3 minute read


I am grateful that I am not alone right now. The Lord God said in the second chapter of the Bible, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” I have tried to think of a time in my life when I was without friends or family and have been unable to do so. When I left my family to “go out on my own,” I still had friends and the camaraderie of the people I worked with at the hospital. When I felt alone after divorce because I had not made Godly decisions, I still had my friends. I am blessed with a loving family who had its dysfunctions as most families do, but I have never felt the “aloneness” said of the Apostle Paul as he wrote his many letters in a cold Roman prison. I have not felt the “aloneness” of my mother when my father left her for another woman and all her children were already grown and gone, you get that whole “long-suffering” bit (patience). Right now my husband and I have just listed my mother’s house for sale and we know that He has someone lined up for this house so we are watching Him work this out and sell this property.

The most alone I can ever remember feeling was in the hot and dusty work shed that evening in DeFuniak Springs because Michael, my sweet, hard-working husband, was offshore in the oil field again. At that time, I was not walking with the Lord. I. Did. Not. Know. Him. Now, if you’ve read my story, “Where My Thankful Started,” you know that this problem was remedied that day. Peggy Oliver, a friend, had a hand in that. Jackie Scott, another friend, had a hand in placing me at Everlasting Word Baptist Church where I was subsequently baptized in the Lord.


All along this journey, mine and yours have been people—friends, family, and strangers that the Lord puts in our paths. “Gifts” they are, and never more so than now. While the world continues its decline, the most important things become glaringly precious to us. Knowing the Lord, His Word, our family, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ are all gifts from above.

Also, all along the “art journey” there has been family, supporting and cheering on the harebrained idea of quitting nursing to be a professional artist. And friends, who actually remember more of some art stories than I do and who have helped at festivals, visited me at shows, sat for portraits, took workshops from me, spread word-of-mouth advertising, purchased art, and critiqued art. Remember, nothing we do is in a vacuum! I include all the clients, instructors, and patrons that the Lord has sent who encouraged me, supported me, loved me, and given me hope. People are made for people.

If you are reading this, by chance, and you have no people, get yourself to a church. The body of Christ is full of people who will welcome you, love you, teach you, and keep you going in the right direction. Is the body of Christ perfect? No, it is made up of people and people are not perfect, but that is not a reason to turn your back on Christ’s church, for the best thing about Christ’s church is CHRIST. Get to know Him so you will never hear the words, “I never knew you.” Family and friends will be some of your best comfort along the way!

“‘Jesus answered him, ‘If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.’” (John 14:23 ESV)

A pic of me and a student.

John Wray, large charcoal done of my great grandmother.

Lynn Story Downham is a fourth generation artist who returned to North Carolina in 2014 after twenty-six years on the Florida panhandle. Her seventh family tree commission was for a “family tree for Jesus.” Twenty years later she is a born-again believer with a best-selling print, a beautiful family and a passion for sharing Christ through her art. Find out more on Facebook by looking up “Lynn Story Downham’s Art” or “Lynn Downham Jesus Tree.”

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