24th march, 2015

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24th March, 2015 Reflection A Grain of Wheat ‘Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour.’ (John 12: 24-26) In our hearts, O God, you have written a covenant of love, revealed to us in the life of Jesus, your Son. Raise us up with him – the single grain fallen to earth that yields a harvest of everlasting life. May our lives too bring forth a harvest of good works as we follow the pattern of his life. We ask this through Christ, our deliverance and hope, who lives and reigns with you forever. Amen.

May I take this opportunity to thank each member of the CRC Melton community for your commitment and care for our students throughout this term. This has certainly been an extremely busy term made more so by the large number of co-curricular, sporting and cultural initiatives in which students have been involved. As we reflect upon the term, it is important to remember that our primary focus as parents and as teachers is to provide opportunities that will enable our students to participate fully to the best of their endeavors while striving always to extend their horizons, raise their sights and meet the challenges that face them as they strive to be people of integrity in the community. Congratulations to staff and students involved in last weeks Showcase. I am sure that all who had the privilege to attend would agree it was fantastic!

I wish all our families a restful holiday break. I hope that you have some quality family time and also wish you a Holy Easter. Year 12 students will need to ensure they complete all set work and take this opportunity to revise and consolidate their understandings of the Term 1 work covered. Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Our first Parent-Student-Teacher interviews take place this week (March 25 & 26). On Wednesday, normal College classes operate but on the Thursday, only VCE Unit 3/4 and VET 12S Classes operate Periods 1 & 2. Wednesday’s Interviews: 4pm to 7pm. Thursday’s Interviews: 1pm to 7.30pm It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. Term 2

In recalling Jesus’ final days of earthly life we pray for all those who are alienated, oppressed and feeling depressed in our world and for the peace of the Easter Season for all. These next two weeks of prayer and reflection remind us that our world is always graced with the hope inspired by Easter Sunday. Mark Sheehan Principal

Term 2 begins on Monday, April 13. This will be Day 1 of Timetable. Office Please note that the Office will be closed from Monday 30th March and will reopen on Tuesday 7th April. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm.

School Uniform Term 2

Student Achievements

All students are required to wear the winter uniform at the start of Term 2; there is no transition period. The requirements are set out clearly below and the student diary. It is clearly stated the College Blazer is the external garment to be worn to and from school. Excuses of leaving the blazer at home or in the locker will not be accepted.

We congratulate Billy Metters Year 10 in being selected to participate in The Whitten Project. The project is a unique education program designed for young aspiring community leaders across Victoria’s western region to develop life, civic and employability skills through high value experiential leadership opportunities offered through the Western Bulldogs Football Club and its partner agencies. Billy will have the opportunity to develop civic leadership skills and will be encouraged to complete a Community Leadership Project within his local community.

Girls Blazer Winter Kilt Shirt Jumper Tie Tights Socks

Compulsory - It is the required external garment worn to and from school CRC Tartan-length to knees White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram. Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer The College tie is compulsory Navy Blue Long Navy Blue

Boys Blazer Trousers Shirt Jumper Tie Socks Shoes

Compulsory - It is the required external garment worn to and from school Navy Blue with CRC monogram White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram. Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer The College tie is compulsory Navy Blue Black leather lace up school shoes

The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE or Drama/Dance class, or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. The winter PE uniform requires the wearing of the College rugby top or sports jacket as the external garment to school. Students are only permitted to wear one plain silver or gold stud or small sleeper in the ear, no facial piercing is allowed. I also bring to your attention matters regarding grooming; make-up and nail polish must not be worn. False or extension nails are not permitted. Boys are to be clean-shaven and students are expected to keep a neat appearance at all times. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school.

Pink Stumps Cricket Game The Cricket World Cup maybe capturing our attention but here at CRC the students had the opportunity to witness cricket at its highest standard Monday and Tuesday this week with the Year 12 students taking on the Staff in the inaugural Pink Stumps Cricket Game. The game was organised by Student Leader Bailey Rhodes to promote the McGrath Foundation. As many of you would be aware this Foundation raises valuable funds for breast cancer research. The money we raised will be donated to the Foundation. In a tight contest the students came out victors, scores were Students 5/67 and Staff 8/47. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare Courage to Care On Tuesday 17th March, the class of 9A embarked on an excursion to Ballarat where we took part in a program entitled 'Courage To Care'. At this program we received a brief history of Jews and their involvement in WWII. We were spoken to by Richard, a Polish-Jew who, from the ages of 4-11 was able to evade the wrath of the Nazi party and survive the holocaust. In addition we split into two groups and discussed how traits that were manipulated by the Nazi party such as prejudice influence our lives today. From this experience we hope to encourage awareness of the Holocaust and traits possessed by everyone in our society and how they can be negatively influenced to be harmful to others.

School Spirit Award

Year 9

Year 7

Bethany Pritchard - 9 D

Ketan Wilken - 7 B Ketan has made a positive start to the school year with a conscientious and hard-working approach. He shows respect to his teachers’ and peers and displays a self-motivated work ethic. Ketan is kind and helpful to everyone and regularly assists his teachers. He has become a committed member of CRC Karate Dojo and strives to push himself to do his best every week.

Bethany is a passionate student, who works collaboratively with her class. She is always sharing information/knowledge to assist others with their learning. Bethany will assist the Homeroom teacher willingly with morning duties and always has a 'can do' attitude. She has embraced the new Year 9 Gadal Program and welcomes new procedures with an open mind. Bethany is an inspiration to all. Kate Levett - 9 B Kate has completed exceptional work and is committed to her studies. She is very mature in her behaviour and attitude, especially in the Rite Journey discussions. Kate leads by example with a strong resilient demeanour.

Chelsea Gould - 7 D Chelsea exhibits a positive outlook and attitude within her 7D homeroom. She is committed to doing her best and this is evident through her active role in classroom discussions and insightful comments. Chelsea shows initiative and is always looking for new ways to get involved in the CRC community; this was evident in her outstanding participation at the swimming carnival. Chelsea displays good citizenship through assisting others and represents the College with dignity. Year 8 Bronwyn Ashman - 8 A Bronwyn has completed exceptional work and is committed to her studies. She has excelled this year in Science and received 100% on her heart dissection assessment task. Bronwyn is always keen and eager to learn. Dylan Hassan - 8 D Dylan is always prepared for classes, courteous and models exemplary behaviour. He is quickly developing into a great role model to other Year 8 students.

Year 10 Shelby Dalton - 10 C Shelby is a student who has shown a great deal of character and integrity. She is a proud member of the Year 10 cohort and is actively involved in the school community. Shelby works hard in class and is always striving to achieve her best and is diligent in all areas of her studies. She is always willing to assist in the classroom and has great respect for the teachers and for her peers. Billy Metters - 10 B Billy is a student who displays a passion for coaching and leadership. He has demonstrated his commitment by coaching our Year 7 girls’ basketball team while also coaching two teams outside of school. Billy is committed to furthering his skills as a coach and has recently been accepted into the Whitten Project, which is a unique program designed for young community leaders offered through the Western Bulldogs Football Club.

School Spirit Award

Bridget Di Mieri wins People Choice Award at Next Gen exhibition

Year 11 Victoria Vassallo - 11 B Victoria has started her VCE with a positive outlook toward her studies. She is polite and courteous and relates well to both her peers and staff members. Victoria has been active and shown leadership in the area of social justice. Jack Doyle - 11 D Jack is personable and relates well to both staff and students. He has a very positive and mature approach to his studies and school life. Jack has been a pivotal member of the senior cricket team and has been selected to coach premier league cricket later this year. Year 12 Yasmin Smits - 12 D

A DESIGN inspired by the environment has taken out the people’s choice award at the Next Gen exhibition. Bridget Di Mieri has won the $300 award (awarded by Ballarat Society of Artists ) for her garments and poster entitled Don’t Stand By. Inspired by The Little Mermaid, Ms Di Mieri designed two garments representing the ocean. “I didn’t want it to be a typical mermaid look, so I gave it a dramatic backdrop, which is environmental awareness,” she said. “The black piece was prominently designed to resemble pollution of the ocean and the other to show what it could look like if we looked after it.” The former Catholic Regional College Melton VCE student worked on her piece last year. It is now on display at the Art Gallery of Ballarat. Using dried seaweed and starfish, shells and sand to complete the piece, she hoped people would be open to wanting to understand more about the impacts of pollution on the ocean. Ms Di Mieri is studying a bachelor of fashion at RMIT.

Yasmin has shown dedication and commitment to get the best results possible. She always seeks feedback from her teachers to assist in improving the quality of her answers. Yasmin was also a very positive contributor on the Year 12 Retreat and at the College Swimming Carnival. Montana Benson - 12 B Montana has displayed resilience and maturity despite a number of setbacks this year. Her commitment and hard work in the face of adversity has been noticed by many of her teachers. Montana works hard to achieve the best results that she can.

Bridget Di Mieri with her prize-winning garments which she designed to represent the ocean with a backdrop of environmental awareness. PICTURE: JEREMY BANNISTER Victorian Catholic Schools Parent Body (VCSPB) Bulletin The latest issue of the VCSPB Bulletin is now available on the VCSPB website. www.vcspb.catholic.edu.au

Year 10 Mackillop Excursion A great night was had by Year 10 M on Wednesday night. 20 students went out for a cultural experience at an authentic Lebanese restaurant in Sydney Rd, Brunswick. The kids were great and ate a lot of things they have never tried before, like pickled veggies, falafel, kebabs, dips and a variety of beautiful sweet pastries. They were a great group and next term we'll be experiencing another type of restaurant. Kath Jones and Mick McGonegal

Uniform Shop Thank you to the small number of people who have volunteered to help in the Uniform shop. Unfortunately, we still need more volunteers if the shop is to function smoothly. There are day sessions, 1.00pm - 2.00pm or night sessions 6.30 - 7.30pm to fill. If you are available to volunteer, contact the College on 9743 6522.

Calendar 2015 Term 1 March 25th Parent/Student/Teachers bookings close Term 1 concludes Parent/Student/Teachers Interviews 4pm - 7pm 26th VCE Unit 3 classes operate per 1 & 2 Parent/Student/Teacher Interview 1pm - 7.30pm 27th Staff Professional Learning day Term 2 April 13th Term 2 commences 15th Year 10 Art Mural Activity Senior AFL & Netball 17th Year 12 Food/VCD/Wood Excursion 20th Year 10 History Excursion 22nd Year 7 Premier League Round 1 Year 10-12 Drama Excursion 23rd College Athletics Carnival 24th Year 10 Drama Performance 29th Year 7 Premier League Round 2 Parents & Friends AGM—7.30pm 30th Senior AFL & Netball Round 2 VCE Drama Performance

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