2 minute read


Hello everyone and welcome to half term!

This week, Aleisha A, our fantastic Mental Health and Wellbeing Prefect, launched an exciting opportunity for the Sixth Form: “On Wednesday 5th July, Mrs Cawley and I will be running a Youth Mental Health First Aid course available to the Sixth Form. It is an all day event centred around learning useful and tactful responses to people dealing with stressful situations and poor wellbeing, also delving into the effects of drugs and alcohol on youth mental health. It will be a very informative talk and we are very excited for it!”

Last week, our wonderful Pastoral Prefect, Sophie R, and her pastoral team ran a form time quiz for the younger years. It was very successful with Mrs Elliott saying that she has ‘never seen her form class work together so much!” Well done pastoral team!’ Thank you so much to the wonderful Prefect Committee members Kirsten S, Coco Z, Mollie O and the prefects Emily E, Beth DT, Rosie S for making this project such a success. We look forward to seeing your exciting project that is planned next half term.

Last Friday, Year 12 had a PSHE talk. Aleisha A, a Year 12 student, shared “it was a very informative talk from David Leech and his company Crusaider First Aid, about mental health in the modern age of social media. It was very interesting hearing what he had to say, learning about what stress actually is, how it is both beneficial and harmful at different times and the strategies we can implement to relieve it. This was especially relevant to us at a time when we are all starting to prepare for our summer exams. The talk was very informative and we all really appreciated what he had to say.”

Year 12 had Monday and Tuesday off timetable for the annual two day Higher Education Event. We had a jam-packed schedule, including creating our university long and short lists, attending pathway seminars, talks on personal statement dos and don’ts, course placement talks given by alumna Charlotte D, Imogen L and Holly H and a cream tea to top it all off. They were an incredibly valuable two days that have definitely helped us to finalise university choices, start our UCAS applications and give us more confidence for writing our personal statements. Thank you to Mrs Randall, Miss Pitchford and Ms Clarke for all the hard work you put in to make the event a success!

Now of course, this half term is going to be a busy one for our St T’s girls preparing for exams after the break, but make sure to have some rest and rejuvenate before the next half of the term. Spend plenty of time in the sun and please do not stress.

I look forward to writing to you again and welcoming you back to school next half term!

Julia T (Deputy Head Girl)

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