Photo by Pure Julia on Unsplash
by Lori Chenger
Perhaps Robert Frost said it best in his quote
“ I have miles to go before I sleep. ”
Th e mind is like that, b u s y r u nning aroun d i n all directions, unearthing old childho o d stor i e s that really mean nothing anymore, yet still affect ou r c u r rent live s by
T h e E c h o o f Ye s
g i v i n g us s o m e fal s e story to chase until we claim every detail and hold it tightly as the reason(s) why our lives are the way they are. Like a dog getting distracted in the present moment and digging frantically for that one “defining excuse” that THIS is why you are stuck at this particular moment. I wa s t hat p e rs o n, and I wa s o n t hi s j o urne y seeking to find anything that would release me from t he ho ld s of childhood trauma planted i n p ove r t y , ad d i ct i o ns
and abuse. The problem was that I was always searching “out there”; outside of myself and as a result felt a heaviness and a scary belief that I was never going to claim the life I was worthy of. What was the point anyway as birthday followed birthday and no book or technique was helping.
It led me to creating a beautiful library of books and a lengthy list of interesting people and techniques which likely did chisel away at who I thought I was.