Poems by John Alexander
Covid Zone Through Covid, brave nurses and doctors served well. Each day in the trenches brought stories to tell. Each day they would wonder, “Whose life will we lose?” They fought and they battled, but they couldn’t choose. Some patients were sweet and so gentle and kind. John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Vacation and Service
By John Alexander When I consider the theme of serving while on vacation, it brings to mind fond memories of times when my wife and I have been on vacation with saints of the Lord who gave of their time to serve us. We were blessed to spend a week in Pine Cove in east Texas with a small group of Christian friends as the late Howard Hendricks taught us, up close and personal, in his own special way. What a man of the Lord—we were truly blessed. We were also blessed a few years ago to go on a cruise to Alaska and enjoy the teaching of our pastor, Dr. Chuck Swindoll. It was much smaller than the large Sunday morning services at Stonebriar Community Church, so we enjoyed spending time with him and other Christians who were part of the cruise in such a beautiful setting. Chuck is a wonderful teacher, and it truly blessed us that he served the Word to us daily while he too was on vacation. Whether you are serving or being served, I pray you are able to take breaks from the normal routine to be blessed or to bless others. We can all be a blessing to others, but it is extra special during those times that are set apart. I pray these poems about service are a blessing to you.
So many shared worries they had on their mind. Each a room with a number, can’t call them by name. They’re all treated equally, each just the same. One day they seem strong, that they’re over the peak. The next day they’re suffering, fragile and weak. Each day brings new heartache, a nurse says goodbye, In place of a loved one, hold hands as they die. The rooms hold the thanks for the ones who survived, And the prayers of the staffers who mourned those who died. They’re out of the war zone with time to reflect. The memories linger with lasting effect.
Blessings, John QuietTimeRhymes.com 18 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 17