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Keith Grant (’96)
Dr. Keith Grant (PhD, University of New Brunswick) was awarded a 2024 Stephen and Ella Steeves Award for excellence in service. He also gave an invited public lecture at the Owens Art Gallery at Mount Allison University on March 26, 2024. The talk, “Do Emotions Have a History?” was based on his recent book, Enthusiasms and Loyalties (McGill-Queen’s University Press).
Dieu Hack-Polay
Dr. Dieu Hack-Polay (PhD, University of Surrey, EdD, University of Lincoln) received the award of Recognised Research Supervisor from UKCGE. Until 2019, the UK did not have this certification which is broadly the Habilitation to Supervise Research in Europe. Since it was introduced in 2019, experienced doctoral supervisors sit the assessment by writing a portfolio. Dr. Hack-Polay sat the assessment in October 2023 and was given excellent feedback.
Cathlene Hillier
Dr. Cathlene Hillier (PhD, University of Waterloo) was awarded a 2024 Stephen and Ella Steeves Award for excellence in teaching. She also had four journal articles published with colleagues: "Exploring how learning by "talking and doing" supports flourishing in S.T.E.M. for elementary students"; "Preparing elementary preservice teachers for inquiry-based STEM instruction through a unique initiative"; "Where did they go? Regional patterns in student mobility within Ontario postsecondary education"; "Does geography matter? A regional analysis of post-secondary pathways in Ontario, Canada."
Gui Loth
Gui Loth (MBA, ESAMC), Senior Director of Remote Learning, published the article entitled “Exploring Blended Learning Designs for Community College Courses Using Community of Inquiry Framework”, which has been published in the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology.
Shelly Lyons (’07)
Prof. Shelly Lyons (DBA Cand., Royal Roads University) presented a paper, co-authored with Prof. Elizabeth Williams, DBA (Cand.) entitled “Communicating Workplace Spirituality: An Employee Recruitment Strategy” at the 8th Annual International Conference on Communication and Management in December 2023. This paper will also be published in the Journal of Education, Innovation and Communication in June 2024.
Greg Maillet
Dr. Greg Maillet (PhD, University of Ottawa), currently on research leave, has a book being published in 2024 by Wipf and Stock. The book is entitled Recovering Consolation: Sam’s Enchanted Path in The Lord of the Rings
Nancy Matthews
Dr. Nancy Matthews (PhD, University of New Brunswick) served as chair of the 2023 selection committee for the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration and the Donald G. Dennison Award for Public Administration, organized by The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC). Additionally, she co-emceed the ceremony held at the NB Lieutenant Governor’s residence in Fredericton.
Don Moore
Prof. Don Moore (MBA, Université de Moncton) was awarded a 2024 Stephen and Ella Steeves Award for excellence in service.
Sam Reimer
Dr. Sam Reimer (PhD, Notre Dame) delivered lectures for The Executive Leadership Conference for the Salvation Army, Canada/Bermuda in Halifax, NS, the Leadership Intensive for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada at Crandall University, and The Annual Conference of the Small Church Network Canada in Banff, AB. He also co-wrote two publications: “Symbolic Pollution and Religious Change: The Religious Imaginary of Anglo-Canadian Spiritual but not Religious Millennials” and “Explosively Alive: Stories of Catholic Renewal.”
Raymond Reza
Dr. Raymond Reza (PhD, University of New Brunswick) successfully defended his PhD dissertation at the University of New Brunswick in April.
Elissa Rodkey
Dr. Elissa Rodkey (PhD, York University) presented a paper at the Eastern Psychological Association in Philadelphia this March. The paper was “Freud was a nut; Freud was a saint”: Religious mid-century Psychotherapy based on her research on Catholic psychologist Magda Arnold.
Isaac Soon
Dr. Isaac Soon (PhD, Durham University) was awarded a 2024 Stephen and Ella Steeves Award for excellence in research.
Robert Williams
Dr. Robert Williams (PhD, University of Maryland) shared a reflection on “Social-emotional learning: Thoughts on how, why, and what we need to know” in the Education and School Psychology Section Newsletter of the Canadian Psychological Association, Fall/Winter 2023.