5 minute read
Inspiration Comes In All Forms by Colette Shomaker
We all need some inspiration from time to time. We are all told God can speak to us in mysterious ways. Not all the time are we paying attention. A racing mind, stress, work, family, and just plain blindness on our part can be reasons for not seeing God’s plans for us.
I, for one, have seen more than what I think is my fair share of pain and heartache. I have suffered for over 30 years of physical pain due to multiple health issues. At times, it was very hard for me to get through the day. I tried everything I knew that might help. Doctor after doctor and I still had no relief. One day, however, my life was about to change.
Anyone that knows me is quite familiar with the fact that I am a crazy cat lady. I absolutely love cats. They are so graceful and cunning. Stealthy hunters even if it is a toy mouse. I personally had rather been given a toy mouse than a real one.
I had several kitties both inside and outside of my house. But this story is about an outside kitty. Her name is Sophie. She is one of those kitties that is so independent, and she dealt with you on her terms. I respected that of her, and I never forced the issue.
One day, I went out to feed my outside kitties and Sophie was not around as usual. I called for her and looked all around the yard and in the woods. I did this for several days, to no avail.
About a week later, I looked out my backdoor and there was Sophie. She was in the food bowl, eating like she had before. Over the next several days, Sophie was either eating or curled up asleep somewhere in the sun. I thought nothing of it since she was such an aloof cat. But one day, I noticed that something was off with her. Upon closer inspection and against her desire, I found she had a broken front leg. I immediately took her into my den in the basement so she would be warm and safe.
I called a veterinarian to take a look at her. I finally found one in Asheville. Sophie and I packed up and took a little road trip. As Sophie and I waited in the room for the Vet, Sophie turned into a different cat. She was so loving and playful. Remember, she was never that way before. This was a cat with an attitude that was now acting like the most loving cat ever. The Vet said there was no way he could put a cat down that was acting like that. Amputation was the course of action and surgery was scheduled.
After the surgery, Sophie was a little touch and go for about two weeks. I had to buy her a shirt for a newborn baby to protect her stitches. I worried about this cat. I babied this cat. I put drops of water on her mouth just to get something into her. She was offered all kinds of food and treats I could come up with. I prayed so hard for this little girl to make it. With time, Sophie began to get better and gain strength. After many weeks, she was well on the road to recovery. Little did I know what this cat was going to do for me.
Sophie was still weak and trying hard to learn to walk with just three legs. She would lie on the floor and watch the other cats play. She especially watched her sister from another litter play with a particular toy. This toy is a circular plastic toy with a ball in it. Sophie’s sister Cassie would play with this toy daily. I would watch Sophie and it was like I could hear the wheels turning in her head. She was trying to figure out how to play with this toy. After a few weeks and gaining more strength, Sophie lay on the floor and played with the toy. It absolutely brought tears to my eyes. I knew I had done the right thing for her.
Over the next few months, Sophie transformed. She ran through the house faster than any cat. She played with her toys and with the other kitties. Trust me, they play pretty rough with one another. Needless to say, Sophie always came out on top. Yes, she had to do a lot of compensation due to being an amputee. Little Sophie didn’t let anything stop her from being a normal cat.
As I watched her change and persist, it became an inspiration for me. If this little kitty could survive what she went through, I could make it as well. Sophie became my inspirational Angel. I feel it was God’s way of telling me that hope was not all lost and I, too, could overcome my problems.
A couple of years have now passed. Sophie is still going strong. I, too, have gone through a transformation. Both of us are still working on being better than ever. Anytime I get a little discouraged, I will watch my little Sophie. She inspires me every day. I know God is with us and will give us the strength and means to persist and live the life He plans for us to have. Never give up hope. Sometimes when you least expect it and in the most unexpected ways, God will show us the way.
Colette Shomaker
C. Colette Shomaker is a native of Lenoir, NC. She studied at Western Piedmont Community College and Lenoir-Rhyne. Her degree is in History with an emphasis on Art History. She has also attended Watercolor Classes with Joe Miller.
Her mediums include oil, watercolor, acrylic, alcohol ink, drawing, photography, jewelry, and foremost, trout flies. Colette draws her inspirations from nature. Her artwork often reflects the bright colors, beautiful scenery, flora, and fauna that the natural world offers.
One of Colette’s favorite activities while being outdoors is trout fishing. Tying trout flies, therefore, becomes a natural choice for her. Colette says her artwork reflects who she is, and she is the happiest when she is out experiencing nature. Her artwork is her way of bringing nature into her home. Art also provides a means of preserving the previous memories of her travels across the country. Tying trout flies is a prime example of functional art. She feels it is by far what she is best at, artistically speaking.