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Adult Athletics
Open Gym Drop In - FAC
Participants must register prior to participating. Pat at th f t desk.
$3/adult; $2/youth/senior (60+) No open gym
September 4, November 10, 11, 23, 24 and December 2
Hours subject to change. 10.5% sales tax included in fee
Hours subject to change.
Basketball - Maximum 15 - Call for schedule
Pickleball - Maximum 20 - M-F - 9:00am-1pm
Volleyball - Maximum 18 - M - 6:45-8:30pm
Basketball 3 on 3
30-game schedule with a 2 point line. Game times start at 7:30pm Offense calls the fouls The top six teams advance to a single elimination tournament.
12181 W 9/27-12/6 7:30-10:30pm $275 team
EdmondsCo-RecCompetitive VolleyballLeagues
Matchesconsistof3gamespernight. Feeincludesa7-weekround robinTuesdayeveningswithaseasonendingtournamentfortop4 teams.Maximumof8teamsperdivision.
Women's 4 on 4 Volleyball
Matches consist of 4 games each night. League consists of 9 weeks and a season ending tournament for all teams. Limited to 6 teams in both upper and lower divisions.