The Flaunt Issue

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Table of Contents 01-02 03-04 05-06 07-08 09-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20

contributors mr. worldwide student chef psychic reading how to politic hot drink debate movie reviews obsessions draw your flaw belt it playlist

21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40

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Letter from the editors W

e’re starting the year off with a bang and here to flaunt what we got. The beginning of the school year is all about making a name for yourself. With a staff full of both new faces and experienced craze babes we are ready to show off our city and it’s people. Even though it’s been a tight deadline and a stressful ride, we couldn’t be prouder of our first issue, the flaunt issue. Throughout the past three years we’ve only been gaining confidence, and now entering our final year of high school, as editors in chief, we (Kyndall and Emma) are ready to make this year our own. And the best yet.

Kyndall Goodwin

Emma Kopplin


Emma Kopplin Co-Editor in Chief

Anastasiya Petrosyan Multimedia Editor

Anna Greene Photo Editor

Kyndall Goodwin Co-Editor in Chief


Anne Stepanek Design Editor

Isabella Tyler Managing Editor

Nick Protzman Managing Editor

Julia Steiner Copy Editor

Kaelyn Mettler Copy Editor

Daisy Friedman Staff

Darci Simmons Staff

Emma Rieser Staff

Jane Knudsen Staff

Kaitlyn Jansen Staff

Kendall Brekke Staff

Kylie Shanahan Staff

Lydia Kasem Staff

Reagan Fehr Staff

Samantha Chesire Staff

Syd Barton Staff

Vinny Nelson Staff

William Larson Staff


events //// october feature mr. worldwide calendar

mr. worldwide the road, the wheels, and everything between story by kendall brekke, design by vinny nelson, photos courtesy of scott gealy

TImeline 1995 - 1996 graduated fort collins May 99’ - october 99 alaska Portland october 99 - january 2000 january 2000 dec 2000 taos new mexico Lincoln 2001 2003 wesleyan undergrad Nyc aug 2003 aug 2005 working and film production acting Feb - march 2004 argentina/chile Back to school after went 2007 teaching


rom spending four months on the frigid 03’ to start another new chapter in his life. While Alaskan waters, to backpacking his way in New York, Gealy worked for and produced across the humid South American rainforest, small productions and further his studies in the new Westside English teacher Scott Gealy is no arts. After making a home for himself in NYC, stranger to traveling. Gealy came to Westside he decided he wasn’t quite ready to settle down this August after teaching at Lincoln East for ten and in 04’ took a quick vacation to Argentina years. His passion for exploration blossomed to see what it had to offer. He started out his when he was in high school, but he felt as if he Argentinian adventure by taking a quick intensive wasn’t venturing enough. spanish course at one of the colleges in Buenos “I either wasn’t interested in college or wasn’t Aires. He spent his time there taking in the ready for it.” Gealy said. After making the culture and enjoying everything Argentina had discovery school wasn’t for him he decided his to offer. After riding through the mountains on first move would be to take a year off and start a dirt bike in South America, he got back to the his adventure. states the same year and felt compelled to get his “I wanted to grow up a little and go back to motorcycle license. Now he uses his bike mostly school to share those experiences,” he said. for long distance camping trips over the summers Before going on any trips, he when he’s not teaching. attended his freshman year On the subject of his bike “Travelling is a of college at Colorado State. travels Gealy said that typically Gealy began his journey in rides out west, in 2008 he rode huge part of my May of 99’ by making his way 42,000 miles through Nebraska, life,” said Gealy. to Alaska on a whim, where Colorado and Montana. he tent camped in the rain for “Travelling is a huge part of my “When I met my 10 days before finding a small life,” said Gealy, “when I met wife she was also my wife she was also very into fishing boat to work on. After spending a few months on the very into travelling, travelling, so we continue to go small vessel he decided that on trips.” so we continue to he was ready for a change While planning some trips of scenery. Gealy moved to out, he also threw in a few go on trips.” Oregon to live with a friend spontaneous vacations. The who was attending school adventurer likes to experience there the same year in October. He soon realized different parts of the world, and has many he wanted to pack up his life and try something different places he wants to explore. Many of a little more interesting, so he decided to go to his favorite memories are the people and the New Mexico to satisfy his wanderlust. stunning landscapes. His advice for travelling is Gealy said he spent Janurary 00’ to December to really appreciate the surroundings and culture; the same year in Taos New Mexico working to get in there and see the nitty and gritty of the a job in construction, as well as helping with neighborhoods and lifestyles people live. the upkeep of his bosses ranch. He did what “One of the most meaningful things about travel he could to make a living that kept his interest is making connections,” said Gealy. while putting some money in his pocket. After Gealy said he would love to continue traveling getting tired of the New Mexico scene finally for a very long time. Gealy uses the experiences decided it was time to go back to Lincoln where he’s picked up during his travels to bring back he got an undergrad in English and Theatre at and teach others to find their own paths. No Nebraska Wesleyan from 01-03. During one of matter if he’s teaching in a school in Omaha his spring breaks, he went up to NYC to visit his Nebraska or dirt biking through a forest in sister. Having always wanted to live there Gealy Central America Scott Gealy sees life as one big decided after his visit to pack his bags once adventure. more and moved to New York in the August of


feature // student chef

The chef to be student of cuisine maguire battershell story and video by anastasiya petrosyan, design by emma kopplin, photos by anna greene


hen we go to restaurants, order the “It’s just kind of one of those things that food, and ingest our delicious meal, we I’ve enjoyed. Taking that challenge of ‘I hate don’t often think about who is responsible for our this…’ and then proving to them that that’s not dish. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that the necessarily true.” person working in the kitchen could be just like Battershell’s road to success was not without us, a high school student making money doing obstacles, but he believes it only strengthens his what he loves. Senior Maguire Battershell is one abilities as a chef. As well as learning from his of those exceptional student chefs. mistakes, Battershell admires Brandon Kalfut, Battershell has worked as a chef at a restaurant the head chef at Hook & Lime. He said he’s an downtown called, Hook & Lime for five months. important figure in his life that inspires, teaches At the beginning of the road, he said it was and creates a welcoming working environment. merely something he did to get money. Over “The head chef that I work under right now, he’s time, as Battershell continued working at the really young and he’s staying on the cutting edge restaurant, it turned into more than just a job, it of what’s going on in culinary world. He tends to became his passion, he said. stay very level headed and isn’t “I’ve always “I’ve always known I want angry very often. There’s been to do something unique and known I want to do multiple cases where we’ve just something that not a lot of sat down and talked about what something unique people do,” Battershell said. my next step is and what I need Originally, Battershell and something that to improve on. He’s good at would observe how other chefs being honest and not making not a lot of people you feel defeated afterwards,” cooked and later would take that knowledge home and Battershell said. do and this just experiment by himself, cooking Honesty really comes into play happened to be for his mother. One of his in the kitchen because lying what I found for most successful dishes that he about how good a dish is to not prepared for her was fish. hurt the chef’s feelings, won’t do that.” “I made this really good the chef himself or the customer salmon dish for my family one time where I any good. It is crucial, he said, to be very open marinated it for a couple of days and then grilled about mistakes and to not keep repeating old, it and then made asparagus for them,” Battershell unsuccessful patterns. Once the stakes rise, the said. requirement for the quality of the final product He also said he is a strong believer in that no also obviously increase. one truly despises a certain food. He thinks it’s all “There’s a lot of stuff that I don’t know, it’s just in the head and he has the power to open eyes to gonna be a lot more of the pressure of cooking something new. on a line. Once you get up into those higher “There is no food that you don’t like. There’s not levels, it’s working a lot faster and doing perfect a food that I think anyone can say they straight dishes. Speed and pace is going to be the up can’t eat in any way. So I’ve done things where thing I’m going to have to work on the most,” someone has said they hate asparagus and I Battershell said. ended up cooking them asparagus and they Cooking is something Battershell wants to make loved it, “Battershell said.


Check out the video online on our coming website

a living with. Some say we’re too young to know our dreams and future careers, others disagree and say that now is the time to make decisions. But nevertheless, Battershell is ahead of the game in regards to what he wants in his future. “This is something I want to take up to the next level. I’m starting pop ups at my restaurant, so every last Monday of the month, I’m going to cook at a restaurant and use space and the products that we have and do a dinner for kids at our school. It’s going to be something I’m gonna turn into my job, rather than a hobby,” Battershell said. Eventually, he said he wants to open up his own restaurant. Over time, he would gradually transition towards the financial side of the restaurant; he would manage the money and be the owner. Owning a place and getting to the level of receiving a Michelin Star Award, given for excellence to a select few remarkable establishments, while learning as much as he can, is his dream. This dream will require a lot of years of experience, determination and hard work. Until very recently, Battershell has been “shelter cooking” which he described as preparing things in your comfort zone due to lack of knowledge on cuisine. He has only been cooking for three years, but in the time that has elapsed, he has

already made it to work as a cook in a legitimate, professional setting. To him, cooking is part of his identity. He describes it in a way that a painter would talk about his painting. “Cooking in general, is an art. You can do so much with food. You can express whatever feelings you want to have within cooking. That’s why I like it,” Battershell said. For the time being, Battershell said he will continue to gain experience from the people who surround him and will strive to reach heights with his cooking. He’s got the talent, all he needs is a pinch of luck and time.


feature // psychic reading

Psych Reading Experience what is your future story by anastasiya petrosyan, design and graphic by lydia kasem



sit with my legs crossed, tapping my foot to it down. Following her advice, I did and then the sound of my own racing heartbeat. continued listening to her with a dropped jaw. Biting my lip, my eyes are focused, and After the coffee session, she gave me the my mind is lost in the thoughts of what would opportunity to ask three questions that she happen next. In five minutes, I’ll know my whole would answer using the cartomacy method, or in future. I have a general idea of the questions I other words, with the help of oracle cards. If want to ask, but I’m still unsure if I want to hear the question wasn’t formed correctly or wasn’t their answers. She calls me into her room and the clearly thought out, the cards would lead to a process begins. dead end. Not really preparing the questions This summer, I visited a fortune teller. I’d beforehand, I asked her to give me a minute to always heard stories from my friends who think. found a person with psychic abilities, who told After all, it was a very rare opportunity since I them everything they wanted to know about probably wouldn’t be visiting the fortune teller their future life. Originally, I was very skeptical again, anytime soon. After asking my questions about the procedure, but and hearing everything that Russian superstition there was to my If I live my life got the best of me. overcame my according to what existence–shock The fortune teller was body. It was almost as if I had middle- aged, slightly serious already lived through my entire some woman in with a hint of hospitality. She life, as if I just skimmed through Russia said to me, greeted me, sat me down, and the book that would be my life there’s no fun or made me a cup of coffee. I story. I felt a sudden desire to stared at her blankly unaware cry, due to the overwhelming excitement. that realization of how surreal what I drinking the bitter, just experienced was. unsweetened liquid was part of the procedure. An important question to ask myself would be, I later found out that the method was called “Anastasiya, but how can you believe what you tasseography, a divination of fortune telling were told?” And to be very honest, there really method that interprets patterns isn’t an answer. I’ll just have to live in tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediments. life normally, taking risks and making mistakes After I had finished my coffee, she swiftly flipped and trying new things. If I live my life according to over the cup onto a dish and let the remaining what some woman in Russia said to me, there’s no liquid pour out. Then, ever so tenderly, she fun or excitement. Taking everything I heard and picked up the cup and began talking with the making it a ‘set in stone’ destiny wouldn’t lead speed of a salesman about what she saw in my to anything good. So I will continue living and future. She then paused for a brief second and writing “the story of my life” myself, without any kindly reminded me that if I wanted to remember outside help from a crystal ball, a cup of coffee, any of the information, I should probably write or cards.


opinion // how to politic

finding your Voice how to channel anger about politics story and graphics by julia steiner, design by emma rieser


t seems like every time I turn on the news, there’s a glaring headline that throws me into a fit. With new political issues surfacing every day, it can be a struggle to navigate the turmoil. Finding your voice when everyone is screaming at you can seem hopeless. Protests

are erupting every five minutes, tweets from and about the President are flooding your feed, it’s overwhelming; rage pouring in from all directions. It’s a challenge to ensure your voice is heard, so here are some actions you can take to make a difference.

Step 1 Educate yourself. By paying attention to the news you can better understand the issues and evaluate how you should take action and form well-rounded opinions on whatever is happening. Don’t forget to stay open-minded; looking at both sides of the story will only better your understanding of the issue. There are a plethora of ways you can do this. Listen

Step 2

to political podcasts, pay attention to news sources, and even read books to gain insight and keep yourself updated. It’s easy to access these sources on your phone, laptop, radio, and television. If you can pay attention to what’s going on in the world, you will have a more informed and intelligent opinion.

Omaha Representatives Are

Be active within your local government and call your representatives. One of the luxuries of living in America is our ability to speak out to the government. Calling your elected officials is one of the best ways to get their attention. Your call will be tallied; forming a petition that can get the attention of your legislature. By making your representative aware that people care about this issue, they will be pressured to take action. When an issue arises that your representative can influence, call their office. There are also programs online that can help you contact representatives by mailing or faxing them. Your voice has power, so use it!

Deb Fischer – US Senator (202) 224-6551

Benjamin Sasse – US Senator (202) 224-4224

Don Bacon – House Representative (202) 225-4155


PODCASTS to Keep You Informed Pod Save America by Crooked Media, Politics by NPR, Up First by NPR

Step 3 Donate your time and money. For every cause, there’s an organization to give to. But before you start emptying your wallet, do some research—where will your money really be going? The internet is a good place to start, and you won’t have to go far to find a charity. Find an organization that supports a cause you

believe in, and volunteer or give money to it. It doesn’t need to be a billion dollars or hours; even pocket change can make a difference. Just a few crinkled bills from your piggy bank and a few hours out of your Saturday afternoon can make an impact.

Step 4 Speak up. Go to a protest. If you post on social media don’t just raise awareness but give people resources to take action. Use your platform for good, and motivate others to make a move. Bringing an issue to light is the least you can do. Starting conversation, or even having constructive arguments can enhance people’s understanding of current issues and inspire them to do something about the world’s injustices.


opinion // fall drinks

Tea, cider or coffee finding your perfect drink story by sydney barton, design by anne stepanek, graphics by emma kopplin


ith the cool weather of September and October approaching, a nice warm beverage between your hands is always a good idea. Coffee, tea, and apple cider are great options to cozy up with. Each drink has its own nutritional ups and downs. Frankly, it can be frustrating to choose from such a variety of drinks. With this information, let’s hope that you’ll find the perfect drink for yourself in the upcoming months. Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, so there is no question as to why it comes in so much variety. Alongside water, tea is the most nutritious drink to replenish your body according to various health experts. Green and black tea can taste good both cold and hot. Other flavors of tea -including peach, raspberry, and mint- are equally as delicious and healthy and a great autumn drink. Starbucks specializes in providing tea from Teavana, and Dunkin Donuts has incorporated tea into their menu as well. Crane Coffee also has a wide selection of hot tea. Among the most consumed drink in the world, coffee is a close second. Other than the fact that coffee is loaded with antioxidants and lowers certain cancer risks, it also serves as a comforting morning drink or an affective pick-me-up during

the day. Coffee comes in a wide variety of flavors, finding a way to satisfy almost anyone’s desires. If you prefer a more bitter cup of coffee, lay off the sugar and coffee-mate. Certain spices, such as nutmeg and ginger, go well with coffee just in time to make a perfect fall drink for the upcoming season. Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks are cherished in October, and Dunkin Donuts offers a seasonal pumpkin macchiato. Caffeine Dreams, a local coffee shop in midtown Omaha, brews exceptional coffee and espresso that makes it a perfect spot to grab a cup. A classic favorite in the fall is apple cider. It is a cherished drink of the fall months, and for good reason too, as apples are at their best in the fall. Apple cider is always a favorite at pumpkin patches and football games, so don’t think twice about a generous cupful. Vala’s Pumpkin Patch offers delicious apple cider among other warm drinks. Hot drinks are a necessity for the cooler months, it’s just a matter of which one best suits your taste. They warm up your hands as well as your stomach. These beverages are ideal drinks for crisp autumn nights, and you can find the best in places right around the Omaha Metro.





opinion // the movie review

The Movie Review cannot go wrong with a movie story by jane knudsen, design by william larson, graphics by jane knudsen

Fantastic Planet is a film which strengths lie in unique animation, plot, and character design. The film details the rivalry between humans and aliens, here known as Oms and Draags. This rivalry is told through the point of view of an Om named Terr, a young man made a pet for a Draag, and who later entered the Om resistane. A great strength of Fantastic Planet is the way in

American Psycho tells the story of a 1980s business man who doubles as a serial killer. The plot involves his struggles and ever-loosening grip on his control. The film is a satirical take on 80s cliches and excess. The film’s introduction is strong— Patrick (the lead) talks about

which is establishes society through power struggles, mannerisms, or locations. The power that the Draags have is instantly established in the film’s introduction The audience knows right away that this is the species not to be trifled with. This strength comes through with how the movie delivers exposition, given either through Terr’s narration, or through an educational headset that Tiwa uses. It’s a unique and refreshing delivery. What’s also noteworthy and different is the animation. While unexpected and unsettling at first, the art style is easy to get used to and rather impressive when dwelled upon. The film is at a perfect length for there to be little to no filler. Unfortunately, the flaws come up in the form of subplots dropping off. Like American Psycho, this film has the issue of narration being prevalent in the beginning or first half, but it’s forgotten about by the end. There’s also a romance that goes absolutely nowhere. However, despite its flaws, this film serves to be an enjoyable display of power struggles shown through excellent animation and music. himself while he does a skincare routine. His skin routine goes on to be an interesting way in the film that time progression is shown. At the beginning, Patrick has control over his actions and the way he looks, having a clean face. As he loses control, his face becomes sweaty, and his hair turns greasy. This is first shown in a scene where the men are comparing business cards, and as he comes to realize his card is inferior, he breaks down. However, the film’s flaws come through with the consistency issues. During the aforementioned character introduction scene, Patrick narrates. The narration continues until the business card scene, and then drops off until the ending. This inconsistency is blatant, but at least somewhat redeemable in that it’s tied up. As it stands, American Psycho serves to be an incredible example of satire, but as it stands on its own without prior knowledge of satire, it’s an engaging film with a few flaws.



the movie takes a modern twist on the experiences of the 1980s musician Frank Sidebottom (A man who was always found in a paper mache head) in the best possible way. The plot is simple: Frank leads a band that is in need of a new pianist. The main character, Jon (Domhnall Gleeson), is brought into the band. Through this, he runs into issues involving gripes

SGT. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Rock operas can be done well. The movie Tommy, based on The Who album Tommy, was an enjoyable watch. Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, however, is a horrible example of a rock opera. For

with the band and Frank’s eccentricities. This movie is important in a number of ways, especially in how it brings to light to the issue of romanticization. There’s always been an issue of the public not separating the art from the artist. This problem can lead to the artist never getting the help or support that they need because they’ve been depersonalized to the point of never being taken seriously. The movie deals with this subject in a moving way. Michael Fassbender’s acting as Frank is delightful to watch. It’s impressive how much expression he puts into his acting with the paper mache head. The music in the film captures modern alt-pop while still keeping the spirit of Sidebottom’s original music. The one major things holding this movie back is the main character, Jon, who has to be one of the most unlikable protagonists to be found in a lot of current media. He’s ignorant and rude, acting almost exclusively in ways that benefit himself. Despite this character work, Frank still stands on its own to be incredible and progressive.

one thing, despite being based on a Beatles album, it featured the BeeGees and Peter Frampton as the Lonely Hearts Club Band in question. A lot of the songs aren’t even from the album the movie is named after. Instead, the audience gets a mix of Sergeant Pepper’s and Abbey Road. The plot follows Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band being given a record deal. During all this, the antagonist, Mr. Mustard, has stolen instruments. It is then up to the Lonely Hearts Club Band to relocate the instruments. Not only is the plot convoluted, but it’s handled terribly. The way in which songs are integrated into the plot are lazy at best and insulting to the audience at worst. The fact that these classic songs that served to be so important to the music industry as a whole were roped into a project with such bad writing is an insult to the Beatles. That being said, it’s fun to make fun of. When in good company, it’s worth a laugh. It has a nice color scheme and ridiculous outfits that are, in all fairness, true to the era. When it comes down to it, Sergeant Pepper’s is a body of waste that, to those who like to riff, is worth wading through.


feature // obsessions

Expression through Obsessions true obsessions found among students of WHS story by jane knudsen, design and graphics kylie shanahan


bsessions, healthy or unhealthy, can be quite revealing. They can reveal qualities, such as how analytical, nervous, or even thoughtful a person is. They reveal a person’s time management or organization skills. They can lead to tics, or other activities deemed unusual by people surrounding them. More often than not, they can generate attention from a group. Others will say “Did you hear about what they’re into?” with a tone of fascination or disgust. Obsessions can get a myriad of different reactions, but they always result in a sort of exposition about one’s overall personhood. Whether you want to

accept it or not, everyone has one. Even if it’s in a subdued way, like a subtle interest or odd routine, all people will run across some sort of immense interest at some point in their lives. Here at Westside, several students were found with these obsessions, some more extreme than others. We at Craze gathered some of these students to explain their own quirks. No matter what, these interests help these students express their feelings on certain topics, such as habit, admiration, or even impulse. Below are examples from different students who were discovered to have interesting (or even just odd).


“Alright, so basically, every day after I get home from school, I turn on my computer and I sit there for eight or nine hours. Yeah, like, I’ll get up to go to the bathroom or grab some food, but that’s it. And it’s the only thing I do for fun. My mom introduced me to computers back when I was…five? And, so… [I’ve been doing this] probably since I was eight or nine. Yeah, it’s been a while.” -Anonymous

“This was more, like, a couple years ago, but I used to be obsessed with One Direction, and I still kind of am. I just really like their music… [The obsession] went to the point where I blew $7,000 to get front row tickets with my friend when they came to Kansas City. Yeah, we got, like, stuff that they threw off from the stage, like I got Harry Styles’ towel and it’s in a Rubbermaid container in a bag. It’s really well protected because, I don’t know it’s kinda cool. I could literally sing you any song right now, that’s how much I know about them.” -Alex Vandenberg, Sophomore

“I really like coffee, and…If I see cute mugs, I always have to buy them, and I have a problem. [I have] probably 30. I don’t know, I get them, like, all overa, and if I see one, I just buy it. Like, World Market, they have such cute mugs, so does Target. I have this one that has a dog eating and it says ‘Treat Yourself’ on the back. It’s—it’s pretty cool.” -Anonymous


feature//draw your flaw

Draw your flaw students illustrate their insecurites story by reagan fehr, photos by kyndall goodwin, design by julia steiner


never see my good qualities when I am looking in the mirror and I’m not the only person that thinks this way. The mind gets wrapped around the things we want to change about ourselves, our flaws. What comes to mind when thinking about imperfections are I’m not smart enough, my nose is too big, or I don’t have enough money. We’ve all had these thoughts. Self

love is one thing many people lack, but it’s very important factor in living a healthy life. The majority of people think their flaws are what hold you back when in reality they make you who you are. People need to be able to accept them. Sketching your imperfection is one way to accept it because it helps you realize it isn’t as bad as it seems. So let’s flaunt our flaws by drawing them out.

Raven Young 11 17

Brennan Zatechka 11

Daniel Woods 11

Hallie Frazier 11

Maddie Jagels 11 18

playlist // belt it

Scream And Shout and belt it all out story and design by samantha chesire


he hot, crushing sensation of emotions building up in your chest, making you feel exhausted and steaming of anger. You need to let it all out before you melt down. You sit in your hot car after school, windows rolled down, yearning to let those emotions out in hot acidic streams. Just plug in the aux cord and belt out your feelings, and sing like no one is watching. Let these songs be your escape and let stress fade away for about 3 to 4 minutes at a time. Here is some therapy in songs.

My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen Separate Ways by Journey Good Bye Yellow Brick Road by John Elton Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield Still Into You by Paramore I Dont Want To Be In Love by Good Charlotte Last Friday Night by Katy Perry Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars Love is a Battle Field by Pat Benatar So What by Pink I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor Since Youve Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson Gives You Hell by All American Rejects





music // wiki album review

wonderful wiki no mountains in manhattan review story by nick protzman, design by isabella tyler, graphic by lydia kasem


ario, come on, lemme get that bacon, egg, and cheese right quick!” Wiki yells as he leads into the track “Made for This”. If you’ve visited Twitter in the past year, you’ve seen jokes about the typical New Yorker. Chopped cheese, Timberland boots, and 40-ounce beers. Wiki greets all these stereotypes with a warm embrace on his official debut album, No Mountains in Manhattan, a breath of fresh air within New York hip-hop. Manhattan-native, Patrick “Wiki” Morales first gained traction as a part of alternative hip- hop collective, Ratking. Although their sound strayed away from the classic New York boom- bap style, they stayed true to their roots and payed homage to the city with almost every aspect of their aesthetic. Wiki released a solo mixtape, Lil Me, following the sudden hiatus of his beloved group. With a plethora of different producers and features on the tape, Wiki was able to show his following a style he had not displayed before. Following suit on No Mountains in Manhattan, Wiki delves deeper into his identity as a solo artist. The album leads into “Islander”, starting off with flutes and the distinct “yeeeard!” from Wiki. For those familiar with the toothless emcee, his nasally voice topped off with a straight New York accent is instantly recognizable. Looking like a character straight out of Larry Clark’s film “Kids”, his voice and appearance is key to his aesthetic. Like the title of the album would suggest, No Mountains in Manhattan has more of an emphasis on city life than his previous work. He is proud of his city and wants to convey what it means to him throughout the album. This passion is embodied in elements such as a feature from Wu-Tang Clan vet, Ghostface Killah, putting on his crew in the cameo-filled music video for “Pretty Bull”, arguably the most memorable song on the album,

and usage of sharp, slang-filled lyricism that never fails to convey a story of his lifestyle. Like most east-coast emcees, Wiki is wellversed in the ability to tell a story through his lyrics. The prevalent theme of city life takes a dark turn on some tracks, touching on topics such as addiction, past relationships, and other hardships he encounters within the urban atmosphere. On “Pandora’s Box”, Wiki looks at his previous relationship in retrospect with fellow New York rapper, Princess Nokia, and with the help from Evy Jane, detailing violence and toxicity that led to overall growth for both people involved. Where No Mountains in Manhattan might fall short for some is its decreased emphasis on standalone tracks. Last year’s mixtape, Lil Me, contained many memorable tracks worthy of being cult hits, whereas No Mountains in Manhattan steers aways from this. As his debut solo album, Wiki intended it to be listened from front to back in order to get the full experience. However, there still are tracks you can pull out of context and have a hit. My personal favorite, “Baby Girl”, is a guaranteed head-turner that features production from Kaytranada that pulls you in right away. The catchy, standout chorus that’s dedicated to Wiki’s significant other makes it a highlight of the album From start to finish, Wiki shows us his New York with its highs and lows while tying it back to ones of his own. The album gives the audience the impression that the city and his mind has become one, putting us in his shoes and giving us a tour. With production from the likes of Kaytranada and Earl Sweatshirt, and bars that come out top tier, it’s clear Wiki’s and is only set on leveling up. “How you gonna say there’s no mountains in Manhattan when I been on top of one for the past 20 years?”



fashion // flaunty fashion

F l a u n t y a look into the unique styles of westside story by daisy friedman design by reagan fehr, photos by emma rieser People perceive status and competence from those who are individualistic particularly in their style. Fashion is one of the most powerful ways to show the world who you are. I was able to talk to four students here at Westside High School about how each one of the flaunt their own alternative accoutrements. Tommy Rowe (Junior), Hope Marvin (Junior), Grace Dunn (Senior), and Jack Hirz (Freshman). Each student has a hidden flair for couture and are unafraid to reveal their unique way of dressing. about how each one of the flaunt their own alternative accoutrements.

Jack Hirz, Freshman Q: A:


How would you describe your style?

“Weird. It’s a lot of mix of different, I incorporate different styles into what I wear, like one day I’ll be wearing cowboy boots and a football jersey, and the next dress shoes and a blazer. It’s really helped me express myself and find who I am.”

F a s h i o n Grace Dunn, Junior Q: A:


How would you describe your style?

“It’s a mix between the 80’s and more modern style. I really like high waisted stuff, cropped shirts and tube tops, also primary colors. I really like the way that Zendaya dresses. I more respect it than anything else. I follow lots of people on Instagram, and enjoy their style, like Mary Rosenberger. It’s definitely let me express myself in ways I wouldn’t have been able to just talking to people. I think it makes a good first impression on the way people see me. I give off basic artistic vibe and put my own little twist on it, and bring in some older pieces. I also like to create my own clothes.”

fashion // flaunty fashion

Hope Marvin, Junior Q: A:

How would you describe your style?

“I’m very all over the place, I like to dress up in dresses and skirts and all that. I feel like I can dress more on the hippy side baggy pants and sweater. I like whenever I see girls wearing more grungy things like boots and skinny jeans or cool jackets more on the edgy side. Most of my life I’ve been more on the quiet side so when I can express myself with the clothing I’m more confident and more outgoing.”


Tommy Rowe, Junior Q: A:


How would you describe your style? “Probably endogenous, really I wear what I want to wear instead of going with the norms of fashion. I don’t dress as most boys, I dress as I want. I like minimalistic style, bigger jeans with simple t-shirt and glasses on a lazy day, but still look fashionable. Lately with our times it’s really important to be able to have self expression with what you’re wearing, when I see people that go against the grain I think it’s awesome, they are really making a statement.”

fashion // summer to fall

Summer To FalL Fashion transitional clothing to survive the changing seasons story by julia steiner, design by daisy friedman, photos by anna greene


he Midwest is infamous for its fluctuating weather, and no time is worse for that than the transition between summer to fall. Crisp fall air in the morning motivates you to throw on a comfy sweater but by the time you leave school temperatures reaching the 80’s have you sweating. The trees’ fiery red and

burnt orange leaves may inspire your fall fashion color scheme, but those colors can get old and overused. Craze encourages you to break away from fall clichés. Freshman Dane Stone, sophomore Zita Tchapo, and senior Tommy Simon show off their best summer-fall style to inspire your next shopping trip.

Zita Tchapo- 10TH


Dane Stone- 9th

Hannah Graham- 12TH

Tommy Simon- 12th





Flaunt Playlist you can flaunt to these songs story by darci simmons, design by william larson


hate walking around school without music. The hallways are too croWwded for me to feel like anyone can see my cool outfit and it’s too loud to zone out. When I forget my headphones, the world just might explode. Make the world your runway, blast these tunes and walk like a model. Whether you’re in school or driving around town this playlist is sure to make you feel confident.


food // snack wraps

Premium snacks in a snap energy for busy lives story by sydney barton, design by emma rieser, photos by william larson


t the end of the day, most students go about their after school plans feeling a bit famished from the stress of the day. Most students just want to go home and fuel up, whether it’s taking a nap, or eating a quality snack. You may be stuck in the routine of grabbing the usual poptart or bag of chips, but in reality, you need something with more protein to satisfy your need for energy. This is where the idea of snack wraps come to mind. They come in all shapes and sizes, sweet or savory. Wraps are actually quite simple and easy to create, making them perfect for an after school snack. A classic choice is the peanut butter banana wrap. All you need is a whole wheat tortilla wrap or flatbread, cinnamon (or a spice of your choice), your favorite nut butter, and a banana. To start, simply place the wrap on a flat surface or plate and get two tablespoons of your nut butter of choice. I strongly recommend the original Jif peanut butter. Then, spread the nut butter to the edges with a spoon or knife. Next, slice up your banana into smooth cut pieces and place them in rows along the top of the peanut butter. Add cinnamon or your favorite


spices for extra flavor. Now for the tricky part; start from the end of the wrap and pull it halfway to the middle. Next, take the sides and pull them over the bottom fold. Continue folding from the bottom and you will end up with a convenient, protein packed snack wrap. Another sweet wrap idea incorporates apples and granola, creating the perfect fall snack. Get a tortilla wrap or flatbread along with a green apple, granola, and honey. Feel free to add additional ingredients such as chocolate chips, or peanut butter to personalize your wrap. Cut the apple into thin slices and place them near the center. Next, take about half a cup of granola and spread it on top of the apple slices. Add the chocolate chips or peanut butter (if you want), and finish it off with a drizzle of honey. Cinnamon would also go nicely with this combination. Once you’re done with the inside of the wrap, begin the same folding process as before. There are many more snack wrap ideas out there, but these two wraps are the best for energy. Quality snacks are critical for teenagers in our busy lives, and if you have the right energy, you can feel unstoppable.


music // women in rock

women who rock the most influencial ladies in music story, design, and graphics by isabella tyler

Debbie harry Whether you’re a fan of new wave music or not, you’ve probably heard of the band Blondie. The band, led by frontwoman Debbie Harry, was a major step forward for disco, rock, environmental causes, and feminism alike. Though most of us know her from her work in Blondie, Harry has also had both a successful solo career as well as an acting career. She is also credited as the first female rapper, with her work on Blondie’s

“Rapture”. Harry has recently put out a new album entitled “Pollinator” for which she has begun a campaign called BEE Connected where a portion of the proceeds she earns will be going to help save the bees. Other charity work of hers includes her devotion to fighting cancer as well as endometriosis. As an icon for feminism and rock music, Debbie Harry is definitely one of the most influential women in music history.

Shirley manson Born in Scotland, Shirley Manson has been considered a feminist icon ever since she took the stage with the band, Garbage. Not only was she the chief songwriter of the band but Manson also modeled for Calvin Klein and was considered a grunge fashion icon. Manson’s distinct voice set Garbage apart from other band’s in the 90’s. Artists such as Lady Gaga, Florence Welch, Katy Perry, and Marina and the Diamonds have all voiced that Garbage was a


big inspiration for them. Manson has also worked with numerous charities throughout her career, including working to fund cancer research, AIDS initiatives, and victims of the Haiti earthquake. Manson also considers herself an animal lover and has done charity work for PETA in Europe. If you want to listen to some womanly rage or just straight on 90’s grunge, I highly recommend giving Garbage a listen and checking out Shirley Manson’s original and iconic sound.

KIM DEAL We’re all familiar with grungy bands from the 90’s like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam. Yes, these bands are iconic but they may have never been as good if it wasn’t for Kim Deal. Deal joined the band The Pixies in 1986, after answering to an ad in the Boston Phoenix. The band was looking for a bassist, and though Deal mainly played guitar, she was the only one who answered to the ad so she was chosen. The Pixies started on track for success right away. Their grungy style of music was new and exciting for

LANA DEL REY When most of us listen to Lana Del Rey, we tend to wallow in the depressing lyrics, pretending we have the problems of a 1960’s bombshell living in LA. However, Del Rey has gone through some struggles that have contributed the darkness in her music. She has overcome alcoholism (she has been sober now since 2004), and often sings about her critics. Though Del Rey doesn’t necessarily consider herself to be a feminist, she’s very vocal about her political views and has even admitted

to attempting to use witchcraft against Donald Trump. It’s truly inspiring how much she has changed and found happiness throughout her music career, watching her go from telling an interviewer that she had a death wish in 2014 to smiling brightly on the cover of her most recent album “Lust for Life”. Even though her lyrics don’t necessarily come off as relatable when you really listen to them, Lana Del Rey is definitely one of the most influential female artists of our generation.


the 1980’s. Along with playing bass, Deal sang backup vocals, and co-wrote the songs with front man Frank Black. She even ended up singing lead vocals on “Gigantic”, one of the band’s most famous songs. Deal eventually left The Pixies after making her mark on the grunge scene to start her own band called The Breeders. Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, has often said that he drew a lot of inspiration from The Pixies, proving that Kim Deal truly was an iconic influence.

food // sushi burrito

sushirrito burritos with a tasty twist in benson story and design by kaelyn mettler, photos by kendall brekke 6113 Maple St Omaha NE 68104


e see contrasting food all the time, chicken and waffles, milkshakes and fries, but a new place in Benson has made a sushi into a burrito. Well we as Craze have found the best combination, Burrito Envy! You are most likely wondering what the hell a sushi burrito is and if you think that sounds disgusting, hear me out. A common misconception is that it’s a regular bean and cheese burrito with sushi stuffed inside, but that’s where you’re wrong. Sushi Burritos are sushi that isn’t in little pieces but still in giant roll form, hence the term “burrito”. You can get this in many different types of sushi, customizable to your taste buds. Their menu prices range from anywhere between four dollars for chips and salsa, to the top price of a whopping fifteen dollars for thirty two ounces of fresh guacamole. The burritos are typically about eight to ten dollars, we tried the salmon burrito [shown on the left] and spent around ten dollars. This fun menu also features other beauties such as specialty burritos full of mango, kimchi, or tater tots. As weird as it may sound, don’t knock it till you try it! Sushi burritos art the

only thing they have to offer, you can get a burrito, taco, burrito bowl, or nachos of just about anything on the menu. With different sections of food including: “envy style” (spicy sauce), specialty (such as PBJ, Caribbean and of course, sushi), and extras you are sure to find something to satisfy your hunger. “We have a sushi mat where we lay down the seaweed wrap, we add some sticky rice and flatten it. We then cut cream cheese, sushi mix, and avocado and lay it on top. After that we can then add the fish and drizzle it with fajita sauce. Finally, if you order it spicy we use siracha and then last we roll.” -Bryan Baumgart (Courtesy of Bryan’s Youtube).Bring in your parents so they can try their infused tequila bar, and don’t forget to grab some delicious sea salt caramel cinnamon chips to top it all off. You can devour your beloved meal inside the restaurant, where you can see the unique hip vibe of Benson, or you can eat it in the comfort of your own home by ordering it straight to your doorstep with the convent service of Grubhub and Fast Guys Delivery. You never know what’s outside your comfort zone until you try it. Who knows, maybe I could



feature // strange coffee shop crawl

Strange Cofee shop Crawl unique hole in the wall coffee shops story by daisy freedman, design by kaitlyn jansen, photos by anna greene


fter a long day of school and extracurriculars, nothing brings me more inner satisfaction than sitting down, and taking a nice sip of steaming coffee. Truthfully, coffee makes everyone feel a little bit more intellectual. Java drinkers like it not only for the caffeine, but also for the warm, petty, bourgeoisie taste. Independent shops catalyze social interaction

allowing people to slow down, and relax. The blossoming of alternative caffeine culture in Omaha is real and multifarious. Whether you’re in need of a quiet study place, desperate for a caffeine fix, seeking a new perspective on a pressing issue, or discovering the artist or poet you have inside yourself, Craze is here to show you two of the finest coffee houses in Omaha.

Legend comics & coffee P

eople need to explore comics because there’s so much more than just capes now,” owner of Legends Comics & Coffee, Wendy Pivonka said. Legends is your local nerdy hangout for comic book lovers and coffee connoisseurs alike. This coffee shopcomic book crossover has an array of drinks named after acclaimed comic book characters such as the Tony Stark Mocha, and the TMNTurtle Latte. They also serve phosphates a sour beverage served in the 1870’s. It replicates the vibes of a charming old-fashioned soda counter in the Golden Age of comics. Graphic novels cover the walls with all sorts of comics, ranging from “Star Wars” and “Injustice”


to Your “Pal Archie”. The coffee shop gets their baked goods fresh from Costco and Baker’s daily. Winner of the Eisner Award for best comic book store in the world in 2015, Legends has become a safe haven for groups like the Villain’s Social Club where people who are, “socially awkward gather, so they can come out and feel comfortable around people who share the same interests as they do,” a dedicated employee Mike said. The prices range from $2.99-$5.99, and theres always a ream of free and $1 comics. “Comics aren’t just for kids anymore, they’re for everyone,” Wendy said.

Archetype E

ach time I enter Archetype, The Blackstone District’s little corner of caffeine heaven, I feel like I’m in Brooklyn. Maybe it’s because I’m from New York, or that I’m slightly obsessed with the coffee so expertly brewed that the last sip makes me sad. The unobstructed area is for those who appreciate the low hum of stirring spoons, conversation, and jazz lip’s spun on a vintage record player. Blend that with an open concept backdrop including an exposed-brick wall, neutral color palette and distinct seating areas. Take over the community table in the middle, sidle up to the warm wood bar or grab a two-top inside or out on the sidewalk. Isaiah Sheese, the owner, is well versed in the world of caffeine whose tenure includes Doubleshot Coffee and Anodyne Coffee Roasters located in his home town of Milwaukee. Both he and his crew create brews with mathematical precision.“We really try to follow different calibrations of coffee. We have a little machine called a refractometer to test coffee. There is a certain range for coffee set by the Coffee Association of America regarding how it dissolves when you grind it. We try to keep it within that range,” said Sheese’s top barista, Hannah said, an alum of Westside High School. With the advanced technology found at Archetype, they are able to measure exact grind size for each type of bean, which is vital for the flavor profile of the coffee. The barista’s were like college professors, pontificating in a charmingly bookish way about the technology behind the bean.“We want to

make sure that the coffee really speaks rather than other things,” Mr.Sheese said as we were discussing the fact that the menu is very paired down offering only a handful of beverages. In the coffee business, its a very big deal to work directly with the farmers. Archetype stresses the importance of making sure everyone within the chain is treated equally from the importers to the distributors. The coffee is art itself. I ordered a Pour Over for $4, a reasonable price for this slow-brew. The drink exhibited fruity undertones with a hint of cream. If you’re in the mood for artisanal style demitasse then stop in to Archetype, I promise you won’t be disappointed.


events // october calendar

october calendar things do this month story and design by vinny nelson


raze gets it: Just because school has started and you’re swamped with homework, doesn’t mean your social life has to end. But that’s only half the battle. Even when you do get together questions arise: What do you want to do? Where to go? But don’t worry, Craze is here! We’ve gathered the best things to do in Omaha for the month of October. So get your friends together and go explore.

sun 1

black stone district tour














harvest north hills festival at pottery aksarben tour











20 no school 21






junkstock vintage festival

no school 24


kinetik exhibit at kaneko

survive a haunted house




history tours









Here at craze we pledge Allegiance to keeping it real To give a voice to the unheard students to express emotions through art to being too loud to avoiding cliches like the plague to finding a reason to celebrate at all times To gaining life-long friends Because what makes Craze unique is the family that forms with it Making each issue the product of a lot of love We hope after reading this you: Want to explore the restaurants and shops of your town Have gained solace from a personal story that hits close to home Begin to look at the world around you differently or maybe feel that your school isn’t so bad after all And that’s just why we’re here, us cool and relatable teens Because Craze Helps you not care what others think But encourages you to think for yourself

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