tur(i)ntogreen ongoing projects
what’s going on? Here’s a little guide with the ongoing and existing projects that are aready taking part in South Mirafiori. They’re worth to be looked at. Miraorti Vov 102 Farmer’s Market Turisti Per Casa Cascina Roccafranca Torino Nuova Economia (TNE) (Cittadella politecnica del design e della mobilità sostenibile) Corso Marche Axis (Mirafiori Square and Agricultural Park) Underground Railway Line 2
www.miraorti.com Miraorti is a project started in October 2011 during the regeneration of the area comprised between the stream Sangone and South Mirafiori neighbourhood. It’s a participative design process in support of
Turin municipality, that deals with agriculture in urban areas A new way to face with the urban transformation focusing on social relations, bringing together stakeholders, citizens and institutions. Aim of the project is to increase the understanding and knowledge
of this important district of the city, to involve citizens at local and urban level, to experience a methodology to legalize and organize private illegal allotments, fostering to strengthen the image of Mirafiori as the agro-urban district of the city.
Vov 102 Farmer’s Market www.piemonte.coldiretti.it
The project is ajoint collaboration among Turin Municipality, Enzo B Onlus and Coldiretti [farmers trade union]. It’s a farmer market selling directly to private local food. This project is part of a wider National
project led by Coldiretti to organize a “100% Italian food supply chain”, the so called short supply chain, where only locally produced products can be found. The decision to organize the market in the urban area is to allow the initiative to spread wide in a large www.polito.it/turintogreen
potential market, but also to see how this can contribute to the district regeneration. In VOV 102 farmer market, via Onorato Vigliani 102, without going to the farms, people can find locally and seasonally produced food with high quality at reasonable prices.
Turisti Per Casa
www.fondazionemirafiori.it/turistipercasa The challenge for Turisti per casa project is to attract tourists at South Mirafiori, aiming to create a hospitality network with neighbourhood B&B, to host visitors. The unusual side is to convince the sceptical citizens
to leave their home keys in the hand of visitors, hosted in part of the too big apartments or other available spaces in the neighbourhood. The initial project success has moved many landlords to start the experiment. A third
Cascina Roccafranca
Roccafranca farm is a cultural centre. A place where to participate to Mirafiori life, to meet neighbours, to spend some times expanding hobbies and interests. There are no other centres in Turin, where every
activity and service focuses on values such as participation and integration.
B&B will be opened soon, along with a new project for touristic visits in the area.
www.torinonuovaeconomia.it/area_torino.php TNE is a PP company created in 2009 to regenerate the neighbourhood and to increase property values in Mirafiori, acting on the areas that FIAT has sold to the company. Partners are the Piemonte Region (40%), Turin
Municipality (40%), Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A (10%) and Turin Provincia (10%). Mirafiori industrial areas are overall more than 300.000 m2 comprised of warehouses, office buildings and free areas, already on the market.
Cittadella Politecnica del design e della mobilitĂ sostenibile www.polito.it/ateneo/siamo/sedi/torino/mirafiori www.isolarchitetti.it One of the very first important clues in the regeneration of Miarafiori jigsaw has been the creation of the Design Centre. It covers 21.000 m2, localized within the Ex DAI warehouse; available spaces and facilities
on more than 7.000 m2 for higher education in the fields of industrial design and automotive, involving more than 1500 students.
A general master plan for some of the areas has been developed recently.
Corso Marche Axis
www.provincia.torino.gov.it/speciali/ corso_marche Corso Marche is meant to be one of the three urban backbones in the future Turin, along with the river Po and the “Spina�. It will pass by Collegno and Grugliasco, connecting Venaria (at north) to Beinasco (at
south), both touched by the ring road. It will work as a urban linear facility with local and metropolitan services. As south end of the axis there will be Piazza Mirafiori, with a mixed function of residences and services for
higher education and industry, now moving in the area dismissed by FIAT.
Mirafiori Square
Agricultural Park
>> The area comprised in the Agricultural Park is an example of how was the farming and irrigation system in the Turin surroundings, using Dora and Sangone as water
reservoir, not being affected by the industrial revolution. The aim is to keep the existing farms working, decreasing the physical pressure around the area caused by factories,
Underground Railway Line 2 www.infrato.it/it/infrastrutture/page/ linea-2--28metro-29
After the realization of the underground railway line 1, the line 2 will be realized to connect north eastern areas with south western one’s, with
15 km. Length. The southern part of it will be realized as second bit and will end at the Cemetery “Parco”
houses and warehouses, getting a new high environmental standard to city boundary areas.
Case studies + other information •
http://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2012/07/18/news/i_braccianti_extracomunitari_diventano_i_nuovi_contadini-39236193/ •
www2.lastampa.it/2012/07/20/cronaca/bollettino-di-guerra-per-l-agricoltura-perse-mila-aziende-i-SiVZsGV0gQnNosABk37ccJ/index.html •
www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/25/urban-farming-new-york-brooklyn-grange_n_1702175.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false •
www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=268027246631581&set =a.162462340521406.24200.161933300574310&type=1&theater •
www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150951223302056&set=a.93042217055.101680.14994122055&type=1&theater •
www2.lastampa.it/2012/08/04/cronaca/tre-miliardi-di-euro-per-cambiare-pelle-alla-torino-del-Dn7dJ5lm6amKCBpCi0i7bK/index.html •
http://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2012/08/03/news/torino_salvi_i_suoi_campi_e_i_contadini_invisibili-40258074/ •
www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150959127212163&set =a.10150891045922163.409576.133471887162&type=1&theater •
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