11th february, 2014

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11th February, 2014 Reflection Almighty and eternal God, we ask Your protection against destroying fire. Fire is so very necessary for our existence, and yet, when it gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else. Keep our homes and buildings and woods and fields safe from this scourge. Help us always to be most careful in our use of it. For those who have lost homes, property, livelihood and livestock, grant your resilience; for those who seek shelter and food, grant your comfort; for those suffering terrible burns, grant your healing; for those whose lives have been shattered, grant your strength; for those who have lost everything, grant that we may be their hope. God of wisdom and strength, guide the hands of those who provide emergency relief. We entrust to you those who fight against the power of the flames, those with the gift of healing, those who carry the burdens of moving debris, and those who distribute much needed supplies. Give them the endurance that is needed to continue their good works. AMEN

Swimming Carnival We had a lovely day weather wise for our Swimming Carnival this week, especially when one considers the extreme hot conditions over the weekend. It was great to see students, staff and parents enter into the spirit of things, in particular the Year 12 students who provided a lot of colour and energy. I would also like to acknowledge the VCAL students who worked tirelessly on the BBQ, which was a popular destination for all during the day. Congratulations to Nathan Guthridge who coordinated the day and all who supported him. VCE /VCAL Information Night- Thursday I look forward to seeing many parents this Thursday night - please come along and support your child’s education here at CRC. VCE Dux and Awards Ceremony On Friday morning we welcome back our College Dux, Bryce Robinson and our other high achievers from 2013. Parents are welcome to attend the Ceremony which commences at 10am. As I look out through my window I see a pall of smoke from the bushfires.

Parents and Friends

Our thoughts and prayers are with people protecting their properties and CFA volunteers.

Our first meeting for 2014 is on Wednesday February 26th starting at 7.30pm. All welcome, especially parents new to the school.

Mark Sheehan Principal

Year 9 – 12 Subject Changes All Year 9 – 12 students undertook a thorough subject selection process last year. Now that students have had time to experience their subjects, restricted subject changes may be considered for some students this week. Students will need to see me if a change is necessary. Changes for Semester Two electives will be available closer to the start of Term 3. Year 10 VINCIT / VCE and VCAL Information Evening I look forward to meeting Year 10, 11 & 12 parents / guardians this Thursday at our Information evening. Buses Students travelling on Bacchus Marsh Coaches and SITA buslines will continue to have their pick-up procedures monitored to ensure maximum safety and clarity for students. Please let the Bus company and us know if you have concerns.

Notice to Year 10, 11 and 12 Parents/Guardians On Thursday the 13th of February, a Parent Information night will be held at the College for parents of students undertaking Year 11 and 12 VCE / VCAL and Year 10 VINCIT. The information night will provide parents with information relating to the policies and regulations, which determine the successful completion of VCE / VCAL & VINCIT. Important events for the year and pathways information will also be outlined. The timetable for the evening is as follows: 6.30pm in J155 7:00pm in J155 7:00pm in Library 7:00pm in J150

The information evening has been a valuable experience in the past and we are hoping to see all parents on this evening. Students are not required to attend. Letters containing information about the night were handed out to students last week. Please return attendance forms as these are now due. Alternatively you may call the College to confirm your attendance. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the relevant coordinator. Dean Henneman Year 11 Coordinator

Fee statements are being mailed out this week. Please note if you have already submitted a direct debit form the vouchers are for your reference only. Uniform Shop Assistance would be appreciated in our Uniform Shop. If you can help out please fill in and return the form on Page 5. Winter Uniform Fitting Winter uniform fittings will take place on Wednesday 26th February, 12 - 2pm and 6pm - 8pm. To ensure you have a uniform to start back in Term 2 you must order on this day. Girls will need a kilt, tie and long sleeved blouse and boys will need a long sleeved shirt, tie and trousers. Working Bee 2014

John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Year 10 VINCIT: Year 11 and 12 VCAL: Year 11 VCE: Year 12 VCE:


This year, the College Working Bee will be held on Saturday March 1st, and on another Saturday later in the year, at a date to be confirmed. We thank you for your wholehearted participation in previous years and we look forward to an equally enthusiastic response again this year. It is a great opportunity to socialise with staff and other families in an atmosphere of communal endeavour in improving the College for our students. Peter Drew Property Manager Year 10 and VCE Maths CAS Calculators All Year 10 and VCE Maths students should have acquired a Texas ti-nspire CAS calculator. These must be brought to every Maths class and be charged and ready for use. Students are seriously disadvantaged if they do not bring a working CAS calculator to every class and practise using them regularly. Though expensive, these calculators will be used for 3 years in every Maths class. If you need to buy a new calculator, they are available at Officeworks for $195 or Calculator King for $195. These can be bought on-line or in person at the shop. Any further queries can be directed to Ingrid Jahnke, Maths Coordinator. Canteen As per previous years volunteers would be greatly appreciated and these hours credit your P & F fees. Volunteers are required between 10am and approx. 2pm and lunch is provided. Could you please fill in the volunteer slip on page 5 and return it as soon as possible to the canteen.

Education Maintenance Allowance – Information for Parents currently receiving EMA Changes to the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) for 2014: In 2014 the annual EMA payment for families with children in Secondary School (Year 8 up until the age of 16) will receive an annual payment of $250. Children in Year 7 will receive an EMA payment of $300. The School Start Bonus has been discontinued. Eligibility: To be eligible for the EMA in 2014, you must: 

Be either a parent or guardian of a primary or secondary student up to the age of sixteen; and Be an eligible beneficiary within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004, that is, be a holder of Veterans Card or be an eligible Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) holder or Be a temporary foster parent

Payment Amounts 2014: Instalment One

Year 7 $210

Year 8 – Age 16 $175

Instalment Two

$ 90

$ 75

Annual Total



The eligibility criteria must be met as at 28 January 2014 (Instalment One) and 14 July 2014 (Instalment Two). Contact: School Office for an EMA application form and to lodge your application. A copy of your current Health Care Card is required. EMA application forms are to be submitted to the school by 21 February 2014. Please note that late applications cannot be processed.

CRC Swimming Carnival 2014 The 2014 swimming carnival was always set to be a big day, arriving with a banner stating that Reed would fulfill their ‘decade of dominance’ it was obvious they meant business! Daffey, Glasheen and Fitzgerald had only one goal… to ensure the Reed domination ended at 9 years. From the outset the competition was fierce and the Year 12 students had arrived in force with some fantastic costumes on display. Throughout the day the sun beat down on the pool and to most of our students credit, the slip slop slap policy was in full effect. As the weather warmed, so did the competition with the lead changing multiple times throughout the day. As the end of competition drew near, Reed rallied and seemed to have an endless supply of energy, having competitors in almost every race. As the formal races came to a close, the Year 12 students put their performance skills on show with an entertaining display of synchronized swimming. All of the Year 12 students should be commended on their outstanding leadership. In particular special mentions must go to the House Captains listed below. Reed: Daffey: Glasheen: Fitzgerald:

Sarah O’Rourke & Ryan Holzer Holly Azzopardi & Hayden McIntyre Melissa Hill & Cody Ogston Shearna Svaljek & Jordan Morrison

Overall the day was a great success with outstanding examples of comradery, sportsmanship and community spirit on display. Special thanks to the students who embraced the day, the staff who supported students and ran the activities and also the many parents who came down to assist and support. We now look forward to a range of SACCSS Sporting opportunities followed by the College Athletics Carnival which is to be held on Thursday 27th of March. Nathan Guthridge Sport & Outdoor Education Coordinator

CRC Swimming Carnival 2014 The overall results for the swimming carnival: Reed: Daffey: Glasheen: Fitzgerald:

2,333 2,050.5 1,947.5 1,872

House champions 2014 Reed: Junior Champion: Jack O’Rourke Intermediate Champion: Jamie Newton Senior Champion: Jordan Williams Daffey: Junior Champion: Zac Storer Intermediate Champion : Erin Sutherland Senior Champion: Laura Rofe Glasheen: Junior Champion: Arlieha Smith Intermediate Champion: Mitchell Wills Senior Champion: Zac Miesen Fitzgerald: Junior Champion: Christina Molnar Intermediate Champion: William Di Meri Senior Champion: Darrian Cadman

Canteen Reply Slip Please fill in the volunteer slip below and return it as soon as possible. Name:__________________________

Phone Number:__________________

Child’s Name: ___________________________Homeroom:___________________ Frequency: Weekly




Day Available: Monday





...................................................................................... Uniform Reply Slip Assistance would be appreciated in our Uniform Shop. If you can help out please fill in and return the form below. Parent Name:__________________________ Phone Number:__________________ Child’s Name: ___________________________

Wednesday lunchtime Wednesday evening


1.00pm - 2.00pm 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Available between 4 -6 pm for summer and winter fitting days ............................................................................................

Calendar 2014 February 13th VCE Studio Arts Excursion VCE, VCAL & VINCIT Information Evening 14th VCE 2013 Dux & Awards Ceremony 18th Senior Cricket Round 1 24th SACCSS Golf Year 8 Camp - A, B & C 25th Year 8 Camp - A, B & C and D & M 26th Year 8 Camp - D & M and O & R 27th Year 8 Camp - O & R Senior Cricket Round 2 March 1st

College Working Bee

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 12th February 2014 until 26th March, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

Catholic Regional College Melton

ABN 33995418451

107-141 Bulmans Road Melton West, PO Box 530 Melton, 3337 Tel: 03 97436522 Fax: 03 97431190 Email: principal@crcmelton.catholic.edu.au Website: www.crcmelton.com.au

Working Bee 2014 Participation Form Saturday 1 March 9am-3pm Your help is needed in continuing this great tradition at the College Please complete the details below and return the form to the College as soon as possible FAMILY NAME


PHONE NUMBER ___________________________


STUDENT NAME(S)__________________________


STUDENT HOMEROOM _____________________


FULL NAME(S) of those attending (including sons/daughters) 1) _________________________________

2) _________________________________

3) _________________________________

4) _________________________________

I/WE will be in attendance at the Working Bee on SATURDAY 1 MARCH

I/WE would like to be involved in Gardening Painting General Cleaning Tree Lopping

Carpentry Concreting Electrical Plumbing Bricklaying/Paving

For catering purposes please indicate below Provide Morning Tea I/We will attend lunch

Please indicate any special Skill or Trade that you can perform Skill/Trade ________________________________________________________________ There are limited tools and equipment at the College and it would be appreciated if you could assist by bringing any necessary equipment for the tasks you wish to undertake.â˜ş ....................................................................................................................................................... I/We are unable to attend, but send a donation as a sign of our support Donation herewith $ ____________

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