5 minute read
My Mom's Journey to Heaven by Cindy Oriol
Cindy’s latest book, Having Joy in the Midst of the Storm, which she and the Lord wrote together, will not only encourage and inspire you, but it will also show you how to face and deal with these storms while Jesus carries you through the raging waves. Cindy’s book is her living testimonial of the journey she is taking with the Lord. It will not only encourage and inspire you, but it will show you that during these trying times, we have hope and His name is Jesus, the one who suffered, bled, and died for us all.
On Friday night, June 30, 2006, my husband John and I received a phone call telling us my mom was admitted to the hospital. We live two hours away, so all while on the drive there, I prayed that the Lord would let her live. When we arrived, we were told it was hard for mom to eat or drink because of the aggressive chemotherapy for esophageal cancer. Mom spoke up and said, ”I want to go home with Jesus.” We told her we understood, and that we loved her.
The chaplain gave her the last sacraments, and the doctor told us about a brand-new hospice facility that had just opened. That night we stopped all IVs. I couldn’t stand to leave her, so I rode in the ambulance while the rest of the family followed. Holding her precious frail hand in mine, I whispered, “I love you.”
People that we hadn’t seen in ages came to visit her. Every day, she listened to her Blessed Mary and Barbra Streisand tapes. One night we attended a meeting to evaluate our mother’s condition. They told us she was a level four and death was next. We began crying and thanked them for being so kind.
The next night, mom wanted to see us. As we approached her, we all gathered at her bedside while holding hands. She whispered between her heavy, labored breathing that she loved and would miss us. As the tears trickled down our faces, she told us she was so happy to see her children supporting one another. We thanked her for being a great mom and grandma, and we told her we loved her.
We took turns staying all night with her, laughing and reminiscing about our childhood. She shared stories about our dad who had passed away years ago. She looked forward to receiving her communion, daily. Two of my brothers surprised her by bringing a priest who was very dear to her. I heard a saying that before your loved one dies they hold on long enough to say goodbye to certain family members or friends. I believe he was that person.
One day, after her granddaughter had just left from visiting her, she called and told me to go outside and look at the clouds; they looked like Jesus, hanging on the cross. There in the formation of the clouds was Jesus, with His arms opened wide. I could see His feet nailed to the cross. I have never beheld such a beautiful sight.
Mom never complained about the pain, but we would ask the nurse to give her something. We saw how much pain she was in. We drew closer each day. The night before Jesus took her home, she told my brother she was so happy to be with us.
On July 21, John and I arrived, and just glancing at her frail body, I knew that she was going to Jesus, soon. Her body had begun to shut down
and her skin was mottled everywhere. Her breathing was shallow and weak. My brother called the rest of the family. We stayed by her bedside throughout the entire day. We couldn’t leave her for fear of being gone when she took her last breath. The chaplain told us to play some music with no words. She knew it wouldn’t be much longer. Mom spoke her last words at 9:00 a.m. She whispered in her angelical voice, “Tell everyone that I will miss them and that I love them.” Through her tears, she told me to be strong for everyone. She knew my faith is strong. I said, “Are you afraid?” She said, ”No, I am going to see, Jesus.” I told her, “It’s okay to go.” Those were the hardest words I have ever spoken. Sometimes our loved one needs to hear that.
At 4:15 the chaplain entered the room where we were all gathered around mom’s bedside. She told us to pray the rosary as we did daily. We made it through 2 sections and then we watched our beautiful mother take in her last breath. It was so painful, but yet peaceful because of the Lord. She wasn’t suffering anymore. She died with a smile on her face and a tear trickling down her cheek.
Before her passing, I told our kind nurses that I wanted to bathe her for the last time. My sisterin-law helped me. I held her precious head in my hands, washing where there once were her beautiful blonde curls that cascaded down her back. Crying tears of sadness and joy. I told her I loved her.
It began to thunder and lightning outside of mom’s room. We said it was the angels welcoming her home. I said,” Satan, this is one time you lost, my mother is an angel in Heaven.” Her departure has left a hole in our hearts that only Jesus can heal. We will be all right because she is with the Lord.
I realized that even though mom was gone, I would forever carry her in my heart. Lord, thank you for bringing our mother home with you. No sickness or pain awaits us in Heaven.
Genesis 1:23-25 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.