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Living Epistles ... by Andrea Marino

The call of God upon a believer’s life is one of endurance, to press on in faith and finish the course.

Extraordinary is a true-life story about a Christian marathon runner. Previously failing to finish a cross-country race due to a heart problem, David takes the challenge on once more. A college professor in the fitness field, the movie highlights David’s inspiration upon the lives of his students. David is also portrayed as a model husband and father. But nobody’s life is flawless; and when the family learns of his plan to take part in another race from California to New York City, the storyline gets real. What’s more, David keeps a secret: one of his knees needs a replacement. I thought running nearly 3000 miles in a span of 60 days was crazy enough without a bum knee. Of course, David’s family is distraught based on the heart condition alone. And with a mindset fixed on the race, David’s marriage stumbles onto rocky ground.


The movie, Extraordinary, parallels the ups and downs in the course of life. We are all on a path, heading somewhere. Believers are to run with endurance the race set before them. (Hebrews 12:1). The metaphoric use of the word ‘race’ in this passage translates from the Hebrew/Greek into ‘life full of toil and conflict’. (1) As you can imagine, David’s undertaking is huge. In addition to physical pain is an emotional upheaval. Long and lonely are the days, every night spent in recuperation. A comradery develops between David and a runner from Russia, although most of what transpires between them is more of a friendly competition, which is entertaining for them and for the viewer.

Given the highly demanding, daily grind, the movie culminates in David concluding his strength is sapped. Seriously doubting having taken on such a challenge, thoughts surface of his wife and all the special times missed with her and his children over years in pursuit of what he loved doing. With sadness, questioning even his character as a believer in Christ, David decides to quit the race.

Weariness, doubt, regret, and remorse are par for the course of life. There are days of confusion and much anxiety over failing to do something, or wishing we would have done it differently. Here is where surrender meets the road. The question is, do we quit or lean into the Lord? Truly, we are surrounded by a great cloud of faithful witnesses. (Hebrews 12:1). God uses people from all walks of life to encourage us. The Russian runner is one, urging David on.

Extraordinary does not suggest a careless disregard for one’s physical being. What stands out in this movie is God, His incredible ability, sustaining us wherever we go and through it all. Joshua 1:9. Extraordinary is a story of our triumphant God. After all, David was convinced from the beginning He wanted him to run this race. The long haul of faith is counting all things as loss, especially our own abilities, for the sake of knowing the Lord and His righteousness. (Philippians 3:4-9). Now, doesn’t the world need to see the God of the impossible, His children more than conquerors through faith in Jesus Christ. Romans 8:37. Mark 10:27.

1 (Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, Page 5281)

Andrea Marino

Andrea is mom to four great kids and Grammy to four delightful grands. Passionate about Jesus, friends, and people, Andrea loves to share all He has taught her in life. When not writing, Andrea enjoys simple things, such as music, heartwarming movies, reinventing recipes to be healthier, and cycling along one wooded road or other with the Lord.

Please visit her Facebook blog: https:// www.facebook.com/In-The-Way-Everlasting-1770074853062907 Andrea is always ready to hear thoughts from her readers. Or you can email her at: rapture927@aol.com Email: rapture927@aol.com Facebook Blog: In the Way Everlasting

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