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Faith On Every Corner - October 2021
Note from the Editor – October 2021
I have to admit that we are now in one of my favorite times of the year. Spring is second to this season. The colors of fall are always dazzling as the flowers and trees bid us farewell for a few months.
The Bible tells us, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Fall is a time for rest, the plants and trees seem to know more than we do. they rest all winter and then bloom in full splendor in the Spring.
Fall at the Ruhl house usually means road trips! School is in, it is off season, and we can travel and get photos of this beautiful time of year.
We love the stories our writer’s send in for our October edition. We have a theme, but we really tell our writers to pray and listen to what God wants to share with our readers. The theme is Fall Into Faith.
Craig and I hope that you have received Christ Jesus in your life. If you have any questions about giving your life to Christ, please drop us an email.
We want you to know that we pray for our writers, readers, family, and friends throughout the day. If you need prayer, drop us a note.
My Fall advice is to get out on the weekends and take a drive. Find a place where the trees are turning and enjoy watching God’s masterpieces in action. God bless you all.
Much love, Karen Ruhl Team@FaithOnEveryCorner.com