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Thanksgiving Thoughts and Poems by John Alexander
Thanksgiving Thoughts By John Alexander
I pray this Thanksgiving brings you joy. Whetherspending time with friends and family, or just a quietday alone, I pray you take time to focus on thosethings for which you are thankful. I pray those memories,past or present, bring you joy, regardless of yourpresent circumstances. I pray this day of Thanksgivingwill linger beyond just a day. I pray that as you find joyin your heart, you spread it to others, those with younow and those you meet in the future. I pray thepoems I’ve shared are a blessing to you. Blessings,
A Day Of Thanksgiving
Autumn reminds me that winter is near.
It’s time to prepare as some winters are long,
Make sure that my faith is engaged and in gear.
Sometimes there’s a winter that’s bitter and strong.
Like squirrels who gather their food in the fall,
I know that the winter will blast me once more.
Surviving past winters will help me stand tall.
Some winters are brutal and hard to ignore.
Troubles like winters are just part of life.
I pray that I’m ready, prepared when they come.
I’m grateful for time to prepare for the strife.
Lord, give me the strength that I’m not overcome.
Lord, give me the courage and the faith to endure,
To trust in Your love, You are faithful and pure.
A Thanksgiving Prayer
We’re grateful, Lord, we’ve been so blessed,
You comfort us in times of test,
You give us peace when troubles flare,
We know Your love, You’re always there.
We pray for those who’ve suffered loss,
Laid heavy burdens at the cross.
I pray Your love will lift them up,
Refreshing waters fill their cup.
We’re grateful, Lord, for loved ones near,
Those cherished friends to us so dear.
We pray for them, some near, some far,
Lord, help them glow, shine like a star.
I pray our gratitude this day
Will linger, Lord, not fade away.
Nation Under God
In these days leading up to the day, we give
thanks I pray we find peace in the chaos, not angst.
I pray we find joy that can dry every tear,
Put a song in our hearts that will drive out the fear.
I pray that Thanksgiving and Christmas will bring
A focus on others, a new song to sing.
It’s not about politics, color, or race,
But rather repenting and seeking God’s grace.
It’s not about causes or slogans or signs,
But curing our cancer and pray it’s benign.
The cancer’s been spreading, attacking our heart.
I pray that our nation won’t be torn apart.
Addiction to power and greed can take hold,
Relentless pursuit of what’s shiny and gold.
I pray for a nation once more under God,
Once more, walk the paths that our founders have trod.
John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles