25th july 2017

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25th July, 2017 Reflection In the Midst of Winter Lord,in the midst of Winter, when the days are cold and wind can pierce remind us of the warmth of your love. In the midst of Winter, when days are short, dawn comes late, and dusk arrives early remind us that in the darkness your light still shines. In the midst of Winter, when the flowers of spring still lie hidden in the earth, when leaves are off the trees, and the world can seem bleak remind us that Spring is but a short time away. And when in our lives we feel as if we are experiencing a season of winter, reach out to us with the power of your resurrection so that we may feel the warmth of your love and see your light that alone can take away the darkness of our soul. Amen (Cal Wick)

Dear Parents and Students, Q&A audience

A group of Year 11 Legal Studies students led by Daniela Harrington and Lauren Hill were in the audience of ABC’s Q&A last night. It was the Victorian Schools Special edition of the program. A question from Dylan Naumovski was short-listed to be asked: ‘I think we can all say that many people in the audience and viewers have been a part of, witnessed or been victims of cyber bullying, also as we know many as a result take their own lives due to the disgusting and demeaning statuses that cyber bullies post about them. What has been done in Parliament to try and decrease suicide rates and to stop cyberbullies from bullying in schools and society?’ Thanks to Mrs. Harrington for organising this special event and well done to the students involved. Alice Down the Rabbit Hole Good luck to students and staff involved this week in Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. It looks to be a night of high energy and entertainment. Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

2018 Subject Selections Year 11 and Year 10 students continue with their 2018 Subject Selections. Our 2018 Year 11 Subject Selection process now involves family interviews this Wednesday. I hope to see many parents / guardians take the opportunity to be involved with their child’s selections, as in previous year’s these conversations have been extremely valuable. Current Year 9 students and parents/guardians are invited to join us on Wednesday, August 9 for our Year 10 2018 Information Evening. Semester Two Subject Changes All Year 10 and Year 9 Elective changes for Semester Two have been finalised.

Staff PL Day – July 31 Just a reminder that next Monday, July 31, teaching staff will be engaged with a presentation from Father Ronald Roheiser on Increasing Understanding of today’s Church. No classes will operate this day. 2018 Term Dates To assist families in planning for next year, below are our 2018 Term dates: Term 1 Year 7, 11 and 12 students start: Thursday, February 1 Year 7 – 12 Classes begin: Friday, February 2 Term finishes: Thursday, March 29 Term 2 Classes begin: Monday, April 16 Year 10 Work Experience: June 25 – 29 Classes finish: Friday, June 29 Term 3 Classes Start: Monday, July 16 Term finishes: Friday, September 21 Term 4 Classes Start: Monday, October 8 Year 12 VCAA exams finish: Wednesday, November 21. Year 11 & 10 students finish: Friday, November 30 Year 7 – 9 students finish: Friday, December 7 John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Meningococcal vaccine Melton City Council’s Environment Health Unit will be visting the school to administer the Meningococcal vaccine to Year 10’s -12’s on the following days: Year 10’s: 1st August, Year 12’s: 1st August, Year 11’s Period 3: 8th August Consent forms distributed last week should be returned to school by Wednesday 26th July. Parents of 15 year old Year 9 students will be able to attend any Council immunisation session to receive the government funded Menningacoccol ACWY vaccine. Further information can be obtained from the Melton Shire Council website, http://www.melton.vic.gov.au/Services/Health-safety-and-wellbeing/Immunisation

From the Deputy Principal (Students)

Take Away Deliveries Students at all year levels are not permitted to organise for takeaway food deliveries to be made to the College during school hours. Students can order their lunch from the canteen. We also ask you as parents not to organise this for them. If food is delivered it will be confiscated and can be collected at the end of the day from the Main office. Thank you for your support. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal - Students Enrolments for 2019 Enrolments for 2019 are now open. Application forms can be collected from the office and are due back by Thursday, 24th August, 2017. Year 12 Time Management Elevate Education will run an optional session on Time Management this Thursday, 27th July at 12.20pm. The session will focus on how best to use your time during the demands of Term 3. Balancing work life, sporting events (especially those of you who will play in finals in August/September) and school is difficult. This session will help reduce anxiety and stress by allowing you to plan your time effectively, work smart, eliminate procrastination and ultimately have you in a great study routine for when the pressure hits. There will be a second session presented later in the year that will focus on Exam preparation - further information will be sent later in the term.

Dean Henneman Year 12 Coordinator CRC Melton European Tour Parents and guardians of students currently in Years 7 - 10 who are interested in attending the 2019 European Tour to Poland and Italy are invited to an information session on August 17th at 7pm, in the Performing Arts Centre. Students and parents who attend will hear details of the Trip, information on costs and how to apply. Paul Iannazzo Help needed - Alice down the Rabbit hole If any parents are available this Friday, 3.30pm to 5.00pm or Saturday 5.00pm to 6.30pm to help with the application of make up etc please contact Kerrie-Ann Matthews at kmatthews@crcmelton.com.au Alice Down the Rabbit Hole Catholic Regional College Melton presents Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. This spectacular re imagining of the classic tale is a music and dance showcase based on the "Alice in Wonderland" books by Lewis Carroll. The story follows an innocent girl who falls down a rabbit hole into Wonderland. As she meets the strange creatures and people who live there her life is changed forever. Performance nights: Thursday 27 July at 7pm, Friday 28 July at 7pm and Saturday 29 July 2017 at 7pm. Tickets are available for your family to purchase for Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. If you are making a group booking please purchase all the tickets at the same time to ensure your group is sitting together as we have allocated tickets. As in previous years tickets are only available online and must be purchased with a credit card or debit card. Tickets are not available on the night of the performances. The link is: www.trybooking.com/286759

NAIDOC week celebrations

Last week CRC Melton celebrated NAIDOC week. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines’ Islanders’ Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC Week celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements, and recognises Indigenous Australians' contributions to our country. This year’s theme was “Our languages matter”. Students across Year 7-9 studied units of work related to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Students from various Year 10-12 classes and VCAL classes also studied related topics depending on their elective subjects and programs. We also enjoyed a number of additional activities as a whole school community which celebrated the significance of NAIDOC week. These included, a performance by Kinja for all Year 7’s which focused on traditional stories and music. Students also had the opportunity to participate in a creative art activity and indigenous games activity at lunch time. On Thursday we commenced our full school assembly with a Welcome to Country which was provided by an Indigenous local elder from the Wurundjeri Tribe. We again displayed the banner made by a VCAL student in 2016 with the wording - Wominjeka, which means ‘welcome’ in the Woiwurrung language. A VCAL class made a selection of tasty treats in the design of the Aboriginal flag which was displayed on a wooden structure designed in the colours of the Aboriginal flag. Students were also encouraged to engage in morning reflection during homeroom as a means of recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history. Staff also gathered to enjoy an Indigenous morning tea. Students were encouraged to add to our collection of stories by adding pieces of ribbon and drawings to our “talking stick” which can be used as a conversation starter. The library provided music, sport viewing and reading books for students to enjoy over the week. Our school Facebook page provided an insight into the celebration of NAIDOC week at CRC in 2017. We do hope that the students enjoyed any activities that they were involved in and for the students studying the content in class, that the week has increased their awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. Daniela Harrington Humanities Domain Leader

Winter sleep out and appeal 2017

Did you know that there are approximately 300 people that are homeless on any given night in Melton? “Are you ready to step up” On Friday August 11th we are hosting our very own Winter Sleep out at school. Our aim for the night is to raise awareness and some vital funds to help those experiencing homelessness in and around our community. A school sleep out also gives students the opportunity to understand the realities of homelessness by sleeping “rough” for one night. During the night we will hear from some guest speakers, discuss the issues around homelessness and share a small meal together before setting up our “bed” for the night in the hall. Several staff will be in attendance and appropriate security measures will be put in place to ensure that our night is a success. Participants in the event are asked to raise between $75–$100.00 through sponsorship. The money raised will be passed onto St. Vincent De Paul and Hope St. Melton who provide many valuable services for the homeless in Melton and the surrounding areas. Students wishing to take part are able to obtain the necessary forms from the student office. They should be returned as soon as possible to the office or to Ms. Rowe-Watts. If you have any concerns please email me at mrowe-watts@crcmelton.com.au Winter coats and blankets Urgently needed Each year Vinnie’s feeds and houses thousands of families doing it tough through winter. They urgently need good quality winter clothing particularly Coats, blankets, sleeping bags, hats, gloves and scarves. We will make sure these get given out to those that need them.

Languages News Our Italian Visitors We welcome Carlo Calligaris and our 6 Italian students from Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono International School in Cividale, near Venice, in the north of Italy. Our Italian visitors are enjoying their Australian adventure so far with trips to the Great Ocean Road, The Ballarat Wild life Park and Mount Macedon to name just a few. The biggest thank you goes to the following families: the Christie family, the Brooking family, the Arbizu Duran family, the Hansen family, the Stone family, the Attard Family, the Williams family and the Paproth family who have hosted Carlo Calligaris, Maria Fiori, Elena Zamo, Lucrezia Andreotti, Pietro Poboni, Francesco Muradore and Anna Olivo. We cannot wait to hear all about your amazing experiences. Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition On Wednesday 19th July the Languages Team was very proud to witness Raya Quader and Dylan Hassan in the Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition at the University of Melbourne. We are so proud of their achievements in reaching the Final stage. Their certificate will be awarded to them at the next school assembly. Well done Raya and Dylan. Claudia Russo Head of Languages

Calendar 2017

Homework Club Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until the last week of term

Term 3 July 27th 28th 29th 31st

Gala Performance Gala Performance Year 11 Wood Tech Excursion Gala Performance Staff Professional Learning day - no classes

August 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 8th 9th 15th 17th 21st 22nd 23rd 25th 29th 30th

Year 9 Premier League Round 3 Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Senior Futsal Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Year 8 Reflection day Year 8 Reflection day Year 9 Premier League Round 4 Junior Hockey Senior Boys & Girls Soccer Round 3 Year 10 2018 Information Evening 7pm Year 9 Premier League Round 5 Senior Hockey Year 10 Reflection day SACCSS Chess Year 9 Premier League Round 6 Senior Boys & Girls Soccer Round 5 Senior Alpine Experience trip Year 9 Premier League Round 7 Gadal 2018 Information Evening 7pm Senior Football Grand Final Parents & Friends Meeting 7.30pm

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.00pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

Academy Uniforms

CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au Online Password : Melton

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