4 minute read

Peace and Comfort With God ... by Melissa Henderson

“What do you have going on today?” That is a common question my husband and I ask each other every morning. My answer is usually “Lots of writing time. Reading from my stack of “to be read” books, household chores, mailing letters, watering the flowers, and many more activities on my list. I plan to call some folks, too.”

My husband often answers, “Meetings today. Also, speaking with clients about mortgages, and attending a business luncheon. Then, exercise class in the evening.”


The fact is that we already know each other’s schedule for the day. But we ask anyway. We show care and interest for each other. We’ve been married for over 43 years and still like to discuss our plans for the day.

One of the most important parts of the day is prayer. Daily conversation with God is vital to deepening our relationship with Him. Most of my prayers begin with praising the Father. “Thank You Lord for this glorious day,” or “Thank You Lord for loving us,” and “Thank You God for our wonderful family.” Expressing love and thanksgiving to God brings joy.

Sometimes the prayers are for the healing of a loved one, reconciliation of a relationship that we heard was struggling, or wisdom in making decisions. God listens to every word that is brought to Him in prayer. He never leaves our side. The Father knows every need, and He answers each prayer in His way and His timing.

When thinking about all the activities that can distract us from sharing time with the Father, I am sad. Too often, the “to-do” list tries to interfere with the precious conversations the Lord is waiting to have with His children.

Life is full of hurried times. On those days when the schedule is too full and I neglect to speak with God, I have learned that my body becomes tense and irritability comes. The minutes and hours on the clock fly by like lightning and I haven’t shared time with the Father. There have been days when nothing seems to go the way I planned. Or unexpected stressful situations pop up out of nowhere and emotions are tense.

In those times, I reflect and know that my focus has not been on Him. I’ve been self-centered while trying to accomplish big and little tasks.

Then... God. Although I may have experienced a day without sharing much time with God, I am forgiven. I go to Him in prayer and ask for His forgiveness. Praising Him, thanking Him, and saying “I love You Lord” brings peace and comfort.

When my relationship with God has been neglected, I find comfort knowing He has not forgotten me. God has been there in every moment. He has been waiting to share time with me. I am His beloved child. He waits patiently. If I stray, He searches and brings me back home to Him. Thank You, Father.

As I write this message, the hummingbirds are visiting the feeder. Colorful butterflies are visiting the purple plumbago bushes, and bees are collecting pollen from the purple petunias. The sound of children playing in the yard sprinkler causes me to smile. A light breeze is blowing the crepe myrtle trees back and forth. God has provided a glorious afternoon.

I notice these things because I have shared time with God today. Reading the Bible and several devotions reminded me of the importance of Scripture. God’s Word is alive today.

Tomorrow will be a new day. I plan to start the morning by praising the Father and sharing time with Him. How will you share time with Him? I pray you find the peace and comfort only God can provide.

Blessings, Melissa Henderson

Melissa Henderson

Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at https://www. facebook.com/melissa.henderson.9440

Read her blogs at: https://melissaghenderson.com/ It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons

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