17th october 2017

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17th October, 2017 Reflection Brothers and sisters: I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I can do all things in him who strengthens me. My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Dear Parents and Students, Farewell Year 12s Our thoughts and prayers are with our Year 12 students and their parents, as they conclude their classes at CRC Melton this Thursday. To mark this important time, the College has four annual rituals: 1. Year 12 farewell Assembly is this Thursday 2. Year 12 Breakfast and ‘Dress up morning’ on Friday 3. Graduation Mass at St Catherine’s on Friday 20th at 7pm 4. Graduation Dinner on Friday 24th November Student Free Day Please note that Monday, 23rd October is a Staff Professional learning day. No students will be at school. Glen Pearsall will be leading staff with sessions on ‘Questioning to improve student learning’ and ‘Practical engagement and feedback strategies.’ Parents & Friends There will be a Parent & Friends Meeting on Wednesday, 25th October at 7.30pm. Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff) Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday, 7th November is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. The College has a mid-Term break on Monday, 6th November but VCAA exams will still operate. 2018 Subject Selections Thanks to all families in supporting their students with their 2018 subject selections. Initial Year 11 Subject allocations were sent home last week and changes will need to be finalised this week. Forms only need to be retuned to the office if a change is requested Year 9 students will be interviewed this week to finalise their Year 10 electives for 2018. Once completed 2018 Year 10 initial confirmation letters will be sent home. Current Year 8 students will then be followed up for their Year 9 electives. Morning Entry A reminder that we have changed the gate entry points that students enter in the morning. Students will continue to use Pedestrian Gate 8 (Front Office) but will now use Gate 2 (Pedestrian Gate 2) rather than Gate 4. This will remove the problem of some students entering through Car-park Gate 1. Unit 3/4 Exams Students are required to be at the College at least 30 minutes prior to the exam published reading time to ensure smooth entry in the exam venues. Students may wear casual clothing. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

2019 European Tour Thank you to all of the families who have returned their intention forms that were emailed home. If you have not received the form yet, please email (piannazzo@crcmelton.com.au) at your earliest convenience. Please note that a further $1,000 is due on 1st December. Hopefully, by spreading the payments out, we can reduce the impact on families. If you no longer wish for your child to attend, please email me ASAP so that offers can be extended to students on the waiting list. Paul Iannazzo

Languages News It seems so surreal that this is our last term. Hence, we want to wish Ruben Aguirre and Thomas Spiteri all the best in their VCE Italian and Indonesian exam. We also would like to invite any interested family member to listen to Archimede Fusillo, a famous author, talk to our year 9,10 and 11 Languages students about the very interesting topic of migration. It is on Friday 27th October at 2pm in the school’s library. Thanks for all your support in the study of languages. Buona giornata. Claudia Russo Languages Domain Leader

VCAL 2017 Term 4 Key Information & Dates Class Finishing Dates  

Foundation and Intermediate Class: Thursday 2nd November (last day of formal classes) Senior Class: formal classes already finished

If students have not completed all of their units and outcomes by the above dates, they will be required to come to school and work in the library until such a time that all work is completed. Students are required to come and be at school as per normal school times (8.50am-3.20pm) and be in full school uniform. Students will need to sign in at the front office. Jumpstart All VCAL 2018 students are required during the week of Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December (except Wednesday). Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Attendance at Jumpstart is compulsory and go towards 2018 VCAL attendance. During Jumpstart students will be working through outcomes and will require their iPADs. Students will need to be in full summer uniform for Jumpstart. Susan Henry Vincit/VCAL Coordinator

SACCSS Athletics 2017 Monday September 4th saw 89 CRC Melton students attend SACCSS Athletics at Lakeside Stadium in the city. It was an early cold start to the day but the kids were rugged up and ready to go. We had the odd shower but when the sun was out it was hot and the kids were ready to compete. We did very well for the day and ended up as Intermediate Boys Champions, Intermediate Girls Champions, Intermediate Aggregate Champions, Senior Girls Champions and Senior Aggregate Champions. We now move up to Division 1 next year as we won overall. We also had 3 age group Champions: Laughlan Orr U15 boys – who finished with 1st discus, 2nd shot put, 5th triple jump, 5th long jump, 5th high jump. Luke Heaney U16 boys – who finished with 1st 100m, 1st High Jump, 2nd 200m, 2nd 400m, 2nd 800m, 3rd 1500m, 4th long jump, 6th triple jump. Emily Kro U17-20 girls – who finished with 1st 1500m, 1st 800m, 1st 400m, 2nd 200m, 2nd 100m, 4th shot put and 6th discus. An honourable mention goes to Montana Djatschenko who broke the U16 girl’s triple jump record which had not been broken since 1992. Montana also finished with 1st 100m, 1st 200m, 1st long jump, 1st triple jump. Well done to everyone who came and participated and a big thank you to Miss Syme, Mr de Wit, Miss Brown, Mr Reithofer and 4 of our student teachers who helped out for the day. Natalie Bourke Sports Coordinator

VCE Student Folio Exhibition The Art Faculty would like to invite all Parents/Guardians, students and friends to come and view the Annual Catholic Regional College Melton VCE Student Folio Exhibition. On display will be work completed throughout 2017 by our Year 11 and 12 students. The work has been produced to meet the VCE study design for the subjects of Media Studies, Studio Art and Visual Communication Design. Official Opening: Thursday 26th October at 6.30pm - 9pm in the Performing Arts Centre. The Exhibition will also be open to the students and wider community on Thursday 26th from 9am - 4pm and Friday 27th October 9am -12pm. All year levels are welcome. This is a great opportunity to take a closer look at the work produced at VCE if you are considering choosing any of these subjects in the next few years. We look forward to seeing you there. Amy Rowley Head of Art

Theatre Sports Students are invited to attend Theatre Sports sessions held in the PAC on Thursday afternoons in Term 4, attendance is not compulsory, students may choose which sessions to take part in and choose not to attend if/when there are clashes with assessment, sporting commitments etc. Students will complete activities individually, and in teams, that foster learning in Drama such as vocal projection, confidence and other expressive skills. Start date: Term 4, week 2 (Oct. 19th) 3:30-5pm in PAC End date: Term 4, week 8 (Nov. 30th) If you are interested in coming along please email your name (students name) to Ms Godwell jgodwell@crcmelton.com.au or add your name to one of the sign up sheets located at all Year Level Coordinators offices so that you can be added to CareMonkey. CareMonkey forms will be sent out and due back by Term 4, Week 1 (Oct 12th) Jessica Godwell Drama Teacher

Year 7 & 8 Timed Assessment Tasks & Year 9 End of Year Exams Years 7 & 8 Timed Assessment Tasks Apart from timed assessment tasks that will operate in normal class times, all Year 7 & 8 students will do a Timed Assessment Task in Mathematics, English, Humanities and Science at the same times. These assessment tasks will take place in Padua Exam Centre starting November 8 and take the place of the normally timetabled class. These are listed below. Wednesday Nov 8

Thursday Nov 9

Yr 8 Maths D-R Period 2 A-C Period 3

Yr 7 English Period 1

Yr 7 Humanities Period 4

Friday Nov 10 Yr 8 Humanities Period 4

Yr 8 English Period 2

Yr 8 Science Period 2

Yr 7 Maths A-C Per 3 D-R Per 4

Yr 7 Science Period 3

Year 9 Year 9 students will undertake exams beginning Monday, 13th November. Elective exams will take place in normally scheduled class times. Exams in Mathematics, English, Science, and Humanities will take place in the Osma Centre on the following dates. Monday Nov 13

Tuesday Nov 14

Wednesday Nov15

Thursday Nov 16

Mathematics Per 2

English Per 2

Science Per 1

Humanities Per 1

Year 10 & 11 Exam Timetable November 2017 (Padua Exam Centre)

VCAA Exam Timetable VCAA exams for all students completing a Unit 3/4 subject will begin on Wednesday 1st November and conclude on Wednesday 22nd November. Students are required to be at school at least 30 minutes before the start of their exam, and are to meet in the Chapel. Students are also permitted to wear casual clothes for their exams. If you have any questions relating to these examinations, please contact Carissa Lock at the College. Carissa Lock VCE Coordinator

Calendar Term 4

Homework Club Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until the last week of term

October 18th 19th 20th 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th

Year 7, 2018 Academic Testing Year 8 Premier League Round 3 Year 12 Farewell Breakfast Year 12 Graduation Mass Staff Professional Learning day - no classes Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Arts Exhibition P & F Meeting Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Arts Exhibition Year 8 Premier League Round 4 Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Arts Exhibition Bandana Day

November 1st - 24th 2nd 6th 7th 8th - 10th 10th - 17th 16th 20th - 21st 20th - 24th 23rd - 24th 23rd 24th 27th - 30th 27th - 30th 29th

VCAA Exams Year 8 Premier League Round 5 College Holiday - no classes Melbourne Cup Day - no classes Year 7-8 TATS Year 9 Exams Year 8 Premier League Grand Final Year 10-11 Exams Year 10 VINCIT Work Experience 2018 Jumpstart SACCSS Awards Year 12 Graduation Dinner 2018 Jumpstart Year 7 Swimming VET Orientation Day

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.00pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

Uniform Shop Academy Uniforms CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au

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