4 minute read

Stripped to My Very Soul

By Jan Stefanic There is something about going through the fiery trials of adversity that not only changes us but draws us to the very heart of God. Difficulties challenge us, overcoming them builds selfconfidence, teaches us self-control and we have a far better understanding when others around us are hurting.


As much as I would love to avoid it, because there is nothing really pleasant about the pain and sorrow of losing a young husband, a father, mother, step mother, sister in law, young brother in law, and recently my brother and young nephew. Not to mention health issues, financial issues and many other trials.

We all will face them, we all will have them, it’s learning to survive and overcoming them that creates in us our resilience, our strength and adversity develops our character.

It creates a deeper trust in God, draws us closer to him, it stretches our faith and dependency on him.

I have walked through many trials, I assure you it wasn’t by choice, and there were times that I thought I would never get up again. In fact there were plenty of times I didn’t want to. I felt stripped to the very

core of my being, raw, broken and wondering why… Why did such suffering happen to me and my family?

Sometimes God seems silent, in our sufferings, there were many questions I had, and I always didn’t get an answer to those questions. I sometimes think life is like an onion, with multi-faceted layers, it takes a lot of stripping away to get to the very core or heart of the onion. We are complicated human beings, sometimes those things that we thought would break us, actually created in us the very character of God. It is understanding how to overcome our trials, I’m not sure I have any quick insightful answer for you. I know when I have gone through adversity, I had to examine my own heart, I learned to meditate on God’s word and hold onto His promises. It grew my faith, and renewed my mind.

That didn’t mean I haven’t doubted, I haven’t got angry, I haven’t wanted to quit, because I have! I wasn’t running around doing a ‘happy dance’, there were times I didn’t want to get out of bed, I wanted someone to come rescue me, I just wanted the pain to stop. There were times God did pull me out of painful situations and there were plenty of times He did not!

But, it was in those times, when I learned to depend on Him totally. He is true to His promises, and He has sent some wonderful people into my life to walk beside me.

There are times in those valleys of adversity we walk alone, He is never far behind or in front of us. I heard a great sermon today about different seasons in our lives, we have to be able to recognize each season, I’m not sure I always clue in right away. But, I’m sure glad when I come out of those painful ones, the ones when we get to stand on the mountain tops again. I appreciate even more the blessings that God has given me, my family and friends. My faith was made stronger, maybe on those mountain tops we can look back and see how far we have come. I know there will always be those valleys, but I also know I serve a God that has never changed. He loves us, He never will leave us, His word and promises will remain forever. He wants to get to our very core (heart) of who we are so we become more like His son!

Deuteronomy 31:6, 8. ‘Be strong and bold, have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed’.

Trust Him, He has already overcome. Shalom

My passion is to see people succeed in their business endeavors & in their personal growth. As a life and grief coach, I have worked beside young widows, helping them process their grief by giving them a safe and healthy community of support. As a team Member for Marketplace Chaplain’s Care Team Canada I helped many people in various states of life crisis and trauma. My training, and experience allow me to offer my Christian clients a variety of tools to move through their experience and return to a place of wholeness and stability. My goal is to support and help you rediscover your joy and passion for life once again. I treasure my time with family and friends, especially my two beautiful grandchildren. Regardless of how tough life can be, I savor each and every blessing.


If you want to live authentically & handle any situation with confidence and peace: I invite you to call me

Jan Stefanic - Life Purpose Coach 780-239-7212 or stefanicjan@gmail.com Joy, Happiness & Freedom Awaits You!

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