14th April, 2015 Reflection The Easter Season When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’ (John 20: 19–21) O Risen Christ, we rejoice in your resurrection and exult in your living presence: Risen Christ, you come to transfigure our human nature; in you our resurrection has already begun: Risen Christ, you fill our hearts with peace: your Spirit burns away our sadness: Risen Christ, you come to gather us as one in your Body, the Church. Risen Christ, from the waters of baptism you raise us up with you and renew your gift of life within us. Help us to grow as your people towards the fullness of life and love. Kindle in us the fire of your love. Amen.
Term 2
Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews
Welcome back to all students and families, I hope that the break provided some restful family time for you all. For our VCE students, it was also a time to catch up on and reinforce content from Term 1. The start of term is a good time for parents to check that their child / children have a complete set of stationery needs (pens, pencils, etc.)
Thanks to all families who attended our Term 1 ParentStudent-Teacher interviews. I trust that the interviews were informative and constructive. If you were unable to attend, please feel free to contact the College to request a phone call / meeting. If you wish to follow up on any issues, please contact the relevant teacher or Year Level Coordinator to make an appointment. Staff email addresses are available on our Web site and are often the best way to contact staff. We would appreciate any feedback on the use of the Parent Access Module (PAM) to make bookings. This was the second time we used this system and we are always looking for further ways to improve our communication with parents/ guardians. Comments on the use of the 3 venues are also welcome. Send your feedback to: jchristie@crcmelton.com.au.
We also welcome back from long service leave: Monica Bloetz, Michael Donovan and Kathy Sayers. Mark Sheehan Principal
Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm.
A reminder that Thursday, April 23 is our College Athletics Carnival. Students will come to school as normal and then be transported to the Werribee Athletics track for the day, returning in time for normal College dismissal time. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)
School Uniform All students are required to wear the winter uniform at the start of Term 2; there is no transition period. The requirements are set out clearly in the student diary and the final newsletter of Term 1. It is clearly stated the College Blazer is the external garment to be worn to and from school. Excuses of leaving the blazer at home or in the locker will not be accepted.
Congratulations to the following students for their success in winning awards or grants from the City of Melton Youth Grants and Awards, they will presented on April 17 at a civic function. YAC Awards Tegan Lafranchi - Leadership role Model Award YAC Grants
The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE or Drama class, or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. In regards to the PE uniform students are to wear white sports socks only. I also bring to your attention matters regarding grooming; make-up and nail polish must not be worn. False or extension nails are not permitted. Boys are to be clean-shaven and students are expected to keep a neat appearance at all times. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. Professional Learning Day – Friday 28 March The staff spent the last day of Term 1 exploring the concept of restorative practice with renowned expert David Vinegrad. David is a well-known presenter with extensive experience in the area of behaviour management, both nationally and internationally. He has highly developed skills as a facilitator, trainer, and presenter and is widely recognised as an international expert on restorative justice and behaviour management. An increasing number of Victorian schools have adopted a range of restorative approaches to school discipline and engagement. Invariably this builds more effective relationships between students, staff, and the wider school community. As well as offering an alternative and more effective disciplinary process, restorative processes successfully reduce bullying and offer a philosophy that can underpin the effectiveness of all relationships within a school community. The key message that came out of the day was the importance of respect, relationships and responsibility. Student Achievements We wish to congratulate the following students for success across a range of areas. Firstly Mitchell Brislin Year 8 was recently named the winner of the 2015 Beef Week Field Day held at South Gippsland with his prized junior bull. The win came with $1000 that will allow him to expand his cattle herd.
Emily Kro - Sport - Karate Mitchell Brown - (Year 8)- Sport (football) Michael Turner - Arts No doubt there are many more other achievements of students from CRC that we have not heard about or hear about. If your child has achieved success or recognition please contact us. Parent Information Evening-Strategies for Teenage Success There are many challenges facing you as parent/s or guardians of students and we often get asked for strategies and advice on how as parents we can support our son or daughter through school. That is why we are bringing to our College an extremely engaging Study Skills Coach and Inspirational Speaker, Darren Pereira, who will give you practical strategies that will help you help your child not only survive, but thrive in school. It will help you understand teenage pressures & give you a toolkit of communication skills to build your child’s resilience & create a positive home environment for academic success. We are offering a parent evening with Darren Tuesday April 28, 7pm in our new Performing Arts Centre. You will find the evening enlightening, inspiring and practical. His program has been specifically geared for parents with teenagers, therefore applicable to all Year levels and concentrates on how you as a parent can:
build your child’s self confidence so that they reach their fullest potential motivate your child to achieve both academically & in life communicate effectively so that you can understand your child & develop a close, positive relationship discover & develop your child’s talents toward a meaningful pathway
A similar program was offered last year and the feedback from those who attended was overwhelmingly positive.
“Study techniques – importance of planning, providing the right environment. Success comes from effort.” “Good simple ideas & importance of basics & structure.” “To me the most important thing I learnt was to praise effort and not talent. I also learnt that I am doing some of the right things with my children which is encouraging.” “Using different techniques to change our child’s mindset & give him the confidence to achieve better exam scores, assignments plus look forward to a brighter future.” “It was brilliant in understanding kids thoughts and how to motivate & understand their thoughts.” “This workshop has opened my eyes to how my children should be planning their study etc. I just thought that it was for the kids not for us to be involved with!”
Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Students Project Compassion Collection Last term each class was encouraged to show financial support for the annual Caritas Project Compassion collection. Some students and staff were indeed extremely generous and enabled us to raise approximately $1500. Year 12 VCE students - Thursday 16th April Classes will conclude at the end of Period 2 at 12:25pm. Students can choose to go home to study or remain at the College in supervised classrooms during Period 3 and 4. Dean Henneman Year 12 Coordinator iPad Covers Replacement iPad covers can be purchased for $22.
Melbourne Theatre Company Ambassador The Performing Arts Department at CRC is very proud to announce, for the third consecutive year, the Melbourne Theatre Company has selected one of our students for their highly sought-after ambassadorship program. Congratulations to Laura Thiele of Year 11, who submitted an insightful application that demonstrated her passion and understanding of the performing arts. Laura will join 24 other Year 11 drama students from the Melbourne metropolitan area, in viewing performance works by the Melbourne Theatre Company on a monthly basis, as well as experiencing the opportunity to network with a variety of industry professionals. Laura will be a fine representative of the College. Clare O'Sullivan Performance Coordinator Year 11 & 12 Performance Works The Year 11 and 12 Drama class shall be presenting their Performance Works at 7pm on Thursday 30th April, in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC). All parents, family members and friends of the cast are welcome, as are members of the College community. As the students performing will be assessed on this same evening, it is imperative that standard theatre etiquette is observed. In line with this, it would be advisable that babies or small children do not attend. Just a reminder that the performance shall begin promptly at 7pm and no entry will be possible whilst a performance is in progress. Doors shall be opened at the conclusion of each performance. Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au Performing Arts Gala Auditions Auditions for musicians, singers and dancers for the Performing Arts Gala shall be held during the very first week back of term 2. Sign-up sheets have been posted around the College for students to select a slot to audition for the music and singing auditions. These auditions will be staged on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th April, at lunchtime in the music room. Sign-up sheets have also been posted for students interested in the dance auditions which shall be held over two lunchtimes in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th April. Dancers are required to attend both of the lunchtime auditions, wearing clothing and footwear that will enable them to fully participate. A reminder that the dates for the Performing Arts Gala are Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th September, 2015, in the Performing Arts Centre. The Theme of this year’s major performance works is Around the World. Clare O'Sullivan on behalf of the Performing Arts Team cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au
Uniform 2015
Term 2
Term 2
April 13th Term 2 commences 15th Year 10 Art Mural Activity Senior AFL & Netball 17th Year 12 Food/VCD/Wood Excursion 20th Year 10 History Excursion 22nd Year 7 Premier League Round 1 Year 10-12 Drama Excursion 23rd College Athletics Carnival 24th Year 10 Drama Performance 28th Parent workshop - Student Motivation - 7.00pm 29th Year 7 Premier League Round 2 Parents & Friends AGM—7.30pm 30th Senior AFL & Netball Round 2 VCE Drama Performance
Wednesday 15th 1.00pm - 2.00pm Wednesday 22nd 6.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 29th 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am
St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am
Homework Club Homework Club will run from Wednesday, 22nd April from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 18th June.