6 minute read
A New Beginning... a Fresh Start
Author - Susan Binnie
A new beginning, a fresh start. There is an inference that if something is beginning then something else needs to end. If something is starting does that mean there was a finishing. Perhaps it is easier to look at it as a renewal of growth. Spring is in the air with newness all around us. The trees have a fresh start as they bud, and new growth emerges. A time of hibernation is over, it is time for growing to begin again. An opportunity for new leaves to grow, new branches to form and new heights to be reached. The thought of it all brings a comfort that I never quite considered before. Every year since the day we were born, we learn new things. We expand to new heights and are stretched out of our comfort zone. New thoughts are born, and the growth begins to happen. A thought that perhaps things are not ending, perhaps they are in a constant state of renewal to get us to that place of fulfilment, that place of contentment, the place we always wanted to grow to, and we are getting closer and closer every time we try something new or allow new things to enter our world.
Many memories fly through my mind and the stories begin to form. The tree analogy above brings light to a new way of thinking. Many times, in my life the leaves needed to fall and when the challenging things happened that seemed to say life is over or it will not be like it was, these are the times that life was not ending but merely changing so that I too could shift and grow. Shed my old beliefs, lose my old doubts, and worries and grow strong and tall into a new state of being. Standing in my Power... 2020 brought to light a whole new way of living. A fresh start for me is one way I like to look at it. It was the year that started with a photo shoot. The first time I emerged from my cocoon of concern. Concern that people were judging me. They would look at my new pictures and see something that I never saw. They would see a confident loving individual and see all the greatness that lies within. I realized that those who really mattered in my life were not judging me in the picture they saw, and instead it was me who was judging me. It was me that would see the confidence and strength that I did not look hard enough to see before. I started to love myself and the pictures before I even saw them developed. I was beginning to love me and what I was growing into. I had this grand idea in my head of what the year would look like. A new year had started and so many things were turning into the vision I had for my life. Covid hit and so much changed. The way I did business changed, the way I interacted with people changed. All that I had come to know would look different. Looking back now I realize that like so many things in life, it did not happen to me, it happened for me. It really is about the story we tell ourselves and how we allow things to play out or change us. I saw many people cocoon into themselves as did I at first. It took me a long moment of pause to realize it was time for new growth to begin. A new adventure of spiritual growth. I referred to it on several occasions as my Nexus cracking wide open. I didn’t even know what that meant, the words came to me and I allowed my world to expand and grow. Opening to new possibilities and allowing change can be hard. When we see new potentials for growth and focus on what we can do instead of what we can’t, things around us turn into opportunity. Typically, I am a planner. I plan things to happen a certain way and if they don’t, I am disappointed and upset. When I gave up the need to hang on to the outcome, life shifted. I explored new ways, to allow that which I can not control, into my life. The more I allowed myself to open to the new, more new came. New clients, new teaching methods, new awakenings. A deeper state of clarity came over me and I knew the year was about to bring change that I had needed for a long time. I always wanted to extend my growth within my business beyond my community. Doing live events for two years had me thinking about how that would look to expand. I couldn’t quite wrap my brain around the logistics. In a time of lockdown, I realized the obvious choice was online. Speaking, events, networking, everything could be online. The new world had me open to expansion in ways I never quite looked at. Before I could expand, I had to stop and step back and decide the direction I wanted to head. It has been a year of shedding and releasing the heaviness of the past of all that went wrong. New stories came out, things that never came out before. I spoke about experiences I had forgotten. Tears were plenty and the growth of newness came out of me blooming bigger and brighter than anything I anticipated. In the shedding of grief and the past came renewed blooming for the future. The overwhelming sense of pride. Shedding and blooming. Releasing the old and shedding my cocoon. The blooming and the growth of the butterfly that has emerged. Increasing the trust in the unfolding. Allowing the release of my tears to help me grow. I have recognized the powerful creator that I am and the pride I have for the work I get to do in the world. I’ve spoken my truth… good and bad. The truth is present and I am allowing it to come out and as I speak, allowing myself to hear. I am taking the time to process and understand all that I say, allowing it all to go deep in my core in a way I never have before.. This process has been so very powerful and I realize this is the work I get to do in the world. This is how I help others. I hold space and allow them to process what they need, so they too can rise. In life, it is when the storms come that tend to knock us down, tear off our branches, create our leaves to fall that make us still. It is in this stillness we must trust that life is happening for us, change is inevitable and a new stage of growth is emerging. On this stage we stand strong and see the power all around us. Step into the fear that we often see and allow the new story to begin to take shape. Trust there is another Fresh Start about to begin… I would love to hold space for you and help you step into the new story of your life to achieve all you want and deserve. Contact me today for your free 60 min 1 - 1 call where I will help you uncover what is holding you back from a life you truly want. Text me 780-904-7893