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During its 75-year history, Crandall (UBBTS/ABC/ABU) has been blessed by many who have embraced the mission of the University by leaving a legacy gift in their Will. Since 1949, legacy gifts (some smaller, some larger) have arrived at the most critical junctures in our history.
In 2023, legacy giving again made an impact. Nearly $200,000 was gifted to Crandall through estate gifts, which allowed us to:
Address immediate needs
Establish scholarships and bursaries to support future Crandall students
Enhance existing endowment funds
An estate gift to Crandall may be one, or a combination, of the following:
Percentage of your estate
The residual of your estate
Specific dollar amount
Real estate
Stocks and securities
Gifts-in-kind (art, rare books, etc.) of value and/or use to the purposes of the University
Insurance policies and annuities
If you have included the University in your estate plans, we want to thank you and ensure the purpose of your legacy gift is understood.
For more information on including Crandall in your Will, please contact Gilda Ryder, Director of Development and Planned Giving at 506-863-6444 or gilda.ryder@crandallu.ca.
Many Canadians are generous in supporting charities. These gifts enable charities to function in the present; however, few Canadians have considered planned giving. Statistics suggest that only a small percentage of adult Canadians have planned giving clauses in their estate plans. Planned giving is a way to help a charity accomplish its goals in the future.
Recently, we had cause to consider end of life decisions such as institutional health care, providing for our family, power of attorney issues, and supporting charities. Over the years, we had considered establishing a scholarship or bursary at Crandall University but did not do much about it. We were given the name of an organization, Advisors with Purpose (AWP), that offers expertise in estate planning by Crandall.
Advisors with Purpose was helpful. We had several meetings with a knowledgeable person about our existing wills, our future needs, and the tax implications of planned giving. The conversation was instructive, detailed, empathic, and helpful. AWP provided us with several scenarios about how money would be distributed depending on the items in the will and demonstrated how planned giving had implications for tax savings. There was no pressure, and we were left to make our decisions.
We shared these points with our lawyer with the view of making changes to our current wills. In a follow-up interview with AWP, we related that all their suggestions were met to our satisfaction. Overall, we were pleased with the service provided and would encourage others who are considering estate planning or revisions to their will to contact AWP at plan@advisorswithpurpose.ca.