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The Crandall University Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA) banquet is an annual event which is held to recognize outstanding alumni who have lived their lives as excellent representatives of Crandall in the world. Each year’s recipient(s) are selected from nominations received from the alumni community and approved by the University Senate. This year, the Distinguished Alumni Award was presented on Friday May 3, 2024, to Rev. Dr. Brian MacArthur ('70), former President of Crandall University.
Dr. MacArthur was appointed President on January 1, 2001, and his first day in the office was his 49th birthday. That morning, an employee came into his office stating that they were quitting and wanted a payout, which put him in a lawyer’s office before the day was over. “So began the excitement of every day,” he shared, “never knowing what the day would include!”
Despite the fact that Dr. MacArthur served as President for 11 years, he never imagined himself becoming President of Crandall, and he had some concerns in taking on the role. “The financial challenge was a major threat. I have great admiration for Dr. Richardson and his team for the bold vision to relocate the University from the Salisbury Road to the Gorge Road. They envisioned growth and trusted the Lord for a greater future. Time has validated their step of faith, but the growth didn’t occur as fast as planned, creating financial pressure,” he explained. Since he had previously served on the Board of Governors, he knew full well the responsibility he was taking on.
Regardless of his reservations, he took the role, trusting God’s will and provision, and over his 11 years as President, he saw evidence of God’s work all around. “More than once in the final days of our fiscal year when we were falling short of ending on target, we literally saw cheques come ‘walking in the door,’” explained Dr. MacArthur, citing one such example of God’s provision. “The loyalty of donors was always a great encouragement.” Another example was the faculty and staff that God delivered in times of need. Often, it felt like they were looking for a “needle in a haystack,” but they always found employees with the right qualifications, as well as a vibrant faith.
His Presidency was also accompanied by times of great flourishing and defining moments. It was during his tenure that a fall convocation ceremony was added, as well as two ceremonies in the spring to account for the growing number of graduates. The grand opening of Stultz Hall also coincided with Dr. MacArthur’s Presidency, and he remembers around 500 people attending to mark the occasion. “Repeatedly in its history,” he emphasized, “God has filled every building with students – from its days as UBBTS, ABC, ABU and now Crandall. We had reached the point where the facilities opened in 1996 were full, and the opening of Stultz Hall in 2010 envisioned another chapter of challenge and growth.”
Since completing his tenure in 2012, Crandall University has undergone many changes, including the addition of master’s programs and the increase in international students, athletics teams, and more. When asked what observations he has made since concluding his role as President, Dr. MacArthur expressed nothing but positive feelings about watching the University grow and change: “It has been a personal joy to see how Crandall has continued to grow in numbers and influence, and I congratulate Dr. Fawcett and his team. Crandall has become one of the largest and most viable Christian universities in Canada. To God be the glory!”
Crandall is pleased to recognize Rev. Dr. Brian MacArthur’s years of service with the Distinguished Alumni Award and he was equally pleased to receive said award, stating: “It is an honor, and I’m humbled by receipt of this award and by having my name added to the list with all the other Distinguished Alumni awardees.”