17th march, 2015

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17th March, 2015 Reflection United in Christ This week we celebrate the feasts of St Patrick and St Joseph. We reflect on St Patrick, his office as bishop and teacher and we celebrate the Irish Catholic heritage of the Catholic Church in Australia. We also remember the great love, protection and self-sacrifice of St Joseph, husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus. Both saints found their purpose and strength in the service of Christ. May our lives be in deep communion with Christ. Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me. Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in the hearts of all who love me, Christ in the mouth of friend and stranger. Amen (Adapted from St Patrick’s Breastplate)

Working Bee

Happy St Patrick’s Day to all families!

Thank you to the following people who attended Saturday’s working bee.

Term Dates

Johnathan, Ben & Clare Antony, Alex Bachan, Gerard, Mitchell & Emily Brislin, Thomas, Vicki, Harrison & Dean Cadden, Vince & Christopher Campagna, Chris & Tricia Davine, Julia Drew, Giuseppe, Carmen, Giovanni, Sarah Antonino & Graziana Gianino, Darren, Barbara & Maree Hodkinson, Dean Hodge, Thomas Hudson, John, Jordan & Jarrod Iaria, Tom, Josip & Danica Klassic, David & Alannah Leheny, Tim & Boden Muggridge, Liz (Ronzio) Bugeja Matthew & Jaclyn Ronzio, Tracey Spiteri, Jamie Wright, Rob Blackley, John Christie, Noel Cornish, Peter Drew, John Doughty, Kerrie-Anne Matthews, Clare O'Sullivan, Sam Schembri & Mark Sheehan. Jobs that were completed include: Moving drama sets and costumes into the PAC, Resealing the Food Tech Deck, Topsoil into the new garden near the Soccer Pitch Shelter, Placing scoria in the service walkway at R building, Removing pebbles from the PAC Garden, Tidying gardens around buildings and front entry, Weeding and tidying along front boundary of the school, Refixing desktops, Sweeping and cleaning carparks, Emptying wheelie bins

There are lots of events coming up in the final 2 weeks of Term 1. Year 10 VINCIT Work Experience operates all week, and our Year 11 students are at a Tertiary Orientation Day today. This Thursday sees our last College Assembly for Term 1 with many items and awards to be presented. Our College Performing Arts Showcase takes place this Thursday and Friday evenings. We are especially excited with these events being our first to use our newly completed Performing Arts Centre. We all look forward to two incredible nights of entertainment in this fantastic facility. On Thursday Year 7, 9 & 10 Immunisations will occur. (Cards were due for return to the College by the start of this week). Finally our last week of Term 1 involves SACCSS Swimming on Tuesday, March 24 and our annual Stations of the Cross Performances on Monday, March 23 (during Periods 1 & 2). Student classes finish on Wednesday, March 25 at the normal time of 3.20pm and therefore all buses will run to schedule. Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews will be held Wednesday (4pm to 7pm) and Thursday, March 26 (1pm to 7.30pm). Friday, March 27 is a Staff Professional Learning day that will concentrate on Restorative Practices. Term 2 begins on Monday, April 13.

Term 1 Reports and Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Interim Reports are now available through our Parent Portal (they are not posted home). If you have any difficulty accessing your Portal, contact the College Office or email itsupport@crcmelton.com.au. As part of the report, a request to attend Parent-Student-Teacher interviews is included. Interviews are now booked through our Parent Access Module (PAM). To access P-S-T Bookings:       

Log in to PAM At the top you will see the Parent Interviews link (click to enter) Then select your child (if you have more than one, each will be listed separately) Select the subject Choose an available time with that teacher Repeat for each class and child as needed Use the print icon to print off your interview times

We will be using 3 venues for interviews, J (Year 12) Building, R (Year 10) Building and our new Trade Training Centre (T Building). There will be a sheet detailing staff locations in each building. It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. Please note that Thursday, March 26 will be a compulsory school day for Year 12’s. Year 12 students will be dismissed at 12 noon. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Students leaving early due to illness Any communication regarding students going home ill during the school day need to go through the school office. There have been some instances of students directly contacting their parents to come and collect them from school because they are unwell. If the student is feeling unwell they need to report to the Office and speak with the First Aid Office Staff before any contact is made home. If the student is not able to return to class then Office Staff will contact the parents or emergency contact re collecting the student. We ask for your cooperation in this matter.

March 20 National Day of Action against bullying and violence The National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence is an opportunity for students, teachers, parents and the whole community to take a stand together against bullying and violence. This annual day provides a focus for schools who want to say Bullying. No way! and to strengthen their everyday messages that bullying and violence at school are not okay at any time. Access the following website for further information - http:// bullyingnoway.gov.au Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. It can have long-term effects on those involved. Bullying can happen: 

face-to-face (e.g. pushing, tripping, name-calling),

at a distance (e.g. spreading rumours, excluding someone),

through information and communications technologies (e.g. use of SMS, email, chat rooms).

Some conflicts between children are a normal part of growing up and are to be expected. These conflicts or fights between equals and single incidents are not considered bullying, even though they may be upsetting and need to be resolved. Identifying bullying can sometimes be difficult. Bullying is often conducted out of sight of teachers and children may be reluctant to report bullying. Posted on SIMON are a number of websites available to students, parents and staff providing information, advice and strategies to deal with bullying. Take the opportunity to check out the sites, these can be accessed through PAM-Parent Access Module and when the student logs onto the intranet.

School Uniform Term 2

Students absent on holiday during regular school term

All students are required to wear the winter uniform at the start of Term 2; there is no transition period. The requirements are set out clearly in the student diary. It is clearly stated the College Blazer is the external garment to be worn to and from school. Excuses of leaving the blazer at home or in the locker will not be accepted.

The College often gets requests from parents re taking students out of school time for extended holiday periods. The following procedures have been in place to meet these requests: 

Parents need to write to the Principal providing details of why and when the student will be absent from school. The College will acknowledge this correspondence.

Catholic Regional College teaching staff will not be required to provide work for students who are absent from class and miss teaching/learning due to holidays taken in term time.

Course outlines will be provided by the subject teacher and available through the school intranet (PAM) if requested so that parents can deliver/ arrange appropriate instruction through a tutor.

It will be the responsibility of the student to arrange alternative dates for assessment task completion prior to his/her departure.

If the student does not submit the assessment work prior to his/her departure, he/she may receive a grade NS (not submitted) for each task.

If the student is absent for a period longer than two weeks, the assessment of his/her work will be made on the tasks completed for the period of the semester he/she has been in attendance at school.

It is not advisable that VCE students are absent from school for extended periods during the school term.

Girls Blazer

Compulsory -It is the required external garment worn to and from school Winter Kilt CRC Tartan-length to knees Shirt White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram. The shirt must have the top button done up and tucked in Jumper Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer Tie The College tie is compulsory and is to be done up to the shirt and worn correctly Tights Navy Blue Socks Long Navy Blue Shoes Black leather lace up school shoes Scarf Navy Boys Blazer Trousers Shirt

Jumper Tie Socks Shoes Belt

Compulsory- It is the required external garment worn to and from school Navy Blue with CRC monogram White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram. The shirt must have the top button done up and tucked in Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer The College tie is compulsory and is to be done up to the shirt and worn correctly Navy Blue Black leather lace up school shoes Plain Black with traditional plain silver or gold buckle

The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE or Drama/Dance class, or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. The winter PE uniform requires the wearing of the College rugby top or sports jacket as the external garment. Students are only permitted to wear one plain silver or gold stud or small sleeper in the ear, no facial piercing is allowed. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. I also bring to your attention matters regarding grooming; make-up and nail polish must not be worn. False nails are not permitted. Boys are to be clean-shaven and students are expected to keep a neat appearance at all times.

These absences may have a detrimental effect in subject areas where sequential learning is important. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare Uniform Shop Thank you to the small number of people who have volunteered to help in the Uniform shop. Unfortunately, we still need more volunteers if the shop is to function smoothly. There are day sessions - 1 - 2pm or night sessions 6.30 - 7.30pm to fill. If you are available to volunteer, contact the College on 9743 6522. Winter uniform will be available for pickup Wednesday, 25th March - 12 - 2pm

Positive Change Program - Car Safety Simulator


Year 10 students had the opportunity to participate in the POSITIVE CHANGE PROGRAM - Car Safety Simulator last week. (11th, 12th and 13th March)

Year 10 students participated in the KEYS PLEASE Program on Thursday 5th March.

Carsales and the AFL Players Association are committed to raising awareness amongst young people about making positive choices on and off the road. The program is aimed at Year 10 students by demonstrating that irresponsible driving can lead to death or serious injury. Our Simulated Driving Awareness Program shows the ramifications of irresponsible driving to the students. He or she “ drives “ through a number of scenarios which include: Using mobile phones whilst driving, speeding, wet weather driving, alcohol or drug impairment etc - each one demonstrating the dangers of making poor decisions. The aim is to leave the student with the proper mind set for them to be safe on our roads.

•Keys Please introduces young people to different driving skills needed to get a licence and the importance of forming a positive partnership with your parent or supervising driver. •Keys Please has been developed by VicRoads in conjunction with Victoria Police, the TAC, DEET and Community Road Safety Councils. Unit 3 English - Summer of the Seventeenth Doll On Thursday the 5th of March, Unit 3 English students viewed a performance of the text they are currently studying, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll. Key points from within the play were selected and acted out, with subsequent discussions between the actors and students to explore and draw ideas from the text, particularly gaining a valuable understanding of how the play ties in with identity and belonging. The purpose of the viewing was to discover some of the deeper meanings and character concepts behind Summer of the Seventeenth Doll for students to include in future writing tasks and the final examination. Overall, it was a productive and insightful day, where students were given the opportunity to discuss and build upon their own theories of the text with the actors themselves. Thank you to Miss Hill for organising the event for the Year 12 students. Sarah Williams Media Captain


Head Lice

Please be advised the school does not provide Panadol on Excursions, camps or activities. If parents wish Panadol or any other medication to be administered at School or on any external activity, parents must supply the medication and complete a Medication Administration form which is available at Reception.

The College has been notified of head lice within the Year 9 level. Parents of Year 9 students have been notified individually. If a student has head lice, we ask parents to inform the College and take the appropriate action. Accurate information on treatment and control of head lice can be found at the school office. Further information can be obtained on: http://health.vic.gov.au/headlice/faq.htm

SHOWCASE - Year 10 Hospitality Archbishop’s Conversation with Student Leaders As a part of Showcase, the Year 10 Hospitality class will be serving hors d’oeuvres in the foyer of the Performing Arts Centre prior to the performances. These will be served from 6.15 until 6.50pm. The cost of the food is included with your ticket so come along early and enjoy the culinary experience. Nerida Thurn

On the Friday the 13th March, the Annual Archbishop's Conversation with Student Leaders was hosted by Genazzano FCJ College. College Captains Bowde Griffith and Tegan Lafranchi; Liturgy Captain Joe Schembri and Deputy Liturgy Captain Maddison Bassal had the privilege to attend this event under the supervision of Miss Grech. The weather was as pleasant as the atmosphere, which was filled with the buzzing chatter of many eager student leaders from Catholic schools across the state. The theme for this year was centred on the ideas of 'going higher' and being pure of heart. These ideas were exemplified by Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati a man who lived in Turin, Italy during the 1900s. Pier had a certain love for life and the poor unlike no one else and he demonstrated his holiness through random acts of kindness and charity towards anyone he crossed paths with. "The higher we go, the better we shall hear the voice of Christ." It was these words that Pier lived by and which his Grace, Archbishop Dennis Hart recounted to us. We left Genazzano College with knowledge on how to live and grow in holiness, through always striving to be more, whether that be achieved through leadership roles or listening to the voice of Christ. Another quote shared that resonated well with the crowd - simple, but very meaningful. "If you always do what you have always done, you'll always get what you've always got." Overall, the conversation was enlightening and allowed us to reflect on our faith with many like-minded individuals. Joe Schembri and Maddison Bassal Liturgy Captain and Deputy Liturgy Captain

The Performing Arts Showcase

We are very pleased to announce that tickets for The Performing Arts Showcase, to be staged on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March are selling very well. Please order tickets via the form attached below and be sure to arrive early for the pre-show drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $10 each and are available from Samantha Frazzetto in the College office, phone 9743 6522.

Stations of the Cross 2015 Stations of the Cross shall be performed by the Year 9 Drama class on Wednesday 25th March in the Performing Arts Centre. All parents and members of the community are warmly invited to attend. The Stations of the Cross shall be staged four times, for four different year levels with performances beginning at 9am, 9.40am, 11.00am and finally at 11.40am. If you are interested in attending any of these performances, please RSVP to Samantha Frazzetto in the College office on 9743 6522. On the day of performance, please assemble in the front office, where students shall arrive to usher you to your seats prior to show time. Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au Performing Arts Gala

Catholic Regional College, Melton Performing Arts Staff ................................................ CRC Melton Performing Arts Showcase ticket order form Name:_________________________________________ Student’s name: _______________________________

Catholic Regional College, Melton, presents the Performing Arts Gala to be staged on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th September, 2015, in the Performing Arts Centre. The Theme of this year’s major performance works is Around the World. Auditions for all singers, dancers and musicians interested in being involved, shall be held in the first week of Term 2. Details of the audition process shall be announced at this week’s full school assembly.

Homeroom: ____________ Contact Number: _______________________________

Number of tickets (tickets $10 each) 7pm Thursday 19th March, 2015 7pm Friday 20th March, 2015 Total cost: $ ___________________ Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets.

Clare O'Sullivan on behalf of the Performing Arts Team cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au


Calendar 2015


Term 1

Term 1



17th VINCIT Work Experience Year 11 Tertiary Orientation Day Parent/Student/Teachers Bookings open Year 9 Humanities Excursion 18th VINCIT Work Experience 10M Homeroom Excursion 19th VINCIT Work Experience 12 VCAL Excursion Performing Arts Showcase 20th VINCIT Work Experience Senior Cricket Grand Final Performing Arts Showcase 23rd Year 9 SSG Excursion 24th 10 VINCIT Excursion SACCSS Swimming 25th Parent/Student/Teachers bookings close Term 1 concludes Parent/Student/Teachers Interviews 4pm - 7pm 26th VCE Unit 3 classes operate per 1 & 2 Parent/Student/Teacher Interview 1pm - 7.30pm 27th Staff Professional Learning day

Wednesday 18th 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Term 2 April 13th Term 2 commences 15th Year 10 Art Mural Activity Senior AFL & Netball 17th Year 12 Food/VCD/Wood Excursion

L. Eagle

M. Salvatore

Wednesday 25th 1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Mullan

I. Guy

L. Vella

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

Homework Club Homework Club will run from Wednesday, 11th February from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 18th March.

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