Faith On Every Corner - October 2022

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“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 (NKJV) Visit Our Website at for previous issues of our magazine. October 2022 Issue Cover Photo by Karen Ruhl


I wanted to share some of my photos here, and I also want to share this spotlight with my husband, Craig. We go together on our adventures and Craig becomes my PA. He not only drives, but is ready to help me change out my lenses and discuss settings on the camera. He watches out for me while I am behind the lens, and is always fun to be with.

Taking road trips and seeing the sights is probably the thing we love to do best. This has been a slow year with health issues but we are “back in the saddle again!”

Photos ©KarenRuhl


Fall is here! It is time to get out and take a long drive into the country to see the spectacular col ors in nature. Grab the family or friends and head out this fall.

Craig and I were able to take a nice road trip in mid-September. It felt really great to be able to get out and explore again after a big health year for Craig. We explored part of Georgia and drove back to Cherokee, NC to see if we could spot any elk. Check out our Road Trippin’ article to see if we had any luck.

We would like to take a minute to thank each of our readers for sharing the magazine with your family and friends. We love hearing from you, and hope to hear from more of you! Simply drop us an email at

I would love to see where you all are from and what the color looks like in your area in October. So take your camera or cell phone and snap a picture and send it my way. Your photo may end up being featured in our November issue.

Please know that Craig and I will be praying for all of you throughout the month. We appreciate your prayers too.

Much love - may God bless you all. Karen Ruhl

Find someone who makes you smile!

Table of Contents


October Prayer by Craig and Karen Ruhl ... page 21

Quiet Time Rhymes ... by John Alexander ... page 6-7

Raindrops ... by Melissa Henderson ... page 8-9

Something Old, Something New ... by Andrea Marino ... page 10-11

Anababy’s Message ... by Stacy Ann Hixon ... page 12-13

Morning Coffee ... by Michael E. Wells ... page 14-15

The Blacksmith ... by Nicole Byrum ... page 16-17

Too Much Busyness ... by Yvonne M. Morgan ... page 18-19

What Is Spiritual Maturity? ... by Karen Ruhl ... page 20

October Prayer ... by Craig and Karen Ruhl ... page 21

Don’t Grow Weary ... by Dave Evans ... page 22-23

Be Still And Know God ... Cindy Oriol ... page 24-25

The Master Artist ... by Dr. Irene Surya ... page 26

The Holy Spirit, Helper and Advocate ... by Craig Ruhl ... page 27

Autumn Is In The Air ... by Paula Short ... page 28

Have You Ever Considered God? ... by Sharon K. Connell ... pages 30

Heavenly Bouquet ... by Laurie Glass ... page 31

A Man Named Si ... by Marty Denton ... page 32

The Unseen Gift ... by Peter Caligiuri ... page 33


Road Trippin’ ... by Karen Ruhl ... page 34-37

Standing The Test Of Time ... by Steve Wilson ... pages 38

110 Miles of Misery ... by Steve Carter ... page 40-41

Bookshelf - Book Reviews ... page 42-45

A Love So Great ... by Shara Bueler-Repka ... page 46-47

Spiritual Maturity ... by Gina Sewell ... page 49

All Things Are Possible ... by Chantel Williams ... page 50-51

Be Still And Listen To God ... by Brenda McDaniel ... page 52

Be Still My Heart Poem ... by Brenda McDaniel ... Page 53

The Spirit Of Change ... by Kathleen Oden ... page 54-55

Paddleboarding With The Prince Of Peace ... by Brianna Barrett ... page 56-57

Left Behind ... by Ama Afriyie-Jenkins ... page 58-59

Becoming God’s Epic ... by Billy M. Murchison, Jr. ... page 60-61

Building Our Faith On The Firm Foundation ... by Esther M. Bandy ... page 62-63

Celebrating Halloween ... by Dave Foucar ... page 64-65


Time To Be Still

I love early morning quiet time before the rush of the day begins, that time to spend reading God’s word, praying, reflecting, listening to the words, and letting them speak to my heart. It soothes my soul. I also take time to journal. For me, journaling takes the form of rhyme and rhythm to capture my thoughts. I’m in the habit of sharing my thoughts that I’ve captured in the form of a poem. Perhaps they help others sharing a similar life journey, dealing with struggles, yet knowing that God is in control and is able to quiet our soul and spirit and give us strength.

I’ve included a few poems written years apart but con veying the peace found in being still.

Blessings, John Alexander

If you’d like to receive an email to let you know each time I post a new poem, just email me at and ask to be put on my email list.

Poems by John Alexander

Gentle Dawn

That early morning time of day,

The birds sing out with mellow song

Announcing dawn is on the way.

I sip my coffee black and strong.

I gently rock and feel the breeze. It brushes gently on my face And winds its way up through the trees.

The leaves respond, a leisure pace.

The sun begins to share its light.

The clouds reflect its early glow, That twilight time, the end of night,

A time of day I cherish so.

A time to read, reflect, and pray

Before I start another day.

John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Be Still (February 2020)

I thank you Lord for time to sit, Spend time with you and stay a bit; A time to turn my thoughts toward you; At time to let my mind renew. Before the dawn, while I am still, I seek to know Your perfect will. As I draw close please help me see That you are God yet care for me. Lord, help me know the things above That brought you down to earth in love. You left your throne and place on high Became a man and chose to die.

I lift my song to You today, You are my God, to You I pray.

It is to You I lift my praise

For all of my remaining days.

Be Still (July 2018)

The surprises in life lurking ‘round the next bend Stop you dead in your tracks, your path’s come to an end. You’re blocked by the hurdle that stands in your way.

Is it fleeting or camped for a permanent stay?

Will life ever be normal, will this change ever end?

Can I handle this setback? Can life ever mend?

Circumstances have changed, and you’re thrown for a loop. You need time to heal, to recover, regroup.

Embrace interruptions. Take time to reflect.

Our lives get so full, time with God we neglect. May you rest by still waters embraced by God’s love

Taking time to reflect on God’s power from above.

May this time of reflection bring insight and peace. May peace grow inside you; anxiety cease.



Writer of inspirational messages.

Vacation week had been full of excitement. Visits with family and friends, a tour of the local aquari um, walking on the beach, listening to the laughter of children playing, sharing an inflatable bed with a five-year-old grandson, and sharing food and fel lowship with loved ones brought bountiful joy.

The sounds of love filled the air. Giggles from young and not so young reminded me of the many bless ings God provides. Prayers included many words of thanksgiving. Even as exhaustion seeped into my body and my bones began to ache, I was filled with overflowing joy.

After the visits were over and the tearful goodbyes were spoken, I rested in the comfort that only God can give. Alan and I already missed the sounds of conversation and laughter. We spoke and shared how we looked forward to the next visit.

A day later, after everyone had returned to their home, as I contemplated what I needed to catch up on, I began feeling odd. Then it happened. The peaceful joy that I had recently experienced faded as I let the “what if’s?” consume my thoughts.

What if I don’t meet my writing deadlines, forget to pay a bill on time, or put off dusting the furniture, and watering and fertilizing the plants? The list seemed endless. Each item was important, at least to me. My heart raced, my pulse quickened, and my breathing became rapid. My joy was leaving as anxiety tried to take its place.

Noticing the PRAY FIRST note taped to my comput er screen, I paused and began to speak. The words came too fast. The heartfelt prayer I had intended to pray had become a list of what I wanted, instead of praising and thanking God for what He had pro vided. I stopped, opened my eyes, and then lis tened. He was sending a quiet message.

Raindrops… peaceful raindrops tapping the roof and the office window. For most of the summer, our area had experienced a drought. Now, the Lord was sending rain to the brown grass and dry soil. The pink impatiens plants and yellow marigolds stood tall as if reaching for each drop of moisture.

Raindrops… peaceful raindrops with a pat, pat, pat that caused my breathing to slow, my heartbeat to quit racing, and my pulse to return to normal. Only God could know how the rain would affect me.

Sometimes the prayers are for the healing of a What

Click on the book covers to purchase Melissa’s books.

Turning my gaze to look outside of the window next to my desk, I saw big drops landing on the leaves of the holly bushes. The rain falling from the sky ap peared to be dancing on the sidewalk. I began to laugh.

In the midst of raindrops, I found time to be still and remember His love. God knew I would change from joy to anxiety if I focused on my ‘to-do’ list. God knew the rain would bring peace to my soul.

My prayers turned to thanksgiving and praising Him. I thanked him for family and friends and for the abil ity to share time with loved ones. I thanked Him for His everlasting love and forgiveness. I thanked Him for the raindrops.

After the prayer, I listened. His glory and love were coming down from the sky in the form of need ed rain. That day, God reminded me to be still and spend time with Him. Thank You, God.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13 NIV)

In His Name, Melissa Henderson

Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at https://www.

Read her blogs at: It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons


Something Old, Something New

Awakened in the middle of the night, lyrics from an old song came to mind and played in my head over many days. I love music, especially its ability to trans port me back to earlier places and times. The experi ence is sweet; but if I’m not careful, the nostalgia will bring on the waterworks. How much I miss in days long gone. How much I missed in understanding life in my younger years.

The chorus, from Joni Mitchell’s song, The Circle Game, rings true in my ears now more than before. The thought of being captive to a revolving apparatus (or system) is deeply disturbing. Truth is, we are born; we grow; and we pass away, unable to control life. While there is absolutely much to look forward to and enjoy in living, we can find ourselves in a rut over our limitations, in turn, becoming less and less eager to ride the carousel of time as we once may have been. Weariness in the day-by-day struggle atop years of the same old takes a toll on us, eventually. Such a state of being is not confined to any one age.

“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun?” (Ecclesiastes 1:2b NKJV)

After indulging in every pleasure his eyes could see, King Solomon hated life. He came to understand the pursuit of work and the acquiring of things was a ‘burdensome task’, a mere ‘chasing after wind’. (Ecclesiastes 2:17,1:13,14) Besides, who can deny re grets and losses of this world to reckon with? Living surely has moments of wishing to break free of the carousel existence. You have to want to be set free from this, lest you go around and around for all eter nity.

A beautiful lily sits outside the window of my writing room. It warmed my heart to notice it. I meant to snap a picture of the tall stalk full of pink blooms, to send to one of my daughters, who loves plant life; but by the time I got around to doing it, the flowers were gone. Jesus tells us grass withers and flowers fade. We are like grass that grows in the morning, and by evening, withers and dries up. (Psalm 90:5,6) A bleak thought, it is on par with Joni Mitchell’s lyrics in The Circle Game. Perhaps her motive was for listeners to ponder life differently, and value it more, as a pre cious possession to treasure each day. Looking back from where we have been has merit, as well as be ing able to stir up a yearning for something more, for something far better. All of it making clearer the wisdom of Solomon.


Click on the photo of the book to purchase from Amazon.

Jesus said we would have trials and tribulations. Still, He came to give us life, and life more abundantly. (John 10:10) If not for the Gospel, grief and despair would eventually overtake us. All people must know God’s truth about life. There is no other way to be at peace in all that has passed away and with all that is taking place. A wonderful future is ahead for those who choose to follow the Lord. He is the One and the only dwelling place of safety and protec tion. Hence, King Solomon’s wise conclusion for life: “Fear God and keep His commandments. For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judge ment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13,14 NKJV)

Andrea is mom to four great kids and Grammy to four delightful grands. Passionate about Jesus, friends, and people, Andrea loves to share all He has taught her in life. When not writing, Andrea enjoys simple things, such as music, heartwarming movies, reinventing recipes to be healthier, and cycling along one wooded road or other with the Lord.

Please visit her Facebook blog: https:// ing-1770074853062907 Andrea is always ready to hear thoughts from her readers. Or you can email her at: Email: Facebook Blog: In the Way Everlasting


Anababy’s Message

You are needed, even if your halo is a little crooked. ~Jane Lee Logan


Don’t be so hard on yourself!

I have a special message that just might help.

What matters more than light hair or dark?

It’s those amazing gifts you carry in your heart.

Sure, it’s always OH SO fun to poof up your hair, but when you’re finished, leave the comb there!

I’ll bet it has never crossed your mind that I don’t even have any hair. Nope, I don’t have the tiniest bit of peach fuzz. Yet, I’m still so MAGICAL because...

Despite all my imperfections, my true purpose is to build positive connections.

Let me explain...

You see, my little feet are actually different sizes, but this has NEVER stopped me from being full of surprises.

I EVEN have LOPSIDED ears. And oddly, coping with this imperfection has helped me to conquer some silly fears!


To top it all off, I wear a frayed little bow. The truth is… my creator can barely even sew.

And since I’ve already mentioned my lopsided ears, frayed bow, and nonexistent hair, I’m gonna get REAL honest and put it ALL out there...

Most days, I can’t even stand on my own two feet. Yet, I pray you’ll still love me for the messages I bring that are OH SO sweet.

Sure, I want to look good and it’s true that I am ab solutely huggable, but my creator says that it’s all my little imperfections that make me so lovable!

I was created as an imperfect doll to deliver messag es of love and kindness; the GREATEST GIFTS of ALL!

Love, Little Perfectly Imperfect Anababy

Join our fam on Instagram @loveanababy to meet Anababy’s little pals and learn all about her latest dolls and books.

Also, visit to discover all of the surprises in store. Love you more!

From Stacy: I love teaching little hearts through dolls, stories, and art! In a world consumed with external perfection, Anababy seeks to make a lasting connection. Anababy helps me do this because she is childlike, angelic, and maternal; all wrapped up into one little huggable bundle.


Michael E. Wells has a passion for writing letters of Christian encour agement. With poetic style and moving messages, the reader is often comforted and consoled, inspired, and refreshed. Since his retirement from Federal Service in 2006, most mornings are spent penning letters of the heart. Tucked away in the foothills of Pennsylvania, he leads an idyllic lifestyle in a pastoral set ting. This backdrop helps to set both mood and message for his many writings. You can find his book, “Morning Coffee with Words For The Day” at

Morning Coffee With Michael E. Wells

One plants, another waters, but it is God who gives the in crease. We provide seeds, many of us water along the way, but God births it in the spirit of those who receive.

Of Fish And Foxes

Truly, the struggle in this life is to know the truth and not get defeated by the lie. As Christians, we are like the ones who chose the red pill in the movie Matrix. Morpheus tells Neo, “You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” To know the truth and see the depth of the lie others blindly follow, being unaware of its destiny, is a very unsettling place to be.

The Christian life is often depicted as a fish swimming against the flow. We have many distractions, especially liv ing in America. Land of the free or rather carefree. So many freedoms we as a people seldom care for that which is im portant or of eternal value. It all comes down to faith and personal behavior. All people have some sort of conscience, but we as Christians have a unique one. Governed by a cer tain set of principles. The fact is others may... but we may not. Conscience may let them but not us.

I once wrote Christians are their happiest when they’re not sinning. As Solomon notes, it is the little foxes that spoil the vines. It is not the great sins that defeat a Christian, but the little ones that slowly dim the flame that once burned bright. Lots of metaphors, but it is how we put into per spective truths that are difficult to explain. Paul wrote our citizenship is in heaven, and our struggle is on earth. We have taken the red pill and swimming against the flow; we are very aware of the little foxes that dim the flame. And so we journey on...


How Do You Feel?

A question posed to Spock in Star Trek IV, The Voy age Home—released 40 years ago and very relevant today. It is one to cause many of us to pause before answering. His response was simply, “I do not under stand the question.” In our very crass and vulgar cul ture, many have moved past feelings. Deadened to being vulnerable again to the deep disappointment and tragedy that comes with life.

But a soul that isn’t touched with emotions simply be comes a sterile existence, devoid of any meaning and fulfillment. To open oneself to possible loss again is difficult for some. This is where we let God in. Being secure in Him is the peace that passes all understand ing. Known only to those who have sought after it. God declares, “You will find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

“How do you feel?” Truly, only with a heart after God can we feel as we were meant to. Though circum stances can still send our emotions reeling, if we will quiet ourselves, a reassuring whisper will sound, “I’ve got you.” No one can hold your heart like God. So in the quiet of the moment, He brings much-needed peace and comfort to a weary mind and tired soul. We are asked, “How do you feel?” And we say, “I’m good, God’s got me.”

Resident Evil

A film series grossing almost 6 billion dollars worldwide during the past 20 years. With its sev enth and final chapter released in 2017 and a reboot in 2021, it is the second-highest money maker ever to come from a video game franchise. Long story short, a virus is released into the pop ulation, turning everyone into the living dead. The ultimate goal of the heroine—save what’s left of humanity! Though I have never seen the movies, one cannot escape the marketing for the past 20 years nor the parallels to the condition of human ity.

In reality, we have been infected with a virus that permeates the soul and tries to control the mind. Left to ourselves, we are truly the walking dead. We struggle against the impulses of the flesh and the taunting in the mind. As in the heroine of the movies, there is also one who is trying to save us. Only He can bring us to our right minds and cleanse us of this virus. It is not a tangible antidote to be injected or dissolved under the tongue, but a faith and belief that can transform the mind and renew the spirit.

The epitaph of this franchise has not been written nor has the final chapter of your life. Each morn ing is new and fresh with decisions to be made. For those who are clean, you may remain clean, for those who are not today is the day of your sal vation. The answer lies in your heart and mouth. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, Savior, and Redeemer. It is He who removes the virus of sin and gives new life so that no longer will you be occupied by the tenant who calls itself Resident Evil.


The Blacksmith

It was a beautiful night at the county fair, perfect for slow meandering, social mingling, and empty calorie eating. With cheese curds in tow, my husband and I took a seat on the old wooden bleachers and watched the blacksmith at work. He was a young man in his early 20s who seemed to be more mature than his age might typically claim. Talking easily with the view ers who came and went, he seemed relaxed and con fident—both in himself and in his project. Back and forth he went, walking from the red hot furnace to his anvil, and back again, patiently crafting a new creation.

As one who has patience for very few activities in life, I was struck by the time involved in this seemingly long and complicated process. Although I knew he had been trained in his craft and was working as a professional, I couldn’t help but wonder: How does he know what to do next? And how does he know when to take his proj ect out of the fire? But yet, there he was, doing his job with ease, unstressed and relaxed. We sat there long after the cheese curds were gone, watching and wait ing to see the finished product. After all the pound ing, bending, and time in the fire, the once plain iron bar had become an intricate trinket. and completely in control.

Later that night, as I was getting ready for bed, I thought about the parallels between the black smith’s craft and the process of sanctification. How the long, slow process of refining and shaping iron bears resemblance to the way our Maker patiently and continuously molds us into the image of Christ. And how like the blacksmith, He is unhurried, calm, and completely in control.

I thought of the glowing red furnace and the neces sity of the extreme heat for purifying the iron. Like wise, our Heavenly Father, in His providence, uses trials to burn off the impurities in our lives. Scrip ture reminds us of this truth in both the Old and New Testaments, describing faith that is refined by the fire of various trials and afflictions (1 Peter 1:7, Psalm 66:10-12, Isaiah 48:9-11). It occurred to me that while the iron product was eventually complete and no longer in need of the fire, we, by contrast, will never cease to need the fire of refinement until we are at home with Christ.


Until that day, our Maker will continue to sancti fy us by His Word and His Spirit, making us into something new; something beautiful and of great use! We can rest assured that God, the ultimate blacksmith, won’t stop His work until we resemble His Son (Romans 8:29, 1 Corinthians 15:49). And yet, this will be for His glory and not our own. Just as the trinket could not take the praise for the work of its creator, so we cannot take credit for the grace God bestows upon us.

In this I pray we find great encouragement: Wher ever we are in the fire, on the anvil, or in rest—God in His sovereignty and wisdom is crafting us, mold ing us from what we once were into what we are yet to become.

Nicole is a licensed marriage and family thera pist with over 14 years of experience in commu nity mental health. She is the author of Remade: Living Free a book written for women in recovery from substance abuse and unhealthy relationships. Nicole also maintains a blog at as well as a podcast, 5 Minute Word. Both focus on topics related to faith and relationships. She lives in Northwest Ohio with her husband and two children. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, running, or cooking.

Click on book covers to purchase books on Amazon.

Yvonne M Morgan, Christian author and speaker

Do you suffer from “Hurry Sickness?” I found out that it is an actual condition. In Psychology Today, they define it as “a behavior pattern characterized by continual rushing and anxiousness; an overwhelming and constant sense of urgency.” Feb 9, 2013, from Psychology Today.


Many of us suffer from this sickness and don’t even realize it. In this 24/7 world, life never stops or slows down enough for us to rest. We lose connection with those around us. Hurry sickness robs us of our most important relationships as we become too busy for our friends, family, and even God. So what do we sac rifice on the altar of busyness to get ahead in life?

The pandemic helped some of us to realize the im portance of slowing down. But, as our world opens up again, will we fall into the same patterns of busy ness?

Blog at Twitter: @ymmauthor



Good News

Take heart; we can overcome our need to always be busy by following Jesus’ examples. Tom Stuart pro vides us with some great ways to combat a life full of busyness. His advice is a friendly reminder that God never intended us to be so busy. When busyness takes over, we cannot hear God speak to us. Slow down. Be still. We need to make room for our rela tionships, especially our relationship with God.

5 Ways to Fight busyness

Inspired by Jesus, here are five things Tom Stuart found as antidotes in combating the busyness of life.

1. Practice Solitude Like Jesus

Like Jesus, I love the early morning hours. I use this quiet time to commune with God and prepare my heart for the day. Uninterrupted silence is a gift from God. The time needs to be savored. When we take the time before the sun comes up, the stress from our to-do list for the day melts away. (Mark 1:35)

2. Sit Down As Jesus Did

When Jesus felt tired and wanted to conserve ener gy, He sat down to rest. Whether He was at a well, on the Mount of Olives, in the temple, or on a moun tainside, Jesus rested (John 4:6, Mark 12:41, Mark 13:3, John 6:3); there is no better prescription for busyness than to take a well-deserved break and sit down. And the important thing about this action is to let your mind sit in addition to your body. Also, studies show those who take regular work breaks are more productive than those who don’t. So that alone should be a sufficient incentive to stop the constant busyness.

3. Take a Nap Like Jesus

In Luke 8:23, we see Jesus sleeping on the boat. He could sleep anywhere, even during a storm on the Sea of Galilee. I have found that nothing refresh es me more when the storms of life are pressing in upon me than taking a nap. Invariably I wake up with renewed energy and resolve to face the challenges before me calmly.

4. Take a Road Trip to Fight Busyness

His times with His disciples traveling from village to village were times to think, talk, listen, and learn. I love road trips. The longer the distance, the better. And the less traveled the road, the more leisurely it feels. Nothing beats time in the car, alone or with a worthy companion, to commune with God or one another and recharge the soul. And avoid hurrying when you can by getting off the freeway and taking the scenic route. And, we need to learn to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Slow Down

Life is so much more than busyness. I don’t believe anyone lies on their deathbed and thinks that they were not busy enough in this life. Busyness leads to disconnection from family, friends, and even God. Slow down, take time, and: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10 KJV)


Dear God,

Thank you that your yoke is easy, and your burden is light. Thank you for promising to give all of us who feel worried, rushed, and pressured rest and peace for our souls if we just come before you. We are grateful for your reminder that we don’t have to car ry it all independently. Forgive us when we’ve tried to fix things in our power, not taking the time to rest or not coming to you first with our needs and burdens. Please help us slow down, fix our eyes on you, and remember that you are our true peace and strength. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Click on the link below to find out more about Yvonne’s books!


What Is Spiritual Maturity?

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV)

I was sitting reading when the term Spiritual Maturity came to me. I thought about it and wondered, am I spiritually mature? My first thought was, I sure hope so, but then I started to think of times when I am not sure. The first thing I did was open my study Bible and look to see what it said about this term. There are many scripture quotes, some of which might actually confuse us. Here is a definition that made sense to me: Spiritual maturity is achieved through becoming more like Jesus Christ.

After we receive salvation, we begin to learn and grow. We start out like little children without much knowl edge and yet craving to learn more.

“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:12-13 NKJV)

Isn’t that what most of us do each day, try to do more to honor God and to do what we have been taught in the Bible? You have probably read this verse in 2 Timothy: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appear ing.” (Timothy 4:7-8 NKJV)

So, how do we continue to grow in our spiritual maturity? Here are a few things we all need to do each day:

1. Make free will decisions to obey His guidance.

2. Internalize Scripture.

3. Pray.

4. Interact with like-minded Christians.

After I was saved, I was hungry for the Word. If you have ever heard of someone being “On fire for Christ,” that was me. I hope I still reflect that hunger and love for wanting to learn more, wanting to serve more, wanting to share the Word, and wanting to help those who do not know Christ Jesus to come to know him.

There is so much more to learn about Spiritual Maturity. Dig into your study Bible, ask your pastor, ask your Christian friends, get involved in a small group, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Be like a young child, hungry to learn.

May God continue to bless us all as we grow and become mature Christians.

October Prayer

Heavenly Father, oh how we love you and praise your name! Thank you for all you do for us. Today, we pray for peace in the world. Our world is changing in front of us, with many issues we need to bring to you. Please give us wisdom and understanding and help guide our paths.

Psalm 37:23-24 (NKJV): “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

Lord, we pray for those who do not know you. We ask that you give each of us the courage and words to say when we talk to a nonbeliever.

The Great Commission

“Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and spoke to them, say ing, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-20 NIV)

Thank you for giving us all we need to know by reading the Bible.

Lord, we pray for our families and friends. We thank you for those who need you spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially. Lord, bring healing and peace of mind.

We pray in the mighty name of Christ Jesus. Amen


Dave Evans recently retired from his career as an estimator for an electrical contractor, but still works part-time. He recently served as Body Care Pastor for a small church and previously taught at a local Bible College for several years. God led him to found and serve in several out reach ministries—a pet therapy ministry, visiting several skilled nursing facilities and retirement homes: a prayer booth on a local street corner to allow people in the community to stop by for prayer needs and an evangelism table, typically set up once a month at various malls or stores, which made Bibles, tracts, DVDs, and other Christian materials available free of charge to interested shoppers. Dave has a bachelor’s degree in business adminis tration/management. As a writer, he has had many poems and articles published in various periodicals and books. And he’s been privileged to do volunteer work for a local police department.

Don’t Grow Weary by Dave Evans

He preached some eighteen thousand sermons to thousands of people on two continents and sev eral countries during an era of spiritual decline. The evangelical zeal of his sermons and his fervent passion for the lost became one of the flashpoints which ignited the dried-out tinder of lukewarm and unconverted hearts and erupted into the astound ing revival known as the Great Awakening.

For thirty-four years, he continued to tirelessly and relentlessly proclaim the gospel in church build ings, public spaces, and in fields. Even when in poor health due to chronic cardiac asthma, he declared, “I would rather wear out than rust out.” And rather than slow down and rust, he continued to preach with an ardent zeal.

One day, after preaching for two hours, he rode the seventeen miles from Exeter, New Hampshire to Newburyport, Massachusetts to stay overnight at a local pastor’s home. During dinner, utterly exhaust ed and ready for sleep, he excused himself to his hosts, intending to go to bed. But an impromptu crowd had gathered outside and earnestly clamored to hear him speak. Mustering what little energy he still had, he preached to them by candlelight until the light from the flame eventually flickered out.


Early the next morning, September 30, 1770, at the age of 55, George Whitefield’s body finally wore out. The God he so dutifully and faithfully served had called him home to reap his heavenly reward.

On the day he preached his last sermons, someone in the crowd, noticing his tired and sickly condition, remarked, “You are more fit to go to bed than to preach.” Whitefield acknowledged the truth the man had spoken and then prayed, “Lord Jesus, I am weary in thy work, but not weary of it.”

Often, there are times in life when we all experience physical weariness. But we also get weary in our spir itual relationship and service to God. Trials, the exer tion from bearing others’ burdens, reaping the fruit of our sins, attacks from Satan, discouragement, and our own laziness; all these things tend to drain our energy. But we must not grow weary and cease from doing good. For we are cautioned in Galatians, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Gala tians 6:9 NKJV)

It’s imperative to continue and persevere in doing good, or in sowing to the Spirit (Galatians 6:8). Just as a farmer must wait patiently until the seeds he planted can be harvested; the seeds we sow to the Spirit will yield a crop ‘in due season’. But there will be no harvest to reap if we faint and give up on do ing good.

So, when discouragement and distraction threaten to sap our vitality and make us want to quit, don’t grow weary. Instead, turn to the Lord for renewal and strengthening. Isaiah wrote, “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 NKJV)

May we continually rely, not on our own strength and resources, but on God Himself to invigorate us by renewing our strength and stamina so we can run and not grow weary while doing good. Let us never be ‘weary of the work’ God has ordained for us to do as long as the light from our own candle still burns.


Be Still And Know God

Is your soul quieted? Or is it always rushing around to see what you can do next or where you need to go? Have you taken time to be still and just listen to God?

We are always trying to fix things ourselves instead of being still and finding peace and comfort in God’s loving arms.

Our focus needs to be on making God first in every thing we say and do, for without Him, life makes no sense at all. We make ourselves first when we are focusing on other things like: what do I want to be when I grow up?; what should my life here on earth be like?; or what are my dreams and ambitions for the future? We are leaving God’s plan out of our fu ture. It is not about us; it is about Him! That is why the Israelites were exiled. They ignored His ways.

If we are not still, we are going to miss out on a very special blessing of just being able to converse with Him about anything and getting to know Him personally. Some people ask, “How will I know if it is God speaking to me?” You will feel and hear His Holy Spirit and His purpose for your life.

I remember a time when I was still and listened to Him. Back in December 2014, while I was in prayer, I asked Him, “Do I have pancreatic cancer?” Imme diately, I felt this surge of electricity throughout my entire body. I heard Him say, “Yes, my child, you have cancer but hold tight to me and I will get you through this.” Later, I was not afraid when the doctor confirmed it.

Four years later, in May 2018, the same thing hap pened to me again. This time I asked Him if I had breast cancer because the doctor found a lump. He repeated the same words to me as He had told me before. If I had not listened to Him, it might have been too late.

God’s word is the truth. We can always trust Him through the power of the Holy Spirit”s direction. If He leads us to a crisis of unbelief, we must trust and have faith that He is here and will help us go through anything.

Listen to His voice and believe Him to be who He is—God! The creator of Heaven and Earth and our Heavenly Father, who loves His children very much. He wants us all to have a personal relationship with Him and if we take the time to know Him, we will see extraordinary things being done in our lives.


There are going to be times in our life when we feel He is very far away from us. We might feel as if He is angry or that He just does not care, but He does. Isn’t it wonderful that we can confess our sins to Him and we do not have to feel guilty about them any more? But every time we sin, we are disconnected from Him. He grieves, and that makes me sad I made Him feel that way.

He is always working in our lives. We need to recog nize the direction He wants us to go on earth and believe He is showing us which path to take. When we know His plans then we need to adjust our plans to do what He wants, then we will experience God through what only HE is capable of.

Let Him guide and direct us to where we need to meet Him, so He can tell us what we need to do for Him. His will, not ours. I come to know God through experiences as I obey Him and He accomplishes His work within me.

He wants us to go through fellowship with others. He promises us in Matthew 18: 19-20 (NIV), “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

We can even walk with God and take a look at His Beautiful and Majestic creation and believe through faith and prayer. On a deeper level of worship, we can praise Him even through our trials, suffering, and pain because we know He listens and He will never leave us or forsake us.

Will you continue to love and trust Him when you are going through your storms in life? I know I have in the past and will continue to do so.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10 NIV)

In Christian Love, Cindy

Cindy Oriol is the author of “IF ONLY” and “ HAVING JOY IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM.” They were writ ten by the Holy Spirit and me to encourage anyone that is going through a storm in their life. No matter how many storms we have to endure as long as we hold tight to Jesus we can make it through anything.


Dr. Irene Surya has published a book of poems, In Solitude with God. Her poems have been published in various magazines. She has a pas sion for writing for the Lord and glorifying the Lord through her writings. She loves and serves the Lord with her husband.

The Master Artist

Click on book to purchase on Amazon.

The Master Artist, Lord Almighty

Paints each day in varied hues. Each day, a masterpiece The perfection of His brilliance.

Myriad vivacious hues at dawn, Radiant bright at midday Somber colors at twilight With streaks of white in between.

The Great Artist with His palette Depicts my life in distinct hues. Some days are vibrant and colorful While others are pale and subdued.

Each stroke is delicate and distinct A unique portrayal in itself.

At times, I don’t understand His strokes. Other times, I question His work.

The perfect contours of God’s faithfulness

Beautify the imperfections of my disobedience, The flawless blending of God’s love and justice Fills the insipid canvas with elegance.


The Lord holds my hand lovingly As He paints on gently To sketch a marvelous masterpiece A beautiful story of His grace.


The Holy Spirit, Helper and Advocate

• Sin has blinded us to the truth. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes and teaches us the truth. John 16:13 (NKJV) tells us: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”

Just the other evening, I was in our men’s Bible study group. We were digging into Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 2 specifically, when the leader posed the question, “Why do some people attempt to read the Bible but can not understand it?” An interesting and thought-provoking question, for certain, and very good for group discussion and private examination.

As members of the group offered answers, the one that stuck in my mind was that it is the Holy Spirit who, sent to believers as a helper and advocate, enables us to un derstand and interpret God’s message to us. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 explains this phenomenon. The concept is that with out the Holy Spirit; we cannot grasp what the Bible reveals. Much of the Bible, especially the Old Testament passages, contains historical, ancestral, and legalistic data and instruc tions. Hidden within are nuggets of wisdom from Solomon, parables told by Jesus Christ, and prophesies of times to come. The Holy Spirit unlocks for us the depth and breadth of God’s special messages to His children.

My earliest memories of actually reading the Bible with the purpose of learning and discerning God’s message are from being in a youth group at church. I was about 14-15 years old. The young married couple that led the group were not specifically trained for leading; they did not have degrees in religion or seminary experience. But they loved the Lord and had a desire to walk alongside youth and young adults as they studied God’s Word and how the messages and in structions pertained to their lives. I believe this was the first time I heard the term Holy Spirit. I knew about the Holy Ghost from hearing the Doxology sung in church and being mentioned in the version of the Bible the minister preached from. The group leaders taught us they were the same—a part of the trilogy of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Spirit. This was also when I first learned about the role the Holy Spirit would play in my life.

So, how does the Holy Spirit serve us? Here are a few exam ples from my reading and research:

• The Holy Spirit gave Jesus Christ understanding and in sight into Old Testament teachings (Isaiah 11:1-3). Jesus told us He would send this helper to be with us when He left this world. “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.” (John 15:26 NKJV))

• The Holy Spirit helps us in our prayers. “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Romans 8:26 NKJV)

• The Bible is a mystery for many, but the Holy Spirit leads us to what to study. Ask Him for discernment and under standing. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14 NKJV)

The gift of the Holy Spirit is key for us Christians. He is one with the Father and the Son, part of the Trinity. Our Savior received the Holy Spirit

The disciples had a difficult time understanding and believ ing the Scriptures. Before He left this earth and returned to heaven, Jesus told his disciples, “Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

In the same way, the Holy Spirit indwells believers and ful fills the same mission in us—teaching, guiding, counsel ing, and advocating for us to the Father. Have you heard of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit? Paul lists them in Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV): “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”

Pretty cool, huh? This gift that the Father has sent to us is such an integral part of our Christian life. Besides helping me understand the Bible, the Holy Spirit lives in me all the time, and guides me in all I think, say, and do.

If you have not yet received the Holy Spirit into you, all you have to do is ask: “Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner. I need You and I believe that Jesus Christ died for me on the cross to save me and has risen from the dead to give me a new life. I surrender my life to You, my Lord and my Savior. Please come into my life and fill me with the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”


Paula considers herself an ordinary Christian woman traversing through the wilderness of an everyday mess. She is a retired So cial Worker with a BSW who lives in Western Pennsylvania with her emotional support dog, a spoiled rotten amusing beagle named Little Girl. She has two adult daughters off doing their own thing.

Please visit her blog at:


Autumn is fast approaching here in the northern hemisphere of the United States. Some love autumn for the sense of nostalgia, holidays, and new begin nings. And is a treasured season for many as the air turns crisp and the leaves change to their familiar red, yellow, orange, and brown.

The sounds of dried leaves rustling in the wind are like nature’s music. With smells of cinnamon and nutmeg, apple cider, and pumpkin spice drinks. People every where will light their scented candles and fireplaces as we look forward to time spent visiting and sharing stories and laughs with family and friends.

There are many activities to take part in during Au tumn, such as jumping in a pile of raked dried leaves (that means you too adults), going to a fall harvest festival, going for a walk in the woods, picking apples, then making caramel or candied apples, getting lost in a corn maze, visiting a pumpkin patch and picking pumpkins, and heading to the farmers market.

Autumn is not only a significant time for fun things to do but also holds a biblical significance. We can study Scripture and its theme of the harvest to gain a deep er perspective of fall.

Let’s Take An Autumn Walk And Explore Some Verses

“The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:8 NLT)

“For everything there is a season, a time for every ac tivity under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT)

“For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.” (2 Corinthians 9:10 NLT)

“He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (Matthew 9:37-38 NLT)

“Then God said, ‘Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.’ And that is what happened.” (Genesis 1:29-30 NLT)

Lastly, autumn is a season of thanksgiving, a season of praise. It’s a season to share the love of Jesus with oth ers. And It’s a season to gather with family and friends to thank God for His many blessings.


Have You Ever Considered God?

What do I mean by that? Let’s read Psalm 8 to learn more:

“O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

For thou hast made him a little lower than the an gels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and what soever passeth through the paths of the seas.

O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!”

(Scripture from King James 1611 Authorized text.)

There is no One more glorious than God.

God has the power to still all our enemies.

There is no artist who can match His ability to create.

Even though He is the Supreme Being, He allows us to commune with Him.

He sees us as a little lower than the angels. If nothing else does, that humbles me.

He gave man dominion over everything He made. Even the animals. They are ours to care for.

How can we do anything less than praise and honor Him?

Have you spoken to God today? Spent time in His Pres ence? I can’t think of a better way to start my day than kneeling at the Throne of my King. How about you?

Click on photo to order Sharon’s books.

Laurie Glass has a heart for encouraging others through her writing. She has had many poems and articles published in both print and online publications. Laurie is a contributing writer for Chronic Joy, a ministry for those affected by chronic ill ness and other health issues. In addition, she won the Open Medicine Foundation poetry contest in 2019.

Heavenly Bouquet

Secure and resting in His lap, breathe in His presence so divine. No other place is so serene, where Father, child, intertwine.

So close with head upon His chest, such strong aroma emanates from One so loving, beautiful. Low burdened soul, scent satiates.

Inhale His fragrance like perfume. ‘Tis such a heavenly bouquet. Breathe in the balm of the Supreme, refreshing as a rose sachet.

With eloquence, He speaks aloud, expresses with assuring tone. Inhale His words of hope so true and strength for what is yet unknown.

Give ears to gentle, soothing voice and hear Him, promises disclose. With words so sweet upon His breath, brings soul to genuine repose.

His arms provide tranquility. Breathe in the calm of warm embrace. His tender touch so delicate. Such comfort in this healing place.

All snuggled up in Father’s arms. Such smells so sweet draw child close. He knows this time with Him is what His dear creation needs the most.


Marty Denton is a published poet, prolific songwriter, recording artist, husband, dad, and grandfather. He writes and sings about his Christian faith. Marty lives in McGehee, Arkansas. You can listen to and download some of his music (free) at: ondenton

A Man Named Si

I’d watch him every Sunday as he sang every song

If he didn’t know the words, he’d just hum along He had never learned to read, but he’d been taught right from wrong His faith never wavered and his love for Jesus was strong He drifted into town and from where no one knew Every Sunday, you could find him on that same wooden pew A mechanic by trade and pretty soon everyone knew He could fix anything and there wasn’t much he couldn’t do His name was Si, short for Silas, is what he said He had a Bible by the wooden stove that had never been read He would open it and pray as he’d place his fingers on the words in red And at night it would always be there on the table beside his bed One day, a man came to town and was asking about Si And when he said his name, it brought a teardrop to his eyes Si had moved away, and he hadn’t seen him in a while To come and see Si, he had traveled many miles

It saddened me to tell him that Si had passed away It happened so quickly, one beautiful morning at the break of day Clinging to his Bible made it easy for anyone to say There was no doubt that before he left, he found some time to pray The man told Si’s story, and it was one of a quiet, peaceful man It was as if he was part of a much greater plan

The man was Si’s brother, and he spoke of the old Bible that Si had It had been given to him long ago by their Mom and Dad Si worked all his life so his brother could go to school and learn to read His Momma told him that God would always supply his every need So the brother became a preacher and read the word to Si everyday When God’s word gets in your soul, it will never go away Si held on to his Bible and from his heart, he would pray Si walked with Him, and he talked with Him, and one day He carried Si away

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Peter and his wife, Nancy, have been married for 48 years and have two sons, six lively grandsons, and one wonderful grand daughter. I love to serve in nursing home ministry and write devotionals, poetry, and songs. We live near Tampa, Florida, where we are members of Generations Christian Church.

The Unseen Gift

A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other… In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. (1 Corinthians 12:7; 22 NLT)

I was delighted that our twenty-year-old grandson, Nathan, wanted to come along with me to visit at Sunshine Home memory care. Though I was disappointed that he didn’t feel bold enough to sing with me at the front, it was still a joy to me that he came along. So, after introducing him to every one, Nathan went and stood at the back and watched. That day, even though only a few people gathered for our usually packed meeting, I just took out my guitar and started, anyway.

Meanwhile, I noticed Nathan began to talk with the nurses and some of the other staff, and then turned and walked up the hallway and out of my view. Just as I was puzzling as to where he had gone, I noticed a steady stream of people who began walking in and taking their seats. Last of all, Nathan walked back up the hallway with a smile, and then he waved to me. I smiled back and shrugged my shoulders, just happy to see all the people.

As we drove home later, Nathan explained he discovered our missing people were playing cards in the dining room. So he just gently reminded them they were missing out on their favorite hymns, and Bingo! In they came!

Just like with Nathan, not all of us do things that others see. Sometimes the most important things we do are hidden. But whether hidden or seen, God has given each of us a gift through Jesus Christ. Whatever our gift, today’s verse reminds us that the gift He has given us has been given so that we can give it away—even when no one is watching!


Road Trippin’ in Georgia and North Carolina by Karen Ruhl

I cannot tell you how excited we were to get back to our road trips. This is the first time this year that we could venture to another state and spend a few days out. We went to Helen, GA first. Helen is a moun tain town in northeast Georgia. It’s known for its vineyards and Bavarian-style buildings, and it didn’t disappoint. If you go, put on your walking shoes and enjoy the shops, restaurants, and biergartens. Just outside of Helen, we saw this beautiful white church sitting on a hill. While I was taking photos of the outside of the church, I noticed the doors were open. I stepped inside and looked around, I snapped a couple of photos and said a prayer.

Photos: ©KarenRuhl


We saw a gazebo out in a cow field and wondered who would put it there. It is a Nacoochee Indian Mound that was the center of the ancient Cherokee town of Gauxule. It was visited by DeSoto in 1540. More info is on the sign above. Not far away, we found Nora Mill Granary, packed full of jams, jellies, and more homemade goodies. When I hear mill, I know there will be water close by to power it and this did not disappoint. The waterfalls were pretty, but they also reminded me that this is the where people located to be able to operate their businesses and provide many products. There is so much to see in this area, Craig and I highly recom mend taking the time to explore, relax, and enjoy the natural beauty that will surround you there.

This is how I want to spend my spare time. Hmmm, we need some rockers on our patio!

The rocks from where they built the parking lot were stacked in piles, you could spend hours just reading the graffitti. After taking the photo below, I noticed the lion and went back to shoot the beautiful rock.

It would not have taken much for us to turn around as we headed up this moun tain. We were so thankful that we made it to the top.

While climbing up Bell’s mountain, we kept reading signs saying “very steep mountain, please use turn outs to pass other cars. The turn outs were small little spaces and not something you would want to do. A lot of prayers were said climbing to this glorious view. Photos: ©KarenRuhl

Cherokee, NC never disappoints. The Smokey Mountain views, forest streams, and of course, the elk. It was not rutting season yet, but don’t tell those bull elks that! We must have seen a few dozen elks, the parents and young elks. What a treat we had before heading home. Please take time to get out and explore!


A healthcare Business Analyst by trade, Steve Wilson is a retired husband, father, and grandfather who loves to see and write about finding God in the everyday. Originally from Ohio, he and his wife Jenny now live in Granite Falls, North Carolina. In his spare time, Steve enjoys reflective writing, dabbling in stained glass, and, of course, spending time with their daughter and her family.

Standing the Test of Time

I pulled this old pot out of the dishwasher this morning, and it prompted a life lesson! You see, Jenny and I got this pot as a wedding gift over forty-three years ago and as we’ve used it off and on during these past forty-three years, it has become faded, pocked, and scarred. You might ask why we still have it hanging around our house; because it’s stainless steel, dependable and can take the heat!

It reminded me a lot of marriage itself; for our life’s journey begins all shiny and new. As life goes on, circumstances and difficulties scratch and ding, physical illness and natural biological changes fade and scar, until we physically appear different and our marriages are definitely tested and affected as well. The big difference is the stuff that we’re made of, what our marriages are made of. If you have entrusted God to be the third entity of your marriage, you’re more likely to be like the stainless steel pot; the heat will come, but you’re a lot more likely to stand the heat, temper life’s stress boil and good results will occur.

If you go through your marriage thinking life should be esthetically pleasing, more than likely you’ll end up like a shallow aluminum pot or pan that gets destroyed by the excessive heat of life; it just doesn’t hold up.

Just a gentle reminder, especially for those beginning life’s journey together, that it takes more than just fun and blue sunny skies in marriage; it takes love, commit ment, guts, determination, forgiveness, and God to get you through the tough times and inwardly strengthen you for the long term.

Steve and Jenny Wilson
More Road-Trippin’ photos from Georgia. ©KarenRuhl

Steve Carter lives in Tupelo, Mississippi. He is a Bible college graduate, military and hospice chaplain, and musician.

Steve may be contacted by email at:

110 Miles of Misery

I had never been this far north. Standing in Interna tional Falls, Minnesota, looking into Canada, put me a long way from my driveway in Tupelo, Mississippi.

After landing, I hitched a ride to my motel and joy fully saw my recumbent trike waiting. Finding no damage from being shipped, I set out on a “shake down ride” to get everything tuned up and locate the next morning’s planned route.

What I found waiting caused my eyes to bug out and I’m pretty sure I went pale! It’s a good thing my ride included three wheels, or I would have surely fallen over in shock. The route I had been count ing on during my year of planning turned out to be a dirt trail that looked like somewhere old cars went to die! Huge craters and overgrown brush in the place of the expected paved ‘bike path’. Oh Boy!

Back in my room, I rounded up a map, sought ad vice from locals, and made tentative routing plans before grabbing a few winks. After a very few winks, I started out of town and waved over a man heading to church. Honoring my request, he promised to put my name on the prayer list.

As a rule, I have plenty of faith in my ability to over come adversity. However, this cool morning found me falling well short of confident. This start had ab solutely nothing in common with my original plan, but neither did hanging around International Falls. After all, I came up here to ride, so off I went, trust ing the Lord to either take me to my Heavenly home or back to where folks ate grits on a regular basis.

Because of the extreme winters that Minnesota served up, the roads were mostly filled in cracks or potholes. So away I went, weaving around the plac es that needed filling in and bumping across those already patched. Glad to be making progress, and not given to complaining, I settled into a comfort able 7-10 MPH pace and marveled at the scenery. While the landscape didn’t have many towns to mark my location, I stayed true to last night’s impromp tu plans while trying to not dwell on the nagging dread of what I had gotten myself into this time.

I had traveled through marshlands for around four hours when I glanced to my left and saw a moose standing beside the road giving me the once over. Having never seen a moose in my life, I stared right back until she walked off. Other than around three pickup trucks, I didn’t have to share the road. I admit it got a little lonely out there, but then again, not dodging drivers talking on the phone has its advan tages.


While cruising along, I saw more eagles that morning than ever before in my life! Beautiful, majestic birds complemented by a variety of ducks and a goose or two. I’m told there were likely a few wolves keeping an eye on me, but I never saw them. I have never cared for wolves; the eagles were nice but wolves I can live out without and be happy for it.

Around noon, I pulled into a small town and walked into an ‘everything store’ staffed by a very helpful young man. He suggested a route to Grand Rapids, which I gratefully took. He likely found my southern accent as entertaining as I did his. After enjoying a little small talk, I settled back onto my trike and headed out.

In midafternoon, I heard thunder to go along with the dark clouds I had been watching in my mirrors. Just as rain came to visit, I pulled over to put on rain gear. While cinching up my jacket, I noticed a Bed and Breakfast across the road and briefly considered stopping for the day. But with daylight left and the rain falling lightly, I pushed on. This ended up being a bad move, a very bad move indeed!

Around nine p.m. things got a little ugly. The rain turned serious and trucks pulling fishing boats be gan flying by me a whole lot closer than necessary. Chances are, despite my flashing lights, those driv ers probably never saw me. One tap from a bumper would probably have sent me flying over the road shoulder into a marsh where I would have been ‘dis covered’ in about 300 years!

For the last twenty miles or so, I dealt with some thing I can only call an out-of-body experience. My legs were like wheels on a steam-powered train, just pushing along, while my hands worked the gears and brakes. With them on auto-pilot, my eyes kept watching the growing glow of Grand Rapids.

The most dangerous time that night came when I hydroplaned sideways into the middle of the road. I remembered thinking, “if a truck comes blasting over this hill, I’m dead.” Staying calm, I soon re gained control of the trike, while the undisturbed peace of God kept me moving.

I had pretty much seen enough misery when I saw scattered houses that signaled the outskirts of town. Soon, this day’s journey ended with me tucked in warm and looking forward to spending the next day eating pancakes and drinking hot chocolate!

O.K., what did I learn from this?

The lessons reinforced during these miserable seventeen hours of riding apply to everyday life. Regardless of how meticulous our planning is, we will still likely face unexpected trials!

When in unfamiliar territory, be it physical or spiri tual, seek counsel from those who know the terrain. No need to learn everything the hard way!

Also, have faith in your abilities for victory over ‘troubled waters’. Suffering needlessly is not part of God’s overall plan for us. He is always watching and has no problem sending aid in ways only He can render.


Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf

Click on book covers to learn more and purchase.

100 Days of Prayer

This is more than just a book to read, Ruth has put togeth er biblical guidelines and shares her real-life examples, as well as featuring poems by other writers. The bonus for me is that she has included templates for Daily Prayers and Evening Reflections. The book also contains a prayer log for the prayer requests you have received from others. I highly recommend getting 100 Days of Prayer - it would also make a wonderful gift to someone special.

Put this book on your morning reading list or on your nightstand.

Call For Writers

For Faith On Every Corner Magazine

We are looking for testimonials, acts of service, devotions, and articles of how you have witnessed God working in your life or the life of family and friends. Email for submission guidelines.


Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf

What The Morning Brings 52 Inspirational Story-Style Devotions

I love reading devotionals, especially when the author is bold enough to write about their own life experienc es. Mary has done just that. Each devotion begins with a scripture and is followed by very touching stories of Mary’s life. In the introduction, Mary writes, “I have recognized the power of story and repetition to help me retain truth taught in Scripture. Lessons wrapped in story can be far more memorable than other methods of instruction.” I to tally agree.

Buy Mary’s book and take your time each day to reflect on how the story touches you. This is another book that would make a wonderful gift. Put this one on your daily reading list.


Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf

The Pelican Trees

I love this book. Starting with an intriguing mystery and continuing tension as the story flows, I was drawn in immediately and was held captive. Patrick Higgins offers a wonderfully developed cast of characters, full of life and di mension. This book is Christian fiction written appealingly. The underlying principles are well placed and support the storyline. I particularly appreciate the way the author ad dresses the concept of spiritual warfare. It brings the sub ject into clarity while serving as the true protagonist in the book. Patrick Higgins has written a good number of books and I feel this one is at the top of the stack. Grab a copy of this book and be entertained and taught.

The staff at Faith On Every Corner is pleased to place a copy of this book on our bookshelf and recommend it to our readers.


Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf

52 Weeks of Strength for Men

This devotional book is set up a little differently than others I have recently used. It is divided into weekly sections, as the title implies, each containing a devotional message and suggested Bible passages for each day’s study. As I used it in my morning devotion time, I formed a habit of re-read ing the devotion and then considering the meaning in light of the Bible verses for that day. By the end of the week, I felt immersed in the study and much more receptive to God’s Word. At the end of each week’s section, there are questions provided for reflection and application. This is very useful, as I take one question each day to ponder and journal my thoughts. I am several weeks into the book and am enjoy ing this wonderful addition to my devotion time. This book will make a great tool for small groups and individual use.

It pleased us to place a copy of 52 Weeks of Strength for Men on our Bookshelf and recommend it to our readers.


A Love So Great by Shara Bueler-Repka

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a con trite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:17-19 NKJV)

My father-in-law, Henry, loved dogs. Years ago, his original ‘dog plan’ was to breed Rat Terriers as a business adven ture (yes, ADventure). However, as the puppies were born, he became so attached to them he couldn’t bear to sell them. His brood grew to a frisky bunch of seven.

I have fond memories of watching him walk his dogs next to the cow pasture. With Henry leading the way, his lit tle entourage followed him like the Pied Piper. Or, when he drove his ‘Mule’ across the property, one of his bunch would proudly sit in the passenger seat—mouth open, tongue hanging, and ears blowing back in the breeze.

Henry also had a huge heart for homeless or unwanted dogs, whatever the size or breed. As each of the Rat Ter riers eventually moved on to the Happy Hunting Ground of Heaven, a stray dog would, without fail, show up on the doorstep.

He found Smokey, abandoned and wandering around a gas station pump. She stole Henry’s heart and became his constant companion for many years.

When the inevitable time came and she passed peacefully to join her former companions, my fa ther-in-law was heartbroken. It is never easy to lose a loved one, be it human or animal, no matter what the age or reason.

It was a lonely drive as he traveled to the family farm for his monthly visit. He tried to steel himself as he passed every rest and potty stop that he and Smokey would frequent during that long trip.

Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. “I can’t deal with this,” he cried. “Lord, You’re going to have to help me.” He drove onto the farm, parked his car, and wearily began to unload his things.

Suddenly, something caught his attention—a tiny figure next to the farmhouse door. He moved in for a closer inspection and discovered a lively little Chihuahua investigating the porch.

After inquiries to neighbors and local officials, it was apparent that this little guy was homeless... dumped on the County Road to fend for himself. Henry made him part of his family and named him Chico.


Shara Bueler-Repka is enjoying life as a singer/songwrit er/recording artist, freelance writer, and award-winning author. She and her husband, Bruce, live in their living quarters horse trailer and call “home” wherever their rig is parked. Their mail-base, however, is Hallettsville, Texas. She loves sharing God’s Word through music with her husband, riding their horses (aka The Boys) in the backcountry, and writing about God’s grace in their various adventures on the trail less traveled.

Chico proved to be a family project. Scared and defensive, no one could get close without him yelping. One day, my mother-in-law, Betty, was lying on the couch and her hand slipped to the ground… right next to Chico. A “Grrrrrrrr!” imme diately resounded from somewhere under the coffee table—her hand pushing the boundaries of his comfort zone.

However, as Henry and Betty persevered in their patient care for this wary soul, Chico progressed from whimpering at them to whimpering for them when they were out of his sight.

The final feat was actually picking him up, which had not been a tolerable move until now. With heavy BBQ gloves to protect against defen sive teeth, they crossed this last hurdle. But they needn’t have bothered with the gloves. Chico lay perfectly peaceful in their ‘armory’… no animosity whatsoever expressed.

He became Henry’s faithful companion, follow ing him everywhere and sleeping next to him in a small blanketed cardboard box by the bed.

The Lord displayed His grace by bringing these lives together: one with a broken heart, the oth er abused and homeless. He knows that in this life, we will go through trials and heartaches. But He promises, through Jesus, to deliver us out of them all in victory and with strength. His love is so great that He will reach out in answer to a simple prayer—even bringing an abandoned little dog to a man’s doorstep to help ease the pain of a loss. (1 John 4:14-16; Lamentations 3:21-23)


Gina Sewell is a mom and grandma who lives in the Dallas, Texas area, where she enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. She loves to write about Jesus and encourage others. Gina shares her journey on her website:

Spiritual Maturity

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when ever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

(James 1:2-3 NIV)

Pure joy? Well, I don’t know about that. I have all of these things happening around me that I can’t con trol or deal with. It’s hard to have faith in these situ ations. But not only am I supposed to have faith, but I’m also supposed to enjoy it? That’s kind of hard to take in when you first read it.

But then James goes on to say, “Let perseverance fin ish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

(James 1:4-5 NIV)

A time of testing… testing your faith so that you may grow in character. That’s different from being tempt ed. Temptation doesn’t come from God, but testing will bring you closer to God.

When I look back, I realize that the times in my life I felt closest to God were mostly in my worst times; at least times that started out that way. That’s when I would call out to Him and no matter how far away I thought He was, He would still answer my call.

He will pull us out of the pit, even when we dug the pit ourselves, and if we listen, the Holy Spirit will guide us and teach us what we need to learn from each experience.

When you get to the point where you can keep your faith, no matter the circumstances, because you know that God will sustain you, then you know that He has done a wonderful work within you by helping you become complete in Christ Jesus.

“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teach ing everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end, I strenu ously contend with all the energy Christ so powerful ly works in me.” (Colossians 1:28-29 NIV)


“Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23 KJV)

I am reminded of this verse daily. Even though challenges, trials, and tribulations may arise, I know that God’s word will never return void. He keeps His promise, but we must believe. I am a true believer that all things are possible. God knows every move that we make even before we make it, and He knows the outcome even before we begin the process. God knows the end from the beginning. This makes it even more realistic that we must trust and believe that all things are possible. Although we may not understand the purpose during the time of the trial and tribula tion, we must trust that with God’s help, we will get through it. For greater is on the other side, but we must push through it in order to get there.

All Things Are Possible

This is my personal testimony for this time

After facing a few tragic moments which creat ed a void and empty space in my family’s life, I was often reminded of God’s promise and that I had to trust the process. Instead of settling for the saying of ‘No’, I accepted God’s word of ‘Not Right Now’. During the time of the 2020 pan demic, I faced many disappointments, but the most challenging were a job loss and a loss of a baby (miscarriage). These events happened with in months of one another. Although these items were very devastating, they were temporary. Yes, my faith was tested, but I had to brush myself off and instead of asking, “Why Me”, I asked, “Why Not Me”. As soon as I let go and let God have His way, that’s when things started happening for the good, and my prayer and questions were an swered. God had to take me through, in order to get me to the other side of His promise. He had to make sure that I was really trusting and believ ing in Him and that I was a firm believer that all things are possible.


Losing my job pushed me into full-time entrepre neurship and allowed my business operations to reach even higher heights. Things began to make sense because I was operating in the God-given talent and purpose that was destined for me. I remained focused on the vision and accomplish ing what were once long-term goals that were outlined on a vision board. Goals that led to fulltime entrepreneurship were being accomplished as short-term goals. Suddenly, I began to think outside of the box and master connections and gained access to resources that I never dreamed of. I have been able to secure contracts, certifi cations, and other business opportunities in a mighty way. Then that wasn’t enough. God bless ed my husband and me to conceive again and we had our Miracle Baby on August 7, 2022—God’s Promise!

Although our baby boy came much earlier than his original due date, God was right on time with everything. It was as if everything that happened was to increase my faith. God uses everything that we learn to reveal Himself each and every day. God makes the impossible possible! I am so thankful for all things!

Chantel LaToya Williams (Brown) is a Native of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, but currently lives in Hopewell, Virginia. She is a 2007 graduate of Virginia State University with a Bachelor of Sci ence degree in Computer Information Systems. She holds dual Master’s degrees from Strayer University. She is the owner and graphic design er of Maxxtell Creations, LLC. Chantel is a wife, mother, full-time entrepreneur, business/market ing strategist, and dedicated member of a few community organizations. She enjoys spending time with family while sharing empowerment and inspirational moments daily. For more in formation about Chantel and her business, visit: Website:


Be Still And Listen To God

A Christian sometimes becomes confused and makes the wrong decisions in life. Life becomes too complicated and busy, and you have to take a little time to make life-changing decisions. You listen to others (family, friends, peers, etc.) when making decisions. But you need to listen to God’s quiet, but yet strong guidance. Humble yourself to the Lord and ask Him to guide you every day in making life’s major or minor decisions. Pray constantly to Him for guidance in all things, whether big or small. But to hear Him, your soul, mind, and heart need to be open, listening, and quiet. Don’t let life inter fere when listening to God. Be still! Listen to God in a quiet, undisturbed room or place. When you can take time to pray and really hear God’s guidance. It may not come immediately but continue to pray to God. He will send His guidance through circumstances, other people, and even miracles and blessings. You will find peace, hope, and love in your life, through doing God’s will—always! He will do things in your life, and you will achieve things you never thought possible. He will give you the strength, knowledge, and patience to accomplish anything. For with the Lord, anything is made possible! Also, give thanks daily, humble yourself to Him and praise His name forever. And He will accomplish miracles and give you many blessings throughout your lifetime!

still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10 KJV) 52 | MAGAZINE NAMEPAGE 3 52

Be Still My Heart

Brenda McDaniel is the author of My Angel My Hero with two more books soon to be pub lished. She is from Roanoke, VA. She holds a B.S in Psychology and M.A. in Counseling. She has enjoyed writing poetry and short stories, even as a small child. Brenda says she is now living her dream come true!

For more information or to purchase, click on the book cover.

By Brenda McDaniel
I was in Pain, The Lord was slain. I was crying, As the Lord was dying. I was praying, As the Lord was saying, I Love you, my child. It will only be awhile, The Lord has Risen!! Now, I am Forgiven!!

Dr. Kathleen B. Oden is an author, missionary, and Bible teach er. She has been the Administrator of God’s House of Refuge Church & School of Evangelism, for 25 years. Dr. Oden attained a Doctorate degree in Christian Theology in 2000. After a bad fall in 2014, she realized that she had to start eating healthy, in order to fully recover. She became a Certified Health Min ister and a Certified Essential Oil Coach. She loves ministering to people and God gave her a health ministry called, Create AnewU Health Ministry. Her health ministry has opened the door for her to share what the WORD OF GOD has to say about eating healthy. Dr. Oden has published over 20 books through and several of them are about health and wellness.

The Spirit Of Change

WOW! Woke up with a stopped-up nose and feel ing like a bad head cold was coming on. Quickly took some vitamin C, put some peppermint es sential oil in my nose (OUCH, don’t try that), and went back to bed, totally forgetting about my 8 am meeting. Needless to say, my cell started ringing at 8 am and my voice sounded like Darth Vader.

When my laptop finally came up, a beautiful fall picture of trees in Madison, Virginia, turning colors and a small brook flowing in the middle popped up on my screen. I miss the East Coast. The trees in Texas don’t change like the ones on the East Coast. It is still in the 90s here in Houston Texas, however, I can feel a change is coming.


I feel it by the Spirit. A change is coming.

I look up in the sky; I don’t see it.

I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming.

The leaves are falling, the ant is crawling, But I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming.

A good change, a bad change, Who can know it?

I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming.

A good change for the saints, Not the ones who faint.

I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming.

Don’t be weary and don’t tarry! Jesus is soon to come, hurry!

I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming.


I feel the heat, hotter and hotter. But He has my hand. Throughout every matter. I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming.

Am I ready, am I done?

Only the potter knows this one. But I just feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming.

I am turned this way and that. Trying not to cry, He would not want that. I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming. And when it arrives, I want to be waiting, like a Bride. I want to feel it, by the Spirit. A change is coming.

It feels exciting! And it feels new. He comes with a reward For me and you!

I feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming. To bring us out, to reign us in, To bless and free, And show us HIM! I can feel it, by the Spirit, A change is coming!

Are you ready? Are you prepared?

Can you feel it, by the Spirit, That a change is coming? Let’s receive it, let’s welcome it! God will make it ok. But we have to feel it, By the Spirit. Because a change is coming, to stay.

Health Maintenance Regime

Fall and Winter Hot Drinks! Enjoy these hot drinks any time of the day!

1. Your favorite hot chocolate with 1 drop of peppermint essential oil and 1-2 teaspoons of peppermint honey.

2. Hot apple cider with 1 drop of ginger essential oil.

3. Black coffee with 1 drop of cinna mon essential oil and 1-2 teaspoons of raspberry honey.

4. Lemon tea with 1 drop of lemon essential oil and 1-2 teaspoons of lemon honey.

5. Turmeric tea with 1 drop of cinna mon essential oil with 1 cinnamon stick and 1-2 teaspoons of ginger honey.

Get a free health assessment!

Paddleboarding With The Prince Of Peace

“When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Silence! Be Still!’ Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, ‘Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ The disciples were absolutely terrified. ‘Who is this man?’ they asked each other. ‘Even the wind and waves obey him!’” (Mark 4:39-41 NLT)

I was given a standup paddleboard for our anni versary last year. A slow recovery from surgery de layed my ability to try it, but by December I insisted I try it on the lake before the new year. We live in North Carolina—the water isn’t warm in December! I wriggled myself in my newly purchased wetsuit and booties and set off down the dock to put my paddleboard in the water. Over the summer, I had watched other lake goers paddle over the water with no worries in the world, or so it seemed.

Paddleboarding is about balance and focus. Think ing that I was going to be an expert, I just stood on the board beside the boathouse. My husband near ly had a heart attack when I did that. Apparently me in the cold water in December was already giving him anxiety, then me standing next to a structure on the board. He was afraid I’d fall and hit my head. Af ter gaining my center and focus, I was able to very shakily go around the boathouse and around the dock. I never ventured far from land or from help in case I got into trouble.

Over the spring and summer (when the water was warmer and there was less chance I’d become hy pothermic from falling in) I paddleboarded more. I got braver and more comfortable and started go ing further, exploring the surrounding coves. What I learned is that, while paddleboarding, you have to focus on keeping yourself balanced to keep your self upright. As I was paddle boarding this weekend, I started thinking about Jesus. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we keep ourselves centered (I don’t fall into the lake), and when boats come and make waves (life happens) as long as I stay focused on my Jesus, I stay upright and afloat. When I start looking around at the world and boats and other things that distract me, I start to lose my footing and become distracted.

In Mark 4, when Jesus silences the waves and calms the storm, His disciples didn’t know what to think. They were focused on the storm rather than on Je sus. The wind and the waves rocked them as they cried out to Him to save them. How many times have we been there crying out to Jesus when the storms of life are threatening our peace? The waves are scary and the storms are rough, but as long as we keep our eyes on our Creator, we can weather the waves and the storms of life.


The Bible tells us how the One who calmed the waves is also the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), the one who taught us to pray (Luke 11:1-4), how to forgive (Matthew 6:14-15), and how to endure to the end (Matthew 24:13). If we take those lessons and apply them to our lives, we grow closer to Je sus and become obedient to His will and His way. The wind and the waves (the distractions in life) will come, but when they do, call out to the Prince of Peace. He will calm the storms as we focus on Him so we don’t fall into the lake of doubt.

As I paddleboarded across the lake, I remembered that Jesus is the calm in my storms and waves. He is my focus, and center. As long as I keep Him front and center in my life I am able to stay afloat, not letting myself become overwhelmed with fear and anxiety.

Brianna is a wife to her sweetheart, who stole her heart long ago. They have a car enthusiast teenage son who keeps them on their toes. When she’s not cooking or gardening, she’s capturing memories and God’s masterpieces with her camera. She re sides in North Carolina. Catch up with her on Insta gram @sunriseoceanwave.


Left Behind

“As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me.”

(Micah 7:7 NLT)

God promises us that in all things we are more than con querors, but sometimes it is painful to sit on life’s fence and watch others achieve things we are still struggling with. When we measure up our lives against theirs, we are lagging. But God has a different agenda for everyone and holds the times and seasons of life in His hands. How long have you been waiting for your season of manifestation? It must have been hard watching others get their break throughs while your life is in a rut.

God’s miracles often have the most unexpected timing. There is significant healing recorded in John 5 at the pool of Bethesda. During one of the busiest times in the year, Jesus went up to Jerusalem to attend a Jewish festival. Duty was calling, so He left the feast and went to Bethesda, which means house of mercy. No one would have expected Jesus to show up at the Sheep Gate unannounced, while there was an ongoing Jewish festival on the other side. The timing was off. It was the Sabbath day and the crowds of sick people were lying on the porches forgotten, but the Saviour of the world left everything to come to the aid of a man who had been living with a disability for 38 years. This man had done everything in his power to get into the healing pool, but each time, his effort proved futile!

Season after season, all he did was wait and watch on painfully as others got ahead of him. The ques tion of, “when will my time come,” never for once left his thoughts. Ironically, here he was, lying at the house of mercy, and yet he received no heal ing. Each time the angel stirred the waters, his faith also stirred up momentarily but quickly came crumbling down. He was never in time for the miracle. This repetitive cycle lasted for 38 years. The same thing happens with us, too. In our place of waiting, new opportunities arise and our faith gets stirred up again. We try again, anticipating that, this time around everything will work. Sadly, we only end up having our high hopes dashed again and we bear the agony of watching the op portunity bypass us and go to another person. Some of us have been in this heart-wrenching cycle for so many years.

Let’s recap the interesting conversation they had. When Jesus saw him, He asked, “Do you truly long to be well?” Wait a minute! “That sounded surreal! Help has finally come!” He thought. But instead of answering straight away, the sick man lamented, “I have no one to help me.” He didn’t even real ize he was speaking to Jesus, the great physician, and mighty healer. He had a point though. Truly everyone had deserted him, including his fami ly. They were all tired of waiting in vain, so they left him to his ill fate. The crowds of sick people were discouraging, and none of them believed he could ever get healed. Many times, our family and friends abandon us in the middle of our crisis, too. There’s an overwhelming sense of hopelessness when the people we lean on the most also give up on us in our lowest seasons. But not with GodHe delights in those forgotten to show forth His glory!


God had a totally different plan for his life, but all the sick man thought he needed was a help er to aid him into the pool. Can we blame him? That was the only miracle he knew and witnessed firsthand. Don’t we feel that way sometimes? We see others fulfill their dreams easily and we attri bute it to the fact that they had destiny helpers. People who held their hands and helped them get the contract, ministry, job, money, marriage, and school, but as for us, when we lift our eyes, where does our help come from? But then I real ize that our true help and protection is only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth (Psalms 121:2). No matter what we have been conditioned to believe, this should be our conviction—God will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

Jesus, the showstopper and protocol breaker, had come to Bethesda, not for anyone else but for a deserted man, no one deemed worthy to help for 38 years. All his effort trying to enter the pool was finally rewarded publicly. At the least expected time, a historical and mind-blowing miracle took place. The Jewish leaders were fuming. Jesus had come to defy the law they were accustomed to by performing an unconventional miracle for an overlooked man on the Sabbath. Never put God in a box. His ways cannot be predetermined or calculated.

“Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters—a pathway no one knew was there!” (Psalms 77:19 NLT). He has ways we cannot even think of and He will perform an unconventional miracle for you too when you least expect it!

Many of us can put ourselves in this sick man’s shoes. We have fixed our attention on how others are bypassing us and receiving their miracles. If only we will turn our eyes and look unto Jesus, we will also hear “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!” God doesn’t miss a thing! Out of the crowd of over 7 billion people in the world, He sees your tears amidst the struggle. He sees your determination, which yields little results. He sees your loneliness and helplessness and He will come down specifically for you because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Ama Afriyie-Jenkins remembers loving to write from an early age, and she is a voracious read er. She and her husband live in Accra, Ghana with their children and they shepherd a non-denom inational Christian fellowship, Inspirational Hour Ministries. She is a lover of languages and has a heart for gender and development economics in Ghana.

You can connect with her via email: on Facebook and LinkedIn (@Ama Afriyie-Jenkins).


Becoming God’s Epic

Human history is full of epic tales. Every group of people throughout history had them. The overwhelming majority were told orally, but a few survived from antiquity, such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Since the advent of the print ing press, many epics have been written to the delight of millions. With the advent of motion pictures and later tele vision, epics have become a mainstay, not only in American entertainment but global entertainment.

These stories, no matter the form, reach a part of the hu man psyche that longs for meaning, purpose, and even adventure that is in stark contrast to a drab, dull, and of ten meaningless existence. Every hero in every epic had a purpose, goal, or task that needed to be completed. This purpose was something greater than themselves, some thing worth living and even dying for. This type of purpose answers the question, “Does my life have meaning?”

The Bible is the ultimate epic. It has the ultimate hero, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has the ultimate purpose of bring ing lost humanity into a relationship with a holy God, fighting an ultimate enemy, Satan, who seeks to destroy humankind. However, within its pages, “minor epics” are told stories such as those of Noah, Abraham, Rahab, and Deborah. Its pages are full of epics accomplished by ordi nary people. These people had vision, a vision of who God is and the unique purpose He had for them.

Vision and purpose are a powerful, interlinked duo in the life of an individual, group, or even nation. Look at the United States just before the start of World War II. It was still fighting the ef fects of the Great Depression, which wrecked not only the American economy but also the Ameri can vision. A nation born and built on dreams and visions had lost this capacity on the altar of surviv al. However, once Pearl Harbor was attacked, and the Nazis declared war on the United States, there came a common vision to win. This became the purpose of the nation and its citizens. The “na tional” or collective vision inspired many individu al visions. Most were within the “national” vision.

When you look around our society today, you see a definite lack of collective or individual vision. It seems like everyone, or every group, is focused on their own goals and agenda, most of which are driven by selfishness and/or greed. While we should be thankful there is no crisis, such as World War II, to force a shared vision upon us, we should at least have a shared vision to inspire us, the way putting a man on the moon inspired us in the 1960s.

We also see this lack of vision in the church of the Lord Jesus. Now, if any group of people has a shared vision, it is us! The greatest corporate vi sion of all is to bring people into a right relation ship with God through Jesus Christ. If any group of people should be full of dreams and visions, then it is those who name the name of Christ. We are part of the ultimate saga! Each of us has a role, given to us by God, to play in it. Our lives are to be mini-epics placed within God’s epic. We need to understand and embrace this fact.


However, most Christians do not differ from the rest of society, focused on their own goals. Practi cally speaking, there is no vision from God either corporately or individually. God still gives dreams and visions, but most Christians do not know that dreams and visions are even possible. Because of this lack of knowledge, these Christians are not reaching their potential for the Lord Jesus Christ. They are stuck in the mire of a dull and mediocre Christianity.

Ignorantia juris non excusat is the Latin phrase from which we get the expression “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” From a very early age, we learn the basic laws and rules that govern the society in which we live. We are taught these by our parents or caregivers. As we mature, we are responsible for learning other laws and rules. In order to drive an automobile in the United States, we need to be at least sixteen years old and learn the basic traffic laws and rules of the road. If we do not learn them, then we will pay the conse quences. The next time you are stopped for a traf fic violation, try using ignorance as an excuse. It will not work!

Ignorantia legis neminem excusat Dei is a variation of the above Latin phrase. It means ignorance of God’s law is no excuse. Once we are “born again” by the Spirit of God, we are to learn the basic laws of His kingdom. While it would be ideal for the new Christian to have spiritual parents, the truth is that God puts His law into the heart of every Christian.

“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;”

Unlike physical growth, in which we have no choice, spiritual growth is a choice. There is a con scious choice to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then there is acting upon this choice by practicing Christian disciplines to help you grow spiritually. (Are these the reasons some people have been Christians for ten to fifty years and are still babes in Christ?) The disciplines include things such as regular church attendance, time spent in prayer, and Bible study!

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from Becoming God’s Epic: Fulfilling Your Purpose in Christ by Billy M. Murchison, Jr.

Billy M. Murchison, Jr. is not your average Christian author, as he is not a celebrity, athlete, theologian, or preacher. He is an ordinary Christian with a zeal for an extraordinary God, His Word, and His peo ple. Billy uses his gift of writing to be a blessing, challenge, or encouragement to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. He recently published the second edition of his book, Becoming God’s Epic: Fulfilling Your Purpose in Christ.


My husband and I were moving from one state to another, and we were eager to find our new home. We finally discovered a beautiful house in a great neighborhood at a price we could afford. The selling realtor urged us to buy it before someone else did, but our realtor suggested we look more carefully. A closer look revealed several cracks in the wall, and a professional inspection confirmed our fears. The foundation was unstable. Eventually, we bought a different home with a solid foundation.

Having a firm foundation for your home is important, but it’s even more critical to have a firm foundation for your faith. We must build our faith on and in the Lord Jesus Christ. When our foundation is based on tradition or religion, it can easily be shaken or de stroyed. The Lord Jesus is the foundation we need for our faith.

Just as we must build our faith on and in Christ, we must teach children to build their faith in Him as well. They need to hear the gospel in a way they under stand so they can have a valid opportunity to believe in Jesus. When someone receives Jesus as his Savior, he becomes a child of God. John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to be come the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”

Building Our Faith On The Firm Foundation

Before people receive Jesus, they can’t understand spiritual truth because they don’t have the Holy Spir it. I Corinthians 2:14 says, “But the natural man re ceiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

When someone receives Jesus, he’s sealed by the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13 says, “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise…”

The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God. To accept this gift, we must believe the gospel and receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. Ephesians 2:89 says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.”

Ephesians 2:10 teaches us that after salvation, God expects us to do good works. “For we are his work manship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”


When we receive Jesus, we have a firm foundation for our faith. After we’re saved, we need to build our faith on the firm foundation of Christ, and we should teach saved children to do the same. We can start with these guidelines:

1. Our assurance of salvation must be built on the Word of God. Review verses that teach the gospel and teach how to receive Christ. Trust the truth of the Bible.

2. Read Hebrews 13:5 and remember that Jesus said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Af ter we believe in Jesus, He will never leave us.

3. Recognize that we have a new spiritual nature living in an old physical body. Our new nature wants to please God, but our old nature is sinful. It wants to please self. This results in a struggle be tween the two. We try to obey the spiritual nature, but if we choose to obey our old nature, we must confess that sin to God. 1 John 1:9 was written for Christians who have sinned after salvation. It says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all un righteousness.”

4. As we build our faith on the foundation of Christ, should we focus on growing strong physically or spiritually? We should do both. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so we need to eat right and exercise to grow strong physically. However, we also need to grow strong spiritually by read ing and obeying the Bible, praying, memorizing scripture, and attending a Bible-teaching church. In Matthew 4:4 we see the words of the Lord Jesus. “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God

5. Should we teach children to have self-confi dence or God-confidence? They can have some self-confidence, but God hates pride. They need to think rightly about themselves. They can’t do everything they want to do, and that’s okay. Through Christ they can do all the things that God calls them to do. “Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it.” (I Thessalonians 5:24)

6. Are we teaching them how to dress to please the world or to please God? Teach them that it’s important to dress to please God. They can also dress to be acceptable to the world if it meets God’s standards, but if man’s way and God’s way disagree, then they need to choose God’s way. When they’re ready to understand deeper spiri tual truth, teach them from Ephesians chapter 6 about spiritual warfare and the armor of God so they can have victory in the spiritual battle.

7. We need to teach children that God loves them with an everlasting unconditional love. He will be there for them even after we’re gone.

8. God has a perfect plan for us, and we should teach the children to seek His will and purpose for their lives. If we just follow our own plans, we might miss what God wants for us. His plan is per fect.

God has a special love for children, and He’s giv en us the privilege of teaching them. Let’s spend more time studying the Bible and praying for wisdom so we can teach children the important truths God wants us to share with them.

(All scripture quoted is from the King James Version Bible)

When Esther Bandy was five, a neighbor taught a Good News Club. She head the gospel there, and she received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. That was the most important day in her life. She later worked as a nurse, a missionary, a director with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and a Spanish teacher at a Christian school. Now, she’s an author. She has been published in two anthologies; Treasures of a Woman’s Heart and Triumph from Tragedy. Her debut middle grade novel, Under the Tanger ine Tree, was published in 2022. “Don’t Ask Why, Ask What” was previously published in “Triumph from Tragedy”. @EstherMBandy


Celebrating Halloween

Autumn brings changing colors, falling leaves, and falling temperatures. Many of us anticipate fall as a respite from the summer heat and look forward to the opportunity to cozy up to the fireplace with a good hot drink. In the midst of Autumn, along with all these, comes Halloween.

I have good memories of Halloween. In reality, much to the surprise of my wife, I have relatively few memo ries from my childhood that really stand out. Of those, I remember dressing up on Halloween. I think this memory is as much about my father’s participation as the dressing up itself or the requisite trick-or-treating that followed. In particular, when I was in fifth grade, I remember him dressing me up as the Headless Horsemen of Sleepy Hollow fame. One of his over coats raised above my head, a stuffed paper bag with a mask on it to carry in my arm, and I was ready to go.

As a fifth grader, this all seemed harmless despite the ghoulish character. How could anyone see any harm in it? Or perhaps it was just a simpler time. Maybe the world was oblivious to the evil historically associated with Halloween. Or maybe, more cynically, the fun of it simply overshadowed any serious consideration of its macabre implications. Were these things simply ig nored?

Whether or not the issues around Halloween were ignored previously, the holiday is becoming a big ger and bigger deal. I understand Americans will spend 10.6 billion dollars this year on costumes, dec orations, parties, and Halloween candy. Yes, that’s a billion with a ‘B’. Of that, 500 million dollars will be spent on pet costumes alone. We’re surrounded by more and more extravagant decorations each year, in every store, vying for our dollars. We can’t avoid the presence of Halloween.

Since we’re surrounded on all sides, should we, as followers of Jesus, ask if Christians should celebrate Halloween at all and, if so, to what degree? Do I think you should take part or not? I can give you the an swer. We certainly should seriously consider our ac tions. But each one of us must decide for ourselves: Are our actions pleasing to the Lord? Even if partici pation in Halloween seems harmless on the surface, we need to place our decisions before God asking for direction. In reality, what we should do in every area of our life.

As we consider what to do with Halloween, let’s start with the basic assumption that we should stay away from the extremes. Obviously, we shouldn’t get in volved with anything having to do with the occult or witchcraft. Costumes that are overtly sexual, evil, or gory are not a good idea either. Do we need to even discuss these? Recently, I was using a healthy food app intended to identify good eating choices. Out of curiosity, I scanned a beer bottle. The app’s resulting response, “we don’t rate alcohol, but you know the result!” The same applies here. The implications of participating in such things, without caution, should be obvious.


Where other, perhaps more benign, activities are concerned, how do we show discernment? While the scripture does not give us specific direction regarding Halloween, since it isn’t mentioned, as usual, we can look to the Bible to give us guid ing principles. One such principle comes from the Apostle Paul’s teaching related to food sacrificed to idols.

The issue for the first century Christians was one of conscience. The culture was predominately pagan, with food being sacrificed to idols as a matter of course. Not only was food sacrificed to idols di rectly during feasts and ceremonies, but the food available in the market could very likely have come from a pagan offering as well. The newly convert ed Christian of the day was concerned that eating this food would pay homage to other gods. Some thing that they did not want to do.

Paul clearly indicates that there is nothing wrong with eating these foods. But the issue wasn’t as simple as that. At stake was more than the physical eating or not eating. People still felt badly over whelmed by their preconceived ideas and prior practices. So, Paul taught that we need to be care ful “that the exercise of your rights does not be come a stumbling block to the weak.” (1 Corinthians 8:9 NIV)

Where Halloween is concerned, and any other area as well, we must consider more than whether we can but whether we ought to. And that “ought to” has much to do with how it affects other peo ple. Do our actions cause others to draw closer to God or, whether because of their conscience or for any other reason, do our actions push others away from God? Here’s the hard question: Are we willing to put aside our own feelings, our own enjoyment, our own freedom, for the benefit of others? On self-examination, if we aren’t, perhaps we need to rethink our actions.

I have found that I am able to take part in good conscience in some Halloween activities. At this stage in my life, I look forward to the innocent joy as my small grandchildren dress up. Just as I did when my children were young. But each year comes with a re-evaluation. And let me be clear, what is right for me may not be right for you, but neither of us, as Christians, should condemn the other. As I said, each one of us must decide for ourselves: Are our actions pleasing to the Lord?

Finally, even Halloween can be a time for open doors to the gospel. Look for the opportunity as you walk up and down the street with your neigh bor to share your faith. Perhaps, as my wife and I have done before, you would consider including a gospel tract with your Halloween candy. For you, maybe not taking part is an opportunity to share about Jesus. Be ready to discuss why you have chosen not to celebrate Halloween, but do it with gentleness and respect.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17 NIV)

Dave Foucar has spent his career as a financial pro fessional, but his heart has always been in ministry. He has spent decades in lay leadership teaching Sunday School, Bible Studies, and Small Groups for all ages. He has been a lead speaker and semi nar leader at Couples Retreats, Men’s Retreats, and Family and Youth Camps. Dave has been married for thirty-five years to the love of his life, Debbie. They have three beautiful daughters. Each of them brings immeasurable joy as they expand their fam ilies and careers.

Dave’s first book, “What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?” is a conversational approach to helping people answer questions about Jesus. Christians want to share their faith, or at least they should, but it is not always an easy task.

Publisher & Editor in Chief: Karen Ruhl Managing Editor Craig Ruhl Photography: Karen Ruhl (unless otherwise credited) Staff Writers: Craig Ruhl Karen Ruhl Submit Articles For Consideration to: Phone: 828-305-8571 ©Copyright: Faith On Every Corner, LLC 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 CONTACT US... 66 | MAGAZINE NAMEPAGE 3 66

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Articles inside

Celebrating Halloween ... by Dave Foucar

pages 64-65

Becoming God’s Epic ... by Billy M. Murchison, Jr

pages 60-61

Left Behind ... by Ama Afriyie-Jenkins

pages 58-59

The Spirit Of Change ... by Kathleen Oden

pages 54-55

All Things Are Possible ... by Chantel Williams

pages 50-51

Be Still And Listen To God ... by Brenda McDaniel

page 52

Spiritual Maturity ... by Gina Sewell

page 49

110 Miles of Misery ... by Steve Carter

pages 40-41

A Love So Great ... by Shara Bueler-Repka

pages 46-47

Standing The Test Of Time by Steve Wilson

pages 38-39

Road Trippin’ ... by Karen Ruhl

pages 34-37

The Unseen Gift ... by Peter Caligiuri

page 33

A Man Named Si ... by Marty Denton

page 32

Heavenly Bouquet ... by Laurie Glass

page 31

The Holy Spirit, Helper and Advocate ... by Craig Ruhl

page 27

The Master Artist ... by Dr. Irene Surya

page 26

Be Still And Know God ... Cindy Oriol

pages 24-25

Autumn Is In The Air ... by Paula Short

pages 28-29

Have You Ever Considered God? ... by Sharon K. Connell

page 30

Don’t Grow Weary ... by Dave Evans

pages 22-23

October Prayer ... by Craig and Karen Ruhl

page 21

Morning Coffee ... by Michael E. Wells

pages 14-15

Something Old, Something New ... by Andrea Marino

pages 10-11

Quiet Time Rhymes ... by John Alexander

pages 6-7

What Is Spiritual Maturity? ... by Karen Ruhl

page 20

Too Much Busyness ... by Yvonne M. Morgan

pages 18-19

The Blacksmith ... by Nicole Byrum

pages 16-17

Raindrops ... by Melissa Henderson

pages 8-9
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