2 minute read

Tunnel Vision by Karen Ruhl

Tunnel vision metaphorically denotes the reluctance to consider alternatives to one’s preferred line of thought.

“Taking the time to listen, to truly listen, to someone can truly communicate our love and respect even more than outspoken words.”


I admit it, there are times when I wanted to get a point across and pushed my agenda more than I listened. I believe we can all be that way when we are passionate about something. I look back now and wonder if the person or people listening to me even considered my opinion or viewpoint. I had tunnel vision. I was focused on one thing and didn’t consider theirs.

As I matured in my faith, I learned that letting someone else express their opinion or belief was not only important to them, but a way that God was teaching me about life. I learned to be a better listener and to truly consider what I was hearing. I also learned to pray over people’s ideas or beliefs.

Through prayer, I believe I became a stronger person. My spiritual life strengthened as I prayed for others and asked God for wisdom and discernment on matters where I needed clarification.

“To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion—A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel (Proverbs 1:4-5 NKJV)

I also learned that listening to others is an act of love. You can have totally different views, different beliefs, a different upbringing, and yet as you talk to each other and truly listen, you will learn what is on their heart. If we try to tell people what they should be doing instead of listening, they will know we don’t really care. If you take the time to listen, you may gain an opportunity to speak truth into their life.

God listens to us because He loves us. He already knows us inside and out and yet He takes time to listen. His word tells us how to live life, and yet God knows that at times we will have questions. Have you ever stopped while you were praying and just felt his presence? Were you overwhelmed that the God of the universe was taking time to listen to you? In answers to your prayers, were you ever led to open your eyes and consider a different way? Maybe that was God taking you away from a tunnel vision moment.

I took the photo above in one of the tunnels in The Great Smoky Mountains. If you look at the photo, notice you have limited or restricted sight. You can only see so far to the left or right and yet you can see the light. God shows you the light while you are in the tunnel and have limited vision. The next time you are with friends or in a conversation with a group, take off your tunnel vision, open your eyes, listen more than you talk, and pray that God shows you the light.

Blessings to you all, Karen

Photo by Karen Ruhl

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