2 minute read

Great And Precious Promises ... by Peter Caligiuri

“By which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.” (2 Peter 1:4 ESV)

We used to keep a little box on our kitchen table that was shaped like a loaf of bread and labeled ‘Precious Promises’. I would occasionally pull one out, read it quickly, then slip it back into place. It was cute and made me think of God’s word, but I was missing the great and very precious part.


That part has come at times when our backs have been up against the wall, like when we sat in my sister-in-law’s house waiting for the phone call from the hospital telling us whether she would live or die. During that time, we discovered a peace that is more than we could understand. The peace of God’s presence walked with us as we cleaned her house and sorted through old photographs. A peace that promised that our true life is hidden with Christ in God helped us get out of bed every morning and helped us sleep at night.

And then we were wonderfully surprised as God, in His kindness, granted Diane a reprieve. What seemed hopeless to Doctors the previous week had changed to enough improvement in Diane’s condition that she could come home. They called it a ‘Miraculous Recovery’. Though Diane lived just another six months, it was a miraculous six months and a time for us to be at peace because we had learned that God was listening. We knew that His answers came, not because of our perfect prayers, but because of His perfect promises, drawn from His heavenly promise box at our time of greatest need. How amazing are those promises, which are so much more wonderfully wise than ours!

All things wise and wonderful: The Lord God made them all. (Excerpt From - All Things Bright and Beautiful - by Cecil Alexander)

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