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no 3

oct / nov 2010 free


founder & publisher fernando de haro production director analee g. paz

interns C I T Y M A G A Z I N E

gabriela enriquez, jessica mancha, adriana martinez, alfonso moreno

copy editor

no 3

graciela garcia

oct • nov 2010

design & production photographer ferch graphic designer analee g. paz

writers valeria barcelo, ana chaverria, fernando de haro, gabriela enriquez, juan flores garza, moon jamaluddin special thanks itzel magaña, celina diaz, konstantina lagou, marina papova, justyna ochocinska, lorena lorenzana, sara serna de paz, fernando gaytan, katie gutierrez, steve jobs, mafalda, grooveshark, nikon, facebook, and the city of new york los angeles contributor nacho de la garza in-house hairstylist gerardo baltazar at luxe salon

publisher la tercera edición de Cream nos es muy especial ya que nos ha llevado a la gran metrópoli de Nueva York en un viaje lleno de aventuras y satisfacciones, el cual nos permite echar un pequeño vistazo a la vida de 15 personas que hasta hace poco llamaban a Laredo su casa. Realizar este reportaje nos tomó muchísimas horas de esfuerzo y planeación. Agradezco infinitamente a todas las personas que hicieron un espacio en su ocupada agenda y nos dieron la oportunidad de conocer como es la vida de un laredense en la Gran Manzana. Les invito a que sigan apoyando a Cream y que, al igual que nosotros, den un merecido reconocimiento a aquellos que con sus acciones ayudan a mejorar la imagen de Laredo. Tal es el caso, también, de RunStrong Laredo, un magnífico grupo de corredores que canalizan sus energías para ayudar a la niñez y juventud a través de carreras y campamentos. Igualmente disfrutamos mucho en esta edición de nuestra nota de reciclaje. Fuimos testigos del la creatividad de nuestros cuatro invitados al reciclar copias de nuestras ediciones pasadas en algo diferente. Les invito a que disfruten todas las secciones, notas y artículos de Cream. Nos inspira mucho el poder compartir con ustedes un nuevo número hecho con uno de nuestros ingredientes favoritos....muchísimo entusiasmo. Esperamos lo disfruten.

Copyright © 2010 Cream City Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. All rights reserved. Points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of Cream City Magazine. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the magazine. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content, accuracy, and images in their ads. Printed in Mexico.

ADVERTISING + 956.753.6755

N o3 cream team


Analee G. Paz


Alfonso Moreno 3 Gabriela Enríquez

4 Jessica Mancha 5 Adriana Martinez 6 Graciela García 7 Nacho De la Garza 8 Valeria Barceló

Cream City Magazine on Twitter for daily updates, tidbits, behind the TWEET US! Follow scenes pics+videos+links, and pointless babble at

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living loud





with Anna Ca

rolina Gonz





museo reyes meza

PRO the

A Platinum Wedding Igor & Bettina this issue’s activity challenge



reciclarte THE NEW YORK LIFE



vs school edition


dude, where’s my life?

watching our TV shows is as necessary as washing our face



g n il vi ud lo

zling f daz nd o n u sio surro xplo an e ements in the fan’s t h ug nc sify ssette enha s bro inten e ha including ones that alkman ca will d a c h s de W nts vance headp was a y pone last the logical ad and even e “in� gift endy com y will the l h , r o t s t n n e k o l o d m st ot an bac tech turntab years ve of fun avings. N to get the , d w n e f u r a so u .A cc new w ience ow yo musi exper Now, the to your ey will all in h r. playe ou tuned lish, but t y y t s p e l . e e e k es you f devic make our audio y a from anch ca m jessi



3 3

8 7






1 Chopper 2 (Snow) by Aerial7, $70; 2 Elvis Presley Baby Bubbler Jukebox by Crosley, $245; 3 Eco Boombox (Starburst Gummi) by Merkury Innovations, $20; 4 Vortex Headphones by Merkury Innovations, $20; 5 Beehive Orchid Merkury Innovations, $15; 6 Tank (Azzurro) by by Aerial7, $80; 7 Matador (Joker) by Aerial7, $50; 8 Tank (Storm) Aerial7, $80; 9 DJ Mixer by Merkury Innovations, $119; 10 Mini-turntable Record Player by Crosley, $80; 11 Big Round

Headphones by by Merkury Innovations, $20;

research & info by adriana martĂ­nez


cream october / november 2010

out & about

VIA DISEÑO desfile de modas Con un gran despliegue de modernos y originales diseños influenciados por el movimiento surrealista, se llevó a cabo con gran éxito en el Centro Cultural de Nuevo Laredo el desfile de modas VIA Diseño.

FLAMENCO a gallery 201 night Una noche muy especial se vivió en Galería 201 donde los invitados vibraron con la pasión del flamenco al presenciar majestuosas interpretaciones en un evento de primerísimo nivel.

THE BIG 1-0-0 ! a sames motor company celebration Congratulations to Sames Motor Company on their 100th Anniversary. The festivities included a memorable concert, a car give away, and a generous donation of $100,000 to the Laredo Area Community Foundation. What an exceptional way to celebrate!

want to feature your event? contact us for more info at


Banana Cupcakes


For Cupcake: 1/2 cup shortening 1 1/2 cups sugar 2 eggs 1teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup mashed banana 1/4 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt For Frosting: 1 stick butter 2 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar Approx. 1/4 cup heavy cream Caramel topping to taste Yellow food coloring


Once you are done creaming the shortening and sugar, add the eggs, one at a time, at medium speed scraping the bowl frequently. Next, add banana mixture alternating with flour mixture while constantly scraping down. Pour batter in cupcake pan with liners and bake in pre-heated oven. Frosting: Cream butter until light and fluffy. Add confectioners’ sugar and 1/2 of heavy cream. Mix until combined and add the rest of the cream. Add caramel to taste and desired amount of food coloring.

S’mores Cupcakes


For Cupcake: 1 1/2 cups cake flour (not self rising) sifted 3/4 cups granulated sugar 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 1/4 cups water For Marshmallow Topping: 1 packet of unflavored gelatin 1 cup sugar 1/3 cup water 1/4 cup water Cupcakes: Preheat oven. Whisk together liquid ingredients and set aside. Sift together dry ingredients. Whisk in dry mixture into wet mixture until well blended. Divide batter


Cupcakes: Preheat oven. Cream shortening and sugar for about 3 minutes. Sift together dry ingredients. Mash together bananas, buttermilk, and vanilla.

evenly into cupcake pan. Once you are done creaming the shortening and sugar, add the eggs, one at a time, at medium speed scraping the bowl frequently. Next, add banana mixture alternating with flour mixture while constantly scraping down. Pour batter in cupcake pan with liners and bake in preheated oven. Topping: Add gelatin and 1/3 cup of water in a mixing bowl and let sit for about 10 min. On the side, add the sugar and water into a pot. Place pot on high heat until sugar has dissolved and mixture is clear and thick. Add sugar mixture into the gelatin and with the whisk attachment begin whisking at a low speed and gradually increasing speed until white and fluffy, about 15 min. Place topping on cupcake and, if desired, torch for decoration.

Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes


For Cupcake: 3 cups cake flour (not self rising) 11/2 cups all purpose flour 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 1/4 sticks butter 2 1/4 cups sugar 5 eggs 2 cups buttermilk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract For Filling: 2 cups milk 1/4 cup white sugar 2 egg yolks 1 egg 1/4 cup cornstarch 1/3 cup white sugar 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract For Chocolate Frosting: 1 stick butter 2 3/4 cup confectioners’ sugar 1/4 cups cocoa powder Approx. 1/4 cup heavy cream Ganache for Decoration: 8 ounces bittersweet 62% chocolate 4 ounces heavy cream Cupcakes: Preaheat oven. Sift the dry ingredients, except the sugar. In a separate bowl, cream the butter and sugar and add eggs, one at a time, at medium speed.

Scrape the bowl frequently until well blended. Reduce speed and add flour mixture, alternating with buttermilk and vanilla extract until combined. Divide batter into cupcake pan and bake in pre-heated oven. Once cooled, cut the cupcakes in half and put filling between the layers. Decorate with a dollop of frosting and finish by pouring ganache over frosting. Filling: In a heavy saucepan, stir together the milk and 1/4 cup of sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat. In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and egg. Stir together the remaining sugar and cornstarch; then stir them into the egg until smooth. When the milk comes to a boil, drizzle it into the bowl with the egg mixture in a thin stream while mixing so that you do not cook the eggs. Return the mixture to the saucepan, and slowly bring to a boil, stirring constantly so the eggs don’t curdle or scorch on the bottom. When the mixture comes to a boil and thickens, remove from the heat. Stir in the butter and vanilla, mixing until the butter is completely blended in. Pour into a heat-proof container. Refrigerate until chilled before using. Frosting: Cream butter and cocoa until fluffy. Add the confectioners’ sugar and heavy cream and mix until fluffy. ganache: Chop chocolate into small pieces. Bring cream to a boil and add to chocolate. Let sit for about a minute then stir together.

GIve your life flavor...GIve your life color...Give your life a cupcake! With all the variations that this appetizing dessert can have, Cream features 3 delectable recipes that will sweeten your day!



with Anna C

arolina Gon

banana cupcake


1 s’mores cupcake

boston cream pie cupcake








To Anna Carolina Gonzalez baking isn’t just something she enjoyed doing as a child, it’s much more than that. After graduating high school, she was accepted into Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Austin, Texas and is now a Pastry Chef. Pastry has given her one more way of expressing herself. For Anna, baking is the means of transforming simple ingredients into a work of art.

cream october / november 2010



cream october / november 2010

museo reyes meza la necesidad de cumplir con funciones primordiales, propias del ser humano como el esparcimiento y la sensibilización, impulsan a comprometernos con el deber de exigir y dar paso hacia un nuevo y acucioso crecimiento educativo y cultural. Tal premisa nos lleva a analizar uno de los espacios más vibrantes en la escena cultural actual, me refiero al Museo Reyes Meza del Centro Cultural Nuevo Laredo. creación de un espacio vivo

Así como el comercio circulante de Nuevo Laredo beneficia a la población, la creación de nuevos espacios que den cabida al disfrute de manifestaciones artísticas nos motiva a expresar nuestra gratitud.

un espacio sin precedentes

A poco más de dos años de operaciones el Museo Reyes Meza, que abrió sus puertas de forma sorprendente, ha dado resultados palpables en dos grandes salas. En ellas se han mostrado piezas del México prehispánico y las exuberancias del barroco, documento del arte virreinal. También sus muros han sostenido piezas del arte moderno—contemporáneo y emergente—dando un amplio y sustancioso panorama curatorial del arte-oficio que mejor representa a nuestra sociedad. Las obras no solamente están de paso por la aduana, ahora llegan y se exhiben aquí. retos, logros y compromisos

El Reyes Meza a la fecha ha realizado importantes convenios de colaboración con: Corporativo FEMSA / Cervecería Cuauhtémoc; Museo Soumaya / Fundación Carlos Slim A.C.; Museo del Vidrio, Vitro; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Tamaulipas, MACT; Museo de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público; Fundación Juan Soriano y Marek Keller A.C.; sólo por nombrar a algunas instituciones.

el hecho de poder admirar de cerca A través de los muros del Museo En las salas de dicho museo Reyes Meza se ha cumplido con exposiciones de grandes maestros del se rinde tributo a José Reyes la función de plantear diálogos Meza, uno de los artistas más arte en un espacio vivo como nuestro museográficos, así como el importantes de Tamaulipas. museo habla de un considerable diseñar estrategias de servicios Desde el día de su apertura en crecimiento cultural y de un educativos para informar, junio del 2008, esta institución parteaguas social. sensibilizar, formar y atraer ha forjado un compromiso con públicos con el único objeto la sociedad de Nuevo Laredo al de que naturalmente sean los exhibir en sus salas las mejores mismos usuarios quienes demanden los programas y agendas exposiciones de arte, fruto de las relaciones que ha cultivado culturales de la ciudad. con otros museos del país. De igual forma se ha vinculado con artistas, galeristas, coleccionistas, fundaciones y diversas Pasará un buen periodo de tiempo. Los resultados del impacto por instituciones culturales. los beneficios de tener un museo de arte en nuestra ciudad llegarán tan pronto como la conciencia colectiva lo permita y de lo capaces El hecho de poder admirar de cerca exposiciones de grandes que seamos para analizar a través de esculturas, lienzos, fotografías maestros del arte en un espacio vivo como nuestro museo habla o instalaciones, nuestra evolución como humanidad. de un considerable crecimiento cultural y de un parteaguas social. Los habitantes de esta ciudad teníamos que viajar para contemplar obras de arte y luego, por cuestiones de la casualidad, descubrir tiempo después que alguna obra importante había estado de paso juan flores garza por la aduana para ser exhibida en un museo de la Ciudad de México o de Estados Unidos.

las vías del desarrollo exigen rutas alternas que conduzcan socialmente a replantearse conceptos, definir prioridades y seguir en la constante búsqueda de retos que beneficien y definan a una sociedad cohesiva.

cream october / november 2010


PRO the

Three visions. One city. valeria barcel贸 principal olga gentry

singer / songwriter aly tadros

restaurateur francisco ochoa

B63 >@7<17>/: Olga Gentry My career began at...Ryan Elementary where I worked twelve years. I graduated from. St. Augustine in 1982 and received my degree in Education from Texas A&M in 1986. I earned two Master degrees at TAMIU–Early Childhood and Educational Administration. Since 2002, I have worked in the St. Augustine School community. Through January of 2009, I served as principal of St. Augustine Elementary. I am now in my second year as principal of St. Augustine High School. It’s wonderful to be working at my alma mater! My job’s biggest satisfaction is...working in a catholic school where all stakeholders collaborate to ensure excellence in academic foundations and faith formation. Our mission from K3 until 12th

grade is to develop the whole person, to promote Gospel values, and to inspire lifelong learning. Another satisfaction is working with a committed faculty, staff, parents, and community friends so that our graduates are prepared for college and their chosen careers. We have a long legacy of St. Augustine alumni being positively involved in their communities as is the tradition and the expectation. Work and family can be balanced when‌the job is so much a part of one’s life. My three sons are all KNIGHTS; John Richard graduated in 2008 and is currently at Texas A&M; Patrick will graduate in 2011; and Joseph is a freshman. I am able to join my sons as is their dad, Richard, in so many activities—a basketball game, a field trip, a college visit, Mass, or a class retreat!

B63 A7<53@ A=<5E@7B3@ Aly Tadros My favorite “guilty pleasure� song is...“I’m Yours� by Jason Mraz. Feels a bit campy, but it brightens my mood. An interesting story about my tour that I blogged about...I was playing at a hostel in San Francisco for my first national tour and met Emily from Ireland. I mentioned I wanted to tour Europe, so she recommended several venues around Dublin, including The Thatch Rahan in Rahan, Tullamore (translation: middle of nowhere). A year later, we’re actually playing there—and in walks Emily. Coincidentally, she had moved to a small town nearby and came when she heard I was playing. She invited us to her big family farm, and her sister hosted a house concert for us in Mullinavat, Kilkenny (also in the middle of nowhere). We appeared in several local papers.

I started singing for Laredo. I grew up doing musical theatre with LITE Productions and LLT. I started going to open mic’s in San Antonio right after I started songwriting, when I (secretly) decided to leave college for music. Anything is possible‌with hard work and determination. Three years ago I decided to pursue a passion I knew absolutely nothing about, shocking most of my friends and family. A career in the arts can be risky—but for me, a desk job would be even riskier. Find what keeps you up till 4a.m. and make it your career. When you love what you do, mistakes are inevitable but failure is impossible.

B63 @3AB/C@/B3C@ Francisco Ochoa I was the state of Sinaloa in a small village that borders the state of Chihuahua. Being the oldest of twelve children, I abandoned my studies in Guasave at the age of 14 to help my father in a furniture store.

Although we sold the restaurants in the United States to Denny’s, we still own the chain in MÊxico and, now, Taco Palenque which we are expanding all through Texas. I never imagined that our little restaurant would be so successful!

The idea to start a restaurant‌was born out of necessity. At the end of 1974 and after several failed business ventures that had left us in debt, we decided to try our luck at selling grilled chicken. On January 8, 1975 the first El Pollo Loco began in Guasave, Sinaloa. In December 1980, we opened the first Pollo Loco in Los Angeles, and by 1983 we had 17 restaurants in California. Ours is the first Mexican chain of restaurants to have franchises in USA, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.

My family has always been‌involved in the business. My four brothers helped since the very beginning, and my wife and children contribute with their support and modern ideas. I feel blessed because I love my work and have the backing of family and friends. My only hobby is getting together with them to sing and play the guitar or the piano. Facundo Cabral said, “No es mĂĄs rico el que mĂĄs tiene sino el que menos necesita,â€? (Rich is not the man who has more, but the one who needs less) and this is so true.



cream october / november 2010

couple celebrating with friends

newlyweds with the mu単oz family

newlyweds with the agarunov family

A Platinum Wedding Igor & BettIna Laredo Center of the Arts 9. 18 . 2010

ceremony at the first episcopal church

cream october / novemver 2010 photography aldo darien


memos M





cream october / november 2010

treinta 1 3

hacer que tus ideas se publiquen (un artículo, una canción, un poema,etc.)

participar en un maratón


poner un pie en todos los continentes 4

¡ R E c o R TA L o Y P E G A L o E N T U R E F R I !



Poner a prueba tu destreza aprendiendo un tercer idioma.


asitir a un evento profesional deportivo (ej. Olimpiadas, FIFA, Super Bowl, etc.) Memorizar 30 capitales del mundo. 7




aprender trucos de bartender (advertencia: serás el alma de la fiesta)


celebrar Mardi Gras en Nueva Orleans


11 Pasar Año

Nuevo en NYC

hacer una fogata en la playa 12 13Eliminar

tu peor hábito.14

15 Aventurarte en la carretera yéndote de roadtrip sin destino fijo

17 Viajar de 18 ayudar mochilazo a tu a Europa o prójimo a Uruapán.


22 observar apostar en Las Vegas las estrellas a través aprender a tocar de un telescopio un instrumento


tomar un Si eres hombre, tour en ¡dejate la barba! helicóptero 27



Embarrarte en la Tomatina de España.

Bailar zamba en el 16 Carnaval de Río




pasar una noche de campamento en algún bosque o montaña

Vivir la experiencia de 23 adoptar un concierto una mascota masivo.

salir de fiesta 2

con alguien famoso


buscar un hobby que te apasione


tener una cita a ciegas 29

trabajar en un lugar que amas

this issue’s activity


reciclarte ¿Cómo reencarna una edición de e Cream en algo qu además de útil es o atractivo, ingenios e interesante? Para averiguarlo, invitamos a cuatro personas que con su visión y talento o nos muestran com e convertir el reciclaj en arte y al mismo tiempo...ayudar a nuestro planeta!

utilizó pedacería de vidrio para agregar color y textura a su pieza.

trenzó largas tiras del papel para crear este efecto.


cream october / november 2010

juliana diez-barroso florero

arq. eduardo salazar lámpara

La naturaleza siempre ha sido muy importante en mi vida; por eso, elegí crear un florero usando dos revistas de Cream. Utilicé hojas de la revista e incorporé colores diferentes para que se pudiera colocar en cualquier parte de la casa u oficina. Me encantó ser parte de este proyecto porque con mi creatividad contribuyo a la ecología en nuestra comunidad.–J.D.

Decidí hacer una lámpara porque, al igual que Cream, da imagen y luz a Laredo. De ahí parte la realización general y en la ejecución particular decidí usar el collage para aplicarlo a esta pieza.–E.S.

enmicó su proyecto para protegerlo y darle mayor durabilidad.

¡usó partes coloridas y palabras de la revista para darle un nuevo look a un sombrero!

betty laura cantu estuche

cibeles tena accesorio

Hice un estuche o archivero para guardar y ordenar los CD’s de la computadora. En este trabajo usé la revista Nº1. Es importante educar a los niños y adolescentes a reutilizar y reciclar todo tipo de materiales como papel, vidrio y plástico para hacer manualidades.–B.C.

El Sombrerero Loco de de mi película preferida, Alicia en el país de las maravillas, fue mi inspiración. Decoré el sombrero con capas de papel y un moño sujetado con listón. En un lado, puse un anuncio de unos bellísimos anillos y agregué palabras inspiradoras, siempre usando los números anteriores de la revista. Resultó muy divertido hacer este sombrero; recordé con nostalgia las manualidades que hacíamos en la escuela.–C.T. cream october / november 2010


for additional ima ges from this fea ture visit us cre amcitymagazine



New York, with its iconic skyline, is the city that never sleeps and where dreams can become reality.

THE NEW NEW YORK LIFE LIFE Fifteen Laredoans share with Cream City Magazine the experience and adventures that have led them to call the Big Apple their new home.


in times square

Ina Serna, 24 Ina has a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from Arte A.C. in Monterrey, MÊxico. She came to New York to pursue her studies of Photography, Kitchen & Bathroom Design, and Portrait Painting at Parsons the New School for Design. She is very passionate about anything and everything that has to do with art and design. She is originally from Nuevo Laredo and attended St. Augustine High School.

Mel SaldaĂąa, 26 Mel is currently working as the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director of the second largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center in the U.S. She is also training for a 300 mile bike ride from Boston to New York City in an effort to raise money for AIDS services. Mel spends her free time dog-sitting, running, scoping out the Brooklyn music scene, and freelance writing for NYC based magazines.








ha vie

wo f







eo f




Andrew Alexander, 18 He chose to attend Brown University because he wanted to experience life on the East coast. He is thoroughly enjoying every moment and loves being in New York. He likes to share Laredo’s culture with his new friends although they can sometimes be confused by the fusion of Mexican and American traditions. Andrew loves New York but Laredo will always be his home.


ls ta



Which is your favorite hot spot or location in town? Angie The Raccoon Lodge. It’s a hole in the wall in the heart of Tribeca that

consists of a bar, jukebox, a few video games, Vinnie the bartender, a pool table, and a really dirty bathroom. But it’s the best bar in the world because it’s the type of place where neighbors and regulars convene after a hard day’s work. The regulars and patrons consist of Wall Street guys, lawyers, construction workers, strippers, accountants, mechanics, and everything in between. Every once in a while James Gandolfini will come in and play some pool and Busta Rhymes will come in for a bottle of whiskey. Oh and most importantly, you can get a $2 Pabst Blue Ribbon in a can! Jennifer There are so many great spots and hidden gems in New York; it’s hard to pick. One of my favorite hidden gems is The Young Designer’s Market, which is a bazaar that is set up every weekend in an old gym in the Nolita neighborhood. It has a host of up-and-coming Can you share a memorable designers selling jewelry and other fun items that you can ‘New York Minute’? get at very reasonable prices. Sometimes the designers are noticed and then picked up by major stores, which I think is José Being invited, by a friend, to the fantastic. Rachel My favorite location in Manhattan is the apartment of a wealthy patroness of the West Village, where I currently live. The neighborhood has arts. When I walked into her living room, quaint cobblestone streets, beautiful brownstone buildings, I immediately saw original Rembrandt cute shops, fantastic restaurants, and a lot of greenery. The drawings on her wall and pictures of West Village is a calm, serene neighborhood that offers Nelson Mandela on the piano playing an escape from the tall buildings and hustle and bustle of with her grandchildren. Jordan Manhattan. My favorite spots are Bleeker Street, with its Spring fashion week actually falls in many beautiful shops, and a restaurant called Dell’Anima, September, and juggling a heavy load of which has great food, fine wine, and a cozy atmosphere. academic writing, making sure your boss Andrew When the subway goes over the Manhattan is everywhere he/she needs to be while Bridge. You can see the whole city (and you get cell phone possibly running across the city with service)! Kary I love to run in the evenings and pass the them, socializing every night to keep your piers along the Hudson River. Watching the sunset over network strong, and looking good while Hoboken as I run along the river is beautiful. Plus, there doing so is not very easy—especially are events the City hosts on the piers, such as the Blues if you enjoy sleep. Dianelle For me BBQ Festival and movie nights when films are projected it would be being in the elevator with on a big screen once the sun sets. Chris Living in West United Nations High Commissioner for Village has its perks. Every restaurant, theater, and park Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, who is a hot spot. We wake up late every Sunday and walk to asked me to attend a feminism panel a restaurant in the area to have brunch on the patio with discussion at the New York Yale Club. Peanut (our dog). MeL Mayor Bloomberg invited me to the Mayor’s Mansion for breakfast in honor of What are some sacrifices that you made Immigration Week. I was thrilled at the to get here; and some that you have thought of representing such an important made while living here? cause. I accepted the invitation and even got to take my picture with him. I felt really Caty First of all, being away from my family and my home. good that day. Kary “Manhattanhenge” To survive here you have to work harder and be stronger. because it only happens twice a year. The Chad You sacrifice comfort and money to live in New sun sets in perfect alignment with the York. And space…my living room and kitchen combined are buildings in mid-town Manhattan. It’s as probably the size of an average Laredo closet. Downtown is if the sun had been framed by steel and my kitchen. If you want coffee or bread at two in the morning, brick. It’s very rare and only lasts a couple you don’t go to your refrigerator; you run down the stairs of seconds. and buy it. Dianelle This move was the first time that I had ever left home. I am living in New York without my family and friends. Also, if it weren’t for the sacrifices that my family made, I would not be here. At the moment, I am making sacrifices staying home because of my job—I have to do a lot of researching, reading, and writing, and of course, controlling my spending habits. Rachel I worked hard in college while pursuing my graduate degrees and this hard work has created many wonderful opportunities for me, including the opportunity to work for a prestigious New York law firm. However, I would not be where I am today without the sacrifices of my parents, Arnulfo and Janice Gonzalez, who paid for my education and have provided me with constant love and support throughout my life. Jordan Moving to New York City means sacrificing your personal space. In Laredo, we’re so accustomed to having full-sized homes with large bedrooms and decent closet space. When I got my first apartment in New York, I thought I was going to hate my bedroom as it didn’t fit anything besides my bed frame. However, I benefited from this since it helped me learn how to determine whether or not certain purchases really were necessary Mel I don’t get to travel since my budget is so tight, but when you live in here you don’t need to go anywhere else. Every neighborhood is like a different country. Also, I am far away from my family and don’t get to see them often, so that can be difficult at times. I don’t really think of these things as sacrifices but rather realities. Angie A big sacrifice people have to make in here is giving up space. Living in cramped apartments takes some getting used to for some. But for people like me who love New York City, this is a small price to pay to live in such an amazing environment. cream october / november 2010


16/2 ;7;A # 0]`\ O\R `OWaSR W\ :O`SR] 1VOR U`ORcObSR T`][ Ab /cUcabW\S 6WUV AQV]]Z W\ ! O\R ObbS\RSR bVS C\WdS`aWbg ]T >S\\agZdO\WO 6S U`ORcObSR W\ % T`][ BVS EVO`b]\ AQV]]Z eWbV O [OX]` W\ 4W\O\QS O\R O [W\]` W\ /`QVWbSQbc`S 6S VOa ZWdSR W\ <Se G]`Y 1Wbg T]` bVS ^Oab bV`SS gSO`a e]`YW\U T]` 1`SRWb /U`WQ]ZS ASQc`WbWSa O 4`S\QV 7\dSab[S\b 0O\Y a^SQWOZWhW\U W\ Q`]aaÂłP]`RS` [S`US`a O\R OQ_cWaWbW]\a PSbeSS\ bVS C A O\R :ObW\ /[S`WQO 1VOR ZWdSa W\ <]ZWbO

6=E 272 5@=E7<5 C> 7< :/@32= ;=:2 G=C 7<B= B63 >3@A=< G=C /@3 B=2/G8=Ap Though Laredo is much smaller than New York, it is a big enough city so there

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wasn’t a complete culture shock when I first got here. Also, because I’m a Hispanic who grew up among mostly Hispanic people speaking two languages, I was prepared for the diversity of New York, whereas people who move here from small, mostly white towns tend to have a harder time E6/B >=A7B7D3 /A>31B 4@=; :/@32= 2= acclimating. @/163: My parents, family, teachers, friends, G=C :793 B= A6/@3 E7B6 <3E G=@93@Aand community in Laredo helped shape my values and mold me into the person I am today. I am grateful to the many ;3: I talk about Laredo all the time. I am really proud wonderful people in Laredo who have had (and continue to of where I am from and I think it makes me a wellhave) a positive impact on my life. No matter where I live, rounded individual. I am always sharing stories from Laredo will always feel like home. 9/@G I am very grateful the border. 16/2 The fact that everyone in Laredo for my education at TAMIU and for Dr. Peter Haruna’s knows each other in some form puzzles New Yorkers mentoring. I would not be at Rutgers today without it. Also, I a bit. I think they like the idea though. 83<<743@ appreciate the heterogeneity of New York more coming from Laredo is a wonderful place to grow up. It has a a predominantly Hispanic community; great things happen in culture that is very special and unique. I think the diverse environments. /<2@3E It gave me the background bonds, with friends and family, are much stronger to understand intercultural ways of life. Here so many cultures than those in your average American city. 27/<3::3 interact; Laredo taught me to be open to any and all cultures. I always find myself talking about how Laredo is 1/BG I had the fortune to live at the border of two different the only city in the nation which celebrates George countries and get the best of each one: USA and my beautiful Washington’s birthday and how it’s a month long Mexico. 8=G13 Laredo has played a huge part in making me celebration. I always find myself talking about how the person that I am today. It is because of Laredo’s proximity Laredo is so unique and rich in these festivities to Mexico that I am bi-lingual and able to use both languages and how we are the only city in the nation that easily which most Laredoans take for granted. /C2@3G My takes pride in celebrating America’s native roots upbringing set a very clear foundation. Where I am from, my without failing to mention that Nuevo Laredo influences, my parents, my friends, they made me who I am. celebrates with us. Also, I describe the unique It shaped what I want, what I don’t want, and how I view the and beautiful relationship that we share with world. Whatever life brings, I am and will always be just a our Mexican sister city. /<573 One positive girl from Laredo. I wouldn’t wish it any other way. 16@7A I thing I like to share about Laredo is the am able to share my culture with people I encounter in New sense of community and family. I love that York; and I am also very open to new experiences and learning everyone is a “primo� or makes you feel about different cultures,trends, and ideas. like one even if you are not related by blood. I think that the prevalence of the Mexican-American culture and its emphasis on the family is wonderful. 26

cream october / november 2010

/C2@3G 3A>/@H/ " /TbS` U`ORcObW\U T`][ Ab /cUcabW\S W\ " aVS eOa OQQS^bSR b] <GC¸a BWaQV AQV]]Z ]T bVS /`ba O\R `SQSWdSR O 04/ T`][ <GC¸a 2`O[O 2S^O`b[S\b AVS VOa PSS\ e]`YW\U Oa O\ OQb`Saa SdS` aW\QS AVS QVS`WaVSa VS` `]ZS W\ >]ab <] 0WZZa Pg ;O\R] /ZdO`OR] eVS`S aVS ^ZOgSR O UW`Z T`][ :O`SR] BSfOa b`gW\U b] [OYS Wb W\ <Se G]`Y Oa O aW\US` /cR`Sg Wa Qc``S\bZg W\ µc\RS`\SObV[gPSR¶ Pg 4Z]`S\QWO :]hO\] ^ZOgW\U Ob bVS @ObbZSabWQY >ZOge`WUVba BVSObS`


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83<<743@ 5=<H/:3H ! / U`ORcObS ]T Ab /cUcabW\S 8S\\WTS` PSUO\ VS` abcRWSa O\R `SQSWdSR VS` ;OabS`¸a ]T 4W\O\QS T`][ 0]ab]\ C\WdS`aWbg AVS Q]\bW\cSR VS` SRcQObW]\ Ob 1]Zc[PWO C\WdS`aWbg eVS`S aVS SO`\SR VS` ; 0 / AVS eOa W\WbWOZZg O\ W\Q][S b`ORS` T]` 0SO` AbSO`\a AVS Wa Qc``S\bZg O >]`bT]ZW] ;O\OUS` Ob :SPS\bVOZ /aaSb ;O\OUS[S\b a^SQWOZWhW\U W\ ;c\WQW^OZ 0]\Ra AVS VOa ZWdSR W\ <Se G]`Y T]` OZ[]ab aSdS\ gSO`a Wa [O``WSR O\R `SaWRSa W\ bVS 4ZObW`]\ 2Wab`WQb

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@/163: 5=<H/:3H & @OQVSZ Wa O Q]`^]`ObS Obb]`\Sg Ob 1ZSO`g 5]bbZWSP AbSS\ 6O[WZb]\ ::> 6S` ^`OQbWQS T]QcaSa ]\ Q][[S`QWOZ `SOZ SabObS O\R QO^WbOZ [O`YSb b`O\aOQbW]\a @OQVSZ `SQSWdSR VS` c\RS`U`ORcObS RSU`SS Qc[ ZOcRS T`][ 6O`dO`R 1]ZZSUS W\ " AVS `SQSWdSR O X]W\b 8c`Wa 2]Qb]` O\R ;OabS` ]T 0caW\Saa /R[W\Wab`ObW]\ RSU`SS T`][ 6O`dO`R :Oe AQV]]Z O\R 6O`dO`R 0caW\Saa AQV]]Z W\ ' EVWZS Ob 6O`dO`R aVS aS`dSR Oa 1] >`SaWRS\b ]T bVS 8 2 ; 0 / /aa]QWObW]\ O\R Oa >`W[O`g 3RWb]` ]T bVS 6O`dO`R 6c[O\ @WUVba 8]c`\OZ

/<G 13:30@7BG A756B7<5A G=C E=C:2 :793 B= A6/@3 E7B6 CA/<573 I attended the movie premiere for Madonna’s

documentary, I’m Going to Tell You a Secret. When I got to my seat in the theater, I realized that Madonna was sitting right in front of me! Cyndi Lauper came to my good friend’s birthday party. We were on the dance floor and Cyndi was dancing next to me when “Girls Just Want to Have Funâ€? came on! 7</ I saw Bruce Willis in a little mani/ pedi place in the Upper East Side, just chillin’ and getting a manicure. /<2@3E I go to school with Emma Watson. 8=Ap I’ve seen many celebrities over the years, but probably my favorite encounter was with Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was surrounded by bodyguards, who were all much taller than him. He’s not as tall as he looks in the movies. 8=G13 One time I was at Barnes and Noble at Lincoln Center with a friend, and I approached one cashier to pay and my friend took the cashier two slots down from me leaving an empty cash register between us. I look to my left and Daniel Radcliffe is standing between us. I whisper— probably a lot louder than I would have liked— to my 27/<3::3 ;/@B7<3H " friend and I say, “Alex, look!â€? AVS Wa Qc``S\bZg O aS\W]` Ob B/;7C O\R Wa W\ <Se G]`Y while pointing at Daniel. Oa O\ W\bS`\ Ob bVS 1ObV]ZWQ 4O[WZg O\R 6c[O\ @WUVba My friend, looking confused, 7\abWbcbS eV]aS [WaaW]\ Wa b] e]`Y RW`SQbZg eWbV C< mouths “What? Who?â€? And RSZSUObSa b] RSTS\R ZWTS O\R TO[WZg T`][ a]QWOZ `ORWQOZa suddenly the words “It’s F****** AVS VOa OcbV]`SR O\R Q] OcbV]`SR C< PZ]Ua O\R 1 4/;¸a eSSYZg ^cPZWQObW]\ BVS 4`WROg 4Of eVWQV Wa Harry Potter!â€? burst out of my `SOR Pg []`S bVO\ ^S]^ZS W\QZcRW\U OQbWdWaba mouth and Radcliffe looks aQV]ZO`a ^]ZWQg [OYS`a O\R U]dS`\[S\b ]TÂżQWOZa T`][ at me in confusion. I turned O`]c\R bVS e]`ZR red and walked away rapidly. 83<<743@ Most recently I sat two tables away from BeyoncĂŠ and Jay-Z at dinner. meatpacking district



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/<573 6/:3 6/@@7A=< !$ /TbS` U`ORcObW\U T`][ C\WbSR 6WUV AQV]]Z aVS []dSR b] /cabW\ O\R U`ORcObSR T`][ bVS C\WdS`aWbg ]T BSfOa /ZbV]cUV aVS VOR ]\Zg PSS\ b] ;O\VObbO\ ]\QS aVS RSQWRSR b] []dS bVS`S W\ /\UWS U]b O\ O^O`b[S\b ]\ 1`OWUZWab aSQc`SR O X]P ^OQYSR VS` acWbQOaS O\R P]cUVb O ]\S eOg bWQYSb b] <Se G]`Y 1Wbg /\UWS Wa VO^^WZg [O``WSR VOa O be] gSO` ]ZR P]g O\R Wa Sf^SQbW\U O POPg UW`Z W\ 8O\cO`g AVS Wa AS\W]` @SUW]\OZ 2W`SQb]` ]T 4c\R`OWaW\U T]` bVS /[S`WQO\ 6SO`b /aa]QWObW]\

/</ 1/B/:7</ A/<B=A @/;=A % 0]`\ W\ ;]\bS``Sg Pcb `OWaSR W\ <cSd] :O`SR] 1Obg ObbS\RSR 7\abWbcb] BSQ\]Z„UWQ] RS ;]\bS``Sg O\R U`ORcObSR eWbV O RSU`SS W\ 7\bS`\ObW]\OZ 0caW\Saa AVS OZa] SO`\SR O QS`bWÂżQObW]\ W\ :]UWabWQa T`][ 0WZPO] A^OW\ 1Obg Wa \]e e]`YW\U b]eO`Ra VS` ;OabS`¸a W\ 7\bS`\ObW]\OZ /TTOW`a eWbV O a^SQWOZWhObW]\ W\ :ObW\ /[S`WQO Ob 1]Zc[PWO C\WdS`aWbg AVS VOa OZeOga T]QcaSR ]\ a]QWOZ O\R SRcQObW]\ ^]ZWQWSa PSQOcaS aVS Wa W\bS`SabSR W\ W[^`]dW\U bVS SRcQObW]\OZ agabS[ W\ ;{fWQ]

Apparently (as we were told by our server), Jay-Z had been there the prior evening for dinner with his manager. He loved the food so much that he took BeyoncÊ to dinner the next night instead of showing up at Rihanna’s concert. 16/2 I had been working late hours at work for an entire week and hadn’t had the time to iron my suit or work clothes. This one day in particular a friend invited me to a member’s only club after-work off Park Avenue. We were meeting another friend and his grandfather for a drink. The club had a dress code so I borrowed a mismatched tie from my friend on the way. While I’d expected to go to a regular midtown bar, we ended up in an old-world, wood-paneled, private dining club. A butler formally led us upstairs to a bar where the four of us walked in. As I sat down for a drink, in arrived the fifth guest, Bill Clinton. My stomach felt like it had dropped to the floor. 16@7A We have had a couple; my favorite one happened a day walking home from work. I spotted Rihanna outside Trump Soho 8=G13 :73<2= Hotel. Her red hair gave her AVS ObbS\RSR 1]Zc[PWO V]^W\U b] [OX]` W\ 7bOZWO\ :WbS`Obc`S O\R >agQV]Z]Ug Pcb eVS\ aVS PSUO\ e]`YW\U away; I was almost blinded by Oa O `SOZ SabObS OUS\b b] VOdS O\ Sfb`O W\Q][S aVS camera flashes as she walked T]c\R VS` QOZZW\U <]e aVS a^SQWOZWhSa W\ Zcfc`g `S\bOZa out. 8=@2/< The night I W\ ;O\VObbO\ O\R ^ZO\a b] ]^S\ VS` ]e\ `SOZ SabObS turned nineteen, I ran into Karl Q][^O\g W\ bVS Tcbc`S ;]dW\U b] <Se G]`Y OZa] OZZ]eSR Lagerfeld at Grand Central VS` b] Q]\bW\cS eWbV RO\QW\U QZOaaSa 8]gQS VOa PSS\ b`OW\W\U T]` 7\bS`\ObW]\OZ 0OZZ`]][ Q][^SbWbW]\a O\R Station. He was preparing for e]\ bVS 3Oab 1]Oab 1VO[^W]\ OeO`R W\ ' Chanel’s Resort presentation, but at my friend Caroline’s request, he shook my hand and wished me a happy birthday. famous

“love� sculpture in midtown

6/D3 G=C /2=>B32 / ¡<3E G=@9 B67<5¸/C2@3G Not being easily shocked. Things and people that would

seem crazy anywhere else, manage to blend and seem normal in New York. 83<<743@ I have become a self-proclaimed foodie. Restaurants and good food are an integral part of NYC culture, and my husband and I really enjoy taking part in it. At the risk of sounding like a total dork, I even have my own restaurant spreadsheet with over 200 restaurants in the list. It’s much easier to use than a website or book because you can sort by neighborhood, type of food, etc. We love trying new places and the choices are never-ending. 9/@G Life is definitely fast paced here. Every minute counts. 7</ Walking a lot and using the subway. 1/BG As I said before I learned to work harder. But the best thing is meeting people from all over the world with so many different cultures. That is just my thing‌ what I love most from New York. Also, here you have to be very careful with your comments. You may unwittingly offend different ethnicities, religions, races, etc. So, I’ve adopted a more diplomatic way of saying or not saying things. 27/<3::3 The value of time. The food: Tofu, Tofu, Tofu! My clothing style has also changed! I’ve traded the high heels for wedges, short heels, and flats. Living in here comes with a lot of walking and catching the subway. In this town you cannot show that you are afraid, intimidated, or uncertain. This is the city of dreams and everyone here is trying to pursue his or her own dream. There’s about one hundred or more individuals trying to get the job you dream of which demands you to be the best because if you don’t, the person next to you will. In the words of Edwin Louis Cole, “You don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.â€? I can’t forget to mention that I’ve read more than ever while living here. Everywhere you go, you are sure to see more than one person reading a book, magazine, or newspaper. 8=@2/<: Definitely the clothing style. Over the past few years, I have slowly eliminated color from my wardrobe. Also, my Texas friends now make fun of me whenever I say mad —as an adverb. @/163: An obsession with efficiency. New Yorkers demand that everything be done quickly and correctly. In a city with so much competition and so many bright minds and hard workers, the only way to survive is to constantly innovate and find better, more efficient ways to accomplish tasks. This is especially helpful when one has to work long hours! /<573 I talk fast, walk fast, and expect fast service. When I am walking in through the streets, I get really annoyed when tourists are walking slowly in front of me. When I E6/B 2= G=C ;7AA ;=AB go to the deli, I expect /0=CB :/@32=everyone to know what they want, order it fast, /<2@3E The ‘everyone knows everyone’ and get out of the way. vibe that gives you a sense of comfort in social During business meetings, settings. In New York you’re thrown into a I’m very direct and to the place where anyone can be anyone. It’s scary point and don’t like to yet exciting. 1/BG Family, friends, and our mess around. When I visit slow pace of life because everything is nearby. Laredo or go on vacation, Having a car... 8=G13 My mom, my home, all it always takes me a day of my mom’s pets, Taco Palenque, and driving. or two to acclimate to /C2@3G Being around people that really and the slower pace and the truly know me. New York’s biggest blessing and maĂąana attitude! 8=G13 curse is that you are dot in a sea of strangers. The most unique thing ;3: The food. I’ve made it my personal I’ve adopted from New mission here to find the best tacos, and I just York is to learn how to can’t seem to find a place that is comparable to dance Salsa on 2, meaning any place in Laredo, nor will I ever. dancing on the down-beat and not on the 1, as it is danced in the rest of the for additional images from this feature world as well as learning visit us how to dance NY Hustle.


cream october / november 2010

8=Ap 3<@7?C3 A7:D/ & 8]a{ U`ORcObSR T`][ 8 0 /ZSfO\RS` W\ O\R `SQSWdSR VWa 0OQVSZ]`¸a RSU`SS W\ 3\UZWaV T`][ B/;7C W\ " 6S []dSR b] <Se G]`Y b] abcRg O`b VWab]`g Ob >`Obb 7\abWbcbS W\ 0`]]YZg\ eVS`S VS U`ORcObSR eWbV O ;OabS`¸a RSU`SS >`SaS\bZg VS Wa Ob <GC e]`YW\U ]\ VWa >V 2 W\ /`b 6Wab]`g 6S W\bS`\SR Ob bVS /\b]\ 9S`\ 5OZZS`g eVS`S VS VSZ^SR ^cb b]USbVS` bVS \Se QObOZ]UcS `OWa]\\{ ]T ;O`g 1OaaObb


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cream october / november 2010


direct from hollywood

Flipped red carpet premiere Cream City Magazine was present at the premiere of Flipped, a movie directed by Rob Reiner and starring Madeline Carroll, Penelope Ann Miller and Rebecca de Mornay.

Step Up 3D red carpet premiere The cast of Step Up 3D enjoyed the spotlight as they walked their red carpet. As they arrived, the actors posed for our camera.

photography nacho de la garza

What happens when two old friends decide to train together for a half marathon in San Antonio? Seven months later the answer is‌RunStrong Laredo.

The group has already secured sponsors that will help RunStrong Laredo with these camps and a very important relay race that will take place on October 24. The race will begin at 8:00 A.M. and the starting point is the Laredo Energy Arena. There will be live music, cash prizes up to $1000, and trophies to the winners in the different categories (men, women, and mixed teams). The 3member teams will run 13.4 miles. So if you are reading this, mark your calendar and do your part to help them help our children.

“as we are running people are gesturing each other with high-fives, peace signs, and thumbs up; the camaraderie feels so good that you want to keep coming to run with the group.” -selina hance Visit their Facebook page so you can find out more about RunStrong Laredo. You may even decide to join. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience. Becoming a member of RunStrong Laredo can surely lead to good things; it will not only improve your health, but it may expand your social life. In the long run you will be helping yourself and the community as well.

fernando de haro

it all started with the notion of training, exercising, and relieving stress, but it has evolved into a solid group of over 120 runners that run week after week with the same goal in mind: their health. Technology has definitely given them a hand as well. They have more than 540 friends on Facebook and the active members receive a text message with the details of their next run. Up to 60 runners have convened at the same time on their most successful runs. Cream City Magazine had the chance to chat with the founders of RunStrong Laredo, Barbara Mendez and Selina Hance, who shared with us some of the group’s activities throughout the community. “We put the group together as a non-profit organization when we started to get bigger. We decided we wanted to do something for Laredo,” comments Selina as she concedes that it was hard to decide where to channel their help. “There are a lot of charities out there that already get funds towards cancer or Alzheimer’s, but we thought, what about the kids? Laredo has a huge problem with obesity and diabetes; therefore, we decided to focus on our youth by having fitness and nutrition camps for them.”

getting ready to go out for a run

more on runstrong laredo running days: tuesday, thursday, friday, & sunday facebook: runstrong laredo

cream october / november 2010


the art of domesticity


ike most 20-somethings out there today, we look for that secret recipe to finding our prince charming. Talking about this with a close friend in NY, she exemplified the traditional qualities that people nowadays still have on their ‘list’ as a close second to humor and sharing walks on the beach. Being an utter kitchen foreigner and a little annoyed, she tells me how she bypasses the “so, do you know how to cook?” question posed by the many worthy suitors in the big city. Does being independent with your own dreams mean losing the sense of domestic skills that used to define a good mate? The art of domesticity is just that—an art. I realized along my own path that being hospitable and loving the kitchen does not mean I’m an object from the 50’s. Bringing creativity, style, and good taste to the table make people feel at home in your home. Although we can’t all be Martha Stewart, you can still be a great host or hostess with a few trade secrets!

on TV made the dinner table look amazing. Entertaining and hosting guests in my opinion is a slowdown from the regular rush of everyday life. The instant gratification of making people’s day with a yummy meal is incredibly rewarding. You recreate the slow pause from the final tasting on cooking shows that makes you wish you could eat the screen. I must say, all the time spent grocery shopping, chopping, stirring, baking, and presenting were completely worthwhile after seeing how all the guests devour every last crumb and bask in the glory of a satisfied tummy. Life has become a fast lane of deliberate actions and pointed goals while leaving the timeless traditions we grew up on fade into the background and turn into a thing of the past.

Moon Jamaluddin is a private chef and caterer in Houston, she was born in Bangladesh and brings a new light to the traditional flavors. Find more about Momo Catering on Twitter, Yelp, or Facebook.

So, going back to my friend and overcoming the ‘kitchen fear’… I gave her simplified recipes to help her become familiar with food that does not come from a box. Consider for example, an elegant dinner of chicken tikka skewers, mint raita, and fragrant basmati rice; it may sound hard, but it really isn’t. If you’re anything like my friend, easy food tricks and recipes will be an impressive way to overcome the “so do you cook?” question and leave your guests eager to experience your next gastronomical adventure. You see, the negative connotation that had loomed over the word domesticity has now evolved to describe, among other things, an execution of food design and savory creations. When I first started cooking, I would be so anxious to see how my guests responded to each bite. I guess when it comes to an art that’s entirely subjective, the expectation is definitely high to ensure that the meat is done to palatable perfection! I remember for a dinner party I made a Thai coconut shrimp stir-fry with jasmine rice, vegetarian dumplings with fresh pressed ginger soy sauce, and strawberry pound cake layered with mango mousse and lime zest. Carefully plating each dish inspired by artistic arrangements from food magazines and hours of being glued to the Food Network

Food has the magical effect of bringing people together as they bond over the sheer underlying love of eating which culminates with tables full of laughter and heartfelt conversations.

Be the reason behind that great feeling after a satisfying meal, complementing and harboring the few good things in life as pure scrumptious memories. Be the art of domesticity. Stay full my loyal food lovers…more anecdotal stories (mostly at my expense) to follow.

moon jamaluddin



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dude, where’s my life? watching our TV shows is as necessary as washing our face

it was an imposing, almost ostentatious kind of party. The sand colored house was flooding with well known friends gently swaying to the music. Towards the corner, several handsome looking boys sit in high chairs drinking from their green-bottled cold brews. Pint-sized framed girls were stumbling and trotting back and forth in their four-inch stilettos talking a mile a minute in their BlackB erries. There were the best margaritas I’ve ever had and the best sushi imaginable. I was in Mexico at my cousin’s twenty first birthday party and yet…the fact that I was missing Pam and Jim’s wedding was making me antsy. Oh, and a call telling me that Nancy Botwin was pregnant was making me agitated. An agonizing week later I’m home. Instantaneously, I throw off my worn nautical striped cardigan, begin sipping on my green-tea, slip off my plum-colored flats, and slide into my slippers, the white terry-clothed old-lady kind. Ah, thank Gaga for TiVO. And Dexter. And Weeds. And The Office cast dancing down the aisle to Chris Brown. You know that feeling when you’re sort of floating around like a ghost and so exhausted that you consider drinking from the Stella McCartney perfume in your purse? No? Well, I have...and the only people that can make me feel better are Eric Northman, Chuck Bass, Silas Botwin, and Jason Stackhouse. I’ve always considered myself somewhat of a TV junkie. My childhood revolved around Nickelodeon and ABC’S TGIF lineup in the 90’s including the hunky, brooding Shawn Hunter from Boy Meets World. I would dance and air-guitar to


the theme song of Pete & Pete and would rap along the lyrics to All That, the sketch comedy show. Nickelodeon in the early 90’s offered a respite. The novice network didn’t just hook viewers; it turned me—and a whole generation—into the series season buying and show watching nineteen year old I am now. And the to-die-for outfits of the charming, and ever-so-polite Patti Mayonnaise along with the beatnik of Judy Funnie turned me into a compulsive shopping maniac. Cable arrived to the modern American culture like an apparition. From seemingly nowhere, these shows streamed through our televisions. From the hair-poofed, GTL obsessed, fake tanned cast of Jersey Shore all the way to The Real Housewives of New Jersey, it is clear that the Garden State has invaded my TiVO. And Dexter. And Mad Men. And Keeping Up With The Kardashians (love Kourtney, Khloé, and Rob and especially Scott’s psychotic behavior). To say that modern culture—in our ritual life and beyond—has reached a television craze is not an overstatement. Television and Americans are two realms that are defined and pushed together by relentless obsession and addiction (as researchers would say). This seemed counterintuitive to me—it’s not too surprising is it? But it is. And it goes to show that in today’s modern world, the definition of what is cool is defined by what type of TV shows you watch. Or Telenovelas. Personally, I can’t imagine ever being without a TV or DIRECTV to be precise. Beyond being merely a visual cue to my bedroom (hello, new Sony 40” Bravia flat-screen!), I’m a TV junkie. It’s part of my daily ritual.To paraphrase Cobra Starship singer Gabe Saporta, “Modern love is all about liking the same TV shows.” So if they’re also boy-catchers, that’s cool too. And as we speak, the conversation in the office just went something like this: “There are so many parties to go to tonight, but I have to catch up on my TV.” So think about it: While your friends lament their hangovers tomorrow morning, you can say you saw Alexander Skarsgård without a tee. gabriela enriquez

ery o my (v rds

tv awa

Best DresseD Mad Men Best Musical Pushing Daisies (Sorry Gleeks!)

Best Dialogue True Blood Sookie: He’s your maker, isn’t he? Eric: Don’t use words you don’t understand. Sookie: You have a lot of love for him. Eric: Don’t use words I don’t understand. Honorable Mention: Six Feet Under

Hottest girl to crasH Your tV January Jones - Mad Men Honorable Mention: Christina Hendrix - Mad Men

Hottest Man to crasH Your tV John Hamm - Mad Men Honorable Mention: McDreamy - Grey’s Anatomy

Best Villain The Smoke Monster - Lost Honorable Mention: The Infinity Killer - Dexter

Most aDorkaBle Seth Cohen - The OC Honorable Mention: Jim - The Office

coMpilation Weeds Honorable Mention: The OC

Best Hero Doug’s “Quail Man” Best coMeDY Arrested Development Honorable Mention: Modern Family

Best couple Jim & Pam - The Office Honorable Mention: Ross & Rachel

MVp Friends Honorable Mention: Freaks & Geeks

rad vs bad

SNL Digital Shorts! Andy Samberg = raD The OC’s Chrismukka Celebration = raD Leighton Meester’s cameo on Entourage = raD Friends’ Ross in leather pants = BaD (The OC & Gossip Girl) Director Josh Schwartz’s obsession with band cameos in his shows = raD Sookie, The Situation, and the rest of the Jersey Shore gang = BraD!

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