2nd february 2016

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2nd February, 2016 Reflection Peace Within May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. - attributed to St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Theresa of Avila

Dear Parents and students, It’s been a busy start to the school year with 196 new Year 7 students to welcome into CRC Melton and 24 new students at other year levels. We had a positive start for our Year 9 students in the new Gadal building last Friday. It was a challenge to get things organised for Day One, so well done to all involved. It will be some time before all landscaping work is completed around the College, but I note below the expected completion times of the three projects. 1. 2. 3.

Front Entrance to the College- Friday February 19 Central Courtyard – Friday March 12 Gadal – front and rear Landscaping works – End of Term one

Thanks for your patience as we complete these works which will be an asset to the school. I look forward to meeting with the Year 7 Parents tomorrow night at the Year 7 Parent Information Night which will be held in the College hall, commencing at 6.30pm with refreshments, followed by formal presentations at 7.00pm. Following this, there will be a short session with your child’s homeroom teachers in the Year 7 Block. Best wishes, Mark Sheehan Principal

Welcome to 2016 Once again welcome back to the 2016 school year and congratulations to our students, who have settled in well to their 2016 classes. It has been fantastic to see our new GADAL building operational with our 2016 Year 9 students. Although there are still a couple of items inside to be completed; the feedback from staff and students has been very positive and we look forward to seeing some innovative teaching and learning happening. Our GADAL building landscaping will take a little longer with completion near the end of Term 1. I look forward to meeting Year 7 parents / guardians this Wednesday at our Information evening. Transport Melton City Council has also finished extensive road / pavement works over the break. We have a newly resurfaced bus parking area and footpath along the front of the College. This will certainly complement our own Bulman’s Road landscaping works. Can I request that parents / guardians use the upgraded front area of the College patiently until all are accustomed to the new alignment. Also we request that only parents / guardians dropping off or picking up students with disabilities / injuries use the Disabled parking spots at the front of the College. We often see vehicles parking there, whilst having a disabled sticker, have quite able students arriving or going. With only 2 Disabled spots we ask that families support us and give priority to those students who need the close access. Students travelling on Bacchus Marsh Coaches and SITA bus lines will have pick-up procedures monitored to ensure maximum safety and clarity for students. We will be consulting with the companies and bus drivers to see what, if any changes are needed. All students travelling on the 3 Bacchus Marsh Coaches that leave the College at about 3.40pm should go home on the same bus that they caught in the morning. This will ensure these students have a seat on the afternoon pickup. Please let the Bus Company and us know if you have concerns. Year 9 – 12 Subject Changes As all Year 11 & 12 students undertook a thorough selection process last year and undertook Jumpstart, no changes will be made after this first week of school unless there are exceptional circumstances. Once Year 9 & 10 students have had time to experience their subjects, restricted subject changes may be considered for some students in the 2nd week of term. Changes for Semester Two electives will be considered closer to the start of Term 3. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Deputy Principal - Student Welfare The new school year has got off to a positive and fruitful start. School Uniforms Term 1: It is pleasing to see the students wearing the correct school uniform. The College has a set school uniform policy and students are expected to wear it correctly. Uniforms are to be kept clean, pressed and mended and school shoes kept clean and polished. The uniform is sold exclusively through the College Uniform Shop. More details can be found in the student diary regarding the uniform and grooming requirements for students. We look forward to your support in ensuring your son and daughter is in the correct uniform and neatly groomed. Penalties will be issued to students if they are wearing the incorrect uniform. I wish to highlight some key points regarding the uniform. Students wearing PE uniform must wear plain white sport socks. Boys in summer uniform are to wear navy blue socks. Students will be required to wear their school uniform at all full school assemblies and official events eg. College Mass, VCE Awards Ceremony.

Note:   

The only jewellery that is permitted in the ear is one plain silver or gold stud or one small sleeper. No facial or multiple piercing is allowed. Plastic/transparent piercing are not permitted

Students coming to school wearing other jewellery will have these items confiscated and can claim these items back at the end of the term. Grooming • • • • •

Make-up and nail polish must not be worn. Students are expected to keep a neat appearance at all times. Students’ hair must be off the face. No radical hairstyles or radical hair colours are permitted. Boys are to be clean-shaven each school day.

A note in the diary needs to be provided if your child is not wearing the correct uniform. Notes from parents will not entitle students to be out of uniform for more than one school day. We are currently developing a hat policy and more details will be published in future newsletters. iPad Use and Damage iPads need to remain in their protective case, they are provided to protect and minimise damage to the iPad if it is dropped. If an iPad is returned damaged outside the protective case or was out of case at the time of the damage a $200 excess will apply as opposed to a $100 if in the case. Also a reminder that if an iPad is repaired by an outside business of the College, the warranty will be void. Attendance I remind parents that on occasion that students will be late or absent you are asked to contact the College in advance on 8099 6000 and follow the prompt to record your child’s absence. A note in the College diary needs to be provided to be shown to the student’s Homeroom teachers on their return. All students who arrive at school after homeroom MUST sign in at the Student Office. Failing to do so results in parents receiving an SMS from the College indicating their child is not here which causes unnecessary confusion and distress. I look forward to working with you in a positive and productive way for the benefit of your son or daughter throughout this year. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare

Teaching & Learning News The 2016 academic year is now underway I would like to extend a warm welcome to all, especially our Year 7 cohort. The teaching staff have been eager to meet their new classes and lots of energy has been spent in preparing an engaging and relevant curriculum that addresses learning needs extensively across all subjects in the College. At the beginning of a new year, it is important for all students to take some time and reflect on the feedback received from their subject teachers in 2015. Feedback on all assessment tasks can be found on the PAM portal which allows grades and comments to reach student homes within three weeks of the due date. Parents/carers are strongly encouraged to log onto PAM weekly to view your students’ progress, discuss the feedback given with your student and seek clarification if required from the subject teacher. Please note that all new parents/carers will receive their PAM passwords in the mail in the coming weeks. For students to reach their full academic potential in 2016, they should set themselves learning goals which address the areas for improvement highlighted by their 2015 teachers. All students are encouraged to challenge themselves, to set goals that are achievable while serving to develop a stronger work ethic, knowledge and skills across all subjects. Home study is an important part of the learning process and it is expected that every student complete some home study each evening. The recommended times for home study are: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

45 minutes 60 minutes 75 minutes 90 minutes 120 to 150 minutes 150 to 180 minutes

Home study provides students the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge and skills learnt in classes that day. Revision is also a very important component of home study with research speaking to the fact that regular revision of content and skills is far more effective than ‘cramming’ before the assessment task. Please note that your student should never claim they have no home study- regular revision is a constant task and should be a focus from Day 1 of classes to the final day of school. Similarly, if your student is doing excessive amounts of home study, please contact your students Homeroom Tutor. Balance is important, so although we do expect some home study to take place, we also recommend students spend time with family, friends and hobbies each night. Finally, I would like to wish all students a very productive year. The teaching staff of 2016 look forward to working with you and your students to ensure that learning is engaging and challenging and that academic achievement is a priority for all. Narelle Layton Director of Learning

2016 Catholic Regional College Melton Swimming Carnival The 2016 Catholic Regional College Melton Swimming Carnival is to be held at Melton Waves Leisure Centre on Thursday 11th February. The following information provides a summary of the day and the requirements for attendance. Please note that it is a calendared event and therefore full attendance is expected. We have endeavoured to include a range of alternative activities to cater for students who are not confident in their swimming ability and hope that this will enable all students to focus on the development of a positive and encouraging school community. Event:

Catholic Regional College Melton Swimming Carnival


Melton Waves Leisure Centre


Compulsory for all students


8.30am. Roll call at Melton Waves. 3.10pm dismissal from Melton Waves.

Transport: Darley, Underbank and Houpton Park buses will be dropping students off at Melton Waves rather than CRC at the regular time in the morning and picking up from Melton waves at 3.20pm. Students catching the Toolern Vale Bus will be dropped off in the morning on Coburns road opposite Melton Secondary College and walk down Coburns road to Melton Waves (5mins). In the afternoon the Toolern Vale bus will pick up at 3.20pm from Melton Waves. Students catching the Golf Links and Long Forest buses will catch the bus to and from CRC as per normal and will be shuttled to and from Melton Waves via the school mini bus. Contact Bacchus Marsh Coaches for further details. Uniform: Students are to wear full PE uniform. Students also need to wear swimwear that is appropriate to school swimming sports competition and not the beach. Year 12 students are the only year level not required to wear their PE uniform as they have a dress up theme for the sports. Items to Bring:

Bathers, towel, sunscreen (will also be available in different locations on the day), hat, drink bottle.

Food: A Sausage Sizzle will be held to raise money for College charities. None of the internal cafĂŠ facilities will be accessible to students and therefore any other food items should be brought along. Students are not permitted to organise a food/lunch delivery from outside businesses eg pizza. If they do so the food will be confiscated and available for pick up at the end of the day. Awards & Recognition: All events will accrue points for their house. Individual medals will be awarded by house captains to one student from each house, deemed to have demonstrated the most house spirit. Criteria are as follows: a. Participation in events b. Participation outside of the pool c. Sportsmanship and encouragement for teammates and other competitors. d. Support for the College ethos and values. Immediate family are welcome to attend the carnival and must sign in at the gate. Due to the increased student enrolment numbers, space will be limited so please be aware that shaded areas will be provided to students as a priority. Parent assistance has been welcomed in the past and will be allocated on an as needed basis on the day. Your support for the event is greatly appreciated. If you have any further questions please contact me at the College. Emma Brown CRC Melton Sport Coordinator ebrown@crcmelton.com.au

Uniform Shop News To ensure you have a winter uniform for the commencement of Term 2 you MUST attend the uniform fitting on Wednesday 10th February. Hours are: 12.00pm to 2.00pm or 5.00pm to 8.00pm The fitting is for all year levels. Helpers are desperately needed for uniform shop. Usual hours are Wednesdays, either 1.00pm to 2.00pm or 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Please call the school to leave your details or email Julie at : juliesorganics@hotmail.com Bus Services Students using the services below that have not completed a form previously, or are new to the school will need to complete an ‘Application for Permission to Travel – Eligible Students’ form. Please ask at the office for a form. Bacchus Marsh - Toolern Vale - Melton Diggers Rest - Rockbank - Melton Eynesbury - Strathtulloch - Melton Breakfast Club The meaning of breakfast is to “ break the fast”. It is meant to fuel our bodies and give us the energy to kick start our day. Many studies have proven that people who eat a good breakfast perform better. We know that for many reasons, a lot of our students come to school without having had breakfast. This year we will be offering a free breakfast on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.10 – 8.40. Toast, fruit and a drink will be on offer in the food room. Everyone is welcome as well as students form St. Catherine’s primary school. Our senior students will walk the young ones back to school in time for their bell. Senior students and parents wishing to help should email mrowe-watts@crcmelton.com.au indicating their preference for days. Want to try Volleyball? The College would like to offer more students the opportunity to get involved in Volleyball. We hope to be offering Referee and Coaching Courses during the year. To help students get involved, we will be running Volleyball Development sessions after school each term. Dates are provided below. Students are expected to commit for a block, with one development block running each term. Students need to commit to a block to allow for appropriate planning of sessions. Students involved in Premier League in a particular term will not be allowed to participate in a block for that term, having enough to concentrate on with their training. Students need to advise Mr Hill of their intention to be involved in a Development Block at least one week prior to the commencement of the Block. TERM 1: Mondays After School: 15/2, 22/2, 7/3 TERM 2: Thursdays After School: 2/6, 9/6, 23/6 TERM 3: Mondays After School: 11/7, 18/7, 25/7, 1/8, 8/8, 15/8, 22/8 TERM 4: Thursdays After School: 6/10, 13/10, 20/10, 27/10, 3/11, 10/11, 17/11 Please contact Mr Hill if requiring more information. mhill@crcmelton.com.au

2015 Awards Winners Congratulations to all the 2015 Awards Winners. Year 7 2015 Consistent Effort Sophie Hine, Danica Klasic, Alanna Mizzi, Chelsea Gould, Blake Camilleri, Amilia Cameron & Hannah Balila Year 8 2015 Consistent Effort Sarah Clewer, Georgia Campbell, Mitchell Fenton, Darci Evans, Tahlia Coulson & Madeleine McCann Year 9 2015 Consistent Effort Madalyn McGill, Natalie Roberts, Rohan Mullan, Meg Bacchin, Cheyanne Llanes, Dylan Naumovski & Christopher Campagna Year 10 2015 Consistent Effort Emily Kro, Hannah Pace, Anna Cicalese, Alesha Winzar, Jacinta Guirguis & Nathan Brewis Year 11 2015 Consistent Effort Shanai McKenzie, Brianna Pawlowicz, Tempest Ardley, Olivia Pigott, Jeremy D'Souza & Frank Cicalese Year 7 2015 Encouragement Bridie Lewis , Joshua Stewart, Kristen Pereira, Alyssa Paproth, Chelsea Spiteri, Alannah Leheny &Michael Morgan Year 8 2015 Encouragement Zac Storer, Savannah Naumovski, Nicole Portelli, Dylan Hassan, Brianna McMillan, Raelle Grech Year 9 2015 Encouragement Bryanna Szabo, Kaitlyn Dando, Macy Le Huray, Amy Henaghan, Anglena Koj, Madeleine Connell & Rebecca Vernon Year 10 2015 Encouragement Amy Garofalo, Montana Salton, Tori Keenan , Elisha Suttie, Emma Frost, Daniel Tadros Year 11 2015 Encouragement Kaitlin Robinson, Caleb Agius, Zoe Campbell , Alycia Dingli, Jordyn Syme, Jordyn Syme & Laura Thiele

Subject Prize Winners Year 7 2015 Blake Camilleri Megan Harrington Madlen Hill Sophie Hine Madeleine Hodge Victoria Makin Jarryd Martin Liana Pace Damien Pendleton Charlotte Robinson

Humanities Health & Physical Education LOTE: Indonesian Visual Communication and Design, LOTE: Italian Materials Technology: Wood Science Mathematics English Music Information Technology, Religious Education

Year 8 2015 Ebony Willmott-Stoneman Art Bronwyn Ashman Science Megan Baselmans Humanities Angelica Bautista Humanities LOTE: Indonesian Lillian Brewis English Denise D'Souza Drama Dylan Hassan Health Evana Miesen Physical Education, Religious Education Vansh Narang Mathematics Nicole Portelli LOTE: Italian Ashley Scicluna English Samantha Stone Materials Technology: Food Annalise Tong Materials Technology: Fibre Year 9 2015 Andrew Amor Phoebe Arthur Meg Bacchin Christoper Campagna Natalie Folker Tyra Haygarth Jessica Kivimets Josip Klasic Macy Le Huray Khaw Ti Ling Madalyn McGill Jessica McGuffie Edelle Pirro Madeleine Rizzo Natalie Roberts Luke M Spiteri Zachary Valiukas Emma Winzar

Health & Physical Education Music Drama Information Technology Dance Media Sport and Leadership Visual Communication and Design Mathematics, Science LOTE: Indonesian Art Materials Technology: Fibre Child Care, Materials Technology: Food English, LOTE: Italian, Religious Education Humanities Outdoor Education Information Technology Materials Technology: Wood

Year 10 2015 Lili Alcock Kade Bishop Juliet Brooking Tayte Charles Jeremy Cinel William Di Mieri

Hospitality Information Technology: Game Design & Programming VINCIT Science: Newton Sparks a Star War Humanities: Business Commerce Materials Technology: Wood

Year 10 2015 Continued Emma Frost Shiann Grech Jacinta Guirguis Emily Kro Breanne Landells Holly McGregor Dominic Miesen

Humanities: History, Humanities: Political Law Drama Music: VET Physical Education: Advanced Science: Cells to Creatures Core Mathematics Pre Foundation Mathematics Core Plus Mathematics, Media Studies: Journalism Science Unit 1 & 2 Outdoor Education Hannah Pace Materials Technology: Food, Unit 1 Religion & Society Fernando Rios-Rodriguez Physical Education: Active 2 Montana Salton Materials Technology: Fibre Thomas Spiteri English, Humanities: Geography, LOTE: Indonesian, Physical Education: Active 1 Science: Chemistry in the Environment, Visual Communication and Design Tayla Vangelovska Art Alison Vasjuta LOTE: Italian Science: Mind Matters Ruby Wilkie Dance

Year 11 2015 Caleb Agius Matthew Barbara Caitlin Baselmans Maddison Bassal Juliette Campagna Bonnie Cottam Ceara Cronin Lauren Davine Drew Georgeallis Chloe Horster Zaylie Le Huray Jesse O'Rourke Alexandra Pritchard Kitty Robinson Mitchell Ryan Imalsha Silva Stefan Subasic Annabelle Taylor Laura Thiele Isabella Williamson Mitchell Wills Alana Wilson

Unit 1 & 2 Media Unit 1 & 2 Information Technology Unit 1 & 2 LOTE: Indonesian Unit 1 Text & Traditions, Unit 1 & 2 Legal Studies, Unit 1 & 2 Biology Unit 1 & 2 Drama Unit 1 & 2 Health & Human Development Unit 1 & 2 History Unit 1 & 2 Materials Technology: Food VCAL Unit 1 & 2 Business Management Unit 1 & 2 English Unit 1 & 2 Physical Education Unit 1 & 2 Physics Unit 1 & 2 Chemistry, Unit 1 & 2 Mathematical Methods Unit 1 & 2 General Mathematics Advanced Unit 1 & 2 Visual Communication and Design Unit 1 & 2 Accounting, Unit 1 & 2 English Language Unit 1 & 2 General Mathematics, Unit 1 & 2 Psychology Unit 1 & 2 Literature Unit 1 & 2 Materials Technology: Wood VET Unit 1 & 2 Studio Art

2015 Dux Winners Year Seven 2015 DUX: Charlotte Robinson Year Seven 2015 DUX: Sophie Hine Year Eight 2015 DUX: Megan Baselmans Year Nine 2015 DUX: Madeline Rizzo Year Ten 2015 DUX: Thomas Spiteri Year Eleven 2015 DUX: Kitty Robinson

2015 Major Prize Winners Citizenship Award: Citizenship Award: Citizenship Award: Citizenship Award: Citizenship Award:

Year 7 Claudia Cinel Year 8 Sarah Clewer Year 9 Ethan Valentine Year 10 Chloe Galakos Year 11 Demi Hockaday

Arts Award: Junior Arts Award: Senior

Olivia Rabottini Laura Thiele

Sport Award: Sport Award: Sport Award: Sport Award: Sport Award: Sport Award:

Year 7 Madeleine Hodge Year 8 Evana Miesen Year 8 Luke Heaney Year 9 Benjamin Wills Year 10 Dominic Miesen Year 11 Jesse O'Rourke

Marita Miesen Award:

Kitty Robinson

Andrea Closter Award:

Brittney Gathercole

Father Brian Glasheen Scholarship:

Jonathan Antony

Knights of the Southern Cross/Music Scholarship: Jeremy D’Souza Canteen News Welcome everyone to a new year and I hope everyone had a great xmas and a safe and happy new year. Once again the Canteen menus willl be available on line but if you would like a hard copy please feel free to come see me in the canteen or ask for a copy to be put in the school bag for home. Please also note the new healthy salad ranges went really well and they are available again this year. The following are available and don’t forget the yummy Caeasar salads also -Hokkien Noodle Salad, Crunchy Noodle Salad with chicken and the normal salad packs. As written on the back of the menu please note if you want to make sure you don’t miss out on what you want place an order into the canteen in the morning and this will avoid you having to line up and also get disappointed in missing out on what you wanted. Recess orders can also be done before school and then no line up necessary. Please have a good read of the menu as it is extensive and we have a lot to offer, don’t forget to add 10c for bags, 20c for spoon or forks and 30c for tomato sauce, mayo or pickles. As per previous years volunteers would be greatly appreciated, once again as it was last year I will be offering to the parents who volunteer a free lunch order for one child on the day of your volunteering. The College will be also doing something as a thankyou which last year was a lovely thankyou dinner at Tabcorp. Volunteers are required between 10am and approx. 2pm and lunch is provided. Please email your details: jk.honey@bigpond.com or phone: 0409 140 408. Thank you everyone and good luck in 2016. Karen Honey Canteen





Term 1

Term 1



3rd 4th 9th 10th 11th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 22nd 23rd


25th 26th

College Opening Mass 12.00pm Year 7 Information Evening 6.30pm SACCSS AGM VCE/VCAL 2015 Awards Year 8 Information Evening 7.00pm Ash Wednesday College Swimming Carnival Year 9 Camp VCAL I Excursion Year 9 Camp Year 9 Camp VCE Studio Arts Excursion Year 12 Information Evening 7.00pm Senior Cricket Year 7 Swimming Program SACCSS Golf Year 8 A & B Camps Year 7 Swimming Program Year 8 A & B Camps Year 8 D & M Camps 2017 Pilgrimage Information Night 7.00pm Year 7 Swimming Program Year 8 D & M Camps Year 8 M &O Camps 2015 Year 12 BBQ Year 8 M & O Camps Year 8 C Camps Year 8 C Camps

Wednesday 3rd

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Winter Uniform Fitting Wednesday 10th 12.00pm - 2.00pm 5.00pm - 8.00pm

Homework Club Homework Club will start next week Wednesday, 10th February from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 16th March

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