2 minute read
The Echo of Yes

Photo by pure julia on Unsplash
by Lori Chenger
Perhaps Robert Frost said it best in his quote
“I have miles to go before I sleep.”
The mind is like that, busy running around in all directions, unearthing old childhood stories that really mean nothing anymore, yet still affect our current lives by giving us some false story to chase until we claim every detail and hold it tightly as the reason(s) why our lives are the way they are. Like a dog getting distracted in the present moment and digging frantically for that one “defining excuse” that THIS is why you are stuck at this particular moment.
I was that person, and I was on this journey seeking to find anything that would release me from the holds of childhood trauma planted in poverty, addictions and abuse. The problem was that I was always searching “out there”; outside of myself and as a result felt a heaviness and a scary belief that I was never going to claim the life I was worthy of. What was the point anyway as birthday followed birthday and no book or technique was helping.

It led me to creating a beautiful library of books
and a lengthy list of interesting people and
techniques which likely did chisel away at who I thought I was.
This became part of my empowered success!
Then I found NLP, hypnotherapy and Qigong. Finding these modalities I thought was because traditional jobs never appealed to me. In reality though, I was amazed at the clearing of thoughts, energies and false stories that each gifted me with. It had always been “an inside job” and I could feel the heavy energies lift, the thoughts became lighter, the realizations of I was more than okay and that life had value I became certified in each and transformed my life immeasurably. I have more life ahead of me now at 60 then I did at 30.
I have learned how to speak to the mind in ways that my behavior creates success.
I have learned how to trace dis-ease to old stories. I have learned how the movement and meditation of Qigong clear the energy within that blocks our channels and causes health problems. I now use a combination of these techniques to help people take their power back from the grips of the overprotective mind.
Today I am defined by LIVING,
not by age. I am so excited for the experiences I am creating. I have even found passion in showing others the power of attitude, how to choose yourself first, how to speak success into your life and how to embrace whatever is in your path!
Most importantly, my mind now sleeps because it knows not to dig up the old but how to create and own the new stories.
Life is a Gift.... Make it Worthwhile!
View my website for a more complete list of services to help you say YES to living an empowered life. Email: Lori@echoofyes.com Call: 780-218-7831..

Photo by pure julia on Unsplash
Private sessions include life coaching, hypnotherapy/NLP as well as bookings for staff training sessions in dementia care. I am also available as a keynote speaker.

by Lori Chenger