2 minute read

John Alexander - Fall and Poems

Fall By John Alexander

I’m grateful for fall, a season of change, a reminder of the winter yet to come. Just as in the seasons, continually in change, life also is full of change. If you find yourself in the midst of a winter storm in your life, I pray you have faith to stay strong and weather the storm. If you find yourself in between the storms of life, count your blessings, and use it as a time to build your faith for the winters that we all know lie ahead in one form or another. Whether mild or harsh, life-altering or quiet, I pray you are blessed with the faith to endure whatever comes your way and find joy even in the midst of the storms.


As in past issues, it is my joy to share a few rhymes relating this month to fall and faith, praying that they are a blessing to you as you read them.

Blessings, John QuietTimeRhymes.com


Autumn reminds me that winter is near. It’s time to prepare as some winters are long, Make sure that my faith is engaged and in gear. Sometimes there’s a winter that’s bitter and strong.

Like squirrels who gather their food in the fall, I know that the winter will blast me once more. Surviving past winters will help me stand tall. Some winters are brutal and hard to ignore.

Troubles like winters are just part of life. I pray that I’m ready, prepared when they come. I’m grateful for time to prepare for the strife. Lord, give me the strength that I’m not overcome.

Lord, give me the courage and the faith to endure, To trust in Your love, You are faithful and pure.

Fall Leaves

As leaves begin to show their age,

Take on a slightly different hue,

We know they’ve reached a different stage,

No longer young, bright green, and new.

We know they’ll usher in the fall,

Once more with brilliant colors glow,

Leave one more summer to recall,

Another winter yet to know.

I’m grateful for another year,

You’ve given me a life this long.

I know the fall of life is here.

I pray my faith in You stays strong.

Lord, let Your colors shine through me,

Reflect Your light, help others see.

The Difficult Days

Some days are easy, a walk in the park,

While others are difficult, dreary, and dark.

Life sometimes brings pressure; I’m put to the test.

I trust in the Lord and I strive for my best.

Integrity, honesty, always my goal,

An integral part of what makes up my whole.

Endurance and patience are often required

To keep moving forward though weary and tired.

I trust God to guide me to help me stay strong,

To overcome hardship no matter how long.

Tomorrow’s a new day. The sun will still rise,

And once more, the darkness will flee from the skies.

The season is changing, cool breezes return.

The colors are brilliant as all the leaves turn.

I pray that my autumn of life has a glow,

Reflections of Jesus, through me, may He show.

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