Serving While On Vacation Means “Go” By P. Diane Buie
Thinking about how to share my faith and how to serve others, as a Christian, while on vacation reminds me of the wise words of a pastor-friend from many, many days gone by. Almost 20 years ago, I was graduating from seminary at Campbell University Divinity School and was being ordained as a minister in the Baptist faith. I had my eyes set on being an international missionary and was ready to conquer the world, so to speak, in those last few days of graduate school. As I write these words, I look back at a younger me and smile. Such dreams and hopes I had for myself! What courage I had as well. How did I have so much energy? Fast forward almost twenty years and although life did not turn out as I had envisioned, I still have God’s joy, purpose, and peace in my life. I was not able to serve as a missionary internationally, nor did I continue serving a church in the traditional role as a staff minister. Despite these changes, I can still recall words from my pastor-friend in NC who reminded me of The Truth of scripture found in Matthew 28: 19-20. (We will call him “G” since I cannot ask his permission to use his real name here).
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To any believer of Christ, these verses are familiar and ones you have probably memorized. They are so common to us we can read them with ease; sometimes, we can forget their meanings. Jesus gave all followers of His a mission in life no matter where we live or what we do for a living. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..” is just part of this profound challenge. During those last few days of seminary, my friend, “G”, told me that no matter where God led my life after school, God’s purpose for me was still the same; “Go… to all nations.” “We go to all kinds of places every day of our lives”, he said. “We go to the store. We go to school. We go to work. We go to soccer practice. We go to church... We go in our cars…” You get the picture right? His point is as clear as water in a crystal glass. Being a Christian who serves others daily means taking my every day, taking my walking-around life, taking my driving around life, and giving it as an offering to God so others can see Him in me. So, it is on any day of the year; even on vacation days, I must strive to be an example of Jesus to others. I think about this friend of mine from years ago and I know he is right. I have often thought of this scripture in various seasons of my life and I have found them to be renewing to my spirit. I think about this verse as I write these words and I know I must strive to be more intentional in sharing my faith with others daily. I know God can help me show others who He is. I thank my friend, “G”, who years ago gave me such a profound and prophetic word in my life. I did not know then that today I would need these same words! I am grateful for godly friends like “G.”