22nd march 2016

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22nd March, 2016 Reflection Invite me to share in the glory My saviour, do you invite me to share in the glory of the resurrection? Please stay with me as I struggle to see how accepting the crosses of my life will free me from the power of the one who wants only to destroy my love and trust in you. Help me to be humble and accepting like your son, Jesus. I want to turn to you with the same trust he had in your love. Save me, Lord. Only you can save me. Amen

Dear Parents and students, Last week all Catholic schools across Victoria celebrated Catholic Education Week. March 17 is St Patrick’s Day - a tribute to the Irish Catholics who came to Victoria in large numbers, in particular from 1850-1890 to flee repression in Ireland. My family descendants, the Sheehans and Brenanns emigrated to Australia - in fact my great uncle Patrick Sheehan was born on a boat to Australia on May 12, 1853 - so the notion of boat people has been an enduring theme in our history. Our community today at CRC Melton has been enriched by your families, many of whom have immigrated to Australia, and all who have family ancestry with roots in Europe, Africa, Asia and the UK. We have 1050 students whose family origins come from‌. Bosnia, Britain, Burundi, Conga, Croatia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Italy, Lebanese, Laotian, Macedonia, Malta, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uganda, Vietnam and Western Samoa. We value diversity here at school. In this year of Mercy in the Catholic Church we also pray for those asylum seekers who are trying to make Australia a home and I know our Social Justice team are supporting their cause. I look for CRC Melton to be an example of a school community that chooses inclusion rather that exclusion, positive relationships between students rather than bullying and racism. I urge you to walk with me and my staff and be a light for the Melton and Bacchus Marsh communities. On Sunday I had the pleasure to attend the Annual Catholic School Arts Exhibition at the Catholic Leadership Centre, East Melbourne. The following students had work displayed: Nadia Blanco Year 10, Tayla Vangelovska Year 11, Alana Wilson Year 12, Travis Sheen Year 12 2015. Dyson Miller Year 12 2015 will be performing today in Top Class 2015 at the Arts Centre. Congratulations to those students and their teachers. Congratulations to the Senior Cricket team who won the SACCSS Grand Final. Best wishes for Easter and the Term One break.

Office Holiday hours

Mark Sheehan Principal

Thursday 24th March 8.00am - 2.30pm Tuesday 29th March - Friday 1st April - closed Monday 4th April - Friday 8th April - 9.00 - 3.30pm

From the Deputy Principal (Staff) As this is our last Newsletter for the term, I would like to wish all families a safe and restful Easter break. Term 1 has been short due to Easter but we have experienced a lot of learning and other experiences (Camps / Sports days / excursions) for students. Term 1 Reports and Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Interim Reports are still available through our Parent Portal. If you have any difficulty accessing your Portal, please contact the College Office or email itsupport@crcmelton.com.au. Parent - Student - Teacher Interviews are now in full swing, finishing with Wednesday’s Interviews: 1.00pm to 7.30pm. If parents / guardians have any feedback on the access to and organisation of these interviews, please let me know through my email: jchristie@crcmelton.com.au. Staff will also undertake a review of the interview process and organisation. End of Term 1 / Start of Term 2 The last day of Term 1 for students is today (Tuesday, March 22nd). On Thursday, March 24 staff will undertake their annual Restorative Practices training. This forms the basis of our Pastoral Care program and how we relate with students. Term 2 will begin for all students on Monday, April 11. This will be Day 1 of our timetable. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Year 11 Parent Mailing List The Year 11 students are well and truly into their Unit 1 studies. If you would like to be added to the Year 11 parent mailing list to keep up to date with what’s going on in the year level, please send an email to: dhenneman@crcmelton.com.au Dean Henneman Year 11 Coordinator RE Writing Competition Congratulations to all students who endeavoured to write about the saints of our parishes and how they could live out their lives like them whilst here at CRC Melton. Trinity Fairless Year 7, Alannah Leheny Year 8 & Deng Kir Deng Year 9 won the main prizes and also well done to: Raheal Mengishu Year 7, Kiowa Hilbert Year 7 and Noah De Courcy Year 9 who won minor prizes. Shaun Coates RE & Faith Development Coordinator Uniform Shop News All winter uniform and polo shirts on order will be available for pickup on Wednesday, 23rd March, 1.00pm - 2.00pm or 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Uniform shop will now also be open the first two weeks of Term 2, Monday 11th and 18th April, 6.30pm - 7.30pm, as well as Wednesdays. Currently there are no volunteers for the first two Mondays of term 2. To volunteer contact Julie at : juliesorganics@hotmail.com This is a trial and if successful, we will look at opening on the first few Mondays at the beginning of each term.

School Spirit Awards Term 1 Year 7 Jackson Vella Hayley Smith Jackson and Hayley have made a great start to secondary school. They are conscientious, hardworking and have shown many great qualities that will be exciting to see flourish during their time at CRC. On camp they were friendly to all of their peers and showed great leadership qualities in challenging situations. Jackson and Hayley are a pleasure to have in the classroom and help support those around them to achieve their best. Year 8 Hayley Downie Hayley is very hard working and tries her hardest at all times. She is polite to all teachers and students and helps them when needed. Hayley is participating in this years cross country team, following on from last year. She recently scored a high percentage on her math test as a result of working hard. Kai Tyrrell Kai has set an excellent example for other students to follow through his approach to his studies and relationships with those within the year level. He was nominated for this award by both his teachers and peers. Kai has remained focused, enthusiastic and engaged within the classroom while demonstrating excellent leadership qualities while on the recent Year 8 camp. Year 9 Bryanna Hickey Bryanna has an overall passion for learning, and has an enthusiasm that infects those around her. She is a high achiever and contributes well to class discussions. Bryanna demonstrates excellent work ethic and applies herself to all of her tasks. She received a 100% in her last Humanities economics task.

Raelle Grech Raelle is a quiet achiever but strives to do her best in all that she does. She studies hard in all of her subjects, contributes well to class discussions and is always helping those around her.

Year 10 Khaw Ti Ling Khaw Ti is currently undertaking a VCE Unit 1 Health & Human Development subject, she has been a 'stand out' among her older peers already by continually inputting to class discussion, studying intensely and taking the initiative to attend lunchtime revision sessions before her first VCE SAC. Khaw Ti has been proactive by asking for extension work in English and HHD. She is always courteous, on time, organised and a natural leader. She has also been involved in Senior Tennis and was part of the emerging leaders group. Boden Mugridge Boden Is a positive and enthusiastic member of the year level. He has been actively involved in a number of sporting activities this term and is always willing to lend a helping hand to staff and his fellow peers. Boden participated in the Year 7 Camp as a Peer Support Leader, he embraced this new challenge with energy and helped run many activities with the Year 7 students.

Year 11 Chloe Sneddon Chloe has made an impressive start to Year 11. Her positive nature and excellent work ethic has led to success in a variety of subjects so far. Chloe seeks to improve the quality of her work by readily accepting feedback from teachers. Brad Keating Brad has started his VCE schooling in a very positive way. He has made significant improvements in his attendance, work ethic and commitment to extra curricular activities. Many teachers have commented on his positive start to the year. Year 12 Mitchell Ryan Mitchell is a hard working and diligent student who applies himself to his studies. He has started Year 12 well and is working toward achieving his best. He is personable and relates well to both his peers and staff. Recently he has involved himself in the service of others by attending the breakfast club, even when he is not on the roster, and sharing his VCE experiences with younger students in the College. His role modelling is also present in his willingness to donate blood to help others in need. Jonathan Antony Jonathon is also a hard working and diligent student who has started his Year 12 studies with dedication and a determination to achieve his best. With a good sense of humour he will always seek advice when needed and is willing to implement that advice to improve his results. Jonathan is personable and relates well to other students in his cohort as well to staff at the College. He is also involved in helping others in our community by giving up his time to donate blood as part of the social justice team. In July he travels to Krakow in Poland to attend the World Youth day along with Pope Francis and thousands of other Catholic youth. School Uniform Term 2 All students are required to wear the winter uniform at the start of Term 2; there is no transition period. The requirements are set out clearly below and in the student diary. The College Blazer is the external garment to be worn to and from school. Excuses of leaving the blazer at home or in the locker will not be accepted. Girls Blazer Winter Kilt Shirt Jumper Tie Tights Socks

Compulsory - It is the required external garment worn to and from school CRC Tartan - length to knees White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram. Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer The College tie is compulsory Navy Blue Long Navy Blue

Boys Blazer Trousers Shirt Jumper Tie Socks Shoes

Compulsory - It is the required external garment worn to and from school Navy Blue with CRC monogram White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram. Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer The College tie is compulsory Navy Blue Black leather lace up school shoes

The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE or Drama/Dance class, or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. The winter PE uniform requires the wearing of the College rugby top or sports jacket as the external garment to school. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. Student Achievements Congratulations to Year 12 student Demi Hockaday for winning the Melton Lions Club Youth of the Year zone final last week. She will now go onto the district finals. According to the Chairman Len Murfitt “her speech “Feminism” held the audience spellbound, it was a thought provoking performance. The competition from the other entrants was as high a standard as I have seen in over twenty years’ involvement with the Youth of the Year Program. Our judges were certainly challenged in judging this group.” Congratulations to Demi for such a fine effort, she is a most worthy Youth of the Year representing the Lions Club and CRC. Partners in Parenting Program In last weeks’ newsletter I wrote about the invitation by Monash University to participate in their Partners in Parenting Program that is designed to prevent depression and anxiety in teenagers. The FREE online parenting program empowers parents to make sense of adolescence and parent their teenager with confidence. Through interactive online activities, parents can develop skills in emotional intelligence, supporting their teenager through difficulties they face, and maintaining a close relationship with their teen. This program was developed by researchers at Monash University and the University of Melbourne, and is based on Parenting Guidelines that were published in partnership with beyondblue, If you are a parent or guardian of a child aged 12 to 15, you may be eligible to participate. More information can be found below. To find out more or register at www.partnersinparenting.net.au or contact the researchers at med-partnersinparenting@monash.edu or on (03) 9905 1250. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare

Anaphylaxis The school is currently reviewing Management Plans of students at risk of Anaphylaxis and Management Plans are being sent in the mail. Please advise the school if you do not receive a plan and you think your student is at risk. The Management Plan lists the type of Allergy or Allergies, Emergency contact details and practical strategies to minimize the risk of exposure. Parents are requested to review, sign and return the Plan as soon as practicable. SACCSS Senior Sports Day On Wednesday the 9th of March, our senior volleyball, basketball and tennis players ventured to various locations around Melbourne to compete in the SACCSS Senior Sports day with various results. Boys’ volleyball at the State Netball and Hockey Centre CRC Melton were defeated by Salesian College 11 to 40 CRC Melton were defeated by Mackillop College 22 to 32 CRC Melton were defeated by Marymede College 25 to 29 CRC Melton defeated Antonine College 30 to 25 CRC Melton defeated St Monica’s College 31 to 25 Girls’ volleyball at the State Netball and Hockey Centre CRC Melton were defeated by Penola College 23-30 CRC Melton defeated Salesian College 31-24 CRC Melton were defeated by Caroline Chisholm College 27-31 CRC Melton were defeated by Marymede College 29-30 CRC Melton were defeated by Kolbe College 29-31 Boys’ basketball at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre CRC Melton were defeated by Marymede College CRC Melton defeated Caroline Chisholm College CRC Melton defeated Antonine College

CRC Melton were defeated by Kolbe College CRC Melton defeated Emmanuel College

Girls’ basketball at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre The Senior Girls Basketball Team had a very successful day in hot and humid conditions at MSAC. We had a close win first up against Penola followed by two comfortable wins against Caroline Chisholm and CRC Sydenham. Our fourth opponent Emmanuel also had three wins at this stage. The girls put up a great fight in the fourth game going down by about 8 points. The grand final saw us play Emmanuel again and although the girls put in a great effort and never stopped trying we couldn't get over the line. It was a pleasure to be able to coach such a wonderful group of girls who displayed excellent sportsmanship all day. Senior Tennis at Melbourne Park Some of our senior tennis results: Amy Garufolo lost 4-6 in the semi-final of the girl’s singles Jeremy D'Souza and Maddy Bassal lost 2-6 in the tie break of the grand final of the mixed Will Di Mieri narrowly missed a semi-final berth

Conversation with the Archbishop On Friday the 11th of March, the College captains, Jack Doyle and Maddison Bassal, along with the two liturgy captains, Lauren Davine and Anakin Anderson attended the Archbishop's Conversation at St. Bernard's Essendon. The day began with a short welcome by the Archdiocesan Office for Youth, the organisation who ran the day, and an introduction to the days overall theme of Mercy. Archbishop Hart spoke to all present and discussed what mercy means in the 21st century and told of his journey to the priesthood. Two others also spoke about mercy, and their own personal experiences that enabled us young people to relate to, giving us a whole new look on our faith and what it means to be merciful. We then broke off into different groups and spoke among members of other leadership positions from different schools about ways we can implement mercy in our society. Overall, the day was a great success and we all left with a renewed idea of what mercy means to us. We would like to thank Ms. Grech for not only attending this inspiring day with us but for her ongoing support with all of our endeavours. Lauren Davine and Anakin Anderson Captain and Deputy Liturgy Leaders SACCSS Senior Cricket Semi Final On Tuesday 8th March in sweltering heat, CRC hosted Kolbe College at Arnold’s creek in the Division 2 Semi-Final. Due to the heat, the game was reduced to 15 overs a side, Kolbe was sent in to bat, scoring 8/85 off their 15 overs, with Aaron Clarke taking 2 wickets. Batting second, we chased down Kolbe’s total with 9 balls to spare finishing on 4/86. Top run getters were Aaron Clarke with 25 not out and Jack Doyle scoring a quick fire 24. Grand Final After a solid victory in the semi-final, we were originally scheduled to play St Monica’s in the grand final on Friday, however due to rain, the game was postponed until Monday. Sending St Monica’s in to bat, they were in trouble quickly with Jack Doyle taking a wicket in the first over. A solid overall bowling performance by the team saw St Monica’s all out in the last over of the innings making 73 for us to chase down. Jack Doyle, Aaron Clarke and Corey Beaton all taking 2 wickets and Tom Simpson taking a wicket thanks to a marvellous catch by Jack Watkins. Batting second, Aaron Clarke and Jack Watkins started solidly, however when Watkins was dismissed in the 3rd over for 5, it brought in the man of the match Jack Doyle to the crease. A rapid fire 44 not out saw CRC make the required runs in the 13th over, with Aaron Clarke remaining not out on 19. A big thank you goes to their coach Damian Pentony who has trained the boys this season. Well done to the entire team for an outstanding effort, Division 1 awaits the team next season. Cricket coaching in the off season For those of you who play cricket and don’t do a Winter sport, you may be interested in getting some coaching in the off season. If you would like a free report entitled 7 ways to better support your child in Cricket, and 3 X 7 minute Masterclass coaching videos please text cricket coach Steve Chapman on 0428 479 700. Steve is currently coach of Footscray Edgewater Cricket Club. Language News: Farewell to our Indonesian Crew It is with excitement that we salute our Indonesian travellers who depart on Saturday 26th March. They will undoubtedly have a wonderful experience touring Ubud [Bali], Sanur [Bali] and Yogyakarta [Java]. On behalf of our school community, we wish you a very enjoyable trip and we cannot wait to hear all your adventures upon your return. Bon voyage to Liam Martin, Benjamin Martin, Alexandra MacDowell, Erica Gath, Evana Miesen, Simone Newton, Ms Alfonsi and Mr Gavran.

Year 9 Gadal News! On March 8th until March 14th 2016, Montana was in Perth representing Victoria in the Australian Junior Athletics Championships. Montana automatically qualified last November running at All Schools track and field championships for Catholic Regional College, Melton after coming 2nd in the 200m. To ensure that Montana had a place for the team, she has been competing on weekends to secure this place and managed to also qualify for the Victorian relay team. Upon her return, Montana was kind enough to send through this email about her achievements: It was a great experience representing Victoria at my first National competition. I ran the 200m (and was very nervous) and came 4th in my heat and 13th overall (which I'm proud of 13th in Australia!). My relay team, for which I was emergency for so I was unable to run, came in 2nd place. I have learnt a lot whilst at competition and hopefully will qualify again next season to come back better and stronger and represent my State again. Montana A big congratulations to Montana on her recent achievement. Her hard work and dedication has been paying off and Montana should be very proud of herself. We wish you the best of luck in your future sporting events. March 17 2016 St. Patrick’s Day Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne Six Year 9 students, escorted by Mrs Dunne and Mrs Kro, attended a memorable St Patrick’s Day Mass in Melbourne alongside hundreds of other students representing Catholic schools across the State. The Mass was celebrated by the Most Reverend Denis J Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne. This year has been declared by Pope Francis as the Year of Mercy and this was the key theme of the Mass. The students and teachers in attendance all had to pledge together the following: We commit ourselves to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ by working together in respect, love and peace, making God’s Kingdom a reality in the world. Today we re-commit ourselves to Catholic education and to caring for all those in our school community. I believe that our representation at this Mass demonstrated our commitment to this pledge and with all of the opportunities made available to our Year 9s in the Gadal Learning Program, all students will learn the key values of respect, love and peace and caring for all those at CRC Melton. Karina Dunne on behalf of the Gadal Learning Team

Social Justice News What an incredible start to the year we have had. The team has been amazed by the number of students wishing to be part of the team. We now have five focus groups with representatives from every year level on the team. We have groups focusing on: Health and wellbeing, Animal welfare and issues, multiculturalism and refugees, the environment and a St Vincent de Paul group. Each of these groups will plan and prepare an activity throughout the year as well as the events we have always run such as The Winter Sleepout. This year we started a breakfast team and had lots of senior students wanting to volunteer their time. Three mornings a week we have had students from several year levels enjoying time together over some breakfast. It’s been great watching the barriers breakdown and listening to the advice being offered to younger students by the seniors, topics such as camps, levels of involvement in sport and how to approach SACS have been a few of the topics. The sandwich making for St Vincent De Paul was completed by a large group of volunteers, again by many year levels. This year has been the biggest turn out ever. 7 brave students attended the blood bank to help save three lives each and I am sure will go back again in the future. Last week we held some activities to celebrate Cultural Diversity Week within the school. Our community is made up of people from many places around our wonderful world and this was an opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful contributions that cultural diversity offers. The African drummer, Koppi, had the students beating out tunes and dancing, the trivia tested their knowledge while the pizzas soothed their stomachs. The last event was a karate demonstration by the Winged Dragon dojo. They presented self defence moves with style, grace and speed. The audience was enthralled. Some of our staff and our students were involved in this. I would like to say a very big thank you to the many many staff, students and parents that have supported the Social Justice team this term and look forward to offering activities again next term with much support.

Peer Support During Term 1 the Year 10 Peer Support leaders have been coming into Year 7 classrooms for 30 mins every week to work on the skills of 'Behaving with Integrity', helping to create people of integrity and respect. Students have explored four specific values; respect, responsibility, inclusion and integrity. The Peer Support program teaches the students involved, practical life skills that help both themselves and their friends through times of change and adversity and the program provides a fun, but thought provoking environment to address these issues. The Peer Support Leaders will be continuing their time with the year seven’s, working with them in term 2 on the alternate program during premier league.

Student Representative Council Leaders The SRC Executives are excited to announce the 2016 SRC Leaders. These students have been selected by their peers and teachers to be one of four representatives for their house. They will be working closely with the student leadership team, taking on responsibilities of communicating upcoming events to the student body; will be a part of the decision making process; and will participate in student voice forums. Please note the Year 7 SRC leaders will be chosen in Term 2. Reed Year 8: Year 9: Year 10: Fitzgerald Year 8: Year 9: Year 10: Glasheen Year 8: Year 9: Year 10: Daffey Year 8: Year 9: Year 10:

Elena Taunu’u Dylan Hassan Bethany Pritchard

Andrew Ling Megan Basselmans Anhial Kot Madlen Hill Liam Orr Chloe Laurel

Liana Pace Sadeepa Meemaduma Madalyn McGill

Claudia Larsen - Vannata SRC Executive


Calendar 2016


Term 1

Term 1 March

March Wednesday 23rd Winter Uniform Pickup 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th

SACCSS Swimming Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Classes finish for Term 1 Parent/Student/Teacher interviews - No classes Staff Professional Learning day - No classes Good Friday Indonesian trip leaves

1.00pm - 2.00pm Judy Johnson Christine Sicily 6.30pm - 7.30pm F. Conway A. Salmon Term 2 April

Term 2 Monday 11th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

April 11th 15th 18th 19th 20th 21st 25th 26th 27th

Term 2 classes commence Year 7 Immunisations Year 12 Food/Wood/VCD Excursion Year 8 Project Rockit Presentation Year 7 Project Rockit Presentation Year 10 History Excursion Senior AFL & Netball Year 7 Premier League Round 1 College Athletics Carnival ANZAC Day - No classes Year 11 Reflection day Year 7 Premier League Round 2 Year 9 Forensics day Year 10 Drama Performance P & F Meeting


Wednesday 13th 1.00pm - 2.00pm C. Sicily L. Vella Monday 18th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Wednesday 20th 6.30pm - 7.30pm S. De Courcy G. Mercieca Wednesday 27th 1.00pm - 2.00pm C. Arthur C. Grambou

Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library in Term 2


Holy Thursday 24th March, 2016 Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm Adoration 8.30pm to 10.00pm Good Friday 25th March, 2016 10.30am Stations of the Cross 3.00pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion followed by Individual Reconciliation Holy Saturday 26th March, 2016 10.30am Blessing of the Easter Food Please Note: NO EVENING MASS Easter Sunday 27th March, 2016 Mass: 6.30am Easter Vigil 9.00am and 11.00am 5.00pm at St Dominic’s Church COMMUNAL RECONCILIATION Tuesday 22nd March 2016 at 7.30pm INDIVIDUAL RECONCILIATION Friday 25th March, 2016 - 11.30am till Noon Saturday 26th March, 2016 - 11.00am till Noon

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant: Fr Charles Balnaves Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant: Fr. John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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