Fall 2022 - CRAZE Recreation Guide - Edmonds Parks & Recreation, & Cultural Services

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CRAZE Recreation Program Guide September-December 2022 Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department CRAZE RECREATION GUIDE SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER 2022 Frances Anderson Center 700 Main Street Edmonds, WA 98020 425-771-0230 edmondsparks@edmondswa.gov EdmondsWA.gov/ParksandRec Recreation Program Locations Frances Anderson Center 700 Main Street, Edmonds Edmonds Waterfront Center 220 Railroad Ave, Edmonds Meadowdale Playfields 16700 66th Ave W, Lynnwood Edmonds CC Seaview Gym 19906 68th Ave W, Lynnwood City Park 600 3rd Ave S, Edmonds Seaview Park 8030 185th St SW, Edmonds Yost Park 9535 Bowdoin Way, Edmonds Pine Ridge Park 20330 83rd Ave W, Edmonds Hutt Park 187th St SW, Edmonds Marina Beach Park 470 Admiral Way, Edmonds Olympic Beach Park 200 Admiral Way, Edmonds Willow Creek Education Center 95 Pine St, Edmonds
Table of Contents Registration Info.....pg.4 Youth Programs.....pg.5 6 Youth & Adult Programs.....pg. 7-8 Meadowdale Preschool.....pg.9 Youth Athletics.....pg.10-11 Quiet Heart Wilderness School.....pg.12 Nature Programs.....pg.13 Nature Youth Camps.....pg.14 Puget Sound Bird Fest.....pg. 15-18 Gymnastics.....pg.19 Adult Athletics.....pg.20-22 Adult Wellness.....pg.23 26 Adult Fitness.....pg.27 29 Martial Arts.....pg.30 Adult Enrichment.....pg.31 35 Gingerbread House Event Info.....pg. 36 Sno King Youth Club.....pg.37 Hoursofoperation FrancesAndersonCenter: MondayFriday8:30am8:00pm Saturday9am-2pm EdmondsWaterfrontCenter: Monday-Thursday4:00-10:00pm FacilityClosures VeteransDay-Nov.11 Thanksgiving-Nov.24-25 ChristmasEve&Day(Observed)Dec23&26 NewYear'sDay(Observed)-Dec30 Follow Us @Edmonds Rec Zone @EdmondsRecZone Visit our Website Register for Programs
Resident Rates Edmonds residents receive a discount on programs offered. The prices listed on each class will have a resident and nonresident rate. Resident rate will be listed first for each class. Refunds Full refunds will be given for classes cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Office. Refunds must be requested at least 7 business days before the 1st scheduled meeting date. All refunds will incur a $10 administrative fee per registration. Create an account online at RecZone.org Sign up for classes before they start to save your spot! All NEW customers will need to create an account. Click the ‘Create an Account’ button in the top right corner of the website. For account assistance, call 425-771-0230. How to Register

thisdrawingbasedarteducationprogramusesasimpledrawing methodandweeklyformatwherestudentsproduceoriginalworksofartusingartistquality mediums.Studentswilllearntothinkcreatively,expandtheirdrawingskills,andbecomemore confidentinselfexpression,allwhilehavingfuninanoncompetitiveenvironmentof encouragementandartisticinspiration.Newdrawingprojectseachsession.$6supplyfeetobe paidtotheinstructor.

11101 M 9/12-10/3

11102 W 9/1410/5

11103 M 10/10-11/7

11104 W 10/12-11/9




M 11/28-12/19 6pm-7:30pm $66/$76

W 11/16-12/14


PAGE 5 AdventuresinArt-InstructorJessicaCarlson AdventuresinDrawing–Ages6-9 Landscapes,animals,people
6pm-7:30pm $66/$76
AdventuresinAnimeWorkshop-Ages7-12 CreateaspecialAnimedrawinginthisfuntwohourworkshopthatisdesignedtoenhanceyour drawingskillsaswellasyourimagination!Eachstudentwillbegiventheirownartistquality materialstouseduringtheclasssotheywon'tneedtoshare. $3Supplyfeeduetoinstructor. 10856 Sat 12/3 11am-1pm $82/$94 HolidayCardWorkshop-Ages7-11 Getintotheholidayspiritinthisguideddrawingclassbycreating4holidaythemedcards(with envelopes)togivetofamilyandfriends,andthentakehome4blankcardstocreateevenmore. Holidaymusicanddecorwillsetthemood!Artistqualitymediumsused.$5.00supplyfeetobe paidtotheinstructor. 11107 Sat 11/12 11am-1pm $34/$40 For more information, visit: www.adventuresinart.net Youth Programs
PAGE 6 HauntedHouseWorkshopwithLEGO®Materials–Ages5-10 ThisHalloweenseason,joinPlayWellTEKnologiesforaLEGOHauntedHouseworkshop! Participantswillusetheirimaginationtocreatetheirownspookydesigns,buildingtheirhaunted housesandengineeringtheirowntrapswiththeguidanceofanexperiencedPlayWell instructor.CanyourLEGOMinifiguremakeitthroughthehauntedhousewithoutgetting scared?! 11108 Sat 10/29 10am-12pm $44/$51 WinterWonderlandwithLEGO®Materials–Ages5-9 Bundleup,we’recreatingaspectacularWinterWonderland!Buildbobsleds,design snowmobiles,andtakearideonthePolarExpress.ExploreyoursnowiestideasandlearnSTEM conceptswithtensofthousandsofLEGO®piecesatyourmittentipsandtheguidanceofan experiencedPlayWellinstructor. 11109 T-Th 12/27-12/29 1pm-4pm $142/$163 Youth Programs Play-Well TEKnologies
PAGE 7 CakeDecoratingClass-Ages10+ JoinourCakeDecoratingInstructorassheteachesyouavarietyofcake,cupcakeandfondant decoratingtechniques.Studentswilllearntofrostacake,usepipingbagsanddecoratingtipsfor seasonalflowersandfoliageandcreatefondantpumpkinsandacorns.Thisisgreatforstudents& familiestobecreativetogether.Pleasebringasupplyfeeof$12perpersonpayabletoinstructor. Pleasebringownapron(optional).Instructor:TenilleVanHollebeke 11098 Sat 11/19 10:30am12:30pm $32/$37 Clogging-Ages10+ ComingfromEuropetotheAppalachians,cloggingisarhythmicstyleofdanceanddancedtoa widevarietyofmusic.Itisafun,easygoingclassandgreatexercise.Cloggingisafamilyactivityso allagesfrom10+yearsareencouraged.Shoesandtapsdiscussedatfirstclass. Instructor:MaureenPettit Intro-Ages10+ 10977 Th 9/8-12/1 4-4:45pm $60/$69 Intro–Teens&Adults 10978 Th 9/8-12/1 4:45-5:30pm $60/$69 Intermediate–AllAges 10979 Th 9/8-12/1 5:30-6:30pm $60/$69 PhotographyBasics&Techniques-Ages13+ LookingtogetbeyondAUTO?Thisistheclassforyou.Studentswilllearncameraoperation, exposure,andcompositionthroughvisualpresentation,inclassdiscussion,andhandson experience.Classwillbeintheclassroom,andoutsideonthebeach(weatherpermitting).Classis formattedforDSLRs,Mirrorless,andCompactdigitalcameras.Studentswillneedtobringtheir cameraandcameramanualtoclasseachsession Instructor:KarenUlvestad,ProfessionalPhotographer 11121 M 11/7&11/14 6-8pm $54/$65 TheArtofPhotographingBirds-Ages12+ Everwantedtoimproveyourbirdphotographyskills?Thisistheclassforyou.Studentswilllearn techniquestoimprovesharpness,correctexposure,andcomposition.Thisclasswillbeinthe classroom,and,weatherpermitting,practiceonthebeachbirds.Studentswillneedtobringtheir cameragearandcameramanualtoclass InstructorisprofessionalphotographerKarenUlvestad. 11122 T 9/20&9/27 6:30-8pm $45/$52 These programs are intended for youth and adult participation. Please check each individual class for the age ranges. Youth & Adult Programs

Zentangle®ArtClasses –Ages8+




Haveyouheardaboutthecrazy,funworldofZentangle?Zentangle®,ameditativeartform,isan easywayofcreatingbeautifulimagesbydrawingstructuredpatternscalledtangles Reduce stress,relax,focus,asyoudraw,andbepleasantlysurprisedwithyoursimplepieceofart.


Haveyoubeenintroducedtothelittle,tinyBijou?Comeplay,reducestress,relax,focus,asyou draw,onverysmall,Bijoutiles,andbepleasantlysurprisedasyouexplorethemanytanglesof Zentangle Zentangle®,ameditativeartform,isaneasywayofcreatingbeautifulimagesby drawingstructuredpatternscalledtangles.


Let’splaywithColor!Reducestress,relax,asweadd,‘adashofcolor’toourZentanglejourney. Zentangle®,ameditativeartform,isaneasywayofcreatingbeautifulimagesbydrawing

11132 Th 9/22 6:15-8:15pm $40/$46
11133 W 10/12 6:15-8:15pm $40/$46
structuredpatterns Wewilladdcolortonewpatterns,shading,whilemakinglovelybookmarks 11134 Sat 11/5 9:3011:30am $40/$46 These programs are intended for youth and adult participation. Please check each individual class for the age ranges. Youth & Adult Programs


PAGE 10Youth Athletics
City Floorball - Ages 6-12 Join Coach Sal from Emerald City Floorball as he introduces this modern version of floor hockey to kids ages 6-12! No experience or gear needed. Shin guards recommended. Come check out this fast-growing sport that's fun, safe and inclusive to all! Location: FAC Gym 11050 W 9/14-9/28 5:45-7:15pm $45/$52 11051 W 10/5-10/26 5:45-7:15pm $45/$52 11052 W 11/9-11/30 5:45-7:15pm $60/$69 11053 W 12/7-12/21 5:45-7:15pm $45/$52 Looking for more youth sports opportunities? Check out the Sno-King Youth Club information located on page 37
PAGE 11 Mommy/Daddy and Me Soccer – Ages 2-3.5 W/Adult 11088 9/10-10/15 Sat 9-9:30am *$103/$118 11093 10/22-11/19 Sat 9:05-9:35am *$103/$118 Tot-Soccer – Ages 3.5 – 4.0 11089 9/10-10/15 Sat 9:40-10:10am *$103/$118 11094 10/22-11/19 Sat 9:40-10:10am *$103/$118 Pre-Soccer – Ages 4 – 5 11090 9/10-10/15 Sat 10:10-10:45am *$103/$118 11095 10/22-11/19 Sat 10:10-10:45am *$103/$118 Soccer 1: Techniques and Teamwork – Ages 5 – 6 11091 9/10-10/15 Sat 10:45-11:30am *$103/$118 11096 10/22-11/19 Sat 10:45-11:30am *$103/$118 Soccer 2: Skillz & Scrimmages – Ages 7 – 10 11092 10/22-11/19 Sat 11:30am-12:30pm *$103/$118 To receive cancellation notifications on your smartphone, download the free Kidz Love Soccer app. September classes are at City Park October classes at FAC gym Youth Athletics This instructional soccer experience includes age appropriate activities: skill demonstrations, fun games, and instructional scrimmages conducted in a non competitive, recreational format. Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me KLS hotline 1.888.372.5803




sharpfromaformerprofessionalchefandcurrentwildernessskillsinstructorthathasusedand maintainedknivesforover30years.Wewillfocusonlearningedgeanglesandunderstanding
equipmentthatyouhavequestionsabout.Location:CityPark Date:SundayNov.20,123pm Tuition:$40Individual/$60Family BurnSpoonWorkshop-Ages12+(9+withanadult) Inthisworkshop,youwilllearntousecoalsfromthefireandbasiccarvingtocreateyourown spoon.Previouscarvingexperienceishelpfulbutnotrequired.Instructor,JeremyCobb,isan experiencedcarverwhoisabletotailortheexperiencetohelpnewcarverscreateabasicspoon andmoreexperiencedcarverscreatemorefinedetailsintheirwork. Location:CoyoteCampinEdmonds Date:SaturdayNov 26,124pm Tuition:$60individual/$90family TheEssentialSkillsofWildernessSurvivalAuthorTalk JoinusatthisFREEeventwithauthorJasonKnightofAlderleafWildernessCollege.Jasonwill talkabouthisnewlyreleasedbook,TheEssentialSkillsofWildernessSurvival,andsomeofthe skillsweshouldallknowtobepreparedinawildernesssurvivalsituation.Presentedin partnershipwiththeEdmondsWaterfrontCenterandtheEdmondsBookshop.Noregistration required.Location:EdmondsWaterfrontCenter,CommunityRoomB Date:Tuesday,Dec.6,68pm Quiet Heart Wilderness School is your local wilderness school, providing naturalist and survival skills education in the Edmonds area since 1997. We invite our community to join us at the following events: For more information about our upcoming events and workshops and to register, please visit https://quietheart.org/workshops/

Nature Programs


Thinkingofputtinginaraingardenbutnotsurewheretobegin?JoinstafffromtheCityof EdmondstotourraingardensinthePerrinvilleandSeaviewneighborhoods.UsingtheRain GardenHandbookforWesternWashingtonasourguide,we’llexploretheprocessofdesigning, buildingandmaintainingaraingarden,andseeexamplesofkeyprinciplesatwork.Participants willreceiveafreecopyoftheRainGardenHandbookandalistoflocalresourcestotakehome. Wearsturdywalkingshoesanddressfortheweather thiseventwillhappenrainorshine.The eventisfree,butregistrationisrequired.



Enhanceyourunderstandingandappreciationofcommonbirdsandimproveyourabilityto identifythem.Includesbasicsofanatomy,migration,reproduction,foods&foraging.Designed foradultbeginningbirders,butchildrenages12+arewelcome.


11077 W 10/19


Hereisyourchancetolearnmoreaboutthemostcommonowls,hawksandeaglesthatlive hereatdifferenttimesoftheyear orallyearlong.We'llalsodiscussthehabitatsinwhichto findthem.Instructor,CandyBrown.

W 11/9

Sat 10/8 10am 12pm FREE
6:30-8pm $19/$21
6:30-8pm *$19/$21
Employment and Volunteer Opportunities Join us as a paid Ranger Naturalist or a volunteer Beach Docent to educate the public about the Edmonds Marine Sanctuary. Applications accepted year round. Call 425.771.0227 for more information.


PAGE 14 Dis MeetattheFrancesAndersonCentereachdayandwalktoparksinEdmonds.Allcampsledby ourInterpretiveSpecialistandRangerNaturalists.Bringahealthysacklunchanddressforthe weather Registrationrequired. ContactJennLeachatjennnifer.leach@edmondswa.govformoreinfo. OwlsofEdmonds-Ages7-12 Edmondsdistrictnon-schooldaycamp Havefunwithowlsonyourdayoffofschool.Gettoknowowlsbylearningabouttheirunique adaptationssuchasbinocularvision,silentflight,andasymmetricalears Learnabouttheseven speciesofowlsthatcallEdmondshome.Dissectanowlpellettodiscoverwhatthispredatorhas beeneating,andtakeawalktoalocalparktoexploreowlhabitat. TaughtbyDiscoveryProgramsStaff. 11156 10/21 10am–3pm $40/$44 FurryFriends-ages7-12 Edmondsdistrictnonschooldaycamp Comeandlearnaboutthemammalsthatliveinourarea.Investigatehowtheseanimalshave adaptedtosurviveinourlocalparkswhileexaminingpeltsandskulls.Learnhowtosearchfor andidentifytracks,andtakeawalktoalocalparktoseewhatanimalswecanfind. TaughtbyDiscoveryProgramsStaff. 11157 11/23 10am 3pm $40/$44 Nature
PAGE 15 Guided walks Photography workshop Afternoon boat tour Wildlife Habitat and Native Plant Demonstration Garden tours and native plant sale Sunday in the Field: SEE THE WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS AND A COMPLETE SCHEDULE. PUGETSOUNDBIRDFEST.COM Presentations from local authors, artists, scientists and naturalists Educational exhibits, optics, and bird themed art for sale Kids activities: owl pellet dissection, crafts, games and hands-on exploration Community science mini-symposium featuring regional bird research Photo Contest: stop by and vote for your favorites! Guided walks Edmonds Marsh Viewing Platform Saturday at the Frances Anderson Center: Saturday in the Field: A Celebration of Birds & Nature Dates: September 10-11 Grab your binoculars and get ready for a weekend of fun! Puget Sound Bird Fest JOIN THE FLOCK FOR BIRD FEST 2022! VOLUNTEER AT ONE OF EDMONDS MOST EXCITING FALL EVENTS! THE BIRD FEST PLANNING COMMITTEE IS LOOKING FOR HELP ON SEPTEMBER 10TH AT THE FRANCES ANDERSON CENTER. TWO-HOUR SHIFTS AVAILABLE IN THE MORNING OR AFTERNOON – NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. CALL 425-771-0227 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Keynote Presentation Martha Jordan - Washington’s Swans and Snow Geese: Connections to land use, agriculture, and dairy farms Come learn about these magnificent white birds and what is needed to insure their future. Registration is not required, but space is limited so please arrive early to get a seat. Doors open at 10 am 9/10 Sat 10:30 – 11:30am FREE Other presentations will follow throughout the day. See Pugetsoundbirdfest.org for schedule.

Puget Sound Bird Fest


EdmondsMarshisauniqueurbanwildlifearea,andagreatplacetoviewavarietyofbirds throughouttheyear.Butmanypeopledon’tknowthatitisalsooneofthefewremainingintact barrierestuariesinPugetSound,aoncecommontypeofsaltmarshhabitatthatisnowvery rare.Comelearnaboutthehistoryofthemarshandtheimportanthabitatfeaturesandwildlife here PilchuckAudubonSocietyvolunteerswillhelpyouseeandidentifybirdsthroughoutthe day.Noregistrationrequired.



JoinJackStephenstobirdsomeshorttrailsattheWillowCreekFishHatcheryandtheWildlife Habitat&NativePlantDemonstrationGarden,andashortwalkuphilltoapavedpathforagood viewofthemarshfromthesouthandacoupleofponds TheEdmondsmarshalsohaslevel pavedwalkwaysandboardwalk.Wewilldrivebetweenthemarshandthehatchery/gardenarea toavoidwalkingalonghighway104.Lessthantwomiles.Playbackmightbeusedsparinglyby walkleader.Bringbinoculars.Registrationrequired.




Theurbanforestandwetlandsofthis22acreparkprovidehabitatforavarietyofwildlife, includingwaterfowl,wadingbirdsandsongbirds.Mayincludeexcursionstoadjacentsmall parks.LedbyJeffandEileenHambleton,thiswalkwillfocusonbuildingessentialskillsfor beginners.Bringbinocularsifyouhavethem.(Wewon’thaveanyloanersavailablethisyear). Easyleveltrailsandboardwalk,maycrossurbanstreetswithcrosswalkstoexplore2additional parks,lessthantwomiles.No“pishing”orplaybackofvocalizationswillbeusedtoattractbirds. Registrationrequired.

11059 Sat 9/10


JoinJoeSweeneyfor23leisurelypacedmiles,includingsomehillsandsteps.Wewillfirstwalk themainpathsandstepsinthisveryscenicpark.Then,we’llreturntoourcars,grabour spottingscopes,andwalktheshortdistancetothebeachforsomeseabirdwatchingoverlooking thePugetSound.Theweatherisusuallycooleronthebeach,sowearlayersandraingear,if necessary.Bringbinoculars,ofcourse,andascope,ifyouhaveone.Note:Duetocovid,wewill notshareourscopeswithotherparticipants.However,apairofbinocularsisallyouneedto enjoythewalk Overby9:30am Playbackwillnotbeused Registrationrequired

11060 Sat 9/10

Sat 4-6pm FREE
Sat 9/10 7:30–9:30am $5
7:30–9:30am $10
7:30–9:30am $5

Puget Sound Bird Fest


JoinJonHoughtonforthiswalkinanundeveloped,forestedcountyparklocatedwithin Edmonds.Thetrailsincludeawider,relativelylevelpathandsomenarrowertrailsthatinclude someshortelevationchangeswhichcanbemuddyifithasrained.Willincludecrossingthe streetthatbisectsthepark.“Pishing”orplaybackmaybeusedbythewalkleader.Totalwalking likelylessthan1.5miles.Registrationrequired.

11061 Sat


JoinFrankCarusotoexplorethisformergolfcoursethathasbeenconvertedtoapassivepark nearthelake,withpondsandwetlandsaswellasacreekthatiscurrentlyinachannel.While thereareplansfornativeplantingsandforrestoringthestreamtomeanderandpathsand boardwalks,currentlytherearenopaths,justmowngrass.Evenifithasn’trainedrecently,you maywantwaterproofshoesorbootstowalktheparkonunevensurfaceswithoutany significantelevationchanges.“Pishing”andplaybackmaybeusedsparinglybytheleader.We willprobablybenofurtherthan0.5milesfromtheparkinglotatanytime.Totaldistancelikely lessthan1.52miles.



ThisparkisanEdmondsgemwithnicelyvariedhabitatforbirds,particularlythoseoftheforest. We’relikelytoencountermanyofourresidentbirds variouswoodpeckers,SpottedTowhee, SongSparrow,Bewick’sWren,BlackcappedandChestnutbackedChickadees,BrownCreeper, Anna’sHummingbird andpossiblyafewmigrantswhohaven’tleftyet.Asignificantportionof theparklendsitselftofindingbirdsonlybytheirsoundsbecausethetreecanopyishigh. Neither“pishing”norplayingofrecordingswillbeused Thefirstpartofthisleisurelywalk,led byElaineChuangandPeterGurney,isalongawidepavedroad.Thesecondpartisonnarrower hikingtrailsinterspersedwithbridgesandboardwalks,whichcanbeabitmuddyandslipperyif it’srainedrecently.Thehalfmileroutedescendsgraduallythenhasasignificantclimb(steep) forthelastshortstretch.Portapottiesareavailableintheparkinglot.

9/10 8-10am $5
Sat 9/10 7:30--9:30am $5
11063 Sat 9/10 7:30--9:30am $10

JoinJackStephenstoexploretheEdmondswaterfront TheEdmondswaterfrontcansometimes offercloseviewsofsomebirdssuchasMarbledMurreletorRhinocerosAuklet.Inaddition, EdmondscanhavehundredsofHeerman’sgullsaroundthebreakwaterwhoarriveafter breedingseasonbeforetheydepartfortheirwinteringgrounds.

11064 Sun

JoinJeffandEileenHambletonforanintroductiontobirdwatching Planonabout2hoursfora leisurely1.5milewalk.Birdingwillbeslowpacedleavingtimeforbirdingandlearningabout binocularbasics,choiceoffieldguides,andbirdingapps.No“pishing”orplaybackofbird vocalizationswillbeusedtoattractbirds.Thetrailandrestroomsareaccessible.

11065 Sun 9/11

JoinBevBoweforaguidedbirdingwalkalongtheserviceroadandpavedpathofYostPark.. YostParkprovideshabitatfornumerousspeciesofresidentandmigratorybirdsincluding Cooper’sHawks,PileatedWoodpeckers,Chickadees,PacificWrens,andavarietyofotherforest birds.

11066 Sun 9/11

PAGE 18 EdmondsWaterfrontGuidedWalk
9/11 8:3010am $5 LakeTyeGuidedWalkforBeginningBirders
8–10am $10 Accessible-ishEdmondsParkGuidedWalk
8–10am $5 PhotographyWorkshopwithAnnKramer JoinAnnKramer(www.annkramer.smugmug.com),awardwinninglocalwildlifephotographer, forafulldayworkshop.Tipswillincludehowtoobtainpleasingphotographsofcreaturesthat don'tsitstill,arenotatyoureyelevel,knowyou'rethere,andarenaturallywaryofyou Bring yourlunchandwater. 11067 Sun 9/11 7–4pm $25 UnionBayNaturalAreaGuidedWalk JoinRoniqBartontoexploretheUnionBayNaturalArea,nicknamed"TheFill"-Seattle'sformer garbagedump.262birdspecieshavebeenreportedatthisurbanbirdinghotspot.We’llspend timeexploringthisuniquearearichinbirdandwildlife Tipsforidentifyingbirdswillbeincluded butourmainfocuswillbeonamoremindfulbirdingpracticewhichincludesobservingnative habitat,birdsongandbehavior.Anyageandlevelofbirdingexperiencewelcome! 11068 Sun 9/11 8:30–11:30am $5 Don’tmisstheSundayafternoonPugetSoundExpressBoatCruisetoProtectionIsland.Learn moreatPugetsoundexpress.com. Puget Sound Bird Fest


majormotorskills.Childrenprogressattheir ownpacethroughstep-by-stepmethodsina

stayinroomfor‘18months2years’class:For allotherclasses,parentsmayattendfirstand lastclass.

Ourclassesprovidepositivesocialandphysical experienceswithemphasisondevelopmentof
safe,funandfitenvironment. Studentsmusthaveparent/legalguardian signedwaiveronthefirstdayofclass.Parents
Privatelessonsavailable/Call4257710230 ext.1344forinformation ClassesrunSeptember12-December16 NoClassesNovember21-25



Feeincludesa7weekroundrobinTuesdayeveningswith aseasonendingtournamentfortop4teams.Maximumof8teamsperdivision.


Participantsmustregisterpriortoparticipating.$3/adult;$2/youth/senio NoopengymSeptember5,November11,24&25,December23&26 Hourssubjecttochange.10.5%salestaxincludedinfee. BASKETBALL-Maximum15 Callforschedule PICKLEBALL Maximum18 MF 9:00am1:00pm VOLLEYBALL-Maximum18 M 6:45-8:30pm Basketball3on3 30-gameschedulewitha2pointline.Gametimesstartat7:30pm.Offens topsixteamsadvancetoasingleeliminationtournament. 10956 W 9/21-12/7 7:30-10:30pm $265team EdmondsCo-RecCompetitiveVolleyballLeagues Matchesconsistof3gamespernight.
GamesPlayedatEdmondsCommunityCollegeGym. 10933 ADivision 9/2011/8 7:3010:30pm $295team 10934 BDivision 9/20-11/8 7:30-10:30pm $295team 0 Women's4on4VolleyballLeagues Matchesconsistof4gameseachnight.Leagueconsistsof9weeksandaseasonending
November10th GamesPlayedatEdmondsCommunityCollegeGym. 10935 Th 9/8-11/17 7:30-10:30pm $550team


Athletics Pickleball Clinics Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America. Why? Because it is fun, great exercise, social, easy on the joints, and simple to learn. You will learn the basics of the game, get exercise, and have fun! Balls and paddles provided. Instructor: Roger BelAir Beginners TBA Th 6:30 8pm $40 Intermediate TBA Th 2-3:30pm $40 Beginners TBA Th 6:30-8pm $40 Pickleball Leagues Matches start at 7:15pm on Mondays and 6:15pm on Tuesday evenings. 6 matches with a single elimination tournament. DOUBLES - TUESDAYS 10936 Men’s Lower 9/6-10/18 *$70/team 10937 Men’s Upper 9/6 10/18 *$70/team 10940 Women’s Lower 9/6-10/18 *$70/team 10941 Women’s Upper 9/6-10/18 *$70/team 10938 Mixed Lower 9/6-10/18 *$70/team 10939 Mixed Upper 9/6 10/18 *$70/team 10942 Men’s Lower 11/1-12/13 *$70/team 10943 Men’s Upper 11/1-12/13 *$70/team 10946 Women’s Lower 11/1 12/13 *$70/team 10947 Women’s Upper 11/1-12/13 *$70/team 10944 Mixed Lower 11/1-12/13 *$70/team 10945 Mixed Upper 11/1-12/13 *$70/team
PAGE 22Adult Athletics FallSoftballLeagues RegisterforAdultMen’s,Women’sandCoedLeagues.Multipledivisionswillbeavailable foreachleague.Signupforthenightofweekyouwanttoplay(pendingavailability) Monday-Friday.The$715leaguefeeincludes10games(5doubleheaders)withthetop4 teamineachdivisionqualifyingforasingleeliminationplayoff.USSSAteamaffiliationfee included.GamesofficiatedbyUSSSAandplayedatMeadowdalePlayfieldsweekdays startingat6:10pm. Registrationforreturningteamsbegins8/1/22andNewTeams8/8/22. On-lineregistrationstartsat6amatreczone.org.Callinstartsat9am@425-771-0230. ForinformationcontactChrisBrinton,4257710230orchris.brinton@edmondswa.gov

Adult Wellness

Essentrics – Aging Backwards®

This class is slow paced and easy to follow. As seen on PBS,


in your


in an

in your

healing principles of physiotherapy

strength, toning,

as injury prevention and recovery.



Feldenkrais Method® - Awareness through Movement® Lessons

The Feldenkrais Method® provides an experiential foundation for discovering that movement done in an enjoyable easy way is in fact what we need to most effectively learn, change, and expand our abilities. The method combines guiding ones attention, refining ones self image, a lack of force/aiming for ease, with ingenious structured movement lessons All ages, levels of experience and abilities are welcome. Attending single classes is possible by prior arrangement with the Instructor.

a mat and a large towel. Wear loose comfortable clothing with extra layers for warmth.

Location: W@FAC Rm. 301, Tu@WFC Rm. 3

Instructor: Laura McMurray

11054 W 9/7 9/28 11am 12pm $78/$90 11055 W 10/5-10/26 11am-12pm $78/$90 11056 W 11/2-11/30 11am-12pm $97/$110 11057 W 12/7-12/28 11am-12pm $78/$90 11070 T 9/6 9/28 7 8pm $78/$90 11071 T 10/4-10/26 7-8pm $78/$90 11072 T 11/1-11/30 7-8pm $97/$110 11073 T 12/6 12/28 7 8pm $78/$90
this is
age reversing workout that uses your full body to restore movement
joints, flexibility
muscles, relieve pain, and stimulate your cells to increase energy and
Essentrics draws on the flowing movements of tai chi that create health and balance, the strengthening theories behind ballet that create long, lean, flexible muscles and the
that create a pain free body Essentrics is effective for mobility, flexibility,
balance, posture, range of motion, and pain-relief, as well
Bring a yoga mat, towel, and strap/band. Location: FAC
301 Instructor:
von Somoff 10999 Sat 9/10-10/1 9:30-10:30am $60/$70 11000 Sat 10/8 10/29 9:30 10:30am $60/$70 11001 Sat 11/5-12/10 9:30-10:30am $90/$103

Adult Wellness

Hatha Yoga

Relaxing music, gentle flowing movements, and the encouragement to go at your own pace make Kerry's classes not only great for building strength and flexibility but excellent for quieting and calming the mind

Instructor: Kerry Brockmann 10980 T 9/6-10/4

10981 T 10/11 11/8

10982 T 11/15-12/13


Access Bars Practitioner Certification Class

The Bars are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different aspects of life. During a session a practitioner gently touches these points to relase the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, feelings, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may be limiting you in that area By learning & receiving the Access Bars®, you can give yourself, your clients, friends, family, and coworkers the care, kindness, and nurturing required with total ease. This is an 8 hour class broken up into 2 days where you will give and receive the bars at least once each day. Manual and certificate included. Bring yoga mat or zero gravity chair and pillow/blanket. Must be able to attend both days. Youth under 15 can learn with their parent for free.

Holly Ruiz

& Sat


10am-2pm $350/$402

4-8pm Saturday 10am-2pm $350/$402



Meditation for Beginners

10am-2pm $350/$402

10am 2pm $350/$402

Ready to start a daily meditation practice that becomes as automatic as brushing your teeth? I will guide you step by step through my Intention Setting AM & Shavasana Body Scan PM practice so you can get all your questions answered and feel comfortable sitting in the silence in 6 or 8 Relaxing 1 hour sessions. You'll learn how to create a lasting daily practice you'll look forward to each day to reduce stress, have more peace, and awareness in your life! Bring a yoga mat and pillows.

NOTE: AM and PM classes are separate. You need to register for both AM and PM individuals if you wish to attend both. Drop in Fee Per Class: $30 No Class 9/20 & 11/8

Instructor: Holly Ruiz 11142, 11146 T 9/6-9/27

11143, 11147 T 10/4 10/25

& 5-6pm

10am & 5 6pm $80/$92

10am & 5 6pm $80/$92

& 5-6pm

6:30-7:45pm $70/$80
6:30-7:45pm $70/$80
11144, 11148 T 11/1 11/29 9
11145, 11149 T 12/6-12/27 9-10am
11138 F & Sat 9/9-9/10 Friday:
11139 F
10/7-10/8 Friday:
11140 F & Sat 11/4-11/5 Friday:
11141 F & Sat 12/9 12/10 Friday: 4

Adult Wellness

Iyengar Yoga - continuing students

A class for continuing students


Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.)

will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose

we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga

way to harmonize the body and mind To join this class, please have some prior yoga experience.

in Action"

you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your


Location: FAC Room 301 Instructor: Kristina Bavik



Iyengar Yoga

A class for beginning

beginning & continuing students


Yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise

making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose


we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga "Meditation in Action" a way to harmonize the body and mind. To join this class, it is helpful to have some prior yoga experience Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga matt and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels. No class 11/11, 11/24 & 11/25. Location: FAC Room 301. Instructor: Kristina Bavik



Iyengar Yoga

beginning & continuing students

A course for those new to yoga. We will cover the fundamental actions of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets. )Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga matt and 2 3 yoga blankets/beach towels. Location: FAC Room 301 Instructor: Kristina Bavik

matt and 2 3 yoga blankets/beach towels.
W 9/14-9/28 6:00-7:30pm $45/$52 11080 W 10/5-10/26 6:00-7:30pm $60/$69 11081 W 11/2 11/30 6:00 7:30pm $75/$86 11082 W 12/7-12/28 6:00-7:30pm $60/$69
students of Iyengar
alignment, attention to
and breath awareness while
F 9/16 9/30 9:30am 11am $45/$52 11084 F 10/7-10/28 9:30am-11am $60/$69
F 11/4 & 11/18 9:30am-11am $30/$35 11086 F 12/2 12/23 9:30am 11am $60/$69
11154 Th 9/29-11/3 6-7pm $72/$83


Chi - Taijiquan An ancient Chinese exercise, T’ai Chi helps build strength, flexibility and balance in mind as well as body. Consistent practice can help reduce tension and increase physical, spiritual and mental well being. Wear comfortable clothing. Location: FAC Rm. 114 Instructor: Barbara Gleisner Level 1A 10968 Th 9/8 10/20 7 8:30pm $74/$85 10965 T 9/13-10/25 10:30am-12pm $74/$85 Level 1B – Must complete 1A 10969 Th 10/27-12/15 7-8:30pm $74/$85 10967 T 11/1-12/13 10:30am-12pm $64/$74 Level 2 10966 T 9/13-10/25 7-8:30pm $74/$85 10970 T 11/1-12/13 7-8:30pm $64/$74 Level 3 10971 Th 9/8-10/20 5:30pm-7pm $74/$85 10972 Th 10/27 12/15 5:30pm 7pm $74/$85 Moving for Better Balance *Must complete first session Wear comfortable clothing. 10973 M 9/12 10/24 10:30am 12pm $74/$85 10974 M 10/31-12/12 10:30am-12pm $74/$85 Adult Wellness Qigong The gentle, rhythmic movement of qigong reduces stress, builds stamina, increases vitality and enhances the immune system. This ancient Chinese health care system integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. Wear comfortable clothing. Location: FAC Rm. 114 Instructor: Barbara Gleisner 10975 T 9/13-11/29 5:30pm-7pm $116/$133 10976 W 9/14-11/30 10:30am-12pm $116/$133


AllLevelsBarrecombinesballet,pilates,yoga,andbarretechniquestoprovideamultifaceted,full bodyworkout.Thisclassfocusesonstrengtheningandlengtheningmusclesaswellasbalanceand coordinationthroughlowimpacthighenergymovementswhilemovingtoupbeatmusic.The exercisesareperformedbothonthematandatthebarreandsomesmallpropsmaybeused.No priorexperienceisrequiredasmodificationsaswellasprogressionsareprovidedthroughoutthe class.Optional:Bringasetof2lbweights,loopbandandmat.

Instructor:KyleeKitchens,aformersoloistballetdancerwiththePacificNorthwestBalletin Seattle,WA.


10993 W 9/7-9/28 10:30-11:30am $52/$60

10994 W 10/5-10/26 10:30-11:30am $52/$60 10995 W 11/2-11/23 10:30-11:30am $52/$60


10996 W 9/7-9/28 6:45-7:45pm $52/$60

10997 W 10/5-10/26 6:45-7:45pm $52/$60 10998 W 11/2-11/23 6:45-7:45pm $52/$60

Adult Fitness SustainableWeightLoss TheSustainableWeightLossandWellnessProgramwillshowyouhowtomakelifealtering weightlosssustainablethroughintermittentfastingandsciencebasedfoodchoices Theweight controlaspectoftheprogramiscomplementedbylearningfocusedsetsofcalisthenicsand stretchingexercisesthatrequirenoequipmentandaminimumoftime.Finally,wewillpractice mindfulnessaswelearnhowtousethedynamicmovementsofkaratetoprogressthrougha seriesoffundamentalyogapose.Pleaseaskyourphysicianiffastingandexerciseissafeforyou beforesigningup.*$25supplyfeeduetoinstructoratfirstclass. Instructor:Dr.ClaesBavik 11131 M&W 10/3-12/21 6-7pm $240/$276 MamaBarre Bringyourbabyorlittleonewithyouandenjoythismodifiedbarre/matclass!Momsofallfitnesslevels arewelcomeasthefocusistomovethroughtheexerciseswithastrongemphasisonformand alignment Theclasswillincludebasicbarreexercisesandpre/postnatalsafecorestrengthening,allwhile yourlittleoneisrighttherewithyou Pleasebringayogamatandasetoflightweights13lbs Instructor:KyleeKitchens **NOTE:Babyarerangeisroughly2monthsto56yearsold 10993 W 9/149/28 9:3010:15am $39/45 10994 W 10/5-10/26 9:30-10:15am $52/60 10995 W 11/2-11/23 9:30-10:15am $52/60

Adult Fitness

Circuit Training Online

Circuit Training is a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. These videos will work you through 10-14 different exercises for a set time, with little rest between exercises. Suitable for all fitness levels, exercise experience and ages 16+. Each week a new video will be released and can be watched as many times as you like (recommended 2-4x) before it’s locked and a new video is released. Full access to a number of “how to” videos on exercise instruction is included as well as Q&A with instructor via email. Zoom virtual and in person training offered at additional costs. Must have internet and a computer, tablet, phone, smart TV etc. For best experience dumbbells and/or resistance tubing recommended but not required. Videos created by Rick Buyce ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience. Instructor: Rick Buyce

11002 9/7-9/30

11003 10/3-10/31

11005 11/1-11/30

11006 12/1-12/31

Circuit Training

Join us for a full body workout





aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10 14 exercise stations for a set time, with little rest between exercises The workout can be modified for your personal needs. With machines.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

11007 9/12-9/26 M 9am-10am $30/$36 11008 10/3-10/31 M 9am-10am $50/$60 11009 11/7-11/28 M 9am-10am $30/$36 11010 12/5-12/12 M 9am-10am $20/$24 11011 9/14-9/28 W 9am-10am $30/$36 11012 10/19-10/26 W 9am-10am $20/$24 11013 11/2-11/30 W 9am-10am $40/$48 11014 12/7-12/14 W 9am-10am $20/$24 11015 9/14-9/28 W 6pm-7pm $30/$36 11016 10/9-10/26 W 6pm-7pm $20/$24 11017 11/2-11/30 W 6pm-7pm $40/$48 11018 12/7-12/14 W 6pm-7pm $20/$24

Strength and Endurance Interval Training

Strength & Endurance Interval Training is a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10-14 exercises for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs. No machines.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

11035 9/12-9/26

11036 10/3-10/31

11037 11/7-11/28








M 6pm-7pm $30/$36
M 6pm-7pm $50/$60
M 6pm-7pm $30/$36 11038
M 6pm-7pm $20/$24 11031
Th 11:30am-12:30pm
Th 11:30am-12:30pm
Th 11:30am-12:30pm $30/$36 11034
Th 11:30am-12:30pm $30/$36

Adult Fitness

Intro to the Fitness Room

One on One Personal Training

Small Group Personal Training

Pickleball Fitness

Learn the basics of fitness room use, including machines, free weights, and body weight exercises. Participants will gain ability to design their own exercise program tailored to individual fitness needs and goals. Instruction provided by an ACE certified personal trainer. Instructor: Rick Buyce 11039 W 9/14 7:05-8pm $15 11040 W 10/19 7:05-8pm $15 11041 W 11/2 7:05-8pm $15 11042 W 12/7 7:05 8pm $15
Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice. Price is per one hour session. Two or more sessions pre paid package *$45/55 per hour session. 11043 M-S Appointment only $50/$60
Work out with your family or friends! Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice. Price is per person, per 1 hour session. Find a time that works for you! 11044 M S Appointment only $30/$36 (2 people) 11045 M-S Appointment only $25/$30 (3-4 people)
Increase performance or obtain fitness goals to start playing pickleball Participants will work through exercise stations, focused on increasing agility, power, balance, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and injury prevention. Location: FAC Gym 11046 F 9/16-9/30 2-3pm $30/$36 11047 F 10/14-10/28 2-3pm $30/$36 11048 F 11/4 11/18 2 3pm $30/$36 11049 F 12/2-12/16 2-3pm $30/$36

Martial Arts


Build physical and mental strength learning Japanese samurai sword handling. Kendo is great way to learn self-discipline for kids, and good stress relief for adults. Beginner needs to purchase of Bamboo sword at first class ($40). Continuing level includes full contact wearing armor. Youth/adult classes combined. Edmonds kendo class is member of Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation/All United states Kendo Federation. Please visit https://www.washingtonkendo.org/ for more details.

Instructor: Naoaki Tanamura

Juniors Beginner (5-18yrs)

10989 Th 9/8-12/29 5-6:30pm $112/$129

Continuing (5+yrs)

10990 Th 9/8-12/29 6:30-8:30pm $112/$129 Beginner (8+ yrs)

10991 Sat 9/10-12/17 12-1:30pm $105/$121 Continuing (8+ yrs)

10992 Sat 9/10 12/17 1:30 3:30pm $105/$121


Self-defense and physical fitness for the whole family. Open to continuing students. Family discount rates available. Uniform details at class. Instructor: Kevin Lemm.

10985 M&W 9/7-9/28



6-7:30pm $70/$80 10986
10/3 10/26 6 7:30pm $70/$80 10987
11/2-11/30 6-7:30pm $70/$80 10988 M&W 12/5-12/28 6-7:30pm $70/$80

Adult Enrichment


Coming from Europe to the Appalachians, clogging is a rhythmic style of dance and danced to a wide variety of music It is a fun, easy going class and great exercise Clogging is a family activity so all ages from 10+ years are encouraged. Shoes and taps discussed at first class.

Instructor: Maureen Pettit

Intro - Ages 10+

10977 Th 9/8 12/1 4 4:45pm $60/69

Intro – Teens & Adults

10978 Th 9/8 12/1 4:45 5:30pm $60/69

Intermediate – All Ages

10979 Th 9/8 12/1 5:30 6:30pm $60/69


Adult Enrichment


Instructor:CharlesEngland,GoldenStateDanceTeachersAssociation&WorldSwingDance CouncilCertified


Stillthecoolest,smoothest,andmostplayfulformofswingontheplanet.WestCoastSwingcan bedancedtoalltypesofmusicfrombigbandswingandblues,rhythm&blues,Top40andpopof alleras.

11114 W 9/14-10/12


It'stimetolearntodance!EasybasicsinFoxTrot,WaltzandSwing,withemphasisonlead/follow skills.Everythingyouneedforanightoutdancing.

11115 W 9/14-10/12


TheAllAmericanswingdance!DancetoBigBandSwing,Rock'nRollandmore.Bothsingleand triplerhythmstylewillbetaughtinthisfunandeasyclass

11116 W 10/1911/16


Theperfectslowdanceforbeginningandexperienceddancers.NightclubTwoStepcanbe dancedtoromanticballadsfromallerasofpopularmusic,withbothtravelingandinplace patterns.

W 10/19-11/16

7:00-8:00pm $65/$75
8:00-9:00pm $65/$75
7:008:00pm $65/$75
8:00-9:00pm $65/$75

Adult Enrichment


Mandalameans“sacredcircle”andhistoricallyhasbeenusedasameditativefocus–ameans ofturninginward,tostillnessandquiet.Itisusedasacreativeprocessforself-discoveryand personaltransformation.Noartexperiencerequired.




Historicallythemandalahasbeenusedasameditativefocus ameansofturninginward,to stillnessandquiet Duringthisexperientialclass,wewillcometogetherasagroup,lookatthe historyofthemandala,andexperiencethemandalathroughtheArts.Thissafe,supportive processcanbeawaytoawakenwithin.

11118 W 9/21 6:15-8:15pm $45/$52


Duringthisexperientialclass,wewilllookatthehealingpropertiesofNature,asitrelatestothe mandala.Withthissafe,supportive,creativeprocess,wewillexplorethemandalathroughthe Arts.Noartsexperienceisnecessary.

11119 Sat 10/15 9:3011:30am $45/$52


Duringthisexperientialclass,wewilllookatthehealingpropertiesofGratitude,aswecreateour mandala.Withthissafe,supportive,creativeprocess,wewillexplorethemandalathroughthe Arts.Noartsexperienceisnecessary.

11120 Th 11/3 6:15-8:15pm $45/$52






Nomusictheoryorbackgroundneededtolearntoplayukulele!Wewilllearnafew chords,keys,handpositions,strummingrhythms,andyouwillquicklybeabletoplaya songwithalohaspirit.Ukuleleisagreataccompanimenttosinging,afuninstrument. Uke'savailabletotryonfirstday!Aconcertwillbegivenbytheclassonthelastdayofthe session.$10supplyfee.Downloadsupplylist.Location:EWC Instructor:ChontelKlobas,founderofSTRUM. 11123 T 9/610/11 6:007:30pm $85/$95 11125 W 9/79/28 6:007:30pm $20/$25 11126 W 10/5-10/26 6:00-7:30pm $20/$25 11127 W 11/2-11/30 6:00-7:30pm $25/$30 11128 W 12/7-12/28 6:00-7:30pm $20/$25
AreyoulookingtolearnSpanishlanguage?WouldyouliketobefamiliarwiththeSpanish Speakingculture?JoininstructorJeanettQuintanillaonenightaweektolearnseveraltopics, includinggrammar,phrases,andsmallconversations.Also,developyourreading,speaking, listening,andwritingskills. RequiredBook:CompleteSpanishStepbyStepbyBarbaraBregstein,SecondEdition 11129 W 9/711/2 4:305:30pm $340/$391
AreyoulookingtoworkonyourSpanishconversationalskills?Wouldyouliketodevelopyour speakingandlisteningskillsandbuildyourvocabularymore?JoininstructorJeanettQuintanilla onenightaweektoconverseandlearnseveraltopics,includingLatinoAmericanculture, geography,history,andgrammar Takeyourskillsandenjoymenttothenextlevelthrough Spanishconversationandclassdiscussions. RequiredBook:CompleteSpanishStepbyStepbyBarbaraBregstein,SecondEdition 11130 W 9/7-11/2 6-7pm $340/$391
Enrichment Ukulele Open Jam Join STRUM a month at a time for relaxed nights playing songs with aloha spirit. Enjoy some beautiful music and community bonding. Music will be provided. Location: EWC Some Ukulele’s will be available to use. **Per Day Drop In Available for $5/$6 per session. Due at day of attendance.



otherswho haveexperiencedloss.(PSThat’severybody!)Thisonlineclassalsoincludesstoriesoflossfrom

PAGE 35 Open to writers of any level or genre. Classes are 10 sessions on an at-your-own-pace schedule. Ariele Huff will work with you to find mutually agreeable times by email. WriteAboutYourLife-Online Magazineeditorsandbookpublishersagree:thehottesttrendthesedaysisthetellingof personalexperiences Learnhowtoaccessandformatyourmemoriesandexperiencesforthe purposeofcreatingarticles,books,andsouvenirmemoirsforcash,friends,and/orfamily. Instructorhashelpedhundredsofstudentsandclientscompletelifestoriesofallkinds. Classesaretensessionsonanatyourownpaceschedule.Instructor:ArieleHuff 11135 ScheduleDateswithInstructor $100/$115 AncientHealingMethodsforModernStress–Online
We'll dipintoabuffetofmethodsincludingReflexology,TalkingStick,FengShui,Yogicbreathingand stretching,IChingmessages,mandalaconstruction,meditation,Tarot,astrology,accupressure, homeopathicprinciples,somenaturopathicherbanddietoptions,dreaminterpretation, numerology,totemanimalselection,numerology.Plus,ahandfulofmorerecentstressbusters likeCognitiveBehaviorTherapy,ArtTherapy,SedonaReleasing,andMovementTherapy. 11136 ScheduleDateswithInstructor $100/$115 ProcessingLossWorkshop–Online Whetherit’salovedone,apet,yourstockportfolio,orawholewayoflife,losscanbe
workshop(oronlineclass),yougettobringyourlosswithyou:revelinpreviousgoodthings, regretthechange,feelaccompaniedinthisjourney,bythosewhounderstand
others. 11137 ScheduleDateswithInstructor $100/$115 Adult Enrichment - Online
Gingerbread House Decorating Event Join us for a festive and fun evening decorating graham cracker gingerbread houses with gumdrop rooftops, peppermint pathways and icing icicles! We’ll supply you with everything you need to create a fun and yummy holiday house to display in your home! Registration is per gingerbread house, space and materials are limited. 11150 T 12/20 6-8pm Edmonds Waterfront Center $12.50 per house

Everyone Gets to Play

Every child should have an opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals and skills of a sport, the understanding of teamwork, communication and good sportsmanship. "Everyone Gets to Play" has been the motto of Sno-King Youth Club for over 40 years!

Your child's safety, health and wellness, social, physical and motor skill development, the ability to learn and understand rules and strategy of the game, feel good about themselves and their accomplishments and especially to have fun is what Sno-King Youth Club represents. All of these things must happen in a safe, nurturing environment where coaches are screened to make sure they are safe to work with kids and are trained to instruct and mentor as coaches. Sno King Youth Club, an organization where: "Everyone Gets to Play" That is our tradition and promise!

For more information about our upcoming programming options, please visit SKYC.NET

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