7th march, 2017

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7th March, 2017 Reflection Lord God, you who breathed the spirit of life within me. Draw out of me the light and life you created. Help me to find my way back to you. Help me to use my life to reflect your glory and to serve others as your son Jesus did.

Dear Parents and Students, School Visit from Shadow Minister for Education Mr Nick Wakeling, Shadow Minister for Education visited CRC Melton last Wednesday. His tour included the Performing Arts Centre, the Trade Training Centre, and the Siena, Padua, Clairvaux and Gadal buildings. He was interested in hearing about our Year 7 and 8 math program, our reading program and the engineering courses available at the College. Mr Wakeling commented on the positive attitude of the students he met on his tour, and he was also complimentary regarding our school facilities and programs. Mark Sheehan Principal From the Deputy Principal (Staff) Camps Year 8 Camps are finished for 2017. Reviews have been very positive and they were blessed with great weather. Our Year 7 Camps take place during the week of March 20 – 24. CRC Federation Mass Families are asked to note on their calendars that Monday, March 13 is the Labour Day holiday and Tuesday, March 14 is the CRC Federation Mass where staff from all five Regional Colleges come together at 2.00pm for Mass and reflection. The morning will be used for our staff to participate in Austism Spectrum Disorders and ASD Professional Learning. There will be no newsletter next week. End of Term Dates Classes will finish on Thursday, March 30 at 3.20pm with Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews taking place that afternoon (4pm – 7pm) and the next day, Friday (9am – 1pm). John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Full-On Theatre, raise the heART and CRCM present, THE CHANGE

A theatrical experience that explores racism, community and belonging. The journey begins with an immersive physical labyrinth that the audience travels through. It’s full of installations that the performers bring to life and where you become part of the story that's unfolding. It features projections, actors, live music and cool sound designs. This is followed by a performance of THE CHANGE. This is more traditional short play in the theatre that includes an ensemble of actors, live music and screen projections. Based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, we follow the story of Ryan, (Romeo) from a racist white family and Zara (Juliet) from a South Sudanese family as they experience events based on real events in Melton over the last 2 years. THE CHANGE has been created by Year 8, 9 & 10 students in association with a professional theatre company. Performance for friends and families:

Wednesday 29th March, 7pm Venue: Performing Arts Centre Melton Youth Services The City of Melton Youth Services offers a huge range of activities, events and programs for young people in the area. We have a number of students drop into the Centre to access the activities and programs and we have utilised their expertise to make presentations and visits to the College. A listing of services and providers that work with young people can be found on the Melton City Council websites http://www.melton.vic.gov.au/Services/People/Youth Check out what is happening this term at the Youth Centre with your son/daughter http://www.melton.vic.gov.au/Services/People/Youth/Stuff-to-do/Youth-Services-Calendar Archbishop's Conversation with Student Leaders On Thursday the 2nd of February, 4 student leaders along with Ms. Nowak represented our school at the annual Archbishop's conversation. At this event, many leaders from many schools all over Melbourne attended, it was great to see such diversity and leadership of Melbourne in one place, all with the same goal, to learn more not only about our faith, but about leadership too. The main focus for this year's conversation was 'courage'. Archbishop Denis Hart started the day by giving his own speech, he incorporated how he had to have courage in his own life and journey. The main point he put across was to be courageous in our own faith and to trust that the truth will set us free and lead us to the goal we set out to achieve. A great speaker, Roby Curtis openly shared his journey and how he got to where he is today. He spoke about how every one should be honest to not only others, but to themselves as well. A quote that really stood out was, "The truth is like a lion, once it is released, it will defend it's self". After these inspiring talks, we were put into groups and had the chance to discuss all this with other fellow leaders, some new faces and complete strangers and other familiar faces who it was amazing to see again. During these discussions, we found that we're not the only ones going through particular difficulties as a leader, many traits were shared and many more views were found to be in common too. We were fortunate enough to have a photo with His Grace, and also a great selfie! Overall, the day was an amazing experience for Fernando, Athyang, Luke and myself. We learnt a lot about qualities of a leader and what we should and can show in our school. Also a big thankyou to Miss Nowak who drove us to and from the conference. Anakin Anderson Liturgy Captain

Year 7 Peer Support - Week 3

Understanding how influential our thoughts are in responding to challenges is crucial. Last week, students recognised the choices we have to respond with either open or limiting thoughts. A difficult or new situation may require hard work, perseverance, courage or support from others. Open thoughts allow us to make the most of any situation, feeling optimistic about the possible outcomes. Limiting thoughts still allow us to work through challenges, however, they prevent us from stretching our abilities and exploring positive outcomes to bring about change. You may like to visit the website below for examples regarding how praise can lead to adopting open thoughts: http:// mindsetonline.com/howmindsetaffects/parentsteacherscoaches/index.html Elise Nowak Student Leadership Coordinator

Compulsory Meeting for Pilgrims and Parents There will be a compulsory meeting for Pilgrims and Parents at the College on Wednesday 15th March at 7.00pm. Student News Congratulations to Mathew Netto on selection in the Victorian Junior Indoor Cricket State Team. The Championships will be held in Mackay during the July school holidays. Dear Parents/Carers, As you would be well aware, life is all about deadlines. The bills and mortgage repayments are due by a certain date, a plane or train will leave at a specified time whether you are on it or not, dentist and doctor’s appointments are often lost if you are late and work tasks must be completed by a time specified by your employer. All essential tasks in life, all needing to meet a deadline set by someone else. The theme at CRC Melton this year is ‘Achieving your Personal Best’. Part of achieving one’s best is to meet the set deadline as is required in all aspects of our lives. To support students in the development of the skills required to prioritise tasks, to research and study effectively and most importantly, to maintain a home study program that results in timely submission of all tasks, I have included the Assessment work flow charts in this newsletter. These charts are for all students in Year 7 to 10 and clearly outline the action steps for when a student does not meet the deadline for homework tasks and major assessment tasks. Please note that the College understands that unexpected events will hinder home study at times, hence the option to seek an extension on the due date is encouraged. An extension will be granted if the student has a note from home or appropriate documentation, however the student must understand that an extension will not be granted if they have not used their time appropriately or prioritised the task. We ask that all parents/carers familiarize themselves with the charts and discuss it with their student. We thank you in advance for your efforts in encouraging your student to achieve their best and for your support in supervising your students program of home study each night. PAM Have you checked PAM this week? This is a quick reminder that your students’ academic results and feedback on each task will be loaded onto PAM as they are completed. Parents/Carers will also have access to academic reports and letters, such as the unsatisfactory performance letter, on this system. Please note that letters will not be posted home and must be accessed through the PAM system. If you are experiencing difficulties logging on to PAM, please contact the IT department at the College. New families will receive their login ID and password this week. Narelle Layton Director of Learning

Major Assessment Tasks Year 7 to 10 Assessment task or test notification given and due date is set

Task submitted/sat on the due date



Does the work meet the academic potential of the student? Does it reflect their best effort?


Has an extension been granted prior to the due date? Medical certificate? Parent note? Was the student at a school approved activity? Is there information from SSG or YLC?



Work is graded with a % and added to learning areas

Unsatisfactory Performance Letter issued via SIMON, return slip handed to YLC Student given 7 days (or reasonable time) to resubmit/resit the task.

New date set by the teacher. Parents notified of new due date via email, diary or phone


Unsatisfactory Performance Letter issued via SIMON. Student given reasonable time to resubmit/resit

Task resubmitted/resat Task is graded with a % and added to SIMON Learning Areas Task is resubmitted/resat. Student has ONE chance only to resubmit. Original mark to be reported on learning areas New mark to be incorporated into the learning areas comment

Has the task been resubmitted or resat?


Unsatisfactory Performance Letter issued via SIMON return slip handed to YLC Academic Recall issued where student must complete the work. Marked against original rubric for the task. Student has ONE chance only to resubmit. ‘Late Submission’ to be reported on learning areas as mark received Actual mark to be incorporated into the learning areas comment


‘Late Submission’ to be reported on learning areas as mark received Actual mark to be incorporated into the learning areas comment

Homework Tasks Year 7 to 10 Homework not completed

Has an extension been granted prior to the due date? Parent note? Medical certificate? Is there information from Student Support Services, HRT or YLC?



Parents notified via an Overdue Work Notice & a note on the student profile on SIMON should also be made. HRT and YLC notified Extension of 1 period given.

Extension of 1 period given. Parents notified of the extension via phone, diary or email

Has the work been completed?


Teacher to record submission of late work


Parents notified via Unsatisfactory Performance Letter on SIMON. Academic Lunch/recess Recall is issued and supervised by the subject teacher where the work is to be completed.

Year 9 Rite Journey Calling Camp (Feb 20-24 2017)

The Rite Journey ‘Calling’ & ‘Departure’ Camp is a time where students and parents acknowledge that the time has come for their son/daughter to move on from being just a ‘child’ and commence transitioning into young, responsible, accountable and resilient adults. As part of the Rite Journey Camp, we all acknowledged the role that parents have in raising young teenagers. The camp outline was as follows: Rationale: ‘Calling’ students to begin the journey of transition from adolescents to adulthood ‘The Calling’ Intent: The Calling is a ceremony in which the students are ‘called’ by their teachers on their journey. The ‘calling’ also involves acknowledgement of the end of childhood and a show of gratitude to those people who influenced the students through their childhood. The Departure Intent: The essence of this ceremony is to receive the parents/s/care-givers blessing and support to work with their child during The Rite Journey throughout the year. This camp was also a great example of how people can put differences aside and work together to achieve an outcome. Students participated in different levels of challenges that were offered to them, being singing, push up challenges, squat challenges, trivia challenge and doing team challenges to earn the most points, letting go of issues and making a fresh start. It was extremely rewarding and encouraging to welcome parents for the dinner nights that were prepared by the students. Students were welcoming and had some quiet time with their parents to thank them for all that they have learnt so far in life. It was a good opportunity for parents to hear how grateful their children are of them and how they can continue being life-long mentors to their child. Some students wrote gratitude letters to their parents as part of their reflective time whilst on camp. These letters were then handed to parents after our dinner. We thank parents for supporting this year’s camp. A new aspect of this year’s camp was our guest speakers from Catholic Care who spoke about boys becoming men (boy’s session) and girls becoming women (girl’s session). These insightful guest speakers engaged with all of our students and many questions were raised to which the Year 9s responded with pride, respectfulness and openness. Society’s expectations of what men and women should be liked were challenged and students walked out with confidence that its ok to be an individual because everyone is unique and everyone has so much to offer our world. Overall it was a great team building camp where plenty of discussion and questions were asked and answered. Well done to all who invested their time and effort into preparing and participating in the camp. On behalf of the Rite Journey Team, Karina Dunne Year 9 Gadal Director

Showcase 2017 Ticket Sales are Open

Showcase 2017 promises to be a fun-filled night of entertainment. A night of two acts, the first half is a one act play called Drop Dead Juliet - a classic tale with a comic twist that follows Juliet's attempts to re-write her destiny in future performances. The second half features a Sea Spectacular filled with a variety of dance and movement pieces along with a performance from our vocal Ensemble. Ticket sales are now open and are accessible via the link https://www.trybooking.co OXZA or https://www.trybooking.com/262262. All tickets are $10. Tickets include finger food prior to the show at 6.30pm. The performances are on Thursday March 16th and Friday March 17th at 7pm in the CRC Performing Arts Centre.

School Sport Victoria Team School Sport Victoria Team Vic State Team Trial Registrations are closing Friday 10 March 2017, for the following sports; Australian Football 12 Years and Under, Basketball 12 Years and Under, Football (Soccer) 12 Years and Under, Netball 12 Years and Under. Swimming and Volleyball have a different closing date. You can find all the details via School Sport Victoria’s website. http://www.ssv.vic.edu.au/team-vic

Head Lice The College has been notified of a case of head lice within Year 9. If a student has head lice, we ask parents to inform the College and take the appropriate action. Further information can be obtained on www.dhs.vic.gov.au/phd/ headlice

Calendar 2017

Homework Club Homework club is in the Library Wednesday’s 3.30 – 4.30pm until last week of term

Term 1 March 8th 9th 10th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 28th 29th

30th 31st

Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camps SACCSS Senior Day Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camps Units 1 & 2 Outdoor Education Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Senior Cricket Labour Day Holiday Federation Mass Day (No classes) Pilgrim Trip meeting Showcase Performance Showcase Performance Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Year 11 Reflection Day SACCSS Swimming Full on Theatre Student Performance Senior Cricket Grand Final Europe Trip leaves Full on Theatre Family Performance PST Interviews PST Interviews (No classes) Term 1 concludes

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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