Glorified Un-Expectations
The Never-Ending Story
his story began many years ago and God willing has many yet to come. Since finishing the manuscript for Glorified Un-Expectations,
a variety of occurrences have taken place. I was once warned by a dear friend that once I began to get serious about bringing this book to market, whose purpose is to glorify God, that the enemy would come at me strong and hard; and he has. During the Christmas season of 2017, Rick and Elijah volunteered to deliver Christmas trees for a fundraiser for a local organization. With a full load on a trailer, Rick was turning onto a road when he accidentally hit a utility pole. It was a minor scrape, and he was unaware that he had even hit it. However, a motorist behind him alerted authorities, and he was later cited for a hit and run requiring him to appear in court in January 2018. After all is said and done, this good deed ended up costing us not only