properly. Thus, my thoughts were not good. And then I felt a gentle prick from the Holy Spirit saying, “You’re looking at it the wrong way.”
I grew up in the 60’s and heard stories of a woman named Minnie Pearl. Minnie would buy a new hat and leave the price tag hanging on it when she went out. People would gawk and say, “My word. She really needs to cut that tag off and just wear the hat.”
But Minnie was an original. She didn’t care what people thought or said. This was her signature and how she was known.
Made me start thinking about the signature I am leaving. Are people seeing my rough edges or are they seeing my kindness in a world where kindness is needed so badly. God is still very much in process making me into the woman He created me to be.
“Not that I have already obtained it [this goal of being Christlike] or have already been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of that [perfection] for which Christ took hold of me and made me His own.” Philippians 3:12 Amplified Bible
After the riots in many downtown cities a few years back, I made a comment that I was thankful the streets had been cleaned up. A woman named Joy snapped at me and used some harsh words with me. I responded by saying, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say anything mean.” Her next response was not mean at all. She said, “Why are you being so nice to me? Didn’t you hear what I said to you?” Before I could respond back, my cousin who had seen the harassing words to me stepped in and deleted Joy as a friend. I’m thankful for my cousin doing that, but I also regret not getting to know Joy better. I dk why she snapped at me, but I want people to see Christ in me, even when someone is rude. I dk if she saw Christ in me, but I hope she did.
If I told you I always responded in kindness, I haven’t. But like I said earlier, when I am in the wrong, the Holy Spirit lets me know, so I can confess it to my loving and perfect God Who helps me maybe not that day to do better, but helps me.
So, in conclusion, if my life is supposed to be a testimony of God’s love for me, then maybe, just maybe, I need to look at others with more compassion and love my neighbor, even if they are not so nice. I can’t do that without Jesus, but I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength I need to love others, cause honestly, God loves this whole world. Who am I to say someone does not deserve God’s love? Maybe I need to recognize I am no better than anyone else and just as much in need of my Savior.
Charles Spurgeon wrote, “When others are congratulating themselves, I have to sit humbly at the foot of the cross and marvel that I’m saved at all.”
So, God. Thank You for my salvation. I ask You to let Your tag show. As I abide in You, Lord, I thank You that it’s not only possible but a sure thing.
“Therefore, be imitators of God (copy Him and follow His example) as well beloved children (imitate their Father) Ephesians 5:1 Amplified Bible
I love the word “become” in the verse above. It means not there yet, but allowing God to
Author and perfect my faith. This is something God does in me and through me, as I yield to Him.
Praise the Name of the Lord my God
Oh, praise His Name forever more
For all my days, I will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, my God
Please pray that the damage to the Blue Ridge Parkway from Hurricane Helene will be fixed by Spring of next year. Such a beautiful God created place.
Photo by Karen Ruhl
Faith On Every Corner Publishing
We have read over 160 books and offered our reviews in issues of Faith On Every Corner. On this journey, we have met many wonderful writers who have experienced the trials and pitfalls of becoming published authors. We first learned of a woman who wrote a beautiful book, only to be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous publisher. She and her husband lost thousands of dollars they could ill afford to lose. We helped her republish her book while she kept all rights to her work. Since then, we have found that there are many writers who shared her terrible experiences.
In response, the team at Faith On Every Corner developed a very affordable package of services for writers who would like to publish their book. Our knowledge and experience includes:
• Coaching and Mentoring
• Book Concept and Development
• Editing (all levels)
• Proofreading
• Cover Design, Graphics, and Layout
• Formatting for Publishing
• Publishing (Amazon, Ingram Spark, Etc.)
• Marketing and Advertising
• Author Platform
• Social Media Management
• The Faith On Every Corner Publishing Imprint
• Much more…
For a free consultation and to find out how we can best be of service to you, please contact us at: team@faithoneverycorner. com
The Information contained in the published works of Faith On Every Corner has been received from sources we believe to be reliable. However, neither Faith On Every Corner nor its authors, writers, editors, or publishers can guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published. Faith On Every Corner, its authors, editors, and publishers are not responsible for any errors or omissions in our published works. The opinions and theology expressed by contributing writers are their own and not necessarily that of Faith On Every Corner, LLC., its owners or staff.
All Faith On Every Corner, LLC publications, websites, blogs, and other media are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Contents published in Faith On Every Corner Magazine may be reproduced, shared, copied, or transmitted as long as the published work is unaltered and contains proper attribution to Faith On Every Corner. Contributing writers to Faith On Every Corner retain full rights to their contributed content.